Fable - Ask The Druga

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
There had been one night where Atlia had been descended upon by all sorts of people and beings. They had gathered because of word being spread across the Reach, hailing competition that would rival even that of the Tournament of Tides held in Alliria. It was the type of advertisement that should have been questioned when the posters had gone up in every pub that saw traffic, but it seemed many dismissed the drunken scrawl of several different hands.

For Atlia was seen for a week populated like it had never seen before, even when Atlia Town was a fully functioning town than ruins. And every attendant had been very, very, attractive.

Monroe continued to tell the tale of how her drunken idea became an actual competition that tested and pitted every strongarmed and devastatingly handsome fellow. Of course, many women came to witness and cheer, and some even participated in the contests.

"Saints, you should of seen some of these contenders. Even you would have fluttered your lashes at a few of the ogres, Ruka!" Monroe snorted. "I think my favourite contest was watching them all split wood with their bare hands." And a wistful look crossed her facade, a goofy grin overtaking her smile. "Unfortunately, I was too enamoured to even try and sweet talk any of them." As if Grump Roe even had the ability to do so, but once a fair few drinks were inside her, Monroe was the most sociable anyone would witness.

She shrugged, sighing as she turned her gaze to her fellow Yaegir. "And you, Emmeline?"

Emmeline Hildebrandt Ruka Kargatal
  • Ctuhlu senpai
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