Cassian was thrown a pretty substantial distance for a man of his size, landing on his back after a few rolls and he huffed, glancing up at his axe that'd landed another few feet away. "Fuck." he coughed, about to reach for it before the man was towering over him, steel glinting in the sun as his axe swung down at him. He rolled just in time for the axe to slam into the ground where he'd been lying and Cassian looked at the weapon, half buried. There was no way he'd intended on pulling that..
A few of the others had decided to turn their attention toward the fight after seeing Cassian quite literally flying through the air. Great.
He grabbed his axe and rolled to his feet, trying to take quick advantage of the half giant's obscured peripheral vision, his own axe swung flat at the side of his head with force in hopes of taking him off of his feet.
A few of the others had decided to turn their attention toward the fight after seeing Cassian quite literally flying through the air. Great.
He grabbed his axe and rolled to his feet, trying to take quick advantage of the half giant's obscured peripheral vision, his own axe swung flat at the side of his head with force in hopes of taking him off of his feet.