Private Tales Bones and A Beating Heart

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Enthralled." That was the only word Percival could find to describe how he felt about Perrine in the weeks that followed their first meeting. He waited on baited breath for every letter she sent and felt his eyes dance across each looping letter she had written to him. Her art was equally precious, and it wasn't long before Perrine's correspondences had found a drawer to themselves in Val's personal desk. And of course, he wrote her back just as often as she wrote him.

Val reunited with Perrine and marveled at her stylings as she dashed towards him. She was the very picture of feminine grace, and surely the envy of all who looked upon them as she nearly tackled him. Val caught her deftly, spinning her around wholly twice before latching her in his arms.

At last, at long last, the two of them were together once more, with nothing to keep them apart for the next arc of their journey.
"Perri..." he breathed, nuzzling into her and cradling her head in hand.

Val's apparel had not changed as drastically as hers, merely sporting a less rugged and more kempt version of the duster he had worn when they met, and an ascot rather than the open shirt he had sported then.

"I cannot tell you how I've longed to see you again, my dear," he said, his smile brimming in the lilt of his voice.
  • Aww
Reactions: Perrine Urahil
In his embrace, Perrine felt something right in her world. Something she had not figured she had been without until that kiss shared between them that first night that was proof of their growing affections and quickly developing attraction and feelings for one another. She breathed him in, held onto him a moment longer as she felt weightless with relief to see him again.

"I had to start drawing and painting anything else that would not remind me of you... but that was unsuccessful." She pulled away far enough to gaze into his eyes, smiling softly as if she were dreaming this moment.

"Waiting and patience for someone I care about was such a new feeling." One she knew he would understand without a doubt from what she learned through their correspondence of letters. "I trust your journey here was comfortable?"

There just were too many eyes upon them at that moment. A blush rose to her cheeks, and Perrine realised how much she wanted to tilt her head and catch his lips in a kiss she had dreamed about since they last parted ways.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Val Pirian
When at last there was an inch of space to spare between them, Val was elated to look caringly into the eyes of the woman who had stolen his heart not so long ago. He was positively beaming as he held her cheek in his hand, then brushed some of the loose and messy locks of hair from her face and back into their proper place.

"My mind has been split between daydreaming of you and arranging everything necessary for this trip. It has been something approaching excruciating...but the mere sight of you has made it more than worth it," he replied warmly. "But yes. My could scarcely keep myself still in the carriage, but the ride itself was smooth. I pray your students didn't cause you too much trouble during our intermission!"

He pulled back slightly further and turned his head to search for the most important aspect of the next leg of their journey (beyond each other's company, of course): their ship. Val gestured toward it with a wide sweep of his arm. A sleek and regal looking clipper ship dressed in Pirian colors and bearing their titular cross on its flags awaited them on the nearby docks.

"And there she is! The Storm's Grace! She's not the largest vessel in the Pirian fleet, but she's by far one of the fastest. I've been told that the weather should be favorable, and that we should find ourselves at the Falwood portal stone ahead of schedule," his gaze shifted from the ship back to Perrine, a look of great pride on his mien. "How are you feeling, my dear?"
  • Aww
Reactions: Perrine Urahil
She did not wish to leave his side now that she found him again after so long. Her arm linked through his, a hand resting at his bicep as she looked to the ship they would soon embark. Perrine smiled, "I never went by ship to the portal stone before. How long does it take?"

By horse, a week was a good estimate, but it always ended up a day or two of delay due to something or rather. At least, a ship was less prone to being waylaid in the Falwood.

Perrine looked to Val, finding that she quite liked his attention on her. A soft smile grew across her painted mauve lips,
"I am feeling so happy to be here, finally, beside you." For the first time in her life she was taking time for herself, to give this... whatever they want to call it, a try.

Never had she clicked so well with someone before, and knowing that had made the time away from Val even more brutal.

"I cannot wait to see Dornoch with you."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Val Pirian
"And you've especially never traveled by Pirian ship. Our agricultural successes have lived by the efficiency of our fleets," Val chuckled as he began to traipse towards the Storm's Grace, arm in arm with Perrine. "Normally it would three or four days, but with the winds on our side we should arrive in two. The overland trip from there will take us less than half a day, and the remaining journey but a day more."

He shot a sky-blue glance down at Perrine and kissed her forehead as they walked.
"I feel the same, Perrine. There's no one in the world I would rather be sharing this journey with," he said softly before squeezing her arm in his own with a grin. "And you look absolutely stunning, by the way."

A dock bell sounded, a few men hollered in the distance, and a prominent looking figure waved a hand signal at Val, to which he waved a signal back. With that, he turned to Perrine once more.
"Seems the only thing missing aboard our vessel is us, my dear. Shall we?"
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Perrine Urahil
Ah, yes, the brilliance of the Pirians and their agriculture. Where the Urahils served faithfully in the Knights, Guards, or Dreadlords, the Pirians were known for being pioneers with crops and such goods.

The timeline for travel seemed to sound agreeable to Perrine, who nestled closer into Val out of sheer missing his presence these past few weeks. His compliments were always welcomed, and perhaps the only one to make her hide her face out of shyness.
"You have days before us to charm me until I giggle and blush, you do not need to start so soon." She mused, making a light jab at his side as they moved towards the wooden ramp that would take them onto the top deck of the Pirian ship.

She did not look back to take in the view until they were at the top, onboard and getting fresh breezes that had sea spray upon them. Perrine left Val's side, crossing over to look over at the water waiting for the ship to sail towards.

"Oh, my worlds!" She gasped. "I wish I had my paints and equipment unpacked so I could paint this view!"
  • Melting
Reactions: Val Pirian