Fable - Ask The Druga

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first

Ruka Kargatal

Character Biography
An imposing fortress lit by a crack of lightning. There in the heights of the Spine its walls rose, the labor of a great many Spine orcs and their Blight orc benefactors, and so did they name their black creation: the Druga.

From the Druga poured forth raids into all the surrounding lands. West into the Valen Wilds, south into Campania, north and east into the mountains and territories held primarily by Belgrath. Terror and fire they brought wherever they went.

Several challenges had been made against the Druga, and all had failed.

For a great evil claimed dominion over the Druga and guarded the fortress with its fell might. The Blight orc warlord Logash Kron commanded his raiders from atop a beast of beasts, an ancient creature dredged up from the depths of the Blightlands, a monstrosity neither living nor dead. Its name: Gormeddon, the Dread Wyvern.

And wherever Gormeddon flew, all the sky would turn to black, day to night, and in the darkness the devouring would begin.

* * * * *


Outside the Western Gate of Gild lay the Martial Fields, flatland devoted to large gatherings of citizens and troops. So it was today. Close to a thousand men and women had assembled, for the call to arms had been issued in the Forum and throughout the squares of Gild. The Senate had authorized the raising of an army, to be commanded by Damir Gildal, whose objective would be to join with an "allied" army of similar strength from Omma, the Iron Aristocracy, and assault the Druga.

"Allied", of course, because Gild and Omma were not on the best of terms with one another. Gild had surrendered to Omma years prior, and had since been forced to pay an annual tribute of silver; Omma tended to arrogantly view Gild as a sort of client state of theirs in the wake of it, which Gild naturally denounced. But here they had a common enemy in the orcish raiders of the Druga, and so after diplomatic talks this joint attack had been agreed upon.

But Ruka Kargatal was blissfully oblivious to all the political machinations going on in grand chambers and behind closed doors. All of it went well over her head. What she knew was this: there were enemies, and enemies needed hewing!

In the Martial Fields several platforms had been erected. Noblemen and Beyars stood before these platforms (for the speeches were done), lines of Gildans willing to fight were queued before them, giving their names and swearing their oaths and being enrolled into their maniples. Ruka was next up in her line. Before her was a dwarf of Clan Ironhammer, Yudun Ironhammer.

"Salt and silver, ogre," said the Beyar dwarf. "Glad you came to my line."

"Ruka Kargatal!" she said, declaring her name with glee. All smiles, Ruka. "I will fight!"

Yudun scratched his beard for a moment. "Ruka...Ruka...where do I know that name from?"

"Gildan enemies fear me!" she said, flexing one of her large arms.

"I don't doubt it, lass, but I swear I've..."

"I do fighting before?" Ruka suggested helpfully, though it halfway sounded like she was asking the question herself.

"Ah! That's right. Anfisa mentioned you. You're an Aedile, aren't you, Ruka-gazi?"

Ruka pounded a fist against her heart and declared proudly, "YES!" The loudness of her exclamation drew a few brief looks.

"Well—" Yudun jerked a thumb to the far side of the Martial Field, close to the Western gate of the city, "—got a special unit being put together over there. Damir-gazi's orders. It's Praetors, Aediles, some foreign mercs I think. I'd love to have ya, but you've got to go over there."

"Maybe next time!" Ruka said. "Bye-bye!"

And indeed there was a small gathering of fighters where Yudun had pointed. Ruka went that way, carrying her battleaxe on her shoulder, smiling as if she were going to a dance or party and not to battle.
It had been easier for her to say she was a mercenary than to explain to those that didn't know about the Noct Yaegirs what she did. In part, Monroe didn't actually want to talk to anyone too much, not in the mood to do so... if she ever was in the mood for conversation.

She slowly walked around the area she had been designated to, her eyes keeping a keen watch on those in her vicinity.

Monroe had been in Campania a handful of times in her career, and each of those times had been to help aid Gild in whichever they needed at the time. What she was here for was nothing too difficult for her, but the task of working with a team, or at least a unit, was a foreign idea for the woman that preferred solo work.

The Warden of Atlia Keep insisted on Cathmore to build better relations with those between the Reach and the Spine, to learn and famliarise herself with the people dwelling in these lands. Monroe hated standing around, waiting, and since decided to keep her legs moving, her eyes searching as she waited for what was to come next. Her eyes caught a rather tall figure, towering above most of the Gildans Monroe was asked to wait with. An ogre, not the first time she had seen one, but it had been a while since her eyes laid upon one.

She offered a smile. Weak and brittle, it fell apart as she hung her head and continued her circling.
  • Yay
Reactions: Ruka Kargatal
Among the gathering for Damir's special unit there were as yet two Praetors, four foreign mercenaries of various stripes, and Monroe Cathmore. It was early in the levy process, and undoubtedly more would come in time.

And there stood in this gathering Benzir Atamal, one of the Praetors, and Hunan Ona, one of the mercenaries; the former a man of great, if wiry, height, the latter only a hair over five feet tall. Benzir doubted Hunan's usefulness, for he was generally suspicious of all ajams (tending to call them kujars behind their backs). Hunan stood with a quiet surety and was unmoved by Benzir's thinly disguised inquiries, and the mean scar running from cheek to cheek across his face and disfiguring his nose seemed to speak more than the man himself, so sparing was he with words. Finally one of the other mercenaries, a man named Otlock, who dressed in the fashion of an outrider or ranger, spoke up on Hunan's behalf. Benzir was puzzled. Do you know him, he asked of Otlock. Fought with him and his people, yeah, said Otlock. And then with an assured smile he added that Hunan and his curved knife were the reason the Blights didn't go into the Ixchel Wilds anymore.

Presently came Ruka, whose eyes passed over Benzir (I know him!) and Hunan and Otlock and the few others, her smile undiminished with each passing, until her gaze by chance came to the last person.


"Hi!" Ruka bellowed, clapping her right hand to her chest with what sounded like the thunderous sound of a horse's flank being smacked with a thick paddle, and bowing her head, thus greeting Monroe, if perhaps a little clumsily and with overflowing enthusiasm, in the Gildan way.

  • Bless
Reactions: Monroe
"Saints." Monroe said beneath her breath, almost rocked by the sharp clap that pierced through the distance and caught her by sheer surprise. Her attention was now on the ogre, and the Yaegir stretched her mouth into a smile. "Morning." The other Praetors and mercs turned her way, greeting her and she returned it all with a simple nod of her head.

She glanced back at Ruka, stepping forward to close some distance as she mimicked the salute of the Gildan.

"Monroe. The Warden at Atlia Keep brought to my attention your people were seeking aide. I'm a Noct Yaegir." She had hoped they would all know what that would be, not feeling like taking the time to explain, although in order to build relations between the Yaegirs and cities, it was instructed that Monroe shirk the attitude and try.

This was her trying.

Ruka Kargatal
  • Yay
Reactions: Ruka Kargatal
"I am Ruka!"

Ruka considered carefully all else Monroe had to say, and thus came her conclusion:

"Who is Atlia, and what is she keeping? I am wanting meet her too. Fighters! I love fighters! They are honoring Big Man Threshkuul!"

  • Haha
Reactions: Monroe
Monroe gave the ogre an unconvinced smile. "You know... Atlia Keep... in the Heartlands..."

"Not many of the Yaegir come to fight with us, usually the odd job or two." Came a voice, and Monroe turned her head and began to nod slowly. "Honoured to have you fight with us." And the Praetor gave her a Gildan salute.

"Ahh, I see now, Ruka." Monroe flashed her a smile. "It's what my Order is called. Atlia Keep is... what you would call a base of operations. My home. We specialise in hunting monsters."

Ruka Kargatal
  • Yay
Reactions: Ruka Kargatal
"Ah! We are good! You specialize in hunting monsters, and I specialize in hewing skulls! Monsters have for us big skulls!" Ruka hefted her axe from her shoulder and held it with one hand and ran her hand down the blade with the other. "Big blade for big skulls! Big, mean, monster skulls! Big Man Threshkuul happy for it, because strength. Big Man Regel happy for it, because monsters are monsters."

Back onto her shoulder went her axe, and Ruka had a new query for Monroe.

"You say Yay-grr? You are Yay-grr? I can both 'yay' and 'grr'. This making me Yay-grr too?"

  • Derp
Reactions: Monroe
Monroe had decided that after this business was concluded, she was going to take Ruka out for drinks.

The ogre was an entertainment she never knew she had been without, and for the first time in a long time, Monroe was not immediately written off as the grumpy arsehole. She didn't feel the need to be so closed off either, and wouldn't admit to anyone but herself that Ciradyl was right in getting Monroe to put more effort in being more approachable.

"Ruka, darling, you can be anything you want." She grinned. "Noct Yaegir means Night Hunter. Not as fancy as your Praetors and what not..."

She looked around, eyeing the others milling about for orders. "I was half asleep when they were giving out the message... but do you know what it is we are after?" Monroe asked in a lowered voice.
  • Yay
Reactions: Ruka Kargatal
Emmeline was there too, but always content to linger at the fringe of gatherings and observe--such was the occupation she'd spent her entire adult life thus far comprised of. In the stead of her familiar great sword, the warrior now wielded twin swords.

Choosing to have that heirloom melted down and forged a new, the perfectly balanced blades were alien in her hands. She could not let that interfere with her search for her brother though, and Emmeline joined the Noct Yaegir in hopes that seeking these monsters might lead to the dark answers Alliria forgot to give her. And, if she was fortunate, she'd find her brother.

Her pale green gaze swept over the others that gathered with her at the base of the fortress before them and then flicked upward as if expecting to see the wyvern darkening the skies presently. She did not, and there was some small sense of relief within the warrior's breast.

Finally, Emmeline drew nearer to those conversing. Her jaw tensed before she tilted her head upward slightly--a simple greeting for those she knew little else how to address. The woman looked far too alert for someone that supposedly just woke. Something a little more like genuine mirth flickered across her gaze and over her lips before vanishing, her breath quickened to stifle a chuckle.
"Then I am Yay-grr, and we are Yay-grring together!" Ruka declared right on cue after Monroe gave her permission to be anything she wanted. Oh! Night Hunter, is what it means. That's what Monroe said. Was it dwarven tongue? Dwarven tongue was funny. No matter! They could hunt, and they could hunt in the night. Threshkuul was also pleased by a good hunt!

I was half asleep when they were giving out the message... but do you know what it is we are after?

A couple more Praetors showed up from the mass assembly into the growing circle of the special unit, and both of them showed up just in time to be startled nearly out of their boots when Ruka loudly exclaimed, "I explain!"

She whipped a finger vaguely northward. Indeed, many miles off from the city the mountains of the Spine could easily be seen.

"There! Hiding in mountain, many orcs! They raid and plundering, and that is very not good. Gild has had enough, and so we give fight. But orcs are not alone! They are having with them BIG dragon—"

"Wyvern," corrected Praetor Benzir from nearby.

Undaunted, Ruka said, "BIG wyvern. Many saying that this wyvern is both living and dead, and that it can turning day into night—"

A remarkable flash of realization made Ruka's eyes practically sparkle, and she looked to Monroe and even to Emmeline who had silently come near and back to Monroe and she cried out with overflowing delight:


Monroe Emmeline Hildebrandt
  • Haha
Reactions: Monroe
Orcs! Suddenly the task ahead of them was not so difficult after all!

But Ruka kept talking, and the encouraging smile on Monroe's expressioned fell with each word the ogre spoke, falling dead at dragon, and turning nervous at wyvern.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Was this a trick? A jest? For Monroe already slayed a juvenile wyvern just shy a month ago, and now she was back here to deal with another.

A larger one this time.

She grimaced through Ruka's exclamation of finding the meaning of being part of the Yaegir, but her gaze turned towards where Ruka had pointed. "Oh, this is going to be peachy!"

Emmeline Hildebrandt Ruka Kargatal
  • Yay
Reactions: Ruka Kargatal
A soft, barely audible snort of amusement burst through tightly pressed lips. If there were any more force behind the noise, it would've resulted in a startlingly loud noise. Night hunters, literally. Something about the ogre's delight in what she's put together brought genuine, though minuscule, signs of joy to the warrior's face.

Surprisingly, the woman's brow did not darken with the brief fear of facing a dragon rather than a wyvern. Like Monroe, she'd fought a juvenile in recent times too--it was how she ended up among the Noct Yaegir, and that alone brought her far outside her usual realm of comfort. Simple math told her this creature would obviously be far more difficult.

"Both living... and dead?" the warrior echoed softly under her breath. Now it was her turn to scrape the skies in search of this baleful creature that would certainly come bearing its terror upon them. For now, it was mercifully clear--as the morning light made obvious.

"Is it black magic, or something worse?" The beast sounded horrifying.

Ruka Kargatal Monroe
"Whatever it is," came a voice approaching the small gathering, in answer to Emmeline, "it will be your task to bring it down."

And this voice belonged to a man, none other than Damir Gildal, the Commander of the assembling Gildan army. Fully adorned was he in finely wrought armor of Gildan-make, lamellar over mail with conical helm. Gray hairs mingled with the dark brown of his beard. His eyes were sharp and shrewd, and he looked over Monroe and Ruka and Emmeline alike.

Though specifically to Monroe and Emmeline, Damir asked, "Have I overhead correctly? Are you of the Noct Yaegir?"

Ruka, quite enthusiastic already (and forgetting to ask Monroe where the peaches were because of Damir's arrival), answered in the stead of the actual Yaegirs, "We are Night Hunters!"

Damir smiled cordially, if a bit faintly, for while the ogre's jovial attitude was admirable, the task before them all remained grim. "Then I am glad you have come." Again, this more so to Monroe and Emmeline than to Ruka. "Gild...no, all Campania has need of your service, with that fiend lurking in the mountains."

Monroe Emmeline Hildebrandt
  • Smug
Reactions: Monroe
Monroe had been told about the Gildan salute, in which she performed it in show of her understanding of joining forces with them. "Yes, I am Monroe of Atlia. This is..." she turned to Emmeline and scrunched her face. "We never formally met. I think I saw you at briefing once and..." The Yaegir went on with the tasks assigned to them, as they had always done so.

"This will be my fourth wyvern I have come across. Nasty fuckers, but I am always eager to lend a sword to those that ask." Monroe gave a reassuring grin.

She looked up at Ruka, then to Emmeline, before her gaze settled back on the Commander. "It will be my honour to fight alongside your people and see this threat put to an end."

Emmeline Hildebrandt Ruka Kargatal
  • Yay
Reactions: Ruka Kargatal
Emmeline's lips parted, fully prepared to answer in a manner quite amenable to the more militaristic type. There was no need though, the ogress took control of the situation and answered Damir for the two of them. Her chin lived slightly, indicating that she supported what Ruka Kargatal claimed.

Magic was not something that the warrior had a lot of practice fighting; the mages rarely slummed it with them, having found much more profitable means of employment than the mundane task of watching passersby and on some occasions, investigating murders that weren't so cut and dry as to the cause, reason, or identity of the suspect.

"Emmeline Hildebrandt, formerly of Alliria," she offered, to both Monroe and Damir; Ruka knowing was a pleasant casualty of brainspace. Unlike Monroe, she doesn't list her feats. Not so much because it was proud of to hide her lack of experience, but more because it required more words than she felt like putting to her tongue.
Damir brightened when Monroe mentioned the number of wyvern skulls her blade had thus far collected, smiling then as if the Yaegirs had already delivered to him the severed head of Gormeddon. And now they were well met, Monroe and Emmeline and Damir, and the Gildan Commander greeted them in the fashion of his people, hand to heart and with bowed head.

And then he said, "And I am Damir of House Gildal. I am pleased to have two of your order here to augment our forces. And as I have said, yours is to be a task fraught with danger—yet such goes hand-in-hand with glory." His eyes passed over the other foreign mercenaries and the Praetors of the group, their number swelling as the levy continued. "It is my intent to keep this small force in reserve once battle is joined—though it may not stay that way, what with shifting fortunes. Nevertheless, this force of Yaegirs, mercenaries, and our Praetors are to attack that wyvern wherever it lands. Regel willing, you will rid Arethil of that abomination."

"Begone, monster!" cried Ruka from her bottomless font of enthusiasm.

Damir smiled and chuckled lightly and said, "Yes, Aedile Ruka, that monster will surely be vanquished."

He turned to leave, took a step, paused, and then twisted at the waist to look back at Monroe and Emmeline. In quieter tones, he said, "And one last thing...don't trust our 'allies', the Ommites."

And with that the Commander took his leave of them, heading back to the ranks of the Gildan Army as they filled more and more with levied men.

"Ommites," Ruka said with clear distaste. And to emphasize it, she turned her head and spat on the ground, "Ptah!"

Monroe Emmeline Hildebrandt
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Monroe
Monroe's brows furrowed, but the corners of her lips twitched into an amused smile. She turned to Ruka, smile widening, before settling onto Emmeline. "I must say, never have I had been warned against allies before."

But she could feel the tensions within every Gildan that knew of such a warning, going unspoken even now.

"Tell us more about the Ommites, Ruka, my friend. If I have pledged to help Gild, then I would like to do so properly."
  • Yay
Reactions: Ruka Kargatal
Emmeline listened in a sort of silence that almost seemed eager. Perhaps she was enjoying this hunting thing a bit more than she let on, but it was a huge change from the familiar streets and faces of Alliria. And the dangers that came with traipsing around the world were almost entirely alien to her, prior to the clash with frenzied, monstrous vampires and the slaying of the juvenile wyvern that followed.

Her light green gaze moved from the Gildan to Ruka and then briefly to Monroe as she spoke. Only it seemed she was looking past the others, eyes more focused upon the skies than the woman. When she spoke, it was as she scanned the skies and though it was directed at Ruka, there was little more than the content of her words to indicate so.

"I come from the city," she said quietly. "I have never heard of these... Ommites."

That was the manner in which she implored the ogre. If this wyvern darkened the skies as it flew, then she wanted to be aware of any change in the sky. If anything, her time as part of the Alliria's Watch had given her ample opportunity to own her skills of observation.

"But I understand greed and desire for power that does not belong to oneself," the warrior said as her gaze finally fell from the bright sky above to settle on Ruka once more. "Tell us, but keep it brief. It is best to be prepared, especially if we might have enemies behind us as well."
Ruka's face scrunched with vexation, her lips in particular puckering in a grand show, but she was more than happy to vent to the two Yaegirs about the Ommites.

And she said, "Our neighbors to the southwest, those Ommites. They are calling themselves "Iron Aristocracy". The nobles rule everything." Ruka noticeably had some trouble with the word "nobles", pronouncing it as "nob-luls".

"And they are ruling with meanness and fear. Making everyone scared of one another. Support the Aristocracy, or die, that is what their nobles doing." Then with a nod to Emmeline, she said further, "Greed, power, and treachery! Folk fight and squabble, pushed to desperation, always trying to gaining favor with the Aristocracy. And while people fight, nobles laugh. It is awful, and it makes Threshkuul angry! It is not strength."

But now Ruka looked a touch ashamed, and she had to admit, "But Omma beat Gild in last war. Now we pretending to be friends. I, Ruka, cannot wait for next war. I want to destroying the Iron Aristocracy!"

Monroe Emmeline Hildebrandt
  • Smug
Reactions: Monroe
This was not the first time she had heard of such power reigning an entire city, nor was it the first time she would be fighting in alliance with them. Monroe hardened her face, sharing a look with Emmeline. It was their right to know who they would raise arms with, to not go into any battle blind. And as Ruka spoke, telling the story of how the Ommites were and how they were victorious against Gild, she could see the politics and the position Gild was in.

But that was how wars were waged. Sometimes those that deserved to win often come out with the greater loss.

Not today. Monroe liked the welcome she got with Ruka, already endearing towards the home she was here to fight for. That was reason enough to stay. "Well, nothing the Yaegir can't handle. We are well versed in bringing down wyverns aren't we, my sister-in-arms?" Monroe gave Emmeline a wide grin.

Emmeline Hildebrandt
Ruka Kargatal
  • Yay
Reactions: Ruka Kargatal
Though Emmeline did not speak, the corners of her mouth dipped. She thought of her home, and how she immediately sought training and employment after their parents were slaughtered. As if on cue, a sharp phantom pain shot through her chest and her jaw tensed. When it passed, the former guard loosed a quiet sight.

"The sort that on helps only when there's something to gain," she murmured, though the words were soft enough to escape the ears of those not listening for input.

Monroe's grin seemed to catch the woman off guard. She'd been the recipient of a lot of smiles and grins lately, and though it was a welcome change from scowling would-be pickpockets falling beneath her pale green stare, it still made the woman feel awkward.

"Is there anything of value we might encounter that these Ommites might want?" she asked, redirecting her attention to Ruka. For Monroe, there was the faintest ghost of a smile. Pretty, but fleeting and definitely not a common expression.

Ruka Kargatal
The sort that helps only when there's something to gain.

Ruka hefted her axe from her shoulder and thumped it into the ground, hands on the bottom of the haft, for added emphasis to what Emmeline had said. It was true! The Ommites only committed to the fight against the Druga once Gild had pledged. And then the Ommites had to nerve to act like it was their idea all along, that they had led the charge, and that Gild ought to listen to what they said. Arrogance! Threshkuul smiled on those who could lift heavy things, not those who only boasted that they could.

But now Emmeline said her question, and it made Ruka think. Visibly think, for her face tightened and she looked up and away. She did not leave her Yaegir friends in mystery though—she spoke her thoughts aloud:

"What is Omma wanting? Well, there is loot. Always loot and spoils to be having after battle. But if loot, why help—" Ruka let out a deep and resounding chuckle, "—why 'help' Gild? They could go themselves, bringing bigger army, all Ommites, no Gildans. Lazy? Are they having laziness? They are wanting loot without wanting battle? But Orcs and Big Wyvern are having threaten Omma land too. Maybe Omma is just wanting to boss Gild around. Or..."

And now Ruka looked particularly alarmed, and she glanced back Monroe and Emmeline.

"—or maybe they are wanting to stealing glory!? Take Big Wyvern kill!?"

As the trio conversed, a troop of cavalry, composed of more well-to-do Insanlar, Beyars, and even a few Nobles, all those who could afford horses, went by. Indeed, the Gildan levy looked to be nearing completion as well, as the lines dwindled down and the men were now mostly organized into company-sized units—"maniples", in the Gildan parlance—and had their captains. All of them, with the surplus of volunteers for this mission, bore their arms and armor already.

The time to march was almost at hand.

Monroe Emmeline Hildebrandt
  • Sip
Reactions: Monroe
Monroe frowned at the idea of someone else taking the glory of a kill. She hadn't experienced that sort of thing all that much for she always came through with evidence of her kills. She took pride that way. Without the opportunity to join in with Ruka in determining the intentions of the Ommites, Monroe's attention was called to as the order to move onwards made their way through to them.

"Time to get going then." Despite how serious she looked, there was a light in her eyes, one that looked forward to facing this wyvern.

"After you, Ruka!" She grinned, waiting for Emmeline to start moving also so that the trio could keep paces with one another.
  • Yay
Reactions: Ruka Kargatal
Any thoughts Emmaline planned to express were pushed to the back of her mind before she could voice them. Instead there was a shift in the movement around them, one that brought the woman's hands to the hilts of her blades as she dipped her head toward Ruka.

"As the woman says," she offered in reference to Monroe's own words. Her steps were swift, gait just shy of a run. The Yaegir's mind continued to move though, taking into account the politics mentioned by Ruka. For now though, she was content to do as hired: deal with the wyvern that would soon darken the sky.

Stone and dirt crunched under foot as she glanced briefly over her shoulder. Her brow furrowed.

And so the Gildan army marched at once from the city.

Even with the closeness of Gild proper to the edges of the Spine, still after a full day's march of many miles the army required a night at camp. The foothills of the Spine lay ahead, and then the Spine itself was promised thereafter. Somewhere up in those rocky heights awaited their foe, hiding away in their fortress, the Druga.

During the night at camp, Ruka, with ruddy cheeks and an abashed tone, said that she had brought a little "funny juice". The funny juice, contained in her flask, turned out to be strong dwarven drink, the mere scent of it enough to make a human man tipsy. But the flask was not of ogre make, but rather dwarven, and so it appeared a small thing (and to her was indeed a small thing) as she pinched it between her forefinger and thumb. She drank the whole thing in a single gulp, and now with cheeks ruddy for a different reason, told stories to Monroe and Emmeline around their campfire.

She roared with laughter telling the story of "Catapult Kappy", an eccentric old dwarf and dare-taker who had become obsessed with launching himself in various ways like a payload from a catapult. Now Catapult Kappy had approached Ruka one day and asked, "How far ye think ye can kick me, ogre lady?" And before Ruka could respond another dwarf, intervening with what was meant to be a surly retort, said old Kappy wouldn't even make it across the River Sulh. So the challenge was on. Many gathered, ogres and dwarves and Gildans of other kinds. Ruka and Kappy stood on one side of the Sulh canal running through the city. Ruka prepared from afar for a running start, and Kappy was armored in the thickest gambeson (along with a fluffy pillow strapped to his backside) and looked as determined as a ship's pilot in a storm. And Ruka charged. Kicked with all her might. And Catapult Kappy went sailing, sailing, sailing! CRASH! Busting his knees on the edge of the canal, he just barely cleared the gap, and the gathered crowd roared with jubilation and triumph! Catapult Kappy thrust his fists up into the air and bellowed with victory. Ruka picked somebody up and kissed them. It was a joyous day, and Threshkuul was pleased!

Ruka looked to Monroe next. Tell a story!

Monroe Emmeline Hildebrandt
  • Haha
Reactions: Monroe