Blackgate Prison - Unknown
Talus had never really felt fear before. At least not in years anyway. The first thing that the Proctors had tried to take was the instinct itself. The idea of being scared, the very concept.
At the time he had seen it as a measure of control.
A way for them to...
Bayou Garramarisma - North End
Lira vomited over the side of the ship. Her fingers clutching tightly at the railings as she watched her own bile splash into the brackish waters of the marsh.
"Kressim, how the hell is a Ranger so bad on water."
A groan escaped her for a moment, hand coming up...
A Hundred Leagues South of Elbion
Talus shouldered the pack on his shoulder with a small frown, glancing around at the tiny village he had stepped into.
It was some sort of market day currently, though in a town like this that meant three or four stalls all filled with pretty much the same...
"Sparhawk, we're not so sure of this plan of yours."
"Maesters, please. We have to prepare our students for the real world. We saw what happened at the Dreadlord tournment!"
"Hmm...fine, Hawk. We will allow you to run your little class. But if anyone is grievously injured, the responsibility...
I'm interested in making an apprentice mage to do another characters bidding, dirty work, general tom-foolery, and/or to be a lackey, or part of a larger plot. Any kind of magic, lots of character development. Could do romance, any gender, any race.
Powerplay would be okay with this char...
In the halls of the College of Elbion, students normally came and went according to their studies or the whims of a faculty member. Today, the regular shuffles of the passing students were not to be heard in the halls. Not that students weren’t coming and going, nor faculty attempting...
Allir Reach - Wetlands
Saul ripped his blade free, the corpse of the ghoul making a loud squelch sound as the rune marked steel pulled away from the half bloated corpse.
Almost as soon as the blade left the body it began to sink into the muck below, the inhuman face contorting as the bog...
Dolana Stonebeard, a dwarf Maester of the Fourth Order at the College of Elbion, has been working on her dissertation for the last eight years. As is standard practice, few if any outside of Dolana's advisory board were aware of her upcoming dissertation defense to become a Maester of the...
Ciara - East Liadain
She had no idea why she had come here.
The crown had pulled her to this place, it's quiet whispers snaking through her ear and tugging her by an unseen leash. She despised it, hated it, and yet loved it all the same. She could not have explained in a thousand years, not if...
Yuri emerged from the plains dragging behind her something that looked like a wolf, she looked around and noticed dusk approaching. Letting out a soft sigh the girl muttered "I guess i should hurry and find a place to set up camp... perhaps that abandoned village i passed on the way here could...
Áerdyn is, I presume a monastery between Ffalwood and Alliria that holds many divine magicians and monks under their ranks, if it's still around or not...who knows, maybe it was sacked. :eek:
Well, whatever happened, it is/was also the place where the Áerdyn Codex/Book of Áerdyn originates...
The group's flight through the woods had seemingly gone well. Albedo still pulled at the Miller, the undead man having nearly tripped a few times on roots and other debris that littered their path. She has talked very little for the rest of their journey, the occasional ghoul poking its head...
Aberrasai Savannah - East
Saul stood quietly atop a small hill, his cloak snapping in the gusted breeze, his lips thinning as he watched the Savannah in front of him.
To the north he could see the a small line of soldiers coming towards him, to the west he saw nothing but the plains, and...
A letter from Jerik, Maho Sparhawk's mentor, to the masters at the College of Elbion.
I am writing to you, beseeching you to have the upmost caution. I am travelling to the...
Not quite the place I wanted to be.
However, it was more welcoming than most of the so called, "Tower Folk" that I had dealt with when I came into harbor. Sideways glances, and having a majority of the path ahead of me clear. Even if didn't really need it to...
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