When a couple heard the wails of a child, at first they thought it was a wild animal. Opening their door with a lamp to light their way, they soon came across Erzulia wandering in their fields. She spoke a language other than theirs and despite clearly being a child, she was already as tall as the woman. They didn’t take to her right away, tried to scare her off, but she kept coming back. Finally they took her in and Erzulie got to have a family— unable to remember if she ever had one before.
Erzulie is easily as mesmerizing as a siren’s song and she loves to enhance her features with make up and fashion. She’ll refuse to leave her house without looking presentable and she takes pride in her skill in looking her best. Tall and extremely curvaceous, it’s clear that Erzulie has managed her figure but hasn’t trained her muscles. She appears soft and smooth, embracing her romantic rounded shoulders and hips, unashamed of her height and the room she takes up. Really, she finds herself to be the most beautiful woman in all of Arethil, past, present and future.
There are some unique, uncanny features about Erzulie though that can be off-putting, although no one has ever told her as such. She only has a total of 8 fingers and toes, missing the middle finger and toe. Her teeth tend to be pointy and sharp, and she has 4 extra teeth compared to humans. Every decade, Erzulie will lose all her teeth and get new ones. No one is sure how many times this will repeat. What’s most obviously unusual about her, other than her height, is that she has a bright purple six foot long tail and a pair of bright purple curving horns on her head.
There are some unique, uncanny features about Erzulie though that can be off-putting, although no one has ever told her as such. She only has a total of 8 fingers and toes, missing the middle finger and toe. Her teeth tend to be pointy and sharp, and she has 4 extra teeth compared to humans. Every decade, Erzulie will lose all her teeth and get new ones. No one is sure how many times this will repeat. What’s most obviously unusual about her, other than her height, is that she has a bright purple six foot long tail and a pair of bright purple curving horns on her head.
Skills and Abilities
- Knows how to make the best hair mask to make one’s hair as shiny as hers.
- Her tail is prehensile.
- Can laugh even if the joke isn’t funny.
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