Completed Bright Lights

He took her hand readily, striding back into the lamplight of the street with a sigh. Perhaps it had been nothing after all. And besides, he was surprised to find that he was genuinely taking some comfort in Narumi's presence. So long as she remained confident that any troublemakers would remain passive, he would trust her.

Still, this whole evening had reminded Griffyn that he was a foreigner in a strange land. If he had been accosted on the streets of Alliria, a situation which unfortunately he had a little experience with, Griffyn would have had no qualms forcing his attackers back with some threatening sword-work. Here, who could say what the ramifications of drawing steel in the streets would be? Would a court stand up for him, as a foreigner, if he drew blood in self-defense? Would Narumi?

They came to a halt in front of the stall of choice, its wares of battered, doughy balls sizzling in some sort of customised griddle device. Griffyn eyed the pieces of octopus with a cautious gaze as a batch was made up for the two of them.

"Allirian food?" he said, bemused. "I couldn't say for sure. I don't think I've ever had to classify the stuff. As you say, a lot of what we eat is imported." He cast his gaze around the surrounding stalls, evaluating. "I suppose we eat a lot of bread? Plus, it feels like there is always something new coming out of the elven or orcish parts of the city. I had this bizarre meal the other day, actually, consisting of shredded meat in an elven flatbread, with this sauce that was just..." In lieu of a description, Griffyn closed his eyes with a rapturous smile, hand tightening into an excited fist.

The 'takoyaki' was an odd experience, initially soft but suddenly resisting his chew once he reached the centre. The soft batter also managed to preserve the intense heat of the cooking process, filling Griffyn's mouth with steam. He coughed, covering his mouth with his sleeve.

"But this isn't everyday cuisine, is that right?" he asked Narumi once his throat had calmed down. "This looks like something that would complement a night of drinking."
Narumi held her takoyaki in front of her mouth to partially hide her amusement towards Griffyn's discovery that freshly cooked food is indeed hot. Slowly wagging the takoyaki side to side while she listened to Griffyn before blowing on the food as she took the first whole piece of golden good in her mouth. Narumi's eyes crinkled while she took in the sounds and texture of the crispy coating before it revealed it's soft slightly chewy center. However, just like Griffyn's serving the food was still hot even with the Narumi's countermeasures causing her to tighten her whole body as she pushed through the heat and finished the piece with a content exhale.

Though with the momentary bliss reaching its end, Narumi quickly remembered herself and returned to a more presentable state as sure Griffyn would attempt to try and get revenge for all of her taunting. "... Yes, though considering all of the wine that has been no doubt forced upon you greasy comfort food should do you more help than harm". Tugging Griffyn's sleeve she would guide him away from the stand as they were blocking other potential customers before continuing. "However, you are correct that this is not everyday food, though maybe perhaps to the few that lack any self control. Anyway the staple of Dornoch cuisine is seafood as you most likely know. Besides seafood, rice is the most common grain and unlike Allria bread is fairly uncommon. Vegetable wise there are far too many to name without it being just a list... in fact I think we have more vegetable dishes than seafood". Taking another piece as she lost herself in all of Dornoch's dishes before focusing back on Griffyn as she motioned for him to follow.

Sticking close to Griffyn as she took on a slower speed to match that of the crowd as she was in no rush to get to their next stop. "Since you mentioned a sauce and meat, I've heard of an orc that runs a little ramen shop in this area, and while it is not exactly bread, meat and sauce it does have those three ingredients and more; plus we can sit down and talk while we cap off our meal". Taking the last bite of her food as she looked to the shadows that still watched their every move, unfortunately for them if they wanted to continue their spot of voyeurism they'd have to get closer once the two of them reached their destination.
Griffyn nodded as he polished off his meal. The battered balls had been a pleasant distraction from his growing hunger, but he agreed that more food would be in order before he was completely satisfied. He watched the stalls as they passed the two of them by, noticing repeats in some of the less outlandish food on offer but each with a unique twist that the owners were leaning into. The same pastry fish that one stall filled with cream, another would fill with chocolate, a third with some sort of undefinable red paste. Yet another sold a selection of flavours he had seen before, but the shape was of a little fellow instead of a fish. Griffyn chuckled to himself - good to see market entrepreneurship alive and well overseas!

Overhead, the sky's light was blanketed by the soft glow of the street lanterns, hiding the time from Griffyn's senses. It had felt like a long, long evening, but looking about the people of Dornoch didn't seem in a rush to get to bed. Narumi in particular didn't look like she would be settling down any time soon, head roving and eyes keen as she inspected the pleasure district.

"Is this place like this every night?" he asked, gesturing about him. "It looks like it takes considerable work to manage. And I haven't seen many guards since we turned onto this street."

He remembered the sprawling mass that defined the market days at one of Alliria's five clustered market squares, the press of people and raised voices lighting sparks that often grew into arguments and those rarely into brawls. The city guard no doubt had work cut out for them, and must have been glad that the markets rotated their opening days.

The pair turned into a quieter stretch of street, the stalls replaced with standing structures with colourful signs. Griffyn stretched out his shoulders as the crowds began to thin. He grinned as they passed by a small collection of men, arms around one another's shoulders, singing a song whose words he couldn't quite make out but whose tone was unmistakable. One of the group cast a cheery wave his way, which he gladly returned.
Releasing an overacted ha ha ha at Griffyn's naive comment on Dornoch lack of security. Careening her head up to the fortification then hung over all of Dornoch would show any onlooker that the dynasty's military might were mere moments away. "Before Dornoch became the capital it was a fort, and even with its current appearance with all the glitz and glamor tack on top of it's military roots still stand strong". Turning her attention to a small unassuming building, "There are plenty of guard posts stationed nearby just in case of any dissidents, though crime and violence are practically nonexistent within Dornoch as most of its population consists of members of the Dynast's military, with live in servants following second". Spinning around to face Griffyn as she kept pace with the man. "If you want to see more of the people of the Erdeniin Dynasty I would suggest a more rural area or visit during the spring festival; as most of its citizens live outside of Dornoch".

Making their way along the quieter sections of the district it was clear that this was one of those 'male alleys' for Dornoch’s menfolk to relax and temporarily escape the Dynasty's class system.

While Griffyn received friendly waves it was clear that her presence in the area put the men on edge by their stares and hushed tones as they passed by. However, she came here for one thing and one thing only ramen no matter if the handiwork was that of a man.

Forging ahead they would reach a small building surrounded by an aromatic scent of broth and meat. By the scent alone it was clear that the tales were more fact than fiction. "This is definitely the place lets....", before she could finish a man went flying through the door soon followed by a large older male orc".

"What do you think this is a bar, no money, no service"!

Unfortunately for the Orc his words would fall on deaf ears as the man he tossed out was unconscious. With a grumble and a huff the Orc turned to Griffyn and Narumi. While his aged features and grey beard showed that he was past his prime his body and movements told others that the old orc was still a match for any young upstart.

"New faces with one far more known than the other". The Orc's eyes and Narumi's met as the two measured each other.

"Well, whatever as long as you can pay I could not care, come inside your scaring away the customers". He waved the two of them in as he went back to his kitchen. "So what'll you have, I just got some pork in today if you're in the mood for something special otherwise we got chicken, fish or duck".

Seating herself with an overjoyed expression on her face, "Pork!.. Please". Tapping her fingers on the counter as the sheer thought of having something other than seafood made everything leading up to this moment worth it.

As Griffyn seated himself and called out his order the two figures that had been following the both of them seated themselves on the far corners of the restaurant. However unfortunately for them the Chef did not allow for their presence to go unnoticed. "Hey this is a business not a park, order something or get out"! The two figures glared at the Orc, before relenting an ordering pork as well.

Narumi turned her attention away to focus on the figure further in the restaurant with a smile, as the captain was well aware of who their two followers were. Brushing off the two for the moment as she looked back to Griffyn. "So since the city and I have been on the end of your questions, how about we turn the focus on you". Resting her face on her hand while looking up to the man. "Why do you feel that you cannot not escape? Your not a noble bound by honor and duty; surely you could just step away. You said that you were responsible for your families success, forgive my lack of knowledge, but does the first born in Allria matter as it's run by council not a Queen or Empress". Looking away from Griffyn, "Sounds like you don't want to leave at all, but to prove that your birth is not the sole reason you will someday take over for your father".
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Griffyn sat back against the booth's wooden seating. Wood again. They must have a system in place for tackling fires, else this city would have been razed to the ground long since. The air of the little shop was thick with the scent of oil and spice. The large orc behind the griddle was an imposing fellow, his manner written on the bulk of his arms and shoulders as much as in the way he threw customers through solid surfaces. He didn't spare Griffyn a second glance, but the young man found himself enjoying the attitude that the shopkeeper gave off - a rough combination of Narumi's no-nonsense bullying and the traditional orcish habit of speaking through action. A true product of this city, then. Indeed, this whole street was putting Griffyn at his ease, though he could not put his finger on what had changed.

Ordering a bowl of pork noodles, he considered Narumi's question. He folded his arms, his brow tensing.

"You truly think that it is only the nobility who are bound to the legacy of their parents?"
he asked. "Out in the towns and villages of the Reach, you would be hard-pressed to find just one young man not apprenticed under his own father, or maybe a close neighbour. It is not that they are obliged to do this, there are no chains on them sealing them to the same fate as their family. But through a childhood of watching someone dedicate their life to a cause, of seeing a veteran of an occupation ply their trade day in and day out, is it not natural that they would see the value in doing the same?"

He leaned forward on the table towards her, his hands working through his words. "As a child, my home was filled with stacked ledgers, trade manifests and shipping records. My first toy was an abaccus. When I was old enough, I sat in on negotiations and was introduced to my family's business partners. I have developed a set of skills that lean me towards the world of business through just growing up in my home.

"Add to that the various privileges born of my father's wealth. I have been trained in the sword, the dance, even a smattering of magic, because my parents felt it would be benefical to my growth. There were costs to that training, costs that I feel I should repay by supporting my father's trade where I can. Not because I feel indebted, or that it is something I have to do, but because I want to. I want to pay back the cost of raising me, at the very least."

A cup of hot tea materialised by Griffyn's elbow while he was talking, and he gratefully took a sip to wet his tongue. He hesitated before continuing.

"But what I can't stand is people treating me like my father, like a man already at the height of his wealth and his power, when I am yet to do anything to deserve it. I haven't made any money of my own, or earned any fame or renown, save through just having a name that speaks of fortune. It makes me feel like an imposter. Some day I will have earned the respect of others. But until that day..." He shrugged. "I think I would rather just be a face in the crowd."
"Always back to question others you really dislike reflecting on yourself. Of course I am aware of the family dynamics of the citizenry. A son of a farmer will more than likely take the father's place". Narumi's smile faded as she lifted her head off of her hand. "The son can choose to become a soldier or even attempt to become a fame adventurer unlike myself as I was born exclusively for one purpose. Unlike the everyday person I was not conceived out of love, in fact quite the opposite as i'm".. Halting herself from speaking further on the matter as she waved for Griffyn to continue as she focused on a nearby wall as the man had no idea what her childhood was like.

Continuing to listen, as she kept her focus on the wall as she slowly calmed herself. Breaking eye contact with the wall for only a brief moment to warn Griffyn against further invasion of her personal space. Though with everything time dulled Narumi's anger as Griffyn recounted his childhood leading up to the man that sat across from her.

The brief pause in between his retelling of his childhood gave time enough of her to think on a few things, but not enough to respond as he continued, however his next chapter was met with Narumi's gaze as she wanted to say something, but held back as her questions might be answered.

"Deserving not deserving it does not matter, the son of a merchant is what you are and not who. You keep focusing on how others see you, so much so that you've tricked yourself into believing mere rumors even when you already knew the truth". Thankfully as Narumi finished their food arrived to break up the conversation as if she had to continue going in circles with the man she might have gotten lost alongside him.

The Orc Chef held the bowls that contain a rich heavenly scent packed full of noodles, broth and meat. Though as he placed Griffyn's down the Chef looked to the young man. " If you keep looking back you'll never get anywhere". Leaning closer to Griffyn, "plus women like a man of action". Giving Griffyn a pat on the back as he looked to Narumi who was completely engrossed in her meal as she slurped up the noodles to praise the chef's food.
Griffyn watched the orcish chef depart with raised eyebrows and a surprised smile, then set upon his food. The heat of the noodles should have been too much, but in the artificial warmth of the room it was just the right temperature. He took a couple of mouthfuls, not wanting to appear impolite, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He leaned back, brow furrowed as he watched Narumi, engrossed in her meal.

"Maybe I always come around to questions because you are working so hard at deflecting them," he said with a wry smile. Though he made sure to make a note of her spite at how she labelled herself 'born for one purpose'. Griffyn often wondered what life must be like for the nobility of other cities. It was a whole other world, a world that Narumi was very much a part of. They were alike, the two of them, but made very different by society, by what they were and were not capable of doing. It was clear she looked down on him as one spoilt by his relative freedom, as well as by wealth. It was understandable, but still a little frustrating.

"You truly think it is that simple for us?" he continued. "You think we can believe ourselves to be one thing and it will become true through force of will? I cannot declare myself to be..." He gestured over at their host. " Orc chef, or an Elf sage, and have that be real. People see me a certain way, and will treat me in the way that they think is right, irrespective of what I believe. And people see me as my father, as a rich and savvy leader of men. To not try and match those expectations would be to lie to them, I think. Better to give them what they want."

He smirked suddenly. "But then there's you, who sees me as an ignorant child despite what I try to do to dissuade you! You certainly don't seem concerned with believing the rumours about me. Go on, then, if I believe myself to be a desirable suitor, would you fall for me?"
Tuning her charge out the best she could as her words did nothing but egg on the man's whining and loop of self pity. Though even as she tried to enjoy her meal, Griffyn's words continued to sour any enjoyment she could have found in her first and possibly last time she would ever be able to simply enjoy her city.

Gulping down the remaining broth, Griffyn's next words caught her off guard causing her to choke and sputter as she quickly placed the bowl down and turned away from the man as she caught her breath. Coughing out the remaining vapors, "...Fall for you, you fail to understand that we barely know each other and yet you freely give and ask personal questions. Perhaps i'm partly to blame for making you feel so safe and secure as you freely take on my protection and ear as if I am your mother, yet you forget that your life could be ending on a whim of someone like me". Tiding herself up and looking at the tiresome man. "Ignoring the fact that my hand has already been giving away before I even understood what marriage was. You as you are even with your father's wealth and power does not even meet the bare minimum to even cross my Matriarch's mind". Shaking her head at Griffyn as she looked to the remainder of her food. "Honestly, I can't believe you even went to this topic especially after you bathed with a look alike. We've gone back to the start of our meeting with you following your desire just like a child only thinking of wants''.

Done with Griffyn for the moment, but only for a moment as she would still keep him safe even if she no longer had any patience left for him. Returning her focus back to the obscured woman at the far end of the restaurant how seemed to be enjoying her meal far more than her target. Slightly sliding her seat away from the counter, Narumi’s eyes illuminated and swirled with magic as in an instant she was behind her tag trapping the woman on her seat as she plucked the mask off causing strands of auburn hair to fall free. “Worried about me Miakis”? The young Auburn Haired Girl quickly tried to leave before bumping into Narumi causing her to sit back down. Trapped with a mouth still full of food all the girl could do was nod timidly.

“That’s kind of you, though I thought I tasked you with another…”. Before Narumi could finish she caught a scroll as it spiraled towards her as the other figure took off their mask revealing her raven hair bound in green ribbon. Compared to her more timid partner it was clear that the woman was purely Erdenian both women could easier capture the eye of any man or woman. “We finished it hours ago, do you know what time it is!?”.

“Good to see you as well Oka, and no I don’t, though I assume late”.

“Seriously you disappear and gallivant around with some man! You may not care, but i’d rather you live as I don’t want to rot in some cell”!

“Not some man, the son of one of Allira’s merchant council members as you well know”. Jokingly hiding behind Miakis, “Though if you wanted me all to yourself all you had to do was ask”.

Allowing Oka to fume at her teasing she looked over to Griffyn. "Allow me to introduce two members of my crew". Wrapping her arms around Miakis, earning an adorable squeak from the young lady, "This here is Miakis, and over there is Ohira Oka otherwise known as The Ogre". Giving Oka a smile as the mention of her moniker almost sent the young women over the edge.

"Oka, Miakis this is as you already know Griffyn von Spurling though he prefers Griffyn. Be nice as he's under my protection". The two women's gaze and demeanor chance as they leered at Griffyn revealing right away that they were none to impressed with the man or his action towards their captain.
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Griffyn laughed aloud at Narumi's outburst. Once he realised that anything he did would garner the young woman's bullying, it was easy to slip into nonchalance as she berated him. He wiped some tears from his eyes as she fumed.

"So there we go, my own knowledge of my worth means nothing so long as you... Narumi?"

Opening his eyes, Griffyn realised his partner had left him alone, and looked over at the corner of the restaurant with a curious gaze. Narumi was interrogating a pair of other young women, fellow diners, who seemed to be in the process of shrinking down into their seats. He watched, fascinated, as she dealt with her crew. The two were dark, imposing and shadowy, clearly trained in skulduggery and subterfuge, but cringed away from the Tsuri sister as they no doubt would to their own mother. He chuckled at their reactions, and stood to his feet as they approached. He allowed himself a bow as they were introduced to him.

"A pleasure," he said with a smile. "Some good to meet some... friends of Narumi's." He gave the one called Miakis a curious raise of the eyebrow at that, let her think what she will about that. "I wasn't aware she had so many... friends."

He chuckled to himself, and folded his arms casually in front of him. "Here to join us for the evening? The more the merrier." Anything to divert some of this caustic attention to someone else, he added in the safe recesses of his own mind. He sat back down in the booth, moving over to the wall so that there was plenty of space. "I'm still eating, you should join us!"
Oka scoffed at Griffyn's bow as he had not shown the same courtesy towards her captain "A little too late to play the dashing lord, don't forget that we've been following you; why treat us any different than you've treated our captain". Narumi quickly shot Oka a look as to try to get her to play nice as she's rather not deal with a downtrodden Griffyn anymore than she had to.

Thankfully Miakis was more reserved as Narumi tried her best to switch topics. "Friends, no we're far past that step in are lives''. Releasing Miakis, however, the sheepish girl barely noticed the loss of her captain's as she briefly took in Griffyn's focus on her before Narumi caught her attention again. "We fight alongside each other and face death on a daily basis. We are more than friends, we are family". After her speech, Narumi looked to her fellow crew. Oka did her best to ignore her captain, while Miakis stared into her bowl with rose colored cheeks. Narumi simply chortled at their silence; she knew that the both of them felt the same way.

As Griffyn offered to join them for the evening, Narumi paid for her and her crew's meal with a hefty bonus for the trouble. "Sorry, but I'll be taking Oka here while you and Miakis finish your meal, meet us outside when you're finished". Giving Miakis a smile as though it was clear that the Amber Haired Miakis was not overly fond of having to deal with the man alone.

With Narumi and Oka gone, Miakis poked at her food before resigning herself to accepting the man's offer. Taking her bowl she would scoot into the booth as she placed her food down. However, unlike her captain she would eat far more reserved while trying to stay out of Griffyn sight and mind. Continuing to eat in silence she would momentarily peek at Griffyn. "It's my appearance isn't it? Don't worry I'm used to it". Pausing her meal, but keeping her focus away from the man. "I'm a bastard, I don't know who my parents are as I grew up in an orphanage. Orphans like myself are more than often placed into military service though I did not meet My Lady until she saved me from my previous Mistress.. I hope that was what you wished to know as all I will say about My Lady is that she is kind though she has to hide herself from an unforgiving world".

"I can't believe you're protecting such a man. Why even bother as he's already giving up on himself as mere words are enough to defeat him".

Peering past the Scroll, Narumi looked at Oka who continued rattling off about Griffyn. "I'm not about to abandon him, just because he may be a little too caught up in his own self pity and doubt. I promised him that I would keep him safe and I will do so".

Sucking her teeth at her Captain's words as she was well aware that she never goes back on her word. "I would just knock him out as his pity party is pissing me off".

Chuckling at Oka's words, "That's how you got court martial in the first place, attacking your superior".

"Well, she was a coward and a idiot, hiding behind her subordinates while sacrificing them to gain fame and political power. I'd gladly do it again, but unlike her you lead from the front. In fact you endanger yourself far too much even for my liking as without you our little crew of misfits is done for".

"Oh so that's all I am to you to get out walking amnesty? I'm deeply hurt". Giving Oka, a sly smile as the woman known by many as The Ogre for her temper and martial prowess fell silent as she crossed her arms and scoffed at her Captain's teasing. "Perhaps at first though now you're the only one I'll follow so you're not allowed to die".

Chuckling at her crew member and friend's words, "I'll try not to, but does this mean you finally see yourself as part of our little family".

"Hell no, you try to treat me like Miakis I'll kill you"!

Opening her arms while slowly waving them to egg Oka on. "Come now let your captain spoil you". Slowly and playfully closing in on Oka, the woman would place her hand on the handle of her uchigatana. "I mean it Narumi don't you dare"!
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Griffyn watched the meek, amber-haired agent carefully. Miakis was not what he had expected from part of the daring crew that Narumi was clearly so proud of. But what had he expected? To live and work alongside Narumi day in and day out, what would that do to someone? The sea captain had worked hard all night to break him down, to snap his arguments and to crush his expectations. WHat would become of him if he had to suffer that for years?

A vision passed before his eyes, of raising a wooden stick to a grizzled Vel Aniri soldier and having his every defense disassembled with a shocking efficiency. That man had told him straight, to learn to defend himself he would first have to unlearn how to leave himself vulnerable. And then he had built him back up.

Miakis was clearly different. Broken down by her city and her home, Narumi had only had to build her up from scratch. The meekness and shyness were clearly the process at work, but it was evident the captain was doing so with compassion and kindness, the way she kept playfully laying her hands on her subordinate. Griffyn had seen some of that kindness himself tonight, though it was obvious there was still far more of him that Narumi was looking to change. He looked forward to it. A clash of swords would not be a fair test of each other's skills, but this baptism of fire for his ideals was a new thing - a new challenge and a novel encounter. One he had not been ready for when he stepped foot on Erdeniin soil, but one he was quickly becoming familiar with.

He shook his head, bringing himself back to the present. A girl was sitting beside him and opening up her heart to him, and it wouldn't do to ignore that. Though he wasn't sure how to respond to Miakis' sudden vulnerability. He sat back, his half-finished meal cooling in front of him, and sighed.

"I can't imagine,"
he admitted. "But I'm glad you have been able to find a new family for yourself. It's important to have that foundation.

"I met a few folk back home who grew up as orphans. You'd find many young people separated from their homes and parents, some by choice but others not. Many who would not speak of their heritage out of shame. But I was glad to see so many opportunities for folk willing to work hard. It's not an ideal system, but I'm glad to call a city like that home. Dornoch is a harsh place, I've found, that breeds harsh people. But Narumi has raised you above that.

"And for the record,"
he added, reaching for his food, "I think your hair is lovely."
iakis looked down as Griffyn complemented her hair, "....My Lady seems to also like my hair unlike my former master. She speaks of how she would prefer my hair over hers while likening me to a goddess of war". Crossing her arms around herself as she looked over to the doorway. "I do not agree as her hair is so silky and rich as if her hair was polished obsidian". Miakis face darkened as she reminisced on how she first met Narumi. "My Lady overvalued someone like me". The pain of guilt grew along Miakis' face as her mind harken back to how she tried to kill Narumi. "She may have said that I was able to fend her off, but I know that she was not trying to hurt me while I tried to kill the very person that has done nothing, but show me kindness". Glancing back at Griffyn her expression switched back to her normal shy meek self. "Sorry for speaking so much as you should not have to listen to me complain''. Bowing her head slightly she would go back to her food to allow for Griffyn to enjoy his meal and quickly finish hers as she did not want to keep her lady waiting.

Finishing her meal almost in an instant, Miakis would sit in silence as she waited on Griffyn eyeing the man's food ever so often as if to plead for him to hasten his pace.

Once Griffyn had finished, Miakis would stand and follow alongside of him acting as his protector till they reunited with her lady.

Upon exiting the noodle shop, the two would be met with a blushing Oka as Narumi's hand was atop the woman's head lovely stroking it as Narumi's other hand held the woman's uchigatana by the back of the blade with The Captain looking rather pleased with herself as she pampered her subordinate.

Looking over, Narumi would wave the blade in her hand to say hi before handing it back to Oka who quickly took the opportunity to break out of Narumi's petting. "It's good that you've finished just as Oka said it's getting rather late. I'm not sure how long you plan on staying, but for the moment I'll take you in as my guest.

Before they prepared to leave, Narumi looked over at Miakis who failed at hiding her distress from her captain. With a hmm she looked over to Griffyn before leading the group to her home.
Griffyn smiled, arms open in a gesture of acquiescence. "Lead the way, I gratefully accept. I would argue about paying my own way in more humble lodgings, but knowing my track record I shudder to think where I would end up!"

He chuckled as he fell into step at the captain's side. He could feel the eyes of her crew burning a hole in the side of his head, which he did his best to ignore. Hearing Miakis' story gave him pause for thought as they made their way out of the pleasure district. He had finished quickly, as it was clear the girl was both uncomfortable around him while also needing to explain herself to him. Narumi clearly had a penchant for taking in waifs and strays, which explained two escorts. They had clearly come from humble beginnings, which naturally led to the hero worship Griffyn saw in their eyes when they glanced at their employer. It also went some way to explaining his own role in this little group. So was there something that tied Griffyn to Oka and Miakis? Not upbringing, certainly. Would the young lady really jump to anyone's aid, then? Anyone at all?

He hesitated as they passed through a pleasant residential district, with walled gardens, tall storeys and abundant plantlife. One of the homes stood out in Griffyn's memory and, looking about, he realised the home in question belonged to one of his family's agents. The description matched, at least, with the family name carved into wood atop the lintle. That would be where he would need to go to resupply his funds, then, though he had not decided whether he would allow himself to do so yet. It also made sense to check in on his family assets - a personal visit never went amiss. He began to note the turns of the street in his mind, ready to return in the morning.

"So," he said with a smirk once the silence had grown a little too long for his liking. He eyed Oka out of the corner of his eye. "Can I ask about the nickname?"
Oka unlaced her sheathed blade from her belt tapping it against the cobble stone to echo out Griffyn's future or rather lack of future if he continued his question. However, unlike before, Narumi did not halt Oka's aggression toward Griffyn as the man was clearly taking advantage of the protection she levied towards him.

"Mind yourself, do not forget that you're surrounded by a group of accomplished killers. Oka for example was once part of a well established military house. Her nickname only partly stem from her temper as the majority of it was earned through her swordsmanship". Passing through a checkpoint towards the tall ornately decorated towers that stood even above Dornoch's immense walls. Compared to the rest of the city flora and status of past warriors litter the area with a complete sense of order compared to the labyrinthine alleyways of the Pleasure District. The district also held heavy military presence as they were now among the homes of the Dynasty's military houses; squads of guardswomen march along the sizable roads ready to quell any unrest.

Continuing on, Oka's gaze would stop at a manor for a moment causing her to fall behind with the rest of the group. The former officer glared at the entryway as the guardswomen glared back as they were well aware of who Oka was, and readied themselves for a fight.

Moving deeper into the district they would stop just barely from the gates that protected the Jewelled Palace as a large manor rested just outside of the gates. Similar to the place the manor was accented with precious metals, however it was clear that the silver and sapphire decoration were added onto the older building as it shared it's design with that of the walls and gates that lined Dornoch.

Before they would approach, Narumi held out her hand to stop Griffyn as she gave him a stern look. "The night should be quiet, though be on your best behavior as I will not be here when morning comes. It's almost assuredly that my Matriarch will approach you. Yes and no answers only and speak when spoken to as she already knows about your escapades''. Lowering her hand she would give Griffyn a sympathetic look as no doubt her Mother had used the man's mistakes to gain yet more influence over his father.

As they entered the fort-like manor the guardswomen would bow to Narumi. "Welcome home My Lady, the Matriarch wishes to see you immediately". The guardswomen's words froze Narumi as she knew all too well what her Mother had in store for her. "Thank you for informing me. I'll make sure to see her immediately as no doubt I've made her wait far too long as it is".

Shortly after, two twin female servants would exit the manor as they approached Griffyn speaking in unison as they bowed. "Master von Spurling, we've been expecting you. We will escort you to your room please follow us". Giving Griffyn no time to respond the servants would begin to walk with the guardswomen focusing on Griffyn as if to tell him to move.

The Servants escorted Griffyn silently to a room that was designed to cater to forigh guests. As they entered it felt as if they had left Dornoch and entered the Empire as nothing within the room held anything relating to Dornoch.

"There is sleep attire on the bed when you are ready to retire. if you require anything please call as one of us will be just outside of your room".

Moving to the door the twins would rest their hands on the door looking back to Griffyn. "If you require anything currently please request it as for the Master's safety you will not be able to leave your room unless requested by the Matriarch.
Griffyn nodded to the pair, his brow furrowed, as the door closed behind him. And then he was alone. The chamber was finely furnished and warm, but lay still and quiet around him, clearly not used to occupation. To Griffyn, it felt like he had stepped into only a painting of a room. He took a heavy seat on the bed. Firm mattress, chilled sheets. His bedwear for the night was a simple robe cut of some thick cotton. He felt the fabric between his fingers.

This had sounded like fun, not so long ago. He was well aware by now of the opulence of the nobility of foreign nations, the Tsuri clan in particular, and had been looking forward to seeing the pampered lifestyle that his new ally was so resentful of. This was different. This was more like a prison. The furnishings were elaborate, the architecture grand... but Griffyn already felt trapped by this house. Even its servants and guardsmen behaved more like jailors. Struck by a thought, he looked up at the walls suddenly and gave a mirthless smile. No windows.

Griffyn lay back on the bed with a long sigh. He had chosen this, hadn't he? He had decided to take up his father's offer of a year out of service, had decided to come here to Dornoch, would continue to decide his destinations into the seasons to come. He should take some pride in that, whatever Narumi said. And this was an experience he would take home with him, of that he was certain. It would form one brick in a foundation of his own future, his own destiny.

Rolling onto his side, Griffyn opened his satchel and pulled out his journal, along with the little vial of ink. There was no desk or convenient table here, so he removed his jacket and laid it over his knees, sitting on the edge of the bed. Wouldn't do to get ink on his host's upholstery. Opening the journal, he gently removed the crumpled and singed first page, placing it on the bed. Then he smoothed out a new page, and began to write.


He hesitated. His father had expressed an interest in hearing from him, certainly, but Griffyn was reluctant to share the events of today. Why share that he was struggling? Was it not better to instead begin correspondence from more stable ground? Then he could look back on his initial difficulties with a tint of humour. Father had a lot to manage in a day without also worrying over his eldest. Nodding to himself, Griffyn began anew.

Dearest Robyn,

I hope you are well! By the time you receive this, you will have no doubt completed your training for the Spring Dance. Congratulations on surviving your tutelage!

I have arrived in Dornoch, and am suddenly aware of the gravity of the task ahead. Dornoch is everything that we had been told, only real. I struggle to explain, but know that it is one thing to hear of this grand city from someone and another to walk its streets. The people are a gruff and stringent bunch, still caught up in a lot of what we would call the 'old ways'. They do not suffer fools, so you know that I am in trouble!

Fortunately, I have found a friend an ally in the younger Tsuri sister - have you heard of her? She is truly intense, I fear you would not take to her! Regardless, she has taken it upon herself to show me how to walk the walk in Dornoch, and I fear I would have genuinely made a fool of myself had I not had her support. I daresay father will be hearing of my first day abroad in due time. I am hoping for mercy!

I shall be sure to find something that encapsulates this mad, old city to send with this letter. I shall leave it up to you whether you would like to share with Altyr! I shall also write again soon, once I have found my footing on the road ahead.

All my love,

Your brother Griffyn

With a self-satisfied nod, Griffyn laid the paper on the floor by his satchel as the ink dried. By the time it was, he was asleep.
  • Smug
Reactions: Narumi Tsuri
"Narumi, my daughter it's so good of you to finally come home". Standing in the middle of a dojo was an Older Woman sharing similar features save for Narumi's signature jade eyes wearing a simple white kimono with the house simple on the back. However, unlike Narumi her Mother's dark brown eyes held a hint of cruelty behind her false smile.

All three of the women fell to their knees as they bowed. "Apologies Matriarch I was delayed by an outsider".

Holding a hand in front of her mouth as her Mother feigning shock at her daughter's distant tone and refusal to call her Mother. "Matriarch that is how you refer to the one who raised you into the woman you are today"? Narumi merely bit her tongue as she had many complaints about her Mother's parental methods which only made her Mother's grin widen.

"Yes I am aware of the von Spurling boy, however are you part of the city guard"?

Her Mother's words Narumi pause before she answered, plainly keeping her head down. "No".

"Is it your responsibility to oversee matters outside of Dornach's port and waters"?


"So why is it that you think you should have saved that fool of a boy from his fate".

"Because he is the son of one of the Merchant Council".

"I see so you see yourself as a diplomat now. Though your first diplomatic mission did not pan out so smoothly as even you could not protect him from his idiocy and deviancy". Moving to a nearby rack Yuna would take a wooden sword from the rack as she moved toward the group focusing on Miakis. " However, do not worry as his vile action towards you my daughter will be swiftly as reparations and punishment have already been implemented, but do not worry he will live as I know your word means much to not only yourself but Dornoch". Yuna chuckled as she mused on how her daughter's word only could hold so much value in a place like Dornoch. Raising the wooden sword over Miakis, "Though there is still the matter of what to do with you my wayward daughter as it seems that boy has made you a bit too rebellious. Now I know punishing you will be ineffective... though punishing others on the other hand". Swinging the wooden blade down at Miakis caused Narumi to jump in front of her crew member as a meaty thunk echoed through out the room.

Silence fell over the room as Miakis stared back at her Captain teary eyed as Narumi smiled back at her. Oka on the other hand placed her hand to her sword while the guards moved in front of their Matriarch however a quick look from Narumi made The Oni back down as she clenched her fists.

Guiding the guards aside as she inched to Narumi taking the wooden blade in both of her hands. "I see that my theory held more truth than I thought. Very well let's see how long you can hold out". Slashing once again at Narumi's back caused her daughter to lose her footing slightly as she clenched her teeth. "Your devotion to your subordinates is impressive my daughter, how about I make you an offer". Looking over to the guards, "Go fetch the boy". With a nod the guards left as Yuna continued her daughter's punishment. "if you defend your servant until the boy arrives i'll stop". Remaining silent as Narumi would do is spread out her arms to further protect Miakis causing her Mother to smile ecstatically as she continued to strike at her daughter's back and now exposed arms.

Unaware of the brutality currently in progress the sleeping Griffyn would be rudely awoken as guards entered his room. "Griffyn von Spurling the Matriarch requests your presence immediately"! By how the guards stared and stood within his room changing into more suitable clothing did not seem like an option. Though while the guards said that Griffyn was requested immediately they did not seem to be in a rush as they escorted the man to Yuna.

Once they had reached the Dojo a loud crack echoed out to them as the wooden blade snapped over Narumi's back. Pulling the now broken wood blade back, Yuna would look at it and toss it aside as she and Narumi noticed Griffyn's arrive.

With Griffyn's arrival, Narumi fell only for Miakis to catch the beaten and bruised woman in her arms as she held back her anger and tears. Though while Griffyn saw that Yuna had most likely been beating her daughter with the now broken wooden blade, Yuna made sure to not hit the face or cause any permanent damage that would otherwise lessen her daughter's ability and value.

Waving her daughter's group away, Miakis and Oka would steady Narumi as they held her out with Oka glaring at Griffyn as they left. "Ah the young von Spurling sorry to wake you at this hour, but we have pressing matters to discus". Motioning the man over to a table and cushions with a predatory smile.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Griffyn
Griffyn rose from his automatic bow slowly, feeling each of his muscles tense, first in his legs and then in his back. It was easier to concentrate on the movements of his body than to truly take in the scene unfolding around him in the wide wooden room.

At some point in his brief slumber he had managed to dislodge his breeches, and now stood before the Matriarch of Dornoch in his shirt from the day, rumpled and tinged with sweat, and a pair of undershorts. He pushed down his embarrassment as he rose to his full height, hands folded behind him, and slowly approached the table in the corner of the training room. His chest ached, but he forced the sensation down.

Looking down, he was able to cast Narumi and Oka a glance as he passed. He did not rush to Narumi's aid as he wanted, well aware that doing so would only worsen things. He grit his teeth as he looked away. Unbeknownst, a spot of blood on the wood stuck to the bottom of his foot, staining his skin.

He made sure to avoid the eyes of the vulpine Matriarch as he took a seat. He folded his knees under him in the style of the city. He knew he would likely regret doing so - he hadn't been practicing long and would soon be in a lot of pain - but welcomed anything that would distract him from his other feelings.

He kept his eyes on the table, and said nothing, remembering his primer. So, this is where all of Narumi's rage came from. He had no doubt seen the Matriarch's image from illustrations and documents, but had not been in a room with her before now. He would have remembered. The woman projected a dense air of control and confidence that stifled his breathing and squeezed his lungs. It was a force his father could not dream of, a force reserved for the highest of nobility, who know their place in the world so clearly that it manifested as a tangible, physical presence. Griffyn forced his breathing to slow, easing his heart down to a restive rate, and awaited judgement.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Narumi Tsuri
Displeasure crept along Yuna's face as the boy suddenly lost his ability to speak no doubt her Daughters doing. "My dear boy you seem to be ill are you alright". While her tone carried the correct tune of empathy it was clear that she cared not for his well being. Motion around Griffyn as if she was sizing him up for the kill before seating across from him flashing the young man a devilish smile. "Or perhaps it's due to the realization that your protections are inconsequential to someone like myself". Signaling for some libation a guard would procure some red wine for Griffyn and tea for herself.

Holding the bottle up high a long sanguine stream would pour into the cup perhaps revealing a future where the young man's own red contents fill the room. It was clear that she was making as much of a show a noise as possible to further eat away at Griffyn's nerves before she placed the cup in front of him. " One thing I will say about Dalriada is that they make good wine to bad they are so pathetic that they cannot deal with a woman unless they are in chains". Sloshing the red liquid around in the bottle as she gave Griffyn a mocked expression of shock. "No need to fear for your life I would not sully my Daughter's name like you have. She has already taken both hers and partly your punishment".

Placing the bottle down as Yuna was done playing with the boy. "Now to business, you in your almost infinite foolishness have sully my Daughter with your lust which in turn taints my name. Thankfully for my Daughter and your Father you will not be executed for your actions towards your betters. Reparations are a must and once again they have been paid thanks to your Father". Snapping her fingers the twins would enter holding a traveling back adorned with pots, useful tool and a months worth of rations tightly packed into the large bag. "However by my own suggestion all of your travel funds have been taken to help pay for your mistake, but of course I am not heartless so I have provided all the tools you will need to continue your travels. Of course that is not your only derision as I have also prepared a boat to return you home though each comes with their own adds on". Holding up her finger, "If you continue to travel and face the world your Father asked me to consider you as a suitor for my Daughter, if and only if you make a name for yourself". Raising a second finger, "If you choose to run away you can never return to Dornoch and you will be cast from your Father's will leaving Robyn as the one to Inherit your family's business".

Finishing her tea Yuna should up and began to leave just stopping at the door. "Feel free to stay the night and think it over, even use this time to take in the lap of luxury for a moment longer as I fear whichever choice you will make will deprive you of the comforts you have been accustomed to". With her business done she left the man with the guards and his thoughts.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Griffyn
Griffyn seethed. For a long moment he was still and silent, legs numb beneath him and breathing slowly measured. A glass of red wine stood untouched in front of him. His thoughts raced.

The woman's attitude made his blood boil savagely. That she would push an apology so bruskly, that she would look down on him for how he was born, was expected. He had been ready for that. What had surprised him, shocked him, was how little the Matriarch cared. Rage, he had prepared for. But that spiteful, caustic snake hadn't been angry at all. She had been pleased! She had enjoyed having the excuse to belittle him! She had been waiting eagerly for him to fight back! And oh how thrilled she had been to... to...

Griffyn's fists came down on the table once, hard. The squeak of leather behind him informed him of sudden, uncertain movement from his guards, but the room slowly fell quiet once more as the sound was absorbed by the wood. The wine in the glass rippled and surged, but did not break the surface and slowly returned to equilibrium.

He rose to his feet and stretched out his aching calves. Then he turned and walked for the door. His guard followed closely. He paused by the entrance, where two more guards stood in vigilance, and when he looked to one she glanced back with open coldness.

"Please tell the Matriarch," he said, gesturing over one shoulder at the collected travel supplies, "that I do not require her charity."

A part of him revelled in the discomfort this request caused the guard, who went slightly pale. He didn't have time to savour this, however, and strode through the door and into the halls of the manor. He recalled the route back to the chambers he had been allotted, and pushed open the door once he arrived. He turned to the two guards, who were clearly uncomfortable to not be the ones doing the leading.

"Don't go far, please," he told them. "Your services will be required again shortly."

The two glanced at each other uncertainly as Griffyn closed the door on them.

Griffyn collected up all of his worldly possessions: a leather jacket, a pair of breeches, a satchel containing writing supplies and (if he remembered correctly) half a ship's biscuit, a steel longsword, an ironwood wand and a pair of boots which he made a point of not wearing inside the room. The rest of his clothes he put on hurriedly. Last came his journal, its first page singed and creased, its second scrawled with a well-meant letter he might not ever send. He handled these carefully, placing them in his satchel with reverance. Then he took a deep breath.

He walked out into the corridor, belongings over one shoulder and boots held in his hand. Nodding at his protectors, he set off into the halls. It did not take long to retrace his steps to the dojo. It took longer to slowly follow the drops of blood that occasionally stained the wooden flooring. They led up to a long, dark corridor, with an imposing door at the far end. Griffyn felt a rough hand on his arm as the guards finally realised his intention.

"You cannot," he was told simply, but he shrugged off the guard's grip with a sneer.

"Think she needs protecting from me? Have some respect."

He strode up the corridor and knocked boldly at the door, mimicking the pattern the servants had been using down in the dojo. He was not surprised when Oka answered, opening the door only slightly. Her venomous eyes cut into him, but he did his best to stare back.

"I would like to see her," he said. "Before I leave."
Oka returned Griffyn's words with silence as she looked over to the 'guards' who seemed to have lost control of their escort. Brushing off the guards as they were no more than rank amateurs placed by their family name instead of their ability as they could not even handle a man who doubtfully had any real combat experience. Looking over to Narumi and Miakis would slide the door closed on Griffyn as she watched something unbelievable.

Standing in between Narumi and the door in an attempt to block her lady's path. "No Lady Narumi you can't think of fighting in your state"!

Tightening her pauldron and grabbing a bow and quiver along with her usual ranged arsenal as she knew Miakis was right. Straightening herself slowly winching in pain with every step she took. "I still have a duty to the people and the Dynast unfortunately ne'er do wells will not rest and will no doubt come in droves if they hear i've been bedridden". Stepping forward towards Miakis only to see that she stood her guard unflinching. Sighing as she rolled her shoulder as time only made her body stiffer as the swelling and bruising formed to start the healing process. Trying to move around Miakis only caused herself more pain as her crewmember simply stepped in front of her new heading.

"Miki when did you become so rebellious, first you refuse to call me by my name now you attempt to stop me from carrying out my duty. If I do not leave, many people may die or lose their means to sustain themselves. Let's not also ignore the fact that I would be punished once again".

Miakis held her ground though her silence was not out of defiance toward her Lady, but to hold in her desolation at the thought of her Lady going through more pain because of her. "I'll take whatever punishment they give you... Oka, me and everyone aboard the Doromura will manage, just please.. please don't go"!

"Miakis your being selfish as she already explained why she cannot stay as Narumi's servant you should understand and support her in anyway you can". Oka's pragmatism was lost on the emotional Miakis as she looked to Oka stunned and enraged by her companions' words. "You want me to simply stand idly by and watch her die"! Flashing her own anger back at Miakis, "No you pumpkins haired fool I said to support her otherwise known as protecting her"! While the two continued to argue, Narumi used this opportunity to slip by. Noticing h Miakis quickly grabbed onto her arm sending a jolt of pain along her body causing her Lady to scream in pain. Quickly releasing her arm Miakis fell silent as she had unknowingly caused the most important person in her life pain once again. "I'm sorry My Lady please forgive me i'll do as you ask please just do not be angry with me as I only wish to keep you safe". Clenching and opening her fist as she looked at Miakis at first with fury that soften as the pain subsided. "I know, but trust me as the Doromura can't sail without me which could lead to many of you dying. Just like you I do not want any of you to die so i'll remain aboard the Doromura supporting you as best I am able. All I ask is that you support me as well". Miakis would nod bitterly as she still did not want Narumi to place herself in danger when she could barely defend herself, but she understood that neither of them had any choice in the matter.

Sliding the door open, Narumi would bump into Griffyn as her focus was on Miakis and Oka. Losing her balance, but just regaining it as her hand hovered just above the floor while she gritted her teeth in pain. Rising up and facing Griffyn the Captain's face would be a mix of surprise by his presence, guilt at what her Mother no doubt put him through and embarrassment as he no doubt overheard what had taken place. "Griffyn... I apologiz... what... why are you here"?
Griffyn started as his host appeared, and as she stumbled he reached out to steady her with his arms.

"Narumi! Are you...?" Are you alright, he wanted to ask, but knew the folly of such a question well in advance of asking it. Griffyn could not see an inch of skin that had not been harmed, cut and bruised. His rage reignited.

"I can't believe what I just heard," he growled. "You are truly intending to get back out on the open water now? Like this? You cannot trust another to lead in your place?"

He took a deep breath, his heart racing. The savagery of the Matriarch still haunted him behind closed eyelids, so he instead set to losing himself in Narumi's jade green irises.

"The only reason I could see for you to be setting sail right now is to leave this accursed place forever. To take your crew and to never look back. You don't owe that monster anything."

He grimaced, knowing his words were naive but having nothing else he could say. An apology would mean nothing in the face of her torture, and though there was much he had come here to say it all felt so selfish that he couldn't bring himself to say a word of it. He looked down, ashamed, his hands tightening unconsciously on her shoulders.
Brushing Griffyn's arms away as the man would unknowingly cause more trouble for himself if he touched her. Looking away as the guilt for what she had done to Griffyn pained her more than the lashes that swelled throughout her body. "I'm fine you should worry about yourself". With the conversation concluded she began to walk though it was clear that she was doing her best to hide her injury as her body was stiff and looked more like someone trying to mimic graceful movement.

Oka and Miakis followed silently behind Narumi as Griffyn's next words halted her odd march. "You have no idea about my ship nor it's crew. Do not speak of things you do not know". Moving forward Griffyn would now block her path staring into her eyes as Oka and Miakis drew their weapons. Halting her friends and trying to not look in Griffyn's eyes. However, his next words would light a spark that would grow into a wildfire. "Unlike you I have a responsibility to others! I have responsibility to my crew and everyday people like those that work for your father; if I don't sail people die! Though that's the difference between us I face my problems while you run from them". Smacking away Griffyn's hand as it unconsciously attempted to console her. "Do not touch me as i've already caused you enough trouble. Goodbye Griffyn". Moving past the man she would not stop anymore as she was late as it is.
He turned to watch her walk away, stiff and unyielding.

"You think you're so strong because you won't try to change?" he snapped after her. "You think it's brave to embrace pain when there could be something better?! Narumi!"

She was gone, and Griffyn was left standing in the corridor, shoulders tense and hands balled into fists. He stared after her for a long, silent moment. He seethed. And then he took a deep breath.

A hand at his wrist, one of his two guards. He pulled away savagely.

"I'm going!" he shouted. "I'm going..."

Eyes downcast, he walked down the steps of the manor. Before he knew it, the doors were slammed behind him. And he was out in the chill of the early morning. Hoisting his satchel upon his shoulder, blade hanging against his back, he walked out into the streets of the high district.

I am Griffyn von Spurling, his mind intoned. I am nothing.

The sun was beginning to lighten the sky on the horizon as his boots beat against the road leading out of the city.