Narumi Tsuri
Narumi Tsuri is the daughter of Matriarch Yuna Tsuri. Her family has been responsible for overseeing the Port Authority of Dornoch for generations and as the second eldest daughter Narumi spearhead the defense of Dornoch's port under her Mother and Sister.
Given the importance of the port in Dornoch as a trade city and a agriculture center of the Erdenlin Dynasty. The family’s responsibility in overseeing not just the peaceful trade of goods throughout the capital city but the safety of anglers operating in and out of as well the are vital to the success of not only Dornoch but the entirety of the Erdeniin Dynasty and cannot be met with failure. Do to the Tsuri's successful oversight of Dornoch and it's surrounding waters for generations the Erdeniin Dynasty and Tsuri family have maintained close ties for centuries.
As is tradition while the matriarch oversees operations at the port, her second eldest daughter’s responsibility to defend and secure the distribution areas or routes for seafood and trade goods throughout not just the city but the empire as a whole under the direct command of her mother and elder sister. Though aboard the Doromura, Narumi is judge, jury and executioner as while all those who sail belong to the sea aboard a ship away from port a captain's rule is law among their ship.
The first characteristic that most take note of are Narumi's pale jade eyes that illuminate upon the use of magic as they appear to mimic the movement of the sea the young lady so often traverses. However, her eyes are not the only blessing that has been bestowed upon the second born of the Tsuri; as her skin and beauty would rival that of even an elven maiden to which have led many a whisper about Narumi's true heritage. Aside from a few obscurities, Narumi shares the same distinctive raven hair and frame as that of her older sibling which is more than enough to silence most speculation about Narumi's birth.
Skills and Abilities
Illumination - The Tsuri hereditary magic made them perfect for commanding ships and ensuring that vessels could safely dock into the port. They can manipulate light to a degree that allows for darkness to never be a vision concern. At high intensities they can also cause a brilliant light that can result in temporary blindness to those who look at it. The downside is that the Tsuri family’s members radiate heat as they use these abilities. Though this heat is not harmful to those around extended use can cause their bodies to overheat and in some cases overuse can result in permanent damage or death as their internal organs literally “cook” from the use of their magic.
Aeromancy - Following her abnormal eye colour, Narumi was born with a natural aptitude for wind magic that she has continued to develop and use to amplify her family's hereditary navigation magic. While the manipulation of wind can have many uses; Narumi mostly applies her magic as either an aura to speed her movements or enhance her weapons or hands to quickly take down more dangerous foes. However outside of battle she can use her manipulation of the wind to speed her ship or allow for her and her gliding detachment to board practically unhindered or read the currents to detect changes in weather to better avoid danger to her ship and crew.
Though with some many benefits Aeromancy of course comes with many drawbacks if overused or improperly casted. While the obvious being falling to one's death or being taken away by an improperly casted spell, the other dangers are far worse. Enchantments to the body can and will tear or possibly rend the body into an unrecognizable state while projected spells may do the very same to not only the caster, but any friend or foe that also may be unfortunate enough to be around.
Navigation - While this may go without saying given Narumi's heritage she is an effective captain and navigator alongside of her magic abilities; placing her in a rare group with the best of the best when it comes to traversing the high seas with only he age and lack of experience holding her back from the lips of every sailor.
Shipwright - To Narumi to few captain's leave their care and maintenance of their ship to the crew. Now of course her ability is nothing compared to a full fledged shipwright, but her understanding of how a ship is built allows her to better command and navigate the waters and has led to her creating gilders of her and her boarding crew leading to more successful and safer boarding of enemy ships.
Narujutsu - Narujutsu is Narumi's personal hand to hand style that she has personalized for marine combat. While it may be based on the martial arts she was taught as a child it casts off it's martial practices leaning to the mindset of that of assassins. Throwing implements, targeting vital organs, poison and bone breaking are the cores of Narujutsu as there is no time for honor in a life or death battle aboard a cramped rocking wooden tomb.
Due to her birth and militaristic nation personality outside of the accepted acts are more than likely crushed and remodeled into acceptable terms or discarded. Though through her many masks Narumi has held onto herself while reaching if barely an acceptable level for her station.
As the captain of the Doromura, Narumi has to put on the act of an almost mythical creature to hold her crew's respect. A big and boisterous captain that fears nothing is the only thing that can keep her mostly orc crew in line. However, not all of her mask is false as she does add a bit of herself in the mask given that she tries to go around policy and red tape as much as possible; as criminals are not bound by the same rules and know how to game the system. This devil may care attitude has strengthened her bounds with her mostly male crew, but has also placed Narumi on shaky ground as her exemplary performance is the only thing keeping her from the captain from losing her ship and more than likely freedom.
However, on the other side of the coin she can be diplomatic and the pinnacle of a lady. Unfortunately for her, Narumi's Mother and Older Sibling make sure such events are few and far between or perhaps the Captain's has even tricked her family into underestimating her diplomatic ability leading to the reason for the sheer rarity of moments.
Though when she can escape the unforgiving and unyielding life of the Captain and her Birth, Narumi is far more relaxed, quiet and maternal to her younger siblings as she wants them to have a better childhood than she had as her Mother was always placing her and her sister against each other. Though while she wishes to supersede her Elder Sister, alone away from prying eyes she tries to be a sister to her just like they had as children when they managed to get away from their mother's watchful gaze.
Biography & Lore
As second in line to become the Matriarch; Yuna has always pitted Narumi against her older sibling while pointing out each of the sibling strengths and weaknesses for the siblings to follow and better improve. While many siblings would grow to hate their sister or brother's as they are the sole reason for their struggle, Narumi understood that it was simply a ruse created by her mother. The truth of the matter is that she does not hate her sister, but she does hate being placed secondary to her. It is why when Ichika took the sword, Narumi took to the fist to not only heighten her own strengths, but to differentiate herself from her sister and rebel against her mother as she will become the Matriarch on her own terms not her mother's.
While her attempts to distinguish herself from her older sibling has yet to change her station of yet. Narumi's current feats and innovations have not gone unnoticed by the Erdeniin Dynasty and it's many traders and pirates that travel it's water's. Every sailor who travels Erdeniln's waters knows of the Doromura and it's captain. Many a pirate or smuggler looked down upon the Doromura for its small size compared to that of the average Dynasty ship. However, their overconfidence is soon silenced as the Doromura almost appears to skip along the sea with a flying crew faster then the wind itself quickly descending upon their prey, silencing and staining the offending ship with the blood of those who would harm the Dynasty.
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