Discussion All Thoughts Lead to the Flame


Hello! So, for the past few months I have been working a lot of overnights at my new job. Barely see anyone, and my list of assignments are easy to complete, so I have lots of time to think. During the mind numbing boredom of it all, I have create dozens of little worlds and stories in my head to keep me entertained, and sane, during those long hours. One storyline in particular I am incredibly fond of, and have even considered trying to write a book about, but I hardly have the time or focus to do a project that extensive. Instead, I wanted to return here to this site after so long and give it another try, and see if the story idea could possibly be changed to fit into the expansive world here.

The basic background of the story revolves around an organization known as the Order of the Embers, a semi-occult magic based group dedicated to the preservation of the Burnt Cycle, a long term goal for the organization to try and control, and eventually, eliminate magic from the world. They see magic as a wild, dangerous substance that if left free, will eventually lead to the destruction of the world. They do this by finding the Flameborn, a single individual who is connected to the natural magic of the world, and with this connection, slowly increases the strength of the "wall" they are building between the world and magic, using the Flameborn's own life essence to create the magical bricks. Eventually the Flameborn is drained and passes, and the Order of the Embers seeks out the next one in the link.

Also toyed with the thought that the Order of the Embers and the Flameborn try and create a new kingdom based on this philosophy and sudo-religion.

Now, this idea does not fit all that well with the magic rules set up, and magic world in general that exists on Chronicles as far as I am aware, and that is why I made this post before trying anything else. I would love to get some feedback on this general idea, and some pointers on how best to try and go forward with this idea, or a similar one on this site. And if you might be interested in taking part...I will provide cinnamon rolls!
Welcome back! Sounds like you have a lot of great ideas! Pretty sure there would be no issue with you building your kingdom here. I'd be up for getting involved - wouldn't say no to a cinnamon roll!

~ Floof :D
This would be an interesting way to target Fae, imo, given their natural link to magick and leylines.
  • Yay
Reactions: Reynor
I would love to brainstorm with you a bit if you'd like to message me!

Definitely! And the group idea changing as they come to understand they have to adapt to the situation.

That could certainly be an angle that can be explored. Are the Fae prominent across the map or just in localized areas?
I would love to brainstorm with you a bit if you'd like to message me!

Definitely! And the group idea changing as they come to understand they have to adapt to the situation.

That could certainly be an angle that can be explored. Are the Fae prominent across the map or just in localized areas?
Fae be everywhere dawg
Caliane here might fit in really well as an unwilling Flameborn. She's actually inhabited by the pure essence of Fire which she's called the Soulfire. It has its own consciousness etc. and choses a different host each time one dies. She was trying to keep quiet from the world but rather dramatically saved Bhatharik from destruction a year ago and revealed her power. There are a few cults that had sprung up around her, also added to the fact the Avariel hadn't been a part of the world until recently too.
Hello! So, for the past few months I have been working a lot of overnights at my new job. Barely see anyone, and my list of assignments are easy to complete, so I have lots of time to think. During the mind numbing boredom of it all, I have create dozens of little worlds and stories in my head to keep me entertained, and sane, during those long hours. One storyline in particular I am incredibly fond of, and have even considered trying to write a book about, but I hardly have the time or focus to do a project that extensive. Instead, I wanted to return here to this site after so long and give it another try, and see if the story idea could possibly be changed to fit into the expansive world here.

The basic background of the story revolves around an organization known as the Order of the Embers, a semi-occult magic based group dedicated to the preservation of the Burnt Cycle, a long term goal for the organization to try and control, and eventually, eliminate magic from the world. They see magic as a wild, dangerous substance that if left free, will eventually lead to the destruction of the world. They do this by finding the Flameborn, a single individual who is connected to the natural magic of the world, and with this connection, slowly increases the strength of the wall they are building between the world and magic, using the Flameborns own life essence to create the magical bricks. Eventually the Flameborn is drained and passes, and the Order of the Embers seeks out the next one in the link.

Also toyed with the thought that the Order of the Embers and the Flameborn try and create a new kingdom based on this philosophy and sudo-religion.

Now, this idea does not fit all that well with the magic rules set up, and magic world in general that exists on Chronicles as far as I am aware, and that is why I made this post before trying anything else. I would love to get some feedback on this general idea, and some pointers on how best to try and go forward with this idea, or a similar one on this site. And if you might be interested in taking part...I will provide cinnamon rolls!
I love this idea and story! it comes together very well! I would love to be part of it but it doesn't seem i would have a right fit for it. I mean i certainly love cinnamon rolls but I'm not quite sure.
Caliane here might fit in really well as an unwilling Flameborn. Shes actually inhabited by the pure essence of Fire which shes called the Soulfire. It has its own consciousness etc. and choses a different host each time one dies. She was trying to keep quiet from the world but rather dramatically saved Bhatharik from destruction a year ago and revealed her power. There are a few cults that had sprung up around her, also added to the fact the Avariel hadnt been a part of the world until recently too.
I love that! that sounds amazing and she sounds very beautiful!
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Caliane Ruinë
Is faith a powerful force in Arethil??? Because if it is, and a cult of anti magic fanatics grew large enough, would their beliefs be able to manifest like "divine magic" if they all began praying or whatever else they do with all of their inner conviction and soul poured into it??? Are we possibly under the threat of giant storms of Unmagic being loosed upon the world??
Is faith a powerful force in Arethil??? Because if it is, and a cult of anti magic fanatics grew large enough, would their beliefs be able to manifest like divine magic if they all began praying or whatever else they do with all of their inner conviction and soul poured into it??? Are we possibly under the threat of giant storms of Unmagic being loosed upon the world??

Faith is absolutely an aspect of culture and magic on Arethil. However keep in mind that Chronicles is considered a mid-level magic realm, so stuff on the wordly level of giant storms of unmagic would more likely be relegated and saved for staff-run events.
  • Yay
Reactions: Zulgrid