LFG Anybody for a family?

Family Details

  • Merchant or Tradesmen/Upper Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Poor/Lower Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dwarvish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Werewolf

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other... (Please Discuss!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Anybody down for making a family?
And not one surrounded by NPC's. I'm talking about a slice of life RP where separate writers write characters together to form a family.
Parents, children, relatives, (pets?), family friends, childhood friends, servants, maids, etc.
Family business, conflicts, childhood and teen drama, living in a magical medieval setting. You get the idea.

Parents might be a little on the older side since I doubt anyone would want to RP a literal infant. It's open for discussion but I say we start the youngest age for children at about 10 and go up to 19, with parents being at least 20 to 30 years older than their offspring.

This thread is a good place to discuss relationships between each other and roles we want our characters to play.

This family can be anything, thus the poll to help decide where to start.
The general race of the family should also be decided, with relatives having possible deviations so long as it genetically makes sense or doesn't throw the whole family tree for a loop.

I love making characters, I want to make more characters!




The site that was my jam back in the day can be summed up like this;
Get born, grow, live, find love, have kids and die.
Rinse and repeat for over 20 generations.

Your third cousin once removed is not an NPC but an actual writer, including every relative in-between.
I am very fond of that lol.

Even on this site, some of my characters got PC kids~

I wouldn't necessarily be into making new characters, but I'm very into the concept lol.
Yay! I'm so happy this is something people are interested in!

So far the polls are leaning towards Nobility/royalty so we'll proceed with that assumption for now. (You can change your vote if you change your mind.)(You also have two votes for deciding on social status and race.)

If we're an elven family age becomes less important, but there is the matter of deciding what sort of elf we are in terms of longevity.
Lord of the Rings immortal style, Star Wars Yoda style, or humans with pointy ears?
This might influence the maturity rate of any children, the immortals having a slower age rate being in their thirties while in the body of a thirteen year old.

I personally voted for humans. :)
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Hiya, I'm new in this site. And come across your post here and I'm really interested in it.
I have created a character, but will create another one if needed :D

And seeing your poll, kinda curious how a human family of adventurer goes. But I'm down with whatever :)

I guess it comes down to the big questions which I now pose to all of you who are interested.

Who wants to be the father?
Who wants to be the mother?
Who wants to be a child?
Who wants to be a relative?
Who wants to be a family friend?


BTW, we don't have to just make ONE family here! We don't have to stick with a single choice of social class and racial background. We can make multiple characters for different stories we want to play out!
I also have an only child character, but it is still raw since I haven't put the background/biography on the character sheet (only in my notes).
I can use that character though, if needed.
Anybody down for making a family?
And not one surrounded by NPC's. I'm talking about a slice of life RP where separate writers write characters together to form a family.
Parents, children, relatives, (pets?), family friends, childhood friends, servants, maids, etc.
Family business, conflicts, childhood and teen drama, living in a magical medieval setting. You get the idea.

Parents might be a little on the older side since I doubt anyone would want to RP a literal infant. It's open for discussion but I say we start the youngest age for children at about 10 and go up to 19, with parents being at least 20 to 30 years older than their offspring.

This thread is a good place to discuss relationships between each other and roles we want our characters to play.

This family can be anything, thus the poll to help decide where to start.
The general race of the family should also be decided, with relatives having possible deviations so long as it genetically makes sense or doesn't throw the whole family tree for a loop.

I love making characters, I want to make more characters!





Well I haven't really ever done a family thing before, so I am definitely interested in doing this. I'm always up for trying new things.

At some point we can make families in the other social classes, but since Nobility is where the votes are right now let's go with that.

I can honestly make any family member if it means we get to RP together! But if you're current offers of a child and a dad are to be taken as your final answer I can make a mother or a brother/sister!

I think somebody has an unused vote. If we can get a tiebreaker between elf and human then we can get a better idea of what our family looks like!

If we can get a consensus on the race I feel like things can move forward. At this point I don't feel confident making a character without knowing the race.

Maybe we can get a revote in your next replies with your written preference for what race family you want to write?

Otherwise we can just go Half-elves.
Also I would like to see another poll or at least a discussion on what the last name of the family would be. What if we get a few suggestions and then vote possibly?

If Im the only one that sees a need and no one else cares it’s fine, I would hate to add to the complexity of the process if it isn’t an issue, but if it is just a thought on a possible solution so it can be there if the need arises.
Ferelith Scathach

Alright, unless there's any objections we're going with a half-elf family, with a full elf parent and a full human parent.

Ferelith mentioned a last name suggestion and I concur.
Let's get some suggestions and I'll organize them into an emoji reaction vote in a post.

Also this would be a good time to say for sure which role you guys want... (Ferelith already knows what she wants)...
I'm undecided between a younger sister or the father. But I'm leaning heavily towards the sister.
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