Monroe Cathmore
I feel myself unraveling
Suspended and strange
No matter what you see here,
No matter what erupts from my depths
No matter what ruin comes of us,
When I am gone promise me
Promise me when you sleep,
When you dream of me
It will be in colours of white
[i see the birth and death of the universe swimming around in your eyes]
Suspended and strange
No matter what you see here,
No matter what erupts from my depths
No matter what ruin comes of us,
When I am gone promise me
Promise me when you sleep,
When you dream of me
It will be in colours of white
[i see the birth and death of the universe swimming around in your eyes]
As an Acolyte of Lessyda, the Patron Saint of Hunting, from a young age Monroe was taught to respect the natural order of the world. Whereas faith was not a common thing when growing up at the Keep, it was what she learned of the people found across the Reach. Always favouring between archery and dual wielding swords, Monroe being a dedicated disciple has granted her guardians of the Wyld, familiars most often associated with Lessyda.No magic is bestowed upon Monroe.
Born and raised in the Southern region of the Allir Reach, Monroe hails from the seaside town Cathmore, where her family founded a town that were excellent shipwrights. Over the centuries, the town grew large enough to house an extensive shipyard that often saw to maintaining vessels for Alliria, and other notable naval organisations.A blight ran through the Reach over two decades ago, leaving several townspeople without family or shelter. Such a magical blight poured poison all over the ground, a curse that soon drove the survivors to move on and search for a new home. Only five years old at this time, she had lost her parents, grandparents, and extended family, and yet no one wanted to take on a young girl that needed to be fed when food was scarce.
Many nations and cities sent aide to help the survivors, but it was an individual that saw the young Monroe and saw the fight still in her eyes when no food nor water had been consumed in some days. He had decided to adopt her, and no one else put up protest. Basilius brought her to the Atlia Keep where she would begin her training into becoming a Noct Yaegir.
In her twenty-seventh winter, Monroe has collected many succesful bounties. Not one to live with her wealth, she uses the coin she has earned to keep her gear in good shape, a horse to help with long distance travel, and coin to spare to feed and house herself. The rest is shared with her adoptive father, Basilius, who had served as a Warden to Atlia Keep in the Allirian Reach.Monroe is considered a grumpy individual, that rathers getting the job done quickly and efficiently in order to move onto the next bounty. She is capable of working in a group, but will make it known it is done so begrudgingly. She spends a lot of time stretching between Alliria and the Spine with her work.
Atlia Calls For Aid [Noct Yaegir] // The region surrounding Atlia has seen increased activity in calls for assistance, and Monroe has readied her blade to heed the callThe Druga // Gild has put out a call for allies to join them, and Monroe lends them her swords