Private Tales A Small Camp Fire

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
The night was cold and dark, a reminder that Summer's grasp upon the land had been relinquished and Fall's rule had been usurped by Winter. Though the sky was moonless, Keiran could clearly see the condensation of each breath taken as he sat beside the small camp fire. The Highlander had set camp upon one of many hills that surrounded the great Walled City of Vel Anir, tucked along an outcrop of rocks. Beyond, past the inky blackness of the plains below, he could make out the faint glow of the great city of man. He spat into the flame, angered for all but a moment.

It had been three days since he left Vel Anir at the suggestion of a Banick noble who's words of advice were little more then a cleverly worded order. His father had passed no more then a fortnight ago and Keiran had little time to properly mourn his passing. The man who spent four years battling nomadic tribes and protecting the lands expected to take up his role as the Lord of the MacArthur clan, only to be reminded his past transgressions had yet to be forgiven. He still had a year to repent for his foolish mistakes of youth, and such would not step into the role his family needed him to assume. Instead, he was to serve as a agent for House Banick.... Presently, they had no task to provide and in such, advised him to leave the city for a spell, stating it would do good to clear his head. Perhaps they saw this as a slight, thinking he would be offended... And though it did anger him some, he did see it as a blessing. Four years since he saw the ancestral homeland of his people.The hills that surrounded this part of the region.

Yes it was a cold night, but it was a familiar cold. A lovers embrace that was welcoming after a long journey. They could take away his claim to his clan, at least for now, they could tell him to clear ou from the city, but they could not take away the overwhelming joy he felt being in these hills. With this in mind, he silently thanked the Banick nobleman for pushing this upon him...He then cursed himself for thanking the twit.The humor of it all was not lost upon him and Keiran sat there laughing to himself, a single soul making himself known to the world at that moment.

Green eyes were awaken that moment and he broke free of the sullen fog that took hold of him. He looked to his small camp complete with it's dying fire. A fresh log was placed into the flame to strengthen the fire and Keiran found himself looking to his horse. The mare stood silently to the side and appeared relaxed. He smiled at this.

"We're home Queen..." He said to her in a soothing voice. "What's that... You desire a song?"

Jovial was a good way to describe Keiran at that moment...Or perhaps drunk. A swing taken from the drinking horn he had seemingly been holding the entire, he drained it completely before tossing it aside. Bathe in the warm glow of the camp fire, Keiran stood up from his seat on the cold ground and began to sing.

"I've been a wild rover for many a year
And I spent all me money on whiskey and beer
But now I'm returning with gold in great store
And I never will play the wild rover no more

And it's no, nay, never
No, nay, never no more
Will I play the wild rover
No never no more."
  • Yay
Reactions: Skuld Zajac
Skuld rode slowly towards Vel Anir, the strangeness of her camp being invaded in the woods still fresh in her mind as she created a hill and came upon a small camp. Pulling her horse to a stop, she pondered a moment in the dark about the small camp. Being close enough to the city, one didn't expect many to camp outside the safety the walls provided. Singing was carried her way, listening a moment and trying to decide the best course before going forward.

She hadn't planned on stopping just yet, but the city was still a days ride almost. Appearing in the light of day would bring less wary eyes upon her, along with the merchants being awake and ready for customers. She still wore her full suit of armor, the wings on the back of the plate still as she watched a while longer to see if the...being, that owned the camp was visible.

She saw what looked to be a man's form beside the fire and mulled on her options. Reaching a decision, she shifted her weight forward in the saddle, the beast taking his sign and slowly moving forward. The soft clink of plate and hoof plods announcing their presence as she neared the camp.

Her visor was pinned up on her helm as she came close enough to be seen in the fires light, her face visible and eyes looking to the man before her. She kept her hands on the reins but leaned forward as much as her armor allowed into the horn of the saddle. Her armored arms crossed atop the horn before addressing the owner of the camp.

"My apologies for disturbing you, but the city is a ways still and if you'd allow me, I'd camp here for the night." Skuld asked gingerly. She had dealt with stranger's enough to suit her for a time, but sleeping in a camp better deterred the random bandit when more than one tent was present.
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Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
"When I started to sing, I didn't think I'd conjure up such a fearsome looking warrior." This was how he came to greet Skuld upon getting a good look at her.

As he sung, he was painfully aware of the approach of someone in the dark and as such, casually came to grip the handle of the longsword which sat upon his side. As she neared him, his song faltered and he came to watch wearily up until she spoke. Keiran would waste little time in his response to her "Oy, no apologies needed you aren't a disturbance... Feel free to make camp...I have some roasted rabbit if you wish to eat... Some wine as well."

Welcoming as he was, his body language changed and he seemed become lax. No longer was he reaching for his sword as he deemed her not to be a threat, at least not yet, and moved to return to his seat before the flame. As he settled in, he was sure to motion to the spit with the roasted rabbit, in case she was interested in eating.
Skuld chuckled at his fearsome warrior comment. Her armor in mind, she gave him a small nod to the observation. "Singing isn't the usual summons. We templars have a tendency to look the part." She replied tartly, sitting upright before dismounting clangourously. She fiddled with the rolled up canvas on the side of her saddle and produced two deceased hares from beneath it.

"I've a few more to cook, and a handful of vegetables if you've a mind for stew." She offered, setting the pair next to the fire. Turning back to her horse, she began dismantling the mess that hung all around it. Folded canvas was tossed to the side before a small cauldron was set next to it. A boar spear, crossbow, and a hand and a half sword were set down next to all of that.

Walking to the other side, another bit of canvas came off and brought with it cast iron rods as well as an assortment of wooden poles and rope. Pulling off a shield next, a black thorny rose glimmered in the light. She undid a few buckles on the horse before pulling the saddle away and setting it down.

"Wine sounds excellent." She added as she began the process of removing armor. The helmet came off first, the near bun still at the back of her head, the white marks upon her cheeks clearly visible now as permanent features rather than a trick of the light. The bevor coming away from her neck as she rolled her neck a bit to loose up the muscles there.

"Skuld Zajac. Templar, you are?" She asked abruptly, realizing she hadn't asked in her relief of finding a decent spot to camp.
  • Yay
Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
Keiran was in the midst of reaching into the pack he have beside him but found his attempt slowed as he really began to take notice on his company. He was aware that he was in the presence of a fighter. It wasn't just the armor but the air in which she carried about herself. The confidence. Approaching someones camp was a daring act unto itself and in doing so, it told him she was sure she could handle what ever transpired. His gaze was locked upon her the Templar as he took note on the details the flame of the camp fire afforded him. The armor... Heavy armor which gave her a brutish appearance. When she made mention of being a Templar, her appearance made perfect sense. The arms she traveled with captured his attention next, more so then the rabbits or the mention of stew. No double about it, she was serious when she said she was a Templar. Then he saw the coat of arms... His eyes would squint as if he couldn't believe what he saw. A black thorny rose sigil. Before he could speak, he looked to her face and came to realize who the female warrior was. She had introduced herself next as he turned to get the wine skin in a hurried fashion.

"Tis an honor Templar Skuld..... I have heard great a many tale of yer deeds." He near gushed but was sure to keep his composure. That would be the alcohol in him truth be told. "Keiran MacArthur...." He remembered to introduce himself. "Of the MacArthur Clan.... Welcome to my humble abode." He joking said, as it was known the Highlander Clans made their homes within the hilly region.

Wine skin in hand, he jumped to his feet to properly offer it. If she took notice now, she would have perfect view of the Highlander. Like her, he too had shed the weight of his armor and chose the comfort of a tan colored padded Gambeson for his upper body, worn black cloth pants for his lower half, and worn leather boots. His appearance was rather plain and weather, the appearance of a man who had worked a few hard days. At least his physical appearance was not as warn, as his eyes were bright and wide, not the usual stern appearance he was known for. Once more, it was the wine.

"Might I offer any assistance?" He asked in a genuine tone and it seemed he was serious in wanting to help in some many or at it's least, offer the gift of wine as he now held it out to her.
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Reactions: Skuld Zajac
The mention of deeds made her wonder which order he had heard of. Or if he had only heard of their successful ventures. The Black Rose order generally received a mixed reception when greeted, but the welcome was nice. On the other hand, being from Vel Anir, he may have been thinking of her old success with her family.

"Are you speaking of my personal achievements as a Zajac, or as a templar? A few of my kin still venture from Vel Anir with the name in tow." Skuld asked carefully. The Zajacs had not disowned her for leaving to the templars, but an air or hurt feelings still hung over the families dealings with her.

The wine skin presented, she took a small swig after setting the bevor aside. Handing it back after the offer for assistance, she turned and presented the wings to him. "There is a pair of clips at the bottom of each wing, if you could remove that and set them aside it would make removal easier for the rest."

The bottom of each wing attached just above the fold between the top and middle plate, each held on by a pair of spaced pins with smaller clips to keep them secure.
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Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
"Both truth be told." He replied as she handed the wine skin back to him. He then in turn used the attached strap to loop it over his head and arm so that it sat comfortable on his side. "I was stationed at one of the boarder garrisons... We lads tend to get bored so gossip from the city helped passing the time."

Happy to help, Keiran did as asked and made his way behind her, positioning her so that he could use the fire light. "Sorry Templar Skuld." He apologized for not asking her permission to guide her about. "Rather intricate armor... I never saw a Templar up close." He spoke to himself as he inspected the wings.

Taking a moment to see how it worked, he removed one wing, placed it beside her helmet, and then repeated the same with the other. Stepping back around, he moved to collect the rabbits and brought them over to a flat rock he had used earlier for just this purpose. "I'll get these cleaned up."
  • Yay
Reactions: Skuld Zajac
While she was faced away from him, her eyes rolled a little at the comment of garrison talk. She hadn't expected to be the talk of people in Vel Anir much since being gone from the place for so long. Then again, she and her late brother had held the torch bright for a time in the city, so folk knowing her came as no surprise.

The pull towards the fire was a shock as she steadied herself, her feet nearly tripping over the other as she waved off the apology. "No need, it's not often I have help so it is to be expected." She offered as the man worked.

With the wings removed, the man stepped away and fetched up the rabbits to clean as the pieces of armor quickly fell away, revealing the gambeson below. She struggled with a strap around her thigh for a moment before then last piece came loose, relief evident as it clattered to the ground.

"The armor is my own, though I've seen numerous styles among the templars." She replied as her hands patted at her breaches. "Thank you. It has been a long ride wearing that." Her hair was tied in a neat bun at the back of her head, her gaze falling over her gear scattered about before returning to the horse.

She patted its rump after walking to it, slowly making her way to its neck, scratching and patting all the while. Softly murmuring to the beast. Her hands went below the mane and began scratching before she patted it once more and set about building her tent.

"MacArthur?" She called over her shoulder as she assembled the framework to her tent. "I know the name, but I cannot say I know more than that. I thought you all lived in the city?" Confusion riddled her tone as she pulled ropes tight and the wooden poles seemed to come together.
  • Yay
Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
"We did... For the most part. Spent half the year there and the other half upon the lands we govern, Edenham....In his later years, my father spent his time in city... He took ill and the city afforded him more options in terms of medicine." Keiran spoke, his voice echoing sadness in the later part of his sentence.

"We are Highlanders, clan folk from the surrounding mountains and hills to the north of the city... We pledge fealty to House Danick." He spoke on, powering through his feeling and providing a quick run down on his people, all while dressing one of the rabbits.

With practiced hands, Keiran removed the innards that weren't needed and then tore the the skin clear off, all with out the aid of a knife. He simply used pressure and his hands for the first part, and the incision from the the wound that caused it's death. This knowledge came from years of hunting and having to survive off the land. Despite being a lesser noble, Keiran was by no means use to a pampered life. He was a Highlander first, and that meant he was a fighter. The process was repeated for the second rabbit and only when it came to cutting the portions of the rabbit they would use for the stew did he produce a knife and got to work.

"Trade you." He said after a moment, offering the wine skin. "For the vegetables. "He added, in case she didn't know what he was hinting at. As long as he was cutting, he figured he could get to those vegetables as well.
  • Yay
Reactions: Skuld Zajac
She listened, enjoying the casual talk as a break from what her previous camp experience had been. When the talk of his father gave her enough hints to realize what he had meant, she gave him a look of genuine sorrow. "I hope his passing was an easy one, loss is never something one wishes to bear witness too." He pushed through the moment and continued explaining, her gaze falling back onto her task as the canvas was set and tied down.

His offer of trade caught her at the last tie off, her eyes narrowing a moment as she spied the wine skin before he explained. The aha moment hitting her as she turned and fetched a small rucksack and walked it over to him, trading the assortment of vegetables inside it for the wine he had.

"House Dannick..." The confusion in her voice carried to him as she watched her horse graze for a bit. She looked toward the city, as if it would give her some answers. "I may have run some of them around in my time here, but I actually knew little of what they did to be honest."
  • Yay
Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
Rucksack in hand, he wasted little time in cleaning his cooking space, to the best of his abilities given where there were this evening, and set upon emptying the bag of it's contents. He then proceeded to, skin, chop, and mince when required, leaving behind a neatly piled miniature mountain of vegetables for their stew. All that was required was to set up a pot over the flame he had going and they would have a proper dinner for this night. The thought should of brought a smile to his face, as what man didn't like to eat, but the mentioning of his family seemed to hang over his head.

"Thank you Templar Skuld... I believe it eases the heart to believe he no longer suffers..." He continued with his brave face a weak smile offered before he cleared his throat and pressed on. "And yes, I wouldn't be surprised if you in fact did run into a few... House Banick is a rather large and lively bunch..."

He was sure to keep his voice as neutral as possible as to not tip his hand. How he felt about the Vel Anir nobles was his own feelings to harbor. Good or bad, he didn't want his emotions to get the best of him and have his thoughts on display. So as stated, Keiran remained neutral and moved the conversation along, following her gaze to the city. "About a days ride out I'd say.... I take it you are heading there?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Skuld Zajac
He caught her attention with his comment about the city. She looked back to him, her expression a bit softer before her stern gaze returned.

"Yes, I am in need of herbs for my potions. My trip into the woods between Vel Anir and the Falwood was cut short. Thankfully non violent but the folk that life there are...interesting." Skuld informed the man, her tone rather bland for the thousand yard stare she had for a moment.

"I'm hoping they have a good supply of herbs being so late." Skuld pondered aloud as she began setting gear inside of the tent.
  • Yay
Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
"Been down to the Falwood once before... Curious folk.. Curious creatures as well..." Keiran said in reply to her travels. "I'm sure you can find what you need.... If there is a market for it, someone has to be selling it."

While Skuld put her belongings away in her tent, Keiran busied himself by rummaging through his saddle bag he had moved beside his bedroll. Soon enough a small cast iron pot was pulled free and held against the fire light to inspect, making sure no grit or grime had be left behind from it's last use. Happy with it's current state, he set it aside and moved on to the next matter, finding a piece of wood long enough to thread through the hanging chain. Being that he had roasted a rabbit earlier, he had already fashioned two wooden tripods on either side of the fire to hold the rabbit above the flame. In his musing over the current state of affairs concerning his family, Keiran had not taken the chance to tear it down, and now, found himself thankful for not doing so. Happy with the long arm sized branch he had found earlier, he set up the pot and positioned it over the camp fire.

If was now that Keiran came to realize he was humming. The men in the garrison often sung or hummed to keep sane while their busy work consumed their days and he was beginning to realize he had picked up a new habit. Opting to continue on, he prepared their meal, first using the fat of the rabbit to grease the pot and adding diced wild onions, only when the fat had melted. A moment would pass and when the onions browned, he added in the rabbit meat to cook next. He continued preparing their dinner, adding the rest of the ingredients and even sneaking in some ale for added flavor. Hunched over the put, one could easily mistake him for a witch, brewing some wild concoction.
The man also knew of the Falwood, which meant she didn't have to explain to deeply how she now held the place in distrust. Camping there in her younger years had been fine, but as a Templar camping peacefully seemed much harder to accomplish.

All the while she worked, and hadn't noticed the man beginning to hum as he worked, and surprisingly didn't find the noise grating. A small smirk appeared as she rolled out her bedroll and rolled up the saddle blanket before setting it at the head of the bedroll. She placed a spare bit of canvas cloth over the saddle blanket, heading out of the tent in time to see the fellow hunched over the fire.

She watched him for a moment, listening to him hum before she rummaged through her last bag and found another wine skin for later.

"I'm sure there is someone selling, just a matter of finding their shop. Hard to make potions and the like without ingredients." Skuld spoke quietly, watching the man work over the stew as she set the war hammer at the entrance to her tent before finding a seat by the fire.
  • Yay
Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
"Well... What's life with out a little adventure ey?" He turned slightly to face her and offer a small grin. "Stew should be ready in a bit."

Ladle placed on the side of the pot, he returned to his spot on his bed roll and sat down with a low groan, evidence of the long day he had.

"If you don't mind the company, I was planning on heading to the city myself... Little sense not traveling together if we're heading in the same direction... Of course, no pressure at all..." He then cleared his throat, knowing full well he was blabbering. Damn had he to much to drink already? "Just don't expect the cheery company that I am now... I am told I have a tendency to scowl.... Or at last furrow my brow."
  • Yay
Reactions: Skuld Zajac
Skuld nodded as the man spoke of adventures, the exasperated sigh she made a clear sign of her opinion on the matter.

"Somethings I wish did not require an adventure to complete. But it certainly gives one the opportunity to meet new people." Skuld added to her earlier sigh.

He spoke of joining her to travel to the city, and after thinking while he continued to speak, she shrugged. "I would not mind the company. You may join me. And do not worry about the scowling. I've been told much the same."
  • Yay
Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
Keiran nodded in response to her comment about adventures. There were truth in her words, as sometimes the most mundane of tasks could end up taking up much of ones time or even worse, spiral into some unpredictable ride that you have no choice but to endure. There was much of said experience in his time in the garrison and as he was finding out now, much of those in the open world.

"Well won't we be the pair.... Scowling as we ride into city. The Sullen Company.. Has a ring to it." He teased as he looked away and to the stew. It was beginning to bubble and boil but there was still a bit more time for it to cook over. "So from one weary traveler to another, might I bother you to regale me with a tale of your journey's? I still have friends in the garrison who would love to hear or such. Of course feel welcome to tell me to sod off, I'll take no offense."

Perhaps Keiran was pressing his luck. Perhaps he was being to bold in asking her to spin him a tale of her travels. The battles he experienced where moments which haunted him for not all where moments of glory. He was asking her to relive such a moment for his benefit. Selfish no doubt but weaved with in that request was an honesty. He wished to learn more of his present company and he chose to do so in a open fashion. Say what you will about MacArhtur's and the rest of the Highland folk... They were honest people.
  • Yay
Reactions: Skuld Zajac
She gave him a small laugh as he commented about them scowling into the city. Their expressions would certainly dissuade anyone from approaching them so early in the day for sure, never mind the presence of armor on her person.

His request for a tale was met with a moment of hesitation as she looked to her boots for a moment. Her expression becoming sad for a time as she became lost in memories of her past deeds. She chewed her lip for a long minute, one tale coming to the surface as she drew a heavy breath.

"There was this small village, I cannot recall where save for being near the border between Vel Anir and Alliria, as the Black Rose tends to follow rumors and leads as opposed to staying in the cities and waiting." Skuld began quietly, her eyes looking to the fire but seeming to look far beyond the small lapping flames.

"We had heard that a few children and vagabonds had gone missing. We thought it was worth our time to search for signs of dark magic, the young being more easily swayed to it's call, and the unknown faces would never be missed." She continued, her fingers messing up the grass beside her.

She was quiet for a several breaths, collecting her thoughts before continuing. Her eyes in the firelight were becoming shiny, and she swallowed hard before continuing.

"We asked around the village for leads, asking about the missing children. Who was seen doing what, so on." She continued staring into the fire as she spoke.
  • Yay
Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
"Children... Heavens..." Keiran heard himself saying. He too experienced the ordeal of searching for for missing people. Out on the frontier, the displacement of entire villages was a common occurrence thanks to raids from nomadic tribes. The request to finding someone missing was far to common. Still, having dealt with something similar did not mean it made hearing about this tale all the easier.

"I fear happy endings are something reserved for children's stories..." He went on to say to her. Keiran's eyes would meet her own if she so chose to look away from the fire. He hoped he had simply spoke out of turn and there was indeed a happy ending. That look she had suggested otherwise however.
  • Yay
Reactions: Skuld Zajac
She did not reply to his first comment, but the second one received her attention, her eyes showing grief at his words. "Most every tale told to children is made to bolster them against a cruel world in hopes they never have to face the evils that plague it." She replied quietly.

She sat quietly, her gaze falling back to the fire as the munching of grass the only sound to break the silence between them.

"A few of the villagers told us they had seen some strange things in the woods of late, and we began our search there." Skuld finally spoke, her eyes quickly darting to her hands neatly folded in her lap as she continued.

"It didn't take more than a few days to find those missing. One of the vagabonds had fought against their captor, but he had long been dead. The children and few others were under the thrall of a dark mage somehow." Her hands trembled slightly as her story drug on.

"The children did not respond to our calls, and the mage set them upon us with knives. I was still fresh to the order, not yet hardened agasint such horrors and earned several cuts and stabs from them. My commander though..." Her voice trailed a little at the end, becoming nearly a whisper as her hands shook at the memory. Tears threatened to spill as she took a deep breath, steadying herself before looking to the man across from her.

"We dealt with the mage, and all that he had made. The villagers mourned, some blaming us for not coming sooner. We left shortly after telling them of the fate that had taken those that were missing." Skuld took a brief second, squeezing her hands tightly and using the slight pain to will away the memory and tears.

"The Black Rose does what it can, but we are not a welcome sight. We seldom have happy tales to share. Only warnings, and grief." Skuld informed him as she turned, plucking the wine skin out from her satchel and taking a long swig.

She set the skin down in her lap and thought upon all the other memories he carried with her. Her gaze falling upon the man once more.

"I imagine the garrison has had its fair share of stories to share. Perhaps a bit less disheartening than what I can share?" Skuld half asked, her tone carrying just a sliver of hope behind it.
  • Yay
Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
He listened to her tale and found he had gotten what he wanted and because of that, he immediately fell free of the happy drunken... Well tipsy, state she had found him in, and felt anger towards himself. What had he expected to hear from a Templar? A whimsical tale? He had a been a fool, he knew this now. He wanted to apologize to her. Not for having to answer his childish request but for the fact she had to experience such a thing.

He was in the midst of doing so when he opened his mouth but soon closed it. Doing so would be a disservice to her he ultimately decided. Her life no doubt was one of hardships. But it was a life Templar Skuld seemed to have chose. There was a definite strength in leading such a life, he saw and respected that. Instead, he gave into her request, summoning a small grin to try and lighten the mood.

"Weis was he name... The lad was knob... As dense as rock with a head as hard as one... Not the sort you want managing your funds... City kid, knack for trouble.. That sort... I'm not sure how we ended up here but the lads and I are were enjoying a bit ale in the mess... Learn o'll Weis had never seen a duck in his life... I mean, he was from the city and well not much space for ducks there... Any way in a drunken state, we think it's wise to go wandering to this pond not to far off from the garrison... We were determine to show young Weis what a duck look like... So here we are, a drunken party of 5, looking like one of those heroic parties of adventures in the old tales... Only we don't look much heroic and we are stumbling about more then we should have been..." Keiran said in between pauses, the glow of the warm campfire framing his face as he recalled this particular story.

"We come upon the pond and start moving through the reeds, thinking we can scare a few ducks out... And then we hear Weis shouting." Keiran was trying his best not to laugh now. "Oy... I found one... Big fella! Large fella!What a neck!"

"Now Templar Skuld, you look like the sort who knows a thing or two about ducks, and though arguably, some may appear big... Large is a stretch... And they especially do not have long necks... But there's young Weis standing there inching towards his duck... Only when we look we don't see a duck.... Before we could warn him we hear this hiss... And boy what a hiss.. This bird was pissed and rightly so... See young Weis had never seen a duck so it shouldn't be a surprise to hear he never saw a goose either! To him all birds that swam were one in the same!" Keiran was laughing now, recalling what came next.

"Never had there been a more epic clash between man and bird! It was as if to titans laid into each other with water splashing and feathers raining down behind a chorus of cries and cursing from young Weis. The goose attacked like a ferocious lion and we learned something else about Weis... The lad could run! I swear it was as if he could run on water the way he tore through the pond with a wild goose taking chase.... From that day on he was known as Weis the Blessed for this miracle.. From time to time we would paint a goose sigil upon his shield to remind him of his humble beginnings...He was our best runner though, I'll tell you that much." Keiran finished his tale, laughter getting the best of him. Silently he hoped that his story would lift her spirits, it seemed the Templar needed a break from the dark.
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Reactions: Skuld Zajac
Skuld listened to his tale, the wine coming to her lips a few more times before she let it settle in her lap as she became intrigued more and more by the story he was telling her. Several times she had to stifle a laugh, or at least cover her mouth as she coughed in lieu of laughing outright. "I have seen my fair share of ducks, yes."

The young lad in the tale seemed hardly the sort to fit among the garrison, but most had to start somewhere in their careers and not everyone began with the training that children of notable warriors had. The bit about titans clashing had her outright laughing, and the cheerful smile was true as she wiped a tear away from laughing so much.

He finished his story, and her laughter was slow to die out. "Goodness, that is certainly one way to find a skill. Geese tend to be a nasty bit of fowl, and tend to inspire such reactions." Skuld was still smiling when she looked over the man in earnest. She appreciated the company, and more so the distraction he had offered her. The memories sometimes haunted her sleep, but even this small reprieve was welcome.

She and Commander Goldwater never had an easy time of things, especially when they went separate ways to scout out rumors. She hoped that this would not be the only chance to feel human for a while. In the Black Rose's line of work, there was little chance of letting down the wall of apathy that shielded them from dealing with the fallout of emotions that came with handling the monsters that lurked in the world.

She allowed herself to smile a bit longer. Her fingers trailing over the wine skin in her lap as she tried to think of any good thing she had done with the Templars. All of their victories came at a cost though, every single achievement wearing a heavy mantle of cost behind it. She cast away the thoughts as she tried to simply enjoy the company of another that did not have to worry about such things.

"So Mr. McArthur, what has you outside and about the hills? Certainly not trying to woo fearsome warriors are we?" Skuld asked, her smile still present as a little bit more cheer was present in her tone. The wine began to take hold and alleviate some of the tension that she had been holding onto from her story.
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Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
As his own laughter died down, Keiran found his eyes drawn to Skuld. Her laugh was whimsical and her smile charming and he found the vision before he was very different from the image he had drawn up in his head. That was the problem with gossip, you often were only presented with one side of someones story. Keiran was beginning to think he liked this side better.

Moving to tend to the stew, he finally removed his sword and belt as he found himself comically struggling to move given how he was seated. Ladle in hand, he stirred and sighed happily as the smell of their dinner wafted up. Back to his saddle back, he fished out two wooden bowls and spoons and hurriedly began to serve. Finally the silence between them broke as the Templar asked her question just as he was offering her the bowl of stew.

"Please, Keiran will do just fine... And it is nice to see that my attempts of wooing have not gone unnoticed... Nice to know I am still charming." Keiran said through a grin. "I speak in jest of course...Truth be told, I was ordered to leave the city... To clear my head.. The Banick's, in their infinite wisdom believe me unfit to lead my clan... They didn't outright say it... But it was there..." He scoffed as he remembered the conversation he had just days earlier.

"When I was younger and no less prone to being a fool, I accepted a challenge from a nobleman... I thought the whole matter to be harmless... Men being foolish while drinking... We fought... And I drew blood first, which was to mark the winner as agreed upon... This noble took great offense to this however... Next thing I know, the honor of my family was being questioned and my head was wanted on a pike... Through suggestion of the Banick's, I was to be punished by serving a total of five years in service to the kingdom by way of joining the garrison... What better way to serve my people and win back honor then by protecting the lands... As such I have only served four years.. I was allowed to come back because of the passing of my father... Yet nobles are not keen on forgetting what is owed and as such, I still have a year of service left... I am to act out as a agent for the Banick's as to my understanding and will serve where they send me.... So I suppose my first task as their agent was to come here and calm myself... I am told I have a fiery spirit and well, I was not thrilled that in my clan's time of need, I will not be there to lead them. Instead the Banick's will appoint someone to do so until time served I suppose..." He spoke with a neutral tone though it was clear he felt a particular away about what had recently transpired.
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Reactions: Skuld Zajac
She accepted the stew, giving him a slightly amused smile at his comment of still being charming. Listening intently while she ate, he told of her of his current situation, dealing with nobles that seemed to have him in their palm.

She nodded as he finished speaking, half of the stew gone before she spoke. "Good stew if I might say so. And regarding the nobles, you might keep a watchful eye on who they appoint. As you probably well know they do not make decisions on whims. They seem to have a game they play amongst themselves and those lower than them tend to be the pawns." She advised him.

While she did not have a noble looking over her shoulder as he did, she knew well enough from years gone about the idle chatter from former clients that had been nobles. They always seemed to be vying for more power, attempting to maneuver people into place to garner favors as they needed.

"How has your clan handled your absence? I cannot imagine the heir being sent away has sat well with them?" Her curiosity got the better of her as she asked bluntly about the matter.
Her words rang true. He liked to think that the McArthurs harken back to a simplier time when all that mattered was a mans word and a sworn oath. Highlanders were known as strong warriors but they could not seem to get a grasp for intrigue. Sure when it came to the battlefield, they could be damn right tricky, using the terrain to their advantage and any other tricks to best their opponents. However, the Highlanders were to narrowed minded, choosing not to get involved with matters outside the battlefield and choosing to separate court issues, not realizing that more often then not, that battles often begun on the tongue of nobles before even the first foot soldier took a step.

He knew to be of some service, he had to change the way of thinking of his people and so he would play his part to ensure they lived on.

"Not too thrilled, as I was told.... I was to serve as Alderman once more father made the official move to the city... Because of this.. Offense, my sister and her husband have since filled that roll.. But now that my father is gone... That leaves a seat unfilled in the city... If they put someone of their choosing in that seat, who voices the concern of my people?" He paused going over his dilemma. "There a few elders who could do so... But a real leader is needed... My uncle would have been perfect if he had not been a arse... Much like me he offended the wrong person and was sent away... Wait... you think that makes me an arse too?"

At least Keiran was able to pluck the humor from his situation and joked, going as far to shrug his shoulders in defeat then raise his bowl in a mock toast. "To being an arse!"
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Reactions: Skuld Zajac