Dreadlords A Knife For the Ribs

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
Character Biography
Murder was certainly outlawed between the Initiates, but what were the consequences when one was useless to the influence?

All day something did not sit right within her. Vittoria had felt overwhelming need to put an end to someone's life, to watch as they took their last breath, but despite the destruction she was capable of, she never put her classmates in harm's way that it may invite Death.

They had all heard the news hours after a scream broke out near the dormitories that woke them before dawn. Initiate Hidesport's body had been ripped apart. Her limbs thrown about the courtyard between the dorms, her insides littered about the still functioning fountain. All that was missing was her head.

The only thing to identify the body was the ring around one finger, a signet with the initials of the noble girl's family below the House crest.

Classes had been halted.

Vittoria had been summoned to meet the authorities, and a rage coiled inside her to battle the uneasy feeling. Insulted that she was the first suspect, that the Vigilite that had arrived later that day had even thought as to waste their time by summoning her for questioning. She rounded the corner of the hallway that lead to the empty classroom the investigation was being conducted in, but Vittoria came to a stop.

Lined up outside the door were three other Initiates of her class. She stared at them, her mind already working to find the missing pieces to this puzzle.

"Well..." It was rather difficult for Vittoria to admit this, but it made the most sense. "You three had your Assassins cards taken by Hidesport?"

An Innocent Game That Led to Murder!

Context for this thread is that the 4.0 class participated in a game of Assassins, where they all start with their name written on parchment and had to be worn visible upon their person.

  • The game was live for four days, and on the fifth morning, Hidesport's body was found.
  • During these four days, your character would have had a run in with Hidesport and in which resulted in you 'dying' in the game once she took your cards.
  • To kill another player, you take their name card and add it to your collection. It is up to you how many they collected before Hidesport stole them all.
  • There is no magic throughout this game! Nullifying measures have been undertaken to ensure all Initiates adhere to the rules and learn how to operate without their magic for a long period of time, expected to be able to last the week set aside to this game.
  • The game of Assassins is paused for the day while the investigation is ongoing, but the magic nullifiers are still activated.
"...Yep," Blake answered flatly, glancing towards Larrainth. She would have groaned at the sight of her, but there was nothing more upsetting to the stomach than the sight of a freshly exploded girl, so Vittoria's presence barely bothered Blake today.

Sans magic, Blake really thought this little game was going to be a no-brainer for her. With all her athletic and acrobatic skill it felt like she'd be untouchable in a world where only physical skill and wit were permitted. Unfortunately, for all the former Blake had, she was outmatched in the latter.

"Never expected her to hide in the storage cupboard in the bathroom. Got me with my pants down...literally."

Blake yawned and slouched, bored in her confidence that she would not be found responsible. In fact, if Larrainth were among the suspects it really wouldn't have surprised Blake if they just pinned it on her and called it a day.
"Wonder what happened? Didn't think it was likely for a girl that smart to get, well...ripped apart like that..."

When Takoda was first called for questioning, he originally believed it was simply for him to be reprimanded for his performance at the event. Imagine his surprise when he was told the reason for his failure had ended up dead.

It seemed that when life and death were on the line, Hidesport was not as skilled as she had demonstrated in class. Then again, the grotesque murder had showcased not a lack of skill, but an overall lack of power to be dismantled so thoroughly. He could only feel pity for the deceased initiate.

He was not going to be explaining to this party of suspects how Hidesport had managed to take his card as it was rather embarrassing. Every day Koda liked to spend at least an hour training on the obstacle course to better train his balance and tactical awareness. Sadly, it seemed one part of tactical awareness he had not yet mastered was noticing when things slipped from his pocket. The girl had already been watching him in wait and literally just ran up and plucked the card from the ground.

He had been enraged by his sloppy carelessness when he realized what had happened.
A fair distance from the other two, Colt was smoking a cigar. Colt had in fact participated in the 'Assassin' game, but made his own game of it. Instead of surprising folks and ripping names off their person he instead challenged others to a winner-take-all game of cards. Hidesport was his seventh game, and he was certain Hidesport had cheated. Namely because he was cheating himself. The way his last game went however, he couldn't reveal Hidesport's duplicity without also revealing his own. Rather than alert the other six he'd bested Colt kept had decided to accept defeat.

"Smartest girl in the world is just a girl to the claws of a beast, the ax of a brigand, or the fire of a mage." Colt responded to Blake . He notably didn't answer Vittoria Larrainth 's question. She wasn't a Proctor, or an investigator, but a classmate. Why would he?

"The game presents a simple thread to pull, but no one here operates like that. This is a waste of our time." Colt pulled the cigar to his lips. At least he could enjoy a good smoke.
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Vittoria frowned.

"It is not anyone of our class, that is for certain. None of us are beasts to shred and tear like that."

But the discussion would have to wait. The door opened and out stepped two Dreadlords with the Vigilite. One Vittoria knew, the other completely unknown to her. Before the one she did know, Vittoria straightened up and bowed her head to the silver haired graduate of the last class. "Dreadlord Quinnick."

Quinnick managed a tight smile that did not sit on her lips long, before her attention went to the others and cleared her throat. "All four of you, please come in. We have some questions to ask, if you will."

The unknown Vigilite simply glared at Vittoria.

"Where we you during curfew, Larrainth?"

This was not the first time she had been under such scrutiny. In fact, she had been surprised to see the others, and not just herself being summoned for the investigation. A body, torn apart in a monstrous way? Of course, everyone would look to Vittoria first due to her magical ability to decimate anything and anyone.

"I was asleep in my own room."

"One that you do not share with anyone else, is that right?"


"Oh fuck off, Castille. I told you already, none of these Initiates are who we are looking for!" Livia Quinnick rolled her eyes and shoved her colleague back through the door. With an exasperated sigh, she looked to the Initiates again. "Apologies. None of you are suspects but we need to establish a timeline of events. Without more knowledge, I cannot pin point a location of where to find our true suspect... or the clues that lead us to one."

The young woman cleared her throat and gestured for them to file into the room, to the seats opposite from where Castille sat on the other side of the desk.
"It is not anyone of our class, that is for certain. None of us are beasts to shred and tear like that."

Blake quirked a brow.

"Right..." she muttered. If anyone was likely to do such a thing it would be Larrainth herself. And here she was, a suspect. So...off to a great start.

Of course, the conversation that unfolded afterwards between Larrainth and the Vigilites quickly revealed that wasn't the case after all. In fact, the initiate group was just brought in as...helpers? Alright then. Blake strode through the door and into the room, taking her seat with her legs spread out and her elbows rested on her knees, her face in turn rested in her hands.

"Whatever ya need...or whatever gets us out of here quicker."

Blake glanced sidelong at the two wind mages as they filed in behind her. A funny coincidence, she thought. She and Colt really had to stop meeting like this.
It was nice that Colt thought that of their class, but there were plenty of ways someone could do that to the girl if they got creative. He wouldn't even need magic, just a few knives and enough determination not to get blood on his boots.

As they walked into the room with the Vigilite Vittoria was the first to be bombarded with questions, but the man was quickly talked down. Koda did not understand what the problem was as he was just doing his job. As they walked by, Takoda looked at the man known as Castille and shrugged before adding.

"I was also sleeping if that helps."

Takoda ignored whether that would truly be helpful as he took his own seat and looked over the female Vigilite Dreadlord. She could not have been much older than them.

"Excuse me, but wouldn't it be better to ask those that spent more time with her?"
In the days past a murder at the academy was likely no big deal, perhaps investigated by the Proctors, perhaps the chief suspect was investigated to make sure she wasn’t an absolute lunatic. Such finding were noted and may or may not come up in assignment, depending on what House took them in. Now it was worthy of the Vigilitie’s time? How times had changed. Takoda began with his own whereabouts, Blake offered to help, and Vittoria Larrainth was being incredibly rude not introducing the trio to her friend. From Quinnick’s words he figured Blake was closest to right, and that by the power vested in the Vigilite they had been deputized to help. Maybe he’d even get a little star to where on his vest.

“I’m sorry, Dreadlord Quinnick was it? This has been a bit stressful on folks. Muscles over here is Blake Farand. This is Tak, and I’m Colt Pirian. It seems you already know Vittoria.” He said, giving a gentle jab at the girl. He would give the pair of Dreadlords their time for introductions before continuing.

“As far as timeline, I can place Hidesport at the Old Chapel at about an hour prior to dusk last night.” He had heard the place was used for wild parties back in the day, but he generally used it for cards. “We competed for names, and she got the better of me. This was observed by Initiate Wylls, Bletzin, and Taya. I went to mess hall afterwards and can’t speak for later last night.” If it were just the proctors he would make a joke that Vitt didn’t need to hide things and he could verify her being in her room last night. But this was the Vigilite, and Colt actually cared what they thought about him.

“This is obviously your show, but unless anyone here can place Hidesport later I’d suggest starting with questioning those three.” Colt glanced over at Blake . “You know where Bletzin normally is this time of day?”
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"It seems you already know Vittoria."

Livia quirked a brow, then looked to Larrainth.
"I actually do not. Although I must commend her for learning names. After all, I already know all your names." In truth, she knew Larrainth by reputation alone.

It was the smart thing to know whom she was speaking with, what made them them. Even without being a Vigilite, it was Livia's magic that lead her to needing to speak to these four especially, only she did not assure Initate Pirian of this.

"I do not need to speak to any one else. I asked for the four of you." She frowned, speaking over the Pirian boy. On the desk, she spread out the slips of parchment with their names written on it. "I do not need to know alibis. Castille here does not believe my magic to be reliable." Quinnick gave his a disapproving look. "Really, he has no use to being here but the Vigilite always work in pairs." Or so he had insisted.
She smiled, nodding to Quinnick.

Vittoria had a keen interest in the class that graduated this past summer, especially Quinnick when news broke out that she been taken away on a mission that went directly against Gilram. How Vitt had found out about that classified information, she would not reveal, but it meant Erodin was allowed to return to Vel Anir.

And what a good mentor he made to her.

"Dreadlord Quinnick's magic is quite unique. I can see why one would be foolish to not believe in her credibility, but we cannot all be gifted with wisdom." A sweet smile was directed at Dreadlord Castille, and the male frowned deeply. He had been about to speak, but Quinnick cut him off.

"Initiate Farand, answer this question instead: Was your name the first to be taken by Hidesport?" Then her gaze cut to Takoda. "We must establish in what order your names were taken. Tell me how Initiate Hidesport was acting, how she looked. Anything off that you can recall?"

Vittoria frowned. If Colt had seen her an hour before sundown... that meant she had been the last to see Hidesport.
“You know where Bletzin normally is this time of day?”

Gray-blue eyes shifted over towards Colt, and she made to answer the question.
"Yeah, she's--"
She was quickly cut off by the young Vigilite, and her gaze quickly slid back to the silver-haired woman.

"Uh...no, I don't think I was first. I think she had a little stack going by the time she got to me," she supposed, trying her best to recall the finer details. There was a lot to potentially remember, most of which was things she never thought she'd need to. "As for how she was acting, she seemed...I dunno, smug? She hopped over the top of the bathroom stall and took my card off me while I was tryin' to piss. Had kind of a wild look in her eye."
Takoda sighed as he was now busy twirling a piece of his hair around his finger in thought. He absentmindedly mumbled, "Sometimes you talk too quickly Vittoria." He didn't disagree with what she said necessarily, but making backhanded digs at a Dreadlord no matter how weak someone may be perceiving them was never a good idea.

He looked up from his own musings when he realized he was the one that the question was directed at.

"I was likely the first, as I like to train in the early afternoon when the sun is high. I didn't speak with her much, but she was pleased, I think she had been following me for a while."

Takoda had only seen the Vigilite a handful of times and in those few times, he had come to a quick decision. He did not like them at all. They were too shifty and roundabout, keeping cards close to the chest without needing to do so.
Colt kept a grin on his face, but was unamused. From the repartee between Quinnick and Larrainth, it seemed that the Vigilite's magic was akin to supernatural deduction. That with the right information everything would simply pop into place. She even knew the four of them were sources of the puzzle pieces. This was incredibly useful, and Colt was glad the Vigilite had such a member among their ranks.

But as an Initiate? Hoping to learn something after something actually lethal happened at the Academy? This was incredibly boring for him. The noble had been at enough cocktail parties as a youth to know how to hide such displeasure. He often did not, as he held no qualms against the Proctors or his classmates, but with the Vigilite it was a skill he was pleased to have. Perhaps one she could bypass, but it was still better than nothing.

"Hidesport acted confident."
He said, addressing her question of depth. "I thought she was just trying to bluff and oversell it, but she had a new trick. Not sure what it was, but she didn't wear confidence on her face like that prior to the game." Even if he found the exercise of simply being a witness unsatisfying, he still intended to help.
Vittoria paid no mind to her classmates.

Her eyes stared into Quinnick, who commanded the room. What would her expression change to if Vittoria were to tell her when she last saw Hidesport? And yet, Quinnick had not asked her when she she had seen the deceased... Her eyes drifted to Castille, who leaned back in his chair opposite them, he too fixated on Quinnick, but the slight movement of Vittoria's gaze made him catch her look.

"When did you see Initiate Hidesport last, Larrainth?"

"Hidesport came to my room just after curfew."

Castille frowned, leaning forward so that he leaned against the table. "Friends?"

"Far from it." Vittoria answered pleasantly.

Quinnick released a heavy sigh, but did not interrupt. Establishing a timeline meant giving the necessary details.

"Then, pray tell, why was Hidesport at your door after curfew?" Castille's smile was anything but nice. His tone still sounded accusatory, still believing his gut that Larrainth had something to do with this.

Vittoria sat up straight in her seat, "It is not uncommon for the one courting me to knock at my door after curfew."

Castille's face was an exquisite sight to behold as he was at first, perplexed. Then came the confusion, the shock at replaying her words over in his head, and then finally, the timid attempt to meet her eyes again.

"I thought the knock on the door had been Kilien, but Hidesport barged in and snatched my parchment from my person." She continued nonchalantly, and Castille looked about ready to shut down his inquiries when he realised why a courting boy would be knocking at the door his sweetheart.
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  • Dab
Reactions: Colt Pirian
Livia could not help the snort that escaped her.

Castille's face alone had been worth seeing, but in order to gather back control of the room, she cleared her throat.
"Now, we have a loose idea of a timeline. I suppose I should explain myself to those of you that do not know of me. I was an Initiate in the class above you, and I have a talent for finding any lost thing. The Academy helped hone my precision, to the point that intentions and thoughts can give me indication of a direction to go in. Gathering information is good, no matter how little the detail, it gives my magic time to decipher which is a stronger lead."

It made her valuable. A virtue she had taken for granted as an Initiate trying to prove her worth, but after her mission to steal an item from Gilram had taken a turn, Liv realised how coveted her magic could be to anyone... not just in Vel Anir.

"There is magic at play, and that is why it is difficult for me to find the true killer straight away. Magical interference can cause a lot of disorientation, and so going about this the old fashioned way allows me to focus on which lead is more fruitful."

From a drawer at her side, Quinnick brought up four sets of inkpots, quills, and parchment. One for each Initiate. "Please, write down about the time you had seen Hidesport."
  • Blank
Reactions: Colt Pirian
"Kilien" and "King" were probably the only two people Blake consistently heard Larrainth refer to by...well, not their surnames. For D'Amour it made sense; the two had been fairly inseparable for years, to the point that seeing them apart for long periods was weird. For Kilien, it was, uh...uncomfortable. That guy was playing with fire, and not in the way people like Cat did.

Blake looked from Vittoria to Vigilite Quinnick, sizing her up.
"Thought you looked familiar..." she muttered. The girl must've been talented if she was taken into the Vigilites so quickly after graduation.

She took up the supplies offered and began to write.
"How was magic at play if we were all wearing these cuffs? You think it was an outsider or something?" Blake asked, waving her wrist to emphasize.
Livia being in the previous class meant very little to Takoda. At this time last year, he had likely been on a horse with the wind in his hair while he and his friends hunted down a Longtooth Featherback...Now, he was stuck here.

He took the paper and quill without complaint but was a little confused as to why they needed to write this all down if he had just told them everything he knew.

Blake's point about the cuffs should have been enough to prove their innocence if magic was involved, so either they should let them go or better yet, let them hunt.

"So, not trying to be rude by over-generalizing your skills, but if your abilities point you in the right direction could you not just walk around the area until it points you towards the culprit?"
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
She took up the supplies offered and began to write.
"How was magic at play if we were all wearing these cuffs? You think it was an outsider or something?" Blake asked, waving her wrist to emphasize.

"Magic sealing cuffs aren't perfect."
Colt responded to Blake . "If you're clever, or simply have the raw strength, you can bypass a lot."

He didn't elaborate further, but took the paper from Livia and complied, writing the approximate time he last saw Hidesport and returning it to the Vigilites. He kept quiet as Takoda asked a very good question. He was pretty respectful, but in the old days folks never tipped a hand on how their magic worked. These days were different, but was Livia an old soul?
"So, not trying to be rude by over-generalizing your skills, but if your abilities point you in the right direction could you not just walk around the area until it points you towards the culprit?"

A muscle twitched in her jaw.

"As I said, Initiate, magic was at play. That alone slows the process, can even make what I see and glean to be unreliable." Her olivine gaze flicked between the four of them, frowning slightly. "Simply put, your name cards were not touched by magic. Which tells me that at the time Hidesport had taken your collected names, magic was not at play at that point."

Castille sighed, running a hand down his face. "Quinnick is right. If her magic is to be believed, then it suggests that magic was involved to kill Hidesport. Someone has slipped from their cuffs and committed this.... crime."

For in these days, killing a a fellow Initiate was a crime.

Castille stared at Quinnick, and she turned to return his gaze.
"Have you figured it out yet?"

His face was stern, sparing a look to the Initiates before exhaling through his nose and nodded. "If your magic pointed you to these four, magic was not involved. Larrainth is as innocent as you say."

Quinnick did not see the fleeting moment that Initiate Larrainth looked surprise, for the moment her eyes found the girl's, it was back to that neutrality she always bore.

"Which brings me to my next question. Who have you crossed paths with? Write down the names of those you saw during the game. The past four days, please."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Blake