Fable - Ask A New Warren

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
As if it were perfectly synced, Ivy and Giibi alleviated their choking. She wanted something to drink, and fortunately, one of the workers gave her a mug of some brown liquid, which seemed to her the drinks of this place. She grabbed it and took a sip. It was bitter tasting, but at least it wasn't puddle water she would often drink on the streets. It was a little refreshing to her. Everyone around her was chatting about, having a good time. Ivy just sat there in silence, not knowing what to say. Though timid she was, she did like the company. It was less lonely for her now. She felt a tight grab at her sleeve as Giibi seemed to jump for joy. Something about dessert? She is not familiar with the term, as she hasn't learned much of the customs of this place in her months having lived here.

"Dessert? What is a dessert?" She asked Giibi curiously, still reeling from being shakened up from her glees.

Giibi Miz'ri Rook Tehi Sig
The young man was still having a hard time keeping his eyes on Tehi's own, but he was doing himself proud by managing somehow! At her comment he frowned slightly. Hiding one's beauty. Beauty not being allowed. It was hard to disagree with that way of looking at it. It was true they were hiding their natural beauty from each other in a way, but it was also not exactly about that. Well not fully about that. Some of the more prudish certainly liked to make it all about hiding what was natural.

"You are beautiful. Can be beautiful! Allowed to be.... Not that you aren't! You are...."

Doing great. Smooth as a grind stone and as discreet as one too.

Rook had to take a moment to collect himself. During this time she had agreed to help him with the chopping and the fishing. He smiled to her and began, "Sounds gre-"

Like the clapping of thunder, Ciaran burst into the tavern and joined their table. She was almost as energetic as Giibi. Almost. And then came an introduction and demand for stories.

By Alliria she was as pretty as she was bold. Make for a dangerous combination here in the Shallows. His gaze was on her for a bit before he looked at how everyone else was responding. Miz'ri was delighted. Sig was still mopping. Ivy and Tehi seemed confused. The later taking up the challenge of telling a story. And Giibi was still going full goblin which meant chaos.

The chaos started was somehow over sonnet being turned into cinnamon roll and dessert. This caused a wave of expectation for dessert to wash over about half the group immediately. Great. He knew that Giibi knew what a sonnet was and it wasn't a dessert. It was music. Was she messing with the newcomer or trying to angle for more food? He wouldn't say no to more food himself, but now everyone wanted dessert....

Rook sighed and said as he stood up. "I'll be back." He looked over to Ciaran and smiled. "Welcome to the table. Most of us don't bite." He pointed towards Miz'ri and Giibi. "They do though so try not to get bite."

And with that he left the table once again. A little bit of his soup was even still left uneaten. A tragedy.

Rook walked over to the owner. A raised brow was directed his way as he gave a weak smile. "What would you need in exchange for dessert for the table?"

The owner let out a heavy sigh and began to count the growing number of heads at the table full of misfits.

Giibi Sig Miz'ri Tehi Ivy Ciaran
Sig’s lazy gaze moved from the blonde promising dessert over to Miz’ri. He had to say that she had a really nice plan. Minus the playing the prank on his ex-girlfriend. Luckily for him, Miz’ri could easily be distracted with something, and he felt that if they went to the beach, she’d spend plenty of time trying to catch a fish. Or yelling at him to catch one before tiring herself enough for a long nap in the shade.

Once more, his gaze was brought to the blonde newcomer. What was her name again? Right, Ciaran. And she wanted a story because she had money and could afford something like dessert. When Sig looked down at Miz’ri once more, into her inky black eyes that reflected his own face back at him with such clarity, he wished he was actually interesting.

There was no story that he could tell, unless he wanted to speak of Mother and her penchant for bathing him in dirty, cold water with his clothes still on. Oh, there was the time he had sneezed and she had accused him of trying to make her sick even though he hadn’t left the room in months. That one was kinda funny. They had had a good laugh a few days later when Mother began to give him his daily meal again.

Sig chuckled to himself, which surely seemed like he was laughing at something Miz’ri had said. That was a good memory, it had to be if it made him smile even now. He got up from the table, extracting himself from his friend and giving her a pat on the head.

I got a job.” He announced. “I’ll be home tonight.” Sig didn’t bother waving good bye as he stalked off, fiddling with his greasy hair. He’d make something from that memory, or maybe a few others added in, and then he could buy Miz’ri dessert himself.
"Oh you'll see!" Giibi said excitedly to Ivy. "Anything that tastes sweet is dessert! But dessert is expensive, way more expensive than something like ground grains or this soup here! Did you know bears attack beehives? Yeah! They don't even care; they get stung all over the face and they don't care because they get at that honey and they eat it all up because it's just that good!"

At last, probably as Warren was finishing working out the deal with Rook, Giibi finally realized:

"Wait, you haven't had dessert? Ever?? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat."

Ivy Rook Tehi Miz'ri
Giibi seemed to be excited for this dessert thing, though Ivy couldn't fully understand what she was taking about with bears (what is that?) and beehives (something she might be a little familiar with). But she was a little curious nonetheless.

"It sounds good" She quietly replied. She continued to lick her bowl and fingers, as she finished whatever was left of her warm meal. But then without warning, Giibi made her realization. It was so random, even after the fact she had to ask her what dessert was. It was a little sad for her and embarrassing. She looked down at her dirty bare feet, and shook her head no.

"Alls I ever get here was scraps from trash pits and whatever leftovers peoples would gives me when I went out to beg" She replied sadly.

Giibi Rook Miz'ri Tehi Sig
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