Quest A Sinful Reunion.

Organization specific roleplay for governments, guilds, adventure groups, or anything similar

Elise Darkwater

Dread weaver
Character Biography
Luna wasnt enjoying her trip. It had been a year since she had seen anyone. Bastellen had abandoned her, and sent her and her sisters each on a separate task. She had wandered the tundra as she always had. Reverting back to her older, wilder state. Luna's calm had changed.

A calm that had seemed cold at the worst, or cute at best had changed to one of a dangerous calm. She was truly a wolf again. So when she had been called t the city....


Luna had made it to the forest outside before any trouble had dared cross her. A group of bandits. They lasted merely a moment. Barely able to tell her to stop or command her to give them anything they were cut down.

Luna left. Her white cloak and clothes abandoned as she pulled on the spare clothes of one of the women in the group. Leaving the bodies of her would be murderers dangling in the tree line along the path. She entered the city just like the rest. Even if as she walked there seemed to be a consistent 3 foot circle around her as people would shove and trip over each other to not be next to her.

The city and surrounding towns had been a buzz lately. A rise in crime had been cut down savagely by some unknown mage wielding a dark energy and commanded great power. She had left none alive, and those that had not been torn to pieces had been found drained to husks.

The victims were all violent criminals and not a single civilian, even the ones that were would be victims and more than capable of joining the criminals in the body count. However not a single innocent had been harmed. Many people pondered over who this protector of the city was, Some thought it was an ex mage from the college cleaning the streets, others (The more spiritual.) thought it might be the ghost of a murdered girl reeking havoc on the criminal underworld that had been responsible for her death. No one really knew and were left to their pondering.

But Luna knew.

It was what led her to the seedy tavern deep in the projects where most of the poor and cut throats congregated. It had taken a few days, but eventually she had been approached. It was a quick job. Get into the nobles house.

Strip it to planks and kill all the witnesses. The reaper had struck enough fear in the criminal gangs to send most of them under ground. All that was left were those that were too good to get caught and those too stupid to know the danger they were in. Her group fell into the "Stupid" category. They also seemed desperate for man power as they asked few questions before welcoming Luna aboard.

The less each thief knew about each other the better. Guards had a hard time squeezing info from someone who knew nothing. This philosophy had suited Luna well regardless of the reasoning.

She was well built, dangerous looking, and inhumanely quiet. These qualities seemed to be the only resume she required as she soon found herself outside the nobles house in the dead of night.

They had a woman on a roof of the house opposite them keeping lookout. The guy they had brought on as a lock pick unlocked the door but before they entered... The man picking the lock stood and brushed of his pants ready to push the door open before he paused. His hand resting on the doors handle.

"You 'ear tha?" He asked as Luna nodded. Her hood on. The shadows of the night seeming to embrace her cloaking her face. "She's here." She muttered simply. Her voice sounded rough and hard. Any who had heard it before her seperation would notice her soft gentle tone had been twisted by her year in solitude.
tap, tap, tap. Soft measured footfalls on the cobblestones. A shadow approached. A visible dark aura surrounded them, dressed in a dark coat, face hidden by a tricorner hat, white hair tied in a ponytail and loss strands blowing in the wind, the blood of the lookout dripping from her sword.

She looked up eyes white and glazed over. For a moment there was a look of surprise on her face as she made eye contact with Luna but it was quickly gone. In a split second, a needle-thin tentacle lurched from the darkness around her and planted itself between the lockpick's eyes. There was a trickle of blood and then he collapsed. The other thieves stared in shock at their fallen comrade. Before they could turn back on their attacker she had closed the distance, her sword sticking out between the ribs of one of the men. He slid off her sword with a squelch. The last two turned to run and were almost instantaneously skewered by a hundred black needles. The needles retracted and they fell to the ground their blood beginning to pool on the cobbles. And Luna stood alone.

Seemingly ignoring Luna she took the book strapped to her side and opened it up. It started glowing with a black aura levitating from her hand and a river of dark energy began flowing from each of the fresh corpses filling the book till it had had it's fill. The book had been well fed lately, bindings nearly bursting with the life force of the condemned.

The book gently floated back down to her hands and she closed it before slipping it back in its case at her side. Then and only then did she look at Luna, her eyes having returned to their usual green.

"Hello sister, I almost didn't recognize you."
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Reactions: Syn Ba'al
“I could say the same.” Luna said dismissively. “He called me here from my time in the tundra. You seem...well adjusted....finally started widening your stance..” She muttered.

Awkward conversations were standard with Luna. The woman rarely said much to begin with. She pulled back her hood to get a better look at her pupil.

Having no mirror she hadn’t noticed how much she had changed. The sides and back of her hair had been shaved cleanly. Leaving the top of her hair a braided, dreadlocked mohawk of sorts.

The left side of her face had nasty scars from a set of claws running from her left ear to her mouth and part of her right ear seemed to have been chewed off along with a set of teeth marks from some sort of demented creature that ran from her the top of the right side of her neck to her shoulder.

Her right eye was normal but her left was simply a black orb. While it still had its eyelid it didn’t blink when Luna’s normal eye did. It didn’t seem to do anything in fact but one still felt like they were being watched by it.

She looked more dangerous than Eleanor had ever seen her, and her aura would tell the tales of her hardship.

Having changed from true calm to something that seemed to fluctuate between murderous rage, and deeply depressing sorrow.

“You weren’t easy to find.” She said simply. “Though I’m sure you didn’t want to be.” She said softly. “Do you have somewhere we can stay for the night and discuss our master?” She asked.


If Eleanor reacts shockingly or disgusted to Luna’s changes she would then pull her hood back up before asking about the room.

Should she reacts with carrying or makes no mention Luna will keep it down.
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Reactions: Syn Ba'al
Eleanor looked over Luna, she had changed a lot since she had last seen her. New scars adding to the numerous old ones. Her hair was done in a new style and her left eye stared back at Eleanor, a dark void pulling her in. She stared into that eye seeing more than others might, seeing the pain and isolation, the brutal wild existence that Luna had endured. She wanted to reach out and cup Luna's cheek but she didn't.

Instead, she spoke, "So he really did leave you. I wasn't sure if he really meant it when he told me," she flicked the blood off her sword before sheathing it. "I have a place, I can put on some tea and we can have a proper talk." She said turning and heading down the street.

After walking for some time they came to the back door to a two-story streetside building. Even as Eleanor reached for the door there was a klick and when she turned the handle the door was unlocked. The two fo them passed into a little back room with a door on the right and a stairway on the left. Eleanor climbed up the dark stairway not bothering with a light.

Once Luna had entered the door behind her closed and the lock clicked. Eleanor came to the top of the stairs opening another door into an open room flooded with moonlight from a high window. The candles about the room all lit themselves and the door closed behind Luna again. Eleanor went to put a log in the fireplace, it bursting spontaneously into flames before moving off to the half of the room that made up the kitchen.

A comfortable couch sat in front of the fire along with an armchair, a blanket was thrown over the back of the couch. A rug lay across the wood floor and small side tables with books stacked on and around them framed the couch. A pot of flowers sat in a vase sat on the coffee table, yellow and purple dahlias. It all looked quite cozy.

Eleanor returned with a teapot full of water and hung it over the fire to boil. "So sister, It seems it is finally time. All of the pieces are almost assembled and we are being called back together."
Luna gave a grunt of affirmation. She had been silent the whole way over.

Though she was now inside and safe Luna still sat on the floor next to the door as strained as a taunt bow string. Her eyes constantly roamed around the room looking for danger ignoring the comfortable couch and the roaring fire completely. She unbuckled her cloak and drew out one of her long hunting knives.

Drawing out a whet stone she began to sharpen it. Some nervous tics never changed it seemed. She paused for a moment as she noticed a black mark of dirt and sweat running up her arm and licked it up like a dog cleaning itself no...not a dog..a wolf. She watched Eleanor with the teapot.

"It seems that way." She said. "So..." She said sinking the knife into the wood next to her. "He still speaks to you.." She asked the question like a gun being cocked. Luna had always suffered silently assuming the others were having just as hard a time, but it seemed she had truly suffered alone.

She was happy to see Eleanor doing well, but she was the one who had first heard his whispers, kept the shrine going for all those years...

She had suffered time and again for him...But it was Eleanor he had decided to speak to.
Not her.
Eleanor he had sent to the city.
Taken care of.

He had left Luna to the tundra.
With nothing.

Her grip tightened on the knife hard enough for it to shake. She took a deep breath.
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Reactions: Eleanor Griffin
When Luna stabbed the knife into the floor Eleanor flinched. It would be difficult to fix the damaged wood, she tried to keep the place as nice as she could, a sanctuary away from all the dirty work she had to do. She could tell Luna was getting agitated. She listened carefully to everything Luna had to say as she took out two cups and using some aura she accelerated the water to a boil. She poured the tea into the cups and went over to where Luna was sitting. Eleanor sat down on the floor across from her and placed the cup on the floor in front of Luna, cupping her own closs to her.

"Its Jasmin, I remember you made that one for me often." She said blowing gently on her own tea before continuing "I'm sorry you had to be alone for so long. He didn't want to leave you all but he needed to go unnoticed for a while or risk another extinction. It was for your own protection. He separated us to keep the opposition from finding us. For some reason, he was able to still speak with me without them detecting... perhaps for the same reason I could see him before I even had a mark. He needed me to keep an eye on our enemies in the city, and to grow in power so that I would be ready to assemble the armor when the time was right."
“Right, for my own protection...” Luna muttered. Draining the tea in one gulp.

“Like when the shrine crumbled to rubble after he left? Or when a coven of witches burned down my cabin? Or maybe he was protecting me while a demon wolf summoned by a witch gave me these!” She spat pointing to her new scars. “But no...It was for my protection..” She muttered her voice dropping back down as she simply sighed defeated.

“I don’t wish hard ship on you child..” She said in a voice no longer shaking with anger but shaking in sorrow. A normal tear ran down her cheek as a deep black one followed it from her left.

“It was just...So hard.. Every night... not even a whisper... from anyone..” She whimpered now finally safe with someone she loved she finally felt like she could let out every emotion she had locked away.

“I never thought I would ever..” Her voice broke as she moved to touch Eleanor but decided against it instead crossing her arms hugging herself her left eye never blinking as her other quickly became blood shot with sorrow.
Eleanor slowly moved up beside Luna her actions slow and deliberate so as not to startle her as she wrapped her arms around her. "You're not alone anymore," She whispered letting Luna cry in her arms.

Once Luna had had her fill of tears Eleanor let her go and pulled back so she could look at her properly.

"I think I have something that might help," She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a smooth black stone strung on a cord through a hole in the center. "I was practicing enchanting items and I made this. When wearing it you become unnoticeable to all the senses including spiritual magical and aura. It won't make you invisible but it will counteract the dark aura of fear we give off so that we can walk unnoticed. If you wear it you might be able to speak with Bastellen without risking detection by our enemies." She pressed the stone into Luna's hand.
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Reactions: Luna Slateforge
Luna tensed as she felt Eleanor wrap her arms around her, but quickly relaxed as she had her cry.

Feeling like the angry, sorrowful energy drain from her slowly. While it was mostly the emotional release Luna had a feeling Eleanor my have been helping the process along with her touch.

While comforting it also seemed to gently tug some of the excess energy whether the girl knew she was doing it or not Luna was grateful to feel safe and more in control of herself again.

“Thank you..pup..” she said using the affectionate nickname for the first time in a long time. She took the stone reverently placing it around her neck.

“Luna...” The voice of her master tickled her ear almost immediately. She straightened with her eyes wide. “M-master I..”

“Enough. You are angry with me. For good reason. And I left you. Also with good reason. There is no forgiveness needed to be asked or given.” He said cutting her off.

“Yes master.” She said pulling herself into a deep bow with a slight grunt of pain.

The shoulder with the massive bite scar seemed to be hurting her more than she would ever admit to anyone.

Luna was the type to die from a wound before she bothered anyone about it.

“I do not have much time child. Even with magic cloaking my presence I dare not risk speaking again until you are at the shrine. Go to Blackrock keep. On the way there you will find the others..I fear they may be in a bad way... Go to your sisters my children and enter Maywynns domain. I will be able to speak freely with you there.” And with that his presence left. The fire reignited and the room filled with light and warmth again.

Luna looked shaken. In her defense it had been almost a year before he had spoken to her. She silently looked to Eleanor questioningly silently asking if she had heard that too.
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Reactions: Eleanor Griffin
Eleanor nodded solemnly and stood up, "It seems we must prepare to travel," She said taking up a satchel which hung off the back of a chair and heading into the kitchen. She began stocking it with food. For a moment she forgot Luna was still there and blinked, Luna was still wearing the stone.

"Do you mind taking the stone off for now so we can have a proper conversation," Eleanor asked reaching into a top cabinet for a medical kit and some bandages. She stashed them in her bag and turned back to Luna. Once the Stone was removed it felt like a veil had been pulled back and she could look Luna in the eyes again.

"In addition to keeping an eye on our enemies in the city, I have also been learning more about the new portal stone locations. I have mapped out most of them. Where is Blackrock? I should be able to figure out the fastest route from here." Eleanor said opening a drawer beneath the counter and pulling out a map.
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Reactions: Luna Slateforge
“Near the reach outside of Aliria.” Luna said matter of factly as she placed the stone in her pocket.

“Bout 2 to 3 days journey from the He city proper if we keep a good pace.” She stood and stretched pouring herself another cup of tea. This one she savored. Sipping it slowly and thoughtfully as she spoke.

“So. You’ve been keeping an eye on our masters enemies here have you...what news of them?” Luna asked as she took another small sip of tea seeming to enjoy the aroma and being in hurry to leave at the moment.

At least not until she finished her tea..
Eleanor nodded "They seem to be laying low and gathering strength. Lady Armon is studying magic at the college and is quickly becoming quite adept. My former teacher has also been lingering in Elbion. I have a feeling it is because of me but she has not taken any direct action to try and intercept me. Though, I have no doubt she knows I have been in the city this entire time," She said rolling up the map and putting it in the satchel.

She put the satchel down on a chair and reached over the back of the couch where she had put her sheathed sword. Unsheathing it she perched on the back of the couch and began cleaning it with a rag before taking out a whetstone and running along the length of the blade methodically as she continued to talk.

"Things have been quiet for the most part. I mostly just practiced, honed my control of the void. I even made some small enchanted items like the stone I gave you." She briefly touched the green broch pinned at her collar before returning to sharpening her sword. "I made this, It filters the aura so it no longer hurts as badly to use the void. It gives me more control."

Eleanor noted Luna's new scars. They seemed to be hurting Luna more than she was willing to let on. Elanor sheathed the sword again and strapped it back to her belt before moving back to the kitchen and rummaging through one of the cabinets. shifting through bottles and jars of dried herbs, ointments, salves, and other medicinal items. She pulled a shallow glass jar out and turned back to Luna. Elanor could tell there was something unnatural about Luna's injuries and that they probably wouldn't heal like a normal wound but this particular slave was a bit stronger than your usual medicine. It was something she had bought off Quoril at one point anticipating it might come in handy but had never used.

"This should help with the aches and pains," She said holding it out. "It won't cure it but it should help with the pain." She explained. She wasn't exactly sure how it worked but if she remembered correctly it had a mix of some low-level toxin that numbed the skin and relaxed the muscles mixed with some alchemical herbs and aloe vera as a base.
Luna watched her pupil work and seemed to relax further. Her taunt bowstring of mental tension she had needed to maintain for survival.

She then saw her give her “The Look.” Luna didn’t know at what point her pupil had begun knowing her so well, but it always seemed all it took was enough eye contact and Eleanor always seemed to know what was bothering her no matter how well she hid it.

Physical pain or mental ills nothing seemed to escape the look she was giving Luna now. Until seeming satisfied with both her blade and the information the look had gathered promptly began to dig around for something after properly attaching her sword. She returned with a salve that would apparently help the wound.

“Am I allowed no secrets? Not even injuries?” She asked with a slight smile as she accepted the salve and smelled it. “Hmmm..seems that little elf is as good at potions as he is at causing spontaneous combustion. Which is to say expertly skilled.” She said with another slight smile as she thought of Quoril. If only the cult accepted males.. He was talented that one..

“Would you like to go anywhere before we take our leave? Our destination is one we will be at for a long time once we arrive.” Luna said as she threw her bag against the wall next to the door.

It seemed traveling and living like an animal for a year and a half was quite tiring and the mixture of tea, fire, and safety had gotten to the old priestess.

Even if she still looked young most people had to remind themselves how old she really was though no one had ever had the guts to ask her. Her breathing quickly slowed and her aura seemed to rest along with her.

Her left eye on the other hand did not close as her other eye did.
It remained open and unmoving like a pit of blackness given shape.
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Reactions: Eleanor Griffin
Eleanor was good at reading most people. She could sense auras in such a way as to almost taste them. Eleanor knew Luna better than she did most people, and she had felt a pain before that often mirrored Luna's pain. This made it easy to tell exactly what was bothering Luna.

As Luna's eye closed Eleanor reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We can wait until we have had some sleep before worrying about travel." She said gently leading Luna through the door into the bedroom. A cozy quilted double bed stood in the middle of the back wall in the small room. Moonlight streamed through a blue curtained window and a dresser against the other wall was cluttered with small items and a medium mirror.

Eleanor guided Luna over to the bed. "You can sleep here."
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Reactions: Luna Slateforge
Luna’s eye fluttered open as Eleanor guided her up. “I’m fine to leave..really..” She protested half heartedly.

The protest died as soon as she felt the softness of the quilt and sheets.

It had been so long since she’d been in a proper bed. She passed out right then and there face down. Her shoulder gave a creaky groan before relaxing as well.
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Reactions: Eleanor Griffin
Eleanor made sure Luna was comfortable pulling the quilt over her and tucking her in before returning to the main room, treading lightly so as not to disturb Luna. Though, She doubted a hurricane could disturb Luna at this point. She seemed exhausted, the kind of deep-seated exhaustion that drained your very soul.

Eleanor removed her sword setting it down against the wall by the fireplace. She took the tea kettle and poured the last of the tea into her cup sitting down on the couch and staring into the low burning fire, hands cupped around the warm china. Luna's question lingered in her mind. Did she want to go anywhere before they went to Blackrock? They had to pass through Alleria to get there anyway. They would be so close to her old home... so close to her old family. It would be so easy to go and see them... but that would never end well. It would be best if she just left them alone... though it would be nice to visit Terance's grave. She never really got a chance to say a proper goodbye. It felt right that she do so before moving into this new stage of her life.

Eleanor slowly sipped the tea as the fire died leaving her in the pale moonlight. She didn't bother lighting it again. She slowly rose and moving around the dim space with grace avoiding clutter and furniture with familiarity as she collected the dishes. She washed them and stashed them back in their cupboard before shrugging off her coat and throwing it over a chair. She loosened the silk of her cravat around her neck removing the broach and untying it. She pulled it from her neck and let it hang loosely in her hand as she stared at the slightly open door to the bedroom.

She had shared a bed with Luna so many times before, why did she pause now? before it had always been in Luna's home, in Luna's space... this was her home. Perhaps it was different.

She tossed the silk to join the coat and pulled off her boots balancing precariously on one foot before flopping down on the couch to sleep.
Luna’s eye opened slightly as morning came before widening. Spooked by her new surroundings she reached for the knife usually kept point down by her right hand as her brain caught up with her instincts. Eleanor’s house.

She relaxed with a sigh slowly struggling free of the sheets and quilt she touched the hard wood floor lightly. Withdrawing the salve Eleanor had given her she removed her shirt leaving her in a simple white chest wrap.

She applied it gently as it burned slightly before a warm numbness seemed to envelope the wound. She let it dry before pulling the shirt back on and slipping into a meditative pose. Her things were already packed and she assumed Eleanor was packed as well and if not then she was close.

Luna sat in a meditative position trying to take advantage of the some what quiet calm of the city before it woke and the hustle and bustle invaded her meditation.

She took deep calming breaths as she cleared her mind. Searching for even a glimpse of her masters presence.

“Looking for someone?” A female voice as cold ice froze her soul to its core as she felt icy hands close around her throat. She felt the hands pull her close. So close she could feel the breath on her cheek as Maywynn whispered.

“He will speak to you when you arrive.” Luna felt the hands release her as she tried to regain her lost breath.

The ghost of a finger slipped under her chin forcing her to stare into the glowing red eyes of the shadowy young girl. Her form seemed to constantly shift much like her masters.

But rather than changing identity she only seemed to flicker from solid to a Smokey liquid of void energy. Another cold finger brushed along her cheek. Running along the new scars.

“So...someone’s been busy... I guess talking to her didn’t end so well did it?” Maywynn said with a malicious cackle. “You stupid girl..” She chided softly. Her finger traced around the eye socket of the black orb.

“I’ve missed you sister.” She said with a giggle. “Don’t keep me waiting...or that eye will be the least of your problems..” Luna grit her teeth as her black eye glowed purple for a moment before Luna snapped back to reality with a gasp.

Sweat coated her forehead and a small trickle of blood ran down from her nose to her chin before gently dripping onto the floor rhythmically. The presence of Maywynn long gone.
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Reactions: Eleanor Griffin
Eleanor woke up early stretching and rolling her shoulders, stiff from having slept on the couch all night. "I really am getting soft," She scoffed to herself getting up and putting a log on the cold fire. A flame quickly flickered up with bearly even a thought as she moved to the kitchen. She put some tea on to boil then retrieved a pan and some bacon and eggs from the icebox. Setting the pan up on a tripod in front of the fire she let it heat before laying four pieces of bacon in the pan. They quickly began to sizzle as she gently pushed them around with a fork, the aroma of cooking bacon filling the house. When they were done she slid them onto a plate and scrambled four egg. She split the eggs and bacon evenly between two plates just as the sun began to come through the window. Putting the plates down on the kitchen table she took the tea kettle and poured two steaming cups of tea, setting the kettle down on a towel to keep it from burning the table.

Having set the table she moved towards the bedroom and gently pushed the door open to check on Luna. She saw Luna sitting on the floor and smiled. Good, she was awake. A frown flashed across her face when she saw the blood dripping from Luna's nose.

"Oh dear, what happened?" Eleanor said kneeling down by Luna pulling a handkerchief from her pocket and gently pressing it to Luna's face to catch the blood.
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Reactions: Luna Slateforge
“I-I’m fine..” She said after a moment. Struggling and squirming in her friends grasp like a child as she tried to wipe the blood before seeming to realize her childishness and submit to sitting still and allowing Eleanor to clean the blood from her nose.

She stood slowly leaning on her student to help her up with a suppressed groan before she got to her feet and made her way to the table.

“The meal looks amazing. When did you learn how to cook?” Luna asked with a ghost of a smile playing in her lips. Granted she was just trying to change the subject, but in her defense the food did look quite good.

She dove in almost unable to contain herself before her student could press her for anything else.
A combination of desperately avoiding a pressing topic and the fact she had been living on raw to slightly cooked meat of various animals meant the allure of cooked bacon and eggs was too much for the priestess.

The plate was cleaned in moments and soon she was sipping her tea. She seemed to notice how impolite she had just been after the second sip. A slight blush began to spread to her pale cheeks. “Sorry.. I guess I didn’t realize how much I missed bacon..” She said apologetically.
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Reactions: Eleanor Griffin
Eleanor laughed a wide smile on her face. "It's fine I'm glad you like my cooking," She said taking a bit of her own food. "I learned how to cook from Valkery. She said to learn magic I needed to know how to do basic life stuff first like cooking and lighting a fire." A sad wistful smile crossed her face and she started off out the window at the dawn sky. Biting her lip she looked back at Luna, "You know how you asked me if I wanted to go anywhere before we went to Blackrock. Well, I was wondering, since we were going to go through Alliria anyway-" She paused and took a deep breath "I would like to visit Terance's grave."
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Reactions: Luna Slateforge
“Oh..Yes..of course pup..” Luna said. The ghost of a smile played across her features. Luna was in no hurry to run to Maywynn, and perhaps this would be a positive step for Eleanor.

An opportunity to bid farewell to a life she never got to truly put the past behind her. The mention of a name.

Valkery. “We wouldn’t be bumping into your old mentor now would we child?” Luna said with a slightly raised eyebrow.

“I don’t remember her enjoying my presence or being particularly friendly during our last meeting.” She said standing and clearing off her mess at the table. She then left Eleanor to finish her breakfast, double checking her bags to make sure she was ready to leave when her pupil was.

After a nice meal and a good nights rest she felt ready to travel.

Even as the unfamiliar voice licked her ears she put it behind her and foucused on the task ahead.
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Reactions: Eleanor Griffin
Eleanor paused with her fork in her mouth, Thinking on Luna's question before finishing her bite, "I don't know. I would hope not. But there is always the possibility. Now that you mention it I haven't seen her or felt her aura in Elbion for over a week. I know she had been working for my family, if she is still being funded by them then she might be visiting them. I don't know how much she has told them about my situation. Though I can't imagine she told them the whole story. Let just hope we don't have to deal with any of that." She said finishing up her food. She washed the dishes and set them up to dry. She grabbed her coat from the back of her chair and pulled it on, pulling on her boots hopping on one leg. She tied her cravat around her neck and tucked it in. pinning the broch at her throat and pulling on her gloves. She buckled her sword belt around her waist and donned her tricorner hat.

Her attire had a neet precision that took her from casual and homely to someone not to be trifled with. One could see from the way she carried herself that she was of noble birth. When Luna had first met Eleanor she had been so broken and scared. Luna hadn't ever really seen Eleanor like this before.

"Alright, I made sure everything was packed before I went to bed last night. If you are ready to head out we can leave." Eleanor said grabbing her pack from the floor and slinging it over her shoulder.
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Reactions: Luna Slateforge
“Lead the way child. I’m sure you know the city far better than I..” Luna said with a small smile of satisfaction at seeing her pupil finally showing confiedence that befitted a child of her prowess and position. A far cry from the scared pup Luna has found at her altar in the tundra.

Luna stood with a sigh and strapped on her hunting knives before pulling on a mask and pulling on a hooded cloak. She finally shouldered her bag and strapped her sword to her back with a slight wince that she hid extremely well.

With all that finished she would pull up the mask and hood to hide her less than pleasant features before walking to the door and opening it for Eleanor beckoning her through politely.
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Reactions: Eleanor Griffin
Eleanor gave Luna a cocked smile her gaze going soft before passing through the door and heading down the stairs. It was strange. It seemed as if her and Luna had switched places. She was the one leading the way, and Luna was the fragile damaged soul looking to her for support and guidance. Luna was no longer her mentor, there was nothing that Luna could teach her anymore and she no longer needed Luna's protection, though she did like Luna's friendship.

They exited the house into the back street and Eleanor locked the door behind her.

"Alright, It's still early, if we use the portal stones we should easily be able to reach Alliria before nightfall," She said adjusting her pack as she turned and headed down the street.