LFG - Quest Allirian Nights

Petrus Ritus Iskandar

Head of House Iskandar
Character Biography
Salutations Ne'er-Do-Wells and Ruffians of the underworld of Alliria and beyond!

Have a character willing to get up to no good, or perhaps just a knack for adventure or a connoisseur of coin? Petrus Iskandar, my character, would like to hire a small entourage of capable people not restrained by such troublesome things as morals and honor and be more than a little willing to get their hands dirty. Now, that isn't to say he is looking for psychopaths and literal monsters, only those willing to do what it takes to see a job done, and whose silence is as golden as the coin that procures it.

I have some experience as a DM and storyteller, both over text, on tabletop and even in person via LARPing, and would take more of an advisory or passive role in the group with Petrus, while also trying to tell a set of fun stories for those involved to enjoy.

So, you may be wondering, with my big pitch out of the way what is the idea?

Quite simply it is a small string of threads building off of the old siege of Alliria and Petrus' actions during it's aftermath. Namely, he would be looking to hire or employ those willing and able to see about procuring other artifacts of necromantic providence. Whether a staff or old grimoire truthfully I wanted to work with whoever joined this to flavor the threads and possible dungeon-crawling in ways that might appeal to the individual characters involved. Such as, perhaps, an ancient, sunken vessel rumored to be haunted by the dead at sea if a scallywag of the seas joins the group?

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this, interested or not, and have a great day!
Tentatively dropping a coin in the bucket (and a watch).

Môdhryd does have a background (hunting caster "ne'er do wells") and has a skill set that might be of assistance; he isn't exactly fond of casters and magic overall, but coin is coin, and a sellsword is a sellsword. As of ~Smaragd he was heading toward Alliria, so, with fluid time it's entirely possible for him to wind-up in the vicinity and find a hook.

In terms of character work, I think he can manage to play nice as long as the circumstances personally favor him to do so. Coin (and a healthy supply of drink) is always a good motivator; more generally, so might be being in the favor of someone with some manner of connections. /spitballing

So sure, I may be interested.
One scallywag of the seas? Check!
Willing to get up to no good? Check!
Connoisseur of coin? Check!

Necromancers, Slavers, Scoundrels, Killers, Brigands, and Cretins have been some of this dwarf's best friends over the years. He's sailed in most of the seas and rivers in and around Epressa and Liadain. He's got every reason to be seeking out work in any major city with a port to speak of, so it's just as well if he ended up in Alliria for a while. And he's got a real appreciation for wine.
Necromantic artifacts, you say? Seretha ibnat Rezhe is herself interested in such things, though whether or not she's openly a necromancer to anyone of note in the Alliria part of the world right now is up in the air at the moment. If not, then she is still an appraiser and peddler of magic items, and combat-capable.

If Tarsas want to fluid time it the same way, then Seretha and Askel could have both just come off their other job somewhat recently.
This sounds fun! I have a couple of characters that are part of the Allirian underground who definitely would have heard of this venture. I'm certain one of them would be more than willing to join in on the promise of coin or just for the knowledge the artifacts (or other team members) might impart.
It just so happens that Lilette just arrived in Alliria recently, come to learn of the undead through books found on the black market. Vampires, specifically.

Normally she eats ne'er do wells as a vigilante of less than noble intentions, but seeing as her hands aren't exactly clean either, I'm sure she'd put that all aside at the first mention of 'artifacts' and any knowledge she might obtain in the process, be it through payment or stealing some of the prizes herself.

Count me in as interested! especially with a fellow imperial involved such as Seretha ibnat Rezhe , as I'm hoping to build more connections in the faction when Lilette returns to Amol-kalit, especially those in Medja's circles seeing as Lilette has ambitions of her own

though connections outside are fun of course, so I'm happy to meet new faces and interact with whoever's around