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Môdhryd Dhûn'Khurgha
The Black Hound
Môdhryd Dhûn'Khurgha (pronounced [ˈmoʊ.dɹɪd duːnˈkəɹ.gə], MOH-drehd Doon-KEHR-geh; born Akvamarin 19, 326), also known by the alias "Vidar Malthûrn," is an outlaw and curse-afflicted Fjállvari sellsword, brigand, and disgraced Templar. Rescued as a child from the ravages of plague by members of a radical Templar chapter in Eretejva, he went on to serve as Second Captain of the Poor Brothers of the Sword and Anvil. Following the massacre of Dunholm and the subsequent destruction of the Poor Brothers, Môdhryd fled from justice, escaping the fate of his once-fellow brothers.
Orphaned at a young age by plague, Môdhryd was rescued from the settlement of his birth, Kovhana Gørha, by Templars of the Poor Brothers chapter. Raised within the walls of Farhold Bastion, he received military and formal Templar training throughout much of his life; due to the radical nature of the Poor Brothers' doctrine - namely a fervent distrust of magic and spellcraft - a significant portion of such tutelage imparted a considerable level of skill in combat against spellcasters and arcana-tainted creatures.
Despite a propensity for aggression and violence, Môdhryd excelled within the rigid, martial lifestyle upheld at Farhold Bastion. Until a fateful incident where prejudice and drunken violence forced the Grandmaster's of the Poor Brothers hand, he was expected to eventually succeed as de facto head of the chapter's military arm; demoted, Môdhryd was placed into a less-prestigious cohort within the chapter - one primarily filled with less-competent soldiers, older Poor Brothers, and exiled criminals. Even in such an environment, he excelled, eventually becoming Second Captain.
As Second Captain, Môdhryd shaped and cut his cohort into a unit of considerable martial prowess and skill, but also one of excessive, even wanton violence. Eventually dispatched to the trading settlement of Dunholm, this propensity among his men reached a head in an event of unbridled murderous bloodshed, earning Môdhryd the moniker of the "Butcher of Dunholm." The events at Dunholm - and the afflicting curse such madness loosed - eventually lead to the downfall of the Poor Brothers, both by the hands of Môdhryd's men and by a mob of men-at-arms with aid of a small contingent of mainlander Templars.
Having taken flight of Eretejva and made fugitive of Templar-enacted justice over a decade hence, Môdhryd integrated into the mercenary world of Epressa. As a sellsword, he partook in several campaigns among various free companies, operating as far as Elbion and the Aberressai Savannah. Such mercurial bands often resorted to banditry and brigandage, and in recent years, taking advantage of both his capability for brutal leadership and years of experience, Môdhryd has established a small band of brigands operating primarily in western and central Epressa.
Orphaned at a young age by plague, Môdhryd was rescued from the settlement of his birth, Kovhana Gørha, by Templars of the Poor Brothers chapter. Raised within the walls of Farhold Bastion, he received military and formal Templar training throughout much of his life; due to the radical nature of the Poor Brothers' doctrine - namely a fervent distrust of magic and spellcraft - a significant portion of such tutelage imparted a considerable level of skill in combat against spellcasters and arcana-tainted creatures.
Despite a propensity for aggression and violence, Môdhryd excelled within the rigid, martial lifestyle upheld at Farhold Bastion. Until a fateful incident where prejudice and drunken violence forced the Grandmaster's of the Poor Brothers hand, he was expected to eventually succeed as de facto head of the chapter's military arm; demoted, Môdhryd was placed into a less-prestigious cohort within the chapter - one primarily filled with less-competent soldiers, older Poor Brothers, and exiled criminals. Even in such an environment, he excelled, eventually becoming Second Captain.
As Second Captain, Môdhryd shaped and cut his cohort into a unit of considerable martial prowess and skill, but also one of excessive, even wanton violence. Eventually dispatched to the trading settlement of Dunholm, this propensity among his men reached a head in an event of unbridled murderous bloodshed, earning Môdhryd the moniker of the "Butcher of Dunholm." The events at Dunholm - and the afflicting curse such madness loosed - eventually lead to the downfall of the Poor Brothers, both by the hands of Môdhryd's men and by a mob of men-at-arms with aid of a small contingent of mainlander Templars.
Having taken flight of Eretejva and made fugitive of Templar-enacted justice over a decade hence, Môdhryd integrated into the mercenary world of Epressa. As a sellsword, he partook in several campaigns among various free companies, operating as far as Elbion and the Aberressai Savannah. Such mercurial bands often resorted to banditry and brigandage, and in recent years, taking advantage of both his capability for brutal leadership and years of experience, Môdhryd has established a small band of brigands operating primarily in western and central Epressa.
Bowed by neither hardship nor time, Môdhryd is an imposing presence - broad-shoulderd, stalwart, and commanding. His astounding stature is supported by the physique of a man accustomed to life on the move and the stresses of combat; his age has done little to weaken his constitution, trim his endurance, or soften his build, with what slight fat that remains on his frame serving simply as a healthy veneer to a corded and resilient musculature. Such is cut neither for the sake of vanity nor base appearances, instead a natural consequence of a man accepting that one must either kill or be killed.
In complexion, his tone is fair but weathered: skin taut and hardened by experience. Môdhryd's hands are callused, body scarred: the most pronounced of which are three former stab wounds on his left flank, the disfiguring kiss of flame over the right of his chest, and staggeringly severe gnarls of flagellation which crisscross his back. A peculiarity: Môdhryd's left ring-finger is missing its most distal bone and the nail with it, leaving behind the indelible evidence of a poorly-sutured amputation.
High cheekbones, a broad jaw, and hard, nigh-lupine features define his face. Touched by time, Môdhryd carries his age with candor rather than seeking remedy for every wrinkle or indentation. His eyes are a cold, piercing blue, with the left iris damaged and partially collapsed, appearing as if something sought to tear its way free. Albeit with wisps kissed by the reddish-brown shade of his youth, Môdhryd's beard and lengthy hair are predominantly an ashen white, their darkest lengths a silvered gray. More often than not, the latter is kept back in ponytail, falling below his shoulders when free; the former given only to a field trim.
Both of Môdhryd's ears are pierced: two on the left, one right, all typically adorned either in narrow curls of horn or gold. On his right thumb, between the first and second joint, sits a now-faded inward-pointing sword, having ran to the point it resembles a mere cruciform: a reminder of his years as a Templar. His right, first maxillary molar glints as gold, replaced in his late youth following a brawl dedicated to esprit de corps.
Môdhryd's full armor consists of a combination of heavy, lusterless plate and mail supported by leather and cloth; plates show sign of wear and repair fitting his mercenary and combative tenacity, but also the care and upkeep of a warrior that, if nothing else, respects his craft. Above all, his great helm stands-out, modeled as to that of a dire wolf with a set of cervoid antlers, its visage permanently fixed in a ghastly snarl. Otherwise, his adornment ranges from a lightly-armored traveling attire to more leisurely fits of clothing, including an oil-sealed leather overcoat. Even when his colossal greatsword is not affixed to his spine, he is never without at least the longsword on his hip.
In complexion, his tone is fair but weathered: skin taut and hardened by experience. Môdhryd's hands are callused, body scarred: the most pronounced of which are three former stab wounds on his left flank, the disfiguring kiss of flame over the right of his chest, and staggeringly severe gnarls of flagellation which crisscross his back. A peculiarity: Môdhryd's left ring-finger is missing its most distal bone and the nail with it, leaving behind the indelible evidence of a poorly-sutured amputation.
High cheekbones, a broad jaw, and hard, nigh-lupine features define his face. Touched by time, Môdhryd carries his age with candor rather than seeking remedy for every wrinkle or indentation. His eyes are a cold, piercing blue, with the left iris damaged and partially collapsed, appearing as if something sought to tear its way free. Albeit with wisps kissed by the reddish-brown shade of his youth, Môdhryd's beard and lengthy hair are predominantly an ashen white, their darkest lengths a silvered gray. More often than not, the latter is kept back in ponytail, falling below his shoulders when free; the former given only to a field trim.

Môdhryd's full armor consists of a combination of heavy, lusterless plate and mail supported by leather and cloth; plates show sign of wear and repair fitting his mercenary and combative tenacity, but also the care and upkeep of a warrior that, if nothing else, respects his craft. Above all, his great helm stands-out, modeled as to that of a dire wolf with a set of cervoid antlers, its visage permanently fixed in a ghastly snarl. Otherwise, his adornment ranges from a lightly-armored traveling attire to more leisurely fits of clothing, including an oil-sealed leather overcoat. Even when his colossal greatsword is not affixed to his spine, he is never without at least the longsword on his hip.
A certain weight - an aura, a smell, or merely an uncanny feeling - surrounds Môdhryd's presence, something that can be attributed strictly neither to his stature and build nor his imposition. Hounds often cower at his raised voice, livestock may scatter with their herd in the shadow of his gait, rats and other manner of vermin leave the offal of his meals untouched. Such sensitives, be they animal or of the higher orders of life, seem to feel some peculiarity in his proximity, as if something unseen lurks or lies in wait.
Perhaps it may be attributed to simple gravitas, an instinctual and primal repulsion, or merely experience finding tells in the demeanor of a killer. Regardless, the texture of this othersense seems to coarsen and elevate in proximity, particularly in confined spaces: as if Môdhryd, even in his great stature, encompasses more of a living hall than his build attests. There is a reason he does not travel those unseen, twilight routes laid between the portal stones - as an animal, knowing better, avoids trapping itself in the confines of a narrow cave mouth, no matter what may tempt its nose.
A being, a person, sensitive to such - be it by way of learning magical or mundane, a natural inclination to sense the unseen, instinct and knowing, experience, or even just luck - may note the texture of Môdhryd's aura; each experience itself being unique and intrinsic to those able. Regardless, such is not universal. Two standing side-by-side: one may note a lurking menace while the other is wholly ignorant. It is a peculiarity, passive and queer, and wholly beyond Môdhryd's control.
Perhaps it may be attributed to simple gravitas, an instinctual and primal repulsion, or merely experience finding tells in the demeanor of a killer. Regardless, the texture of this othersense seems to coarsen and elevate in proximity, particularly in confined spaces: as if Môdhryd, even in his great stature, encompasses more of a living hall than his build attests. There is a reason he does not travel those unseen, twilight routes laid between the portal stones - as an animal, knowing better, avoids trapping itself in the confines of a narrow cave mouth, no matter what may tempt its nose.
A being, a person, sensitive to such - be it by way of learning magical or mundane, a natural inclination to sense the unseen, instinct and knowing, experience, or even just luck - may note the texture of Môdhryd's aura; each experience itself being unique and intrinsic to those able. Regardless, such is not universal. Two standing side-by-side: one may note a lurking menace while the other is wholly ignorant. It is a peculiarity, passive and queer, and wholly beyond Môdhryd's control.

An only vaguely-humanoid, chimeraic amalgamation of wolf and hart, Môdhryd's bestial appearance is well beyond the pale of whispered campfire tales spun of lupine half-men and their ilk. The beast is a towering, colossal creature capable of shadowing thatch-roofed peasant homes and looming down upon great merchant wagons alike; even with the kyphotic skulk of his curved spine, he towers nearly twenty feet (six meters) in height. Ashen gray fur, streaked white and stained bloody, clings across his emaciated frame - from his misshapen, wolfish face to the tip of his long, half-mangled tail. The sounds of tearing tendons and cracking bone follow his every step.
Môdhryd's face, once hard and sharp, is distended and uncanny: wolfish for certain, ghastly, but poorly proportioned. His glacial eyes, ever-piercing, are tainted a sickly shade of jaundice - the left, nigh-wholly blown with bloodlust, its iris tattered. Set in his jaws, his teeth are neither wholly canine nor cervoid, but instead a cracked and jagged admixture of each - as a great, jagged bear trap designed by some maddened craftsman. A single gold, starkly human molar juts crudely out from the bone of his upper jaw as if it were some grotesque accouterment. To be so crowned, a set of great, atypical antlers rise from Môdhryd's skull, sat just before his tattered and pocked lupine ears.
In his gait, the beast of Môdhryd lurches forward in an unnatural stance. Great, digitigrade hind-legs support his immense bulk, with long and muscle-corded fore-limbs balancing his body - each tipped in jagged, bestial claws ever-as-much weapons as the arms of knights and hunters alike. In a run, when his body stoops and what were his hands dig tread in the earth, all but the most enduring and fleet-footed of creatures lack hope for escape. To claim sanctuary within a cathedral carries little hope, as even among the great spires of urban life Môdhryd's claws may find purchase and avail him skyward in a primal pursuit for quarry.
No wolf, no great cat, no hiss of a serpent, none are likened to the beast's vocalizations. When the primal call of Môdhryd's voice is loosed to the heavens, it is the sound of a wailing man filtered through the clash of embattled steel - a keening, bloody call of bitter rage and primal violence. Not quite a scream, nor a yell, nor even a cry: it is an inhuman, cacophonous collection of tones ever-as-much as unnatural and uncanny as the monstrosity from which they originate. It is the blood-curdling howl of damnation.
Skills & Abilities

At his most fundamental, Môdhryd is a disgraced Templar that once specialized in the pursuit and destruction of magic-wielders and arcana-attuned monstrosities. He is equipped with a variety of skills from such - be it swordsmanship and horseback riding, to the use of alchemical reagents to detect the lingering effects of spellcraft. Even so, he is an afflicted creature - a bloodthirsty monster of a man - with an, at times, insatiable appetite for violence, an appetite which inevitably tips him into a bloody mania which screams and calls out to reawaken the beast within him.
Beast Unbound. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Blood Mania. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Equestrian Experience. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Predatory Perception. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Scarred Resilience. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Scholarly Tutelage. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Stalker's Prowess. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Templar Acumen. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.

Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec dui felis. Mauris sit amet purus sed urna interdum vehicula. Cras rhoncus, nisl eleifend lacinia iaculis, neque libero consequat purus, rutrum dignissim nibh erat eu nibh. Proin congue est fermentum, luctus arcu eget, scelerisque erat. Nam facilisis enim at ligula luctus, non scelerisque nulla euismod. Quisque lacinia tristique odio, vitae mollis metus molestie nec. Vivamus porta nulla sit amet fringilla efficitur. Quisque vel diam sit amet magna tempor aliquam. Ut egestas turpis consequat nibh blandit commodo. Vestibulum finibus fringilla sapien et fringilla. Sed tincidunt feugiat auctor. Donec viverra neque ut quam congue, nec mollis nunc ullamcorper.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.
Praesent fermentum, elit at vehicula varius, ligula massa blandit sapien, sed laoreet velit urna tincidunt tortor. Cras rhoncus finibus ligula in fringilla. Aenean a laoreet sapien, nec facilisis magna. Cras lacinia molestie pretium. Mauris vehicula iaculis libero, at viverra lacus cursus mattis. Praesent blandit augue ac vulputate rutrum. Mauris et molestie enim. Cras blandit mattis est, in sodales dui porttitor molestie. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ante, ac blandit erat tristique at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas porta, arcu at rhoncus commodo, neque nulla lacinia odio, ac viverra massa tortor eget lorem. In pulvinar quam quis mauris tincidunt tristique. Morbi sit amet arcu malesuada, tempor elit ut, pulvinar neque. Duis bibendum fringilla pulvinar. Duis tempor neque eget consectetur hendrerit. Donec pretium et elit ut dictum.

By what we have gathered, including from what remains of the stewards' archives, he is apparently of Fjállvari stock - a barbarous people of the deep Eretejvan tundra - and belonged to a clan known as 'Khurgha.' He was a ward of the former Grandmaster Cylirn, himself appearing to have been slain by the cur, loosed from the high window of the master's residence. In spirit if not body, this Highland clansman ought be considered a kinslayer atop his other grievous injuries against his chapterhouse, the order, and the people of Dunholm - few as they are that still live and breath.
A surveying of the ruins of Farhold Bastion discovered a veritable maze of tunnels and catacombs dating to the fortress' founding. With the village of Hvallund little more than a day's ride, it is probable that this dog and some number of his hounds have fled, likely to seek passage to some port of Epressa. Some number of the amassed men were dispatched to seek them out, but none were found.
As such, by my authority: Môdhryd of the Khurgha, once Second Captain of the now extirpated Poor Brothers of the Sword and Anvil, is to be considered disgraced of the order for his heinous immoralities. Such ills include consorting with fell-arcana, unsanctioned inquisition resulting in the slaughter of perhaps a hundred or more innocents, the attempted suppression of these facts, the murders of his own brothers-in-arms upon discovery, the murders of Grandmaster Irvam Cylirn and First Captain Arnjyr Gryndall, the violation of basic tenets of the order, and flight from dutiful justice.
A steward, artful in such matters, has taken to provide a sketch of Môdhryd of the Khurgha. It will be attached to this testimony. Pending the approval of Grandmaster Karreg, if my testimony is to be found sound, such should be distributed with our reckoning of events to amiable chapterhouses across the mainland, further accompanied with a basic description of the man and his accompanying cohort.
By all accounts, this man ought be hanged and burned, as is the way for traitors, oathbreakers, and cowards alike. Even so, if the nature of this man and his company is true, which I attest by my own eyes such to be, it is likely of greater measure to dispatch this man and his own wherever they may be found. His capture is best to be considered secondary to the order's own justice.”
Provided Testimony of Templar Captain Raive Erlovan
of the Brothers Hospitalier of the Silver Shield; Year 360
of the Brothers Hospitalier of the Silver Shield; Year 360
- Just Another Sellsword (Fate; 6/2/2023)
- Allirian Nights Chapter 1: Introductions and Inquiry (Quest; 6/14/2023)
- ^Unless otherwise indicated, all images are cited Midjourney or Bing.