Fable - Ask Along These Godless Streets

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


The Empire
Character Biography
The Wardens of Cerak At'Thul were some of the worst, but Iskra never thought one of them would make such a spectacle like this.

Misandra was an exceptional archer, and in the days leading up to the Warden's Hunt, whispers spoke of the incredible shots she had made in the past. Each year since her admittance into the Wardens, she had held a Hunt with names submitted to the Scribe of anyone caught or accused of being treacherous. One name would be selected, innocent or guilty, and the Lucky Duck is given a day to run or hide.

In the earlier years, no one thought of the Hunt to be serious, and less names were submitted, but after the success of hunting down the Lucky Duck, anyone's name became unsafe.

On the stage where slaves were presented on each morning, the dark elf commanded a mass of eager hunters. Not all would be invited to join the hunting party, but the Warden had been known to bestow the privilege to the most enthusiastic from the crowd. The Scribe was stood beside her, scooping and mixing up the pieces of parchment filled with names inside the barrel that had been collecting for the past year. Your name could only be submitted once, and even if you were not present for the drawing, that name will spread through Cerak before lunch.

Young children, usually orphans, stood near the stage, eagerly awaiting for the name to be called. They were already paid ten coppers to run through the streets, to yell, announce, and declare the name of the Lucky Duck of this year. Their youthful voices the fans to the flames.

Iskra watched from the side, dressed in her rich purple cloak, the hood drawn over her head. The only ones that knew her name had washed up onto the beach with her, those that had came with them on board the ship. Perhaps her name had been said here and there, but who truly would recall it correctly to scribble it down with the Scribe in hopes her name would be picked?

Ah, and Nelly. The woman running the apothecary that helped Iskra with her burns after a smith tried to melt the cuffs at her wrists. She had given the mage the room above the shop for lodgings and a job in the after hours to clean and stock the items. Would she turn Iskra in with just her name?
Confident Iren.

Polite Iren.

Charming Iren.

Oh, his name was already spreading, because the ancient creature was making himself comfortable. Whereas Iskra was keeping her head down Iren was making noise. He wanted to be part of the Wardens... or perhaps he wanted to push them off of the ledge and take their place. Either way, while he was making friends, it would not be a difficult assumption to make that he was making enemies in spades as well.

Whenever someone's star was rising there would be someone willing to cover their sun.

He didn't seem too worried however. He was lounging next to Iskra with a cup of wine in his hand, watching the proceedings with clear interest.

"I wonder who they will pick..." Not a part of Iren assumed that it would be his name. "Would we even know who it is?" Adding there after a moment of thought. There were so many people in the settlements and working for the Wardens too.

It could very well be someone they hadn't met or heard of yet.

"What do you think- a friendly wager perhaps? How soon will they hunt down this 'lucky duck' of theirs?"

Nicomo is hunched over the bartop of some watering hole some ways away from the ongoing festivities. Still swordless, he finds some temporary distraction in drowning himself in strong drinks.​
Nico slurs a grumble as he sits up, pokes the counter with his finger, and raises the same one to order another round. It’s promptly brought to him. In only a short time of arriving, it’s already known among all the establishments between the Black Bay and the Black Fortress to keep a full cup in Nicomo’s hands.​
The tabs were all conveniently handled by Iren. Lucky Duck? If there was one, surely it was Nico.​
Autolycus stayed in his office. There was little cause to leave and there was much work to be done. When he was young, he had practiced calligraphy (as was expected of all who studied the great firmament), and so the process of recording the arrival, sales, escapes, or expirations of slaves made him nostalgic for those days.​
Yes, much work to be done indeed. That was what he told everyone who tried to bother him, anyway. Presently he was smoking from a long pipe. A dream pipe, they called it, within which the dried seeds of some ethereal plant were burning. It was very pleasant to partake.​
"They're doing the um," some idiot junior-secretary was trespassing near Autolycus' desk, "The Lucky Duck, thing."​
Autolycus raised an eyebrow. "I've heard."​
"You're not gonna, um..."​
Autolycus took a long draw from the dream pipe and exhaled. Thin trails of smoke curled towards the ceiling and spread out on impact.​
"I'm busy."​
Iskra did not want to entertain the vampire's wager, but she scoffed at the idea of a a lengthy hunt.

Not after what she had heard in the past few days of the true aim Misandra possessed.

"Alright, Brightmane. Ten gold on them not lasting more than... six hours. I daresay there are many places to hide in this place." The mage turned her head to look at him, curious to hear what he would wager.

Her eyes traveled back to the slaver's auction stage, the small smile that lifted her lips falling as she met the ready gaze of Misandra. They had not crossed paths in some time, but Iskra had seen and worked with many types of beings to recognise that telltale sign.

The dark elf held the mage's gaze, a name written on a slip of parchment plucked from the barrel and given to the Scribe to read. In those moments before a name would be revealed, she felt the air leave her lungs as dread filled her gut.

Her hand reached out to grab onto Iren's sleeve, just as the Scribe called out in a booming voice.

"Iren Brightmane."

The boys parked by the stage repeated the name amongst themselves before running in all directions.

Outcry and protest sounded, but not because of the name. The Scribe spoke of other names, names listed to participate alongside Misandra as her guests. The list usually comprised of a greater number, but this year's hunt was one Misandra had thought needed a lesson to be taught.

The vampire 's name had been planted in many minds over the past few weeks, and her manifestation came to fruition.

She need only a small number to hunt with her this time, but excluding the masses would leave them hungry. There truly will be nowhere to hide in Cerak for the vampire.




It was a game designed by the Warden, one that would pit the comrades against one another.

A test.

"She did this. This is all her doing." Iskra had pulled Iren astride soon after each of their names had been spoken, her hand not letting him go. The mage pulled him down the street, turning a corner and towards the building she knew would have Nicomo stationed at the bar. It was almost stale clockwork for the one that recieved opportunity for new life.

"If I had my full strength of power, I could have you spelled on a boat and taking you to the Portal Stone." But with what she could harness now with one cuff removed would be expected to hunt him instead. She could not tell any of them that she had not been down this road before, that she had to hunt and eliminate a friend once.

Iskra took a seat beside Nico and gave him a look. "On the bright side, if Misandra wants us hunting the Lucky Duck, then it might mean they finally give this guy a sword."

Why choose her and Nicomo? Why Autolycus? Iskra dared to lift her gaze to watch Iren, realising that instead of standing here, they should be devising on a plan to keep him ahead of the hunting party at all times. To keep him safe...

If that was what he wanted. she thought. The Vampire still had not helped her succeed in removing the last cuff that hindered the power of her magicks. So I must ensure he stays alive.
"They called your name."​
Autolycus reasoned he must have been suffering from a terrible nightmare, because the idiot junior-secretary had returned to trespass near his desk and say phrases which had no meaning to him. Autolycus half-opened his eyes and beheld the peevish, jaundiced assistant.​
"Then I shall have to kill everyone on this island," Autolycus said, sighing another cloud of smoke, "Starting with you, I suppose."​
The junior-secretary tensed, having taken Autolycus' grave (if tranquil) tone as a sign of serious intent. In reality, were he the Lucky Duck, he would have just left. Likely as easily as he had come.​
"No," the junior-secretary quickly squeaked out, "You were called to, um. Hunt. To be one of the hunters of the... Lucky Duck. It's Iren Brightmane."​
Autolycus raised his eyebrows, momentarily regarding the junior-secretary with a sort of hazy curiosity.​
"I see." He took another long drag of his dream pipe, and exhaled another prodigious cloud. His eyes closed, savoring the gentle, tranquil sensation. "I have no idea who that is."​
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  • Yay
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Nicomo and Iskra
Nicomo is so absorbed in his drink that he doesn't realize the commotion outside of the run-down watering hole.​
He has an unrefined palate unlike his pale companion who savored his full-bodied, dry reds. Nico only sought out the quickest buzz. And by the time the two find him, he is properly shitfaced. He doesn't even pay them any mind when they join him.​
One thing does anchor Nico's distant focus back into the present.​
"What's that about a sword?"​
  • Gasp
  • Derp
Reactions: Autolycus and Iskra