Knights of Anathaeum
East of the Allir Reach, in the wilds of the woods where the Eldyr tree[2] roots, resides a storied order. Once,the Knights of Anatheaum enjoyed patronage from noble houses and townships, who would offer not just gifts of coin, but sons and daughters eager to learn from Masters and Captains alike. Now, they are but a shadow of what they once were, past conflicts leaving a dark stain upon their record with the lords and ladies of the land. Still, they carry on, taking in those who would join them, and train them in those ways most old, so that some still stand to defend the Vale, and all who call it home.
See all members here: Knights of Anathaeum
See all members here: Knights of Anathaeum
Bound to no king and sworn to no lord, the Knights of Anathaeum give aid to those that have none and find honor and glory not in the count of their kills, or the size of their conquest, but in what they have saved, what they have nurtured, and what they protect.
No strangers to conflict, be it the petty squabbles of lords or the otherworldly dealings of demons and geists, the Knights of Anathaeum roam the land lending their strength to the small folk, and their mercy to the wilds. Their traditions and practices are carried on from a time long past, where mortals and fae shared the same land, west of the Spine and beneath the vigil off the Eldyr tree.
No strangers to conflict, be it the petty squabbles of lords or the otherworldly dealings of demons and geists, the Knights of Anathaeum roam the land lending their strength to the small folk, and their mercy to the wilds. Their traditions and practices are carried on from a time long past, where mortals and fae shared the same land, west of the Spine and beneath the vigil off the Eldyr tree.
They are governed by their Knight Commander, Artorias, an ancient dragon who presents as a golden scaled dragon kin. He has kept his oath since first he pledged his life to the order, as he and his sworn-kin stood in wake over Anathaeum’s last breaths. Beneath the Knight Commander in the chain of rank are the Knight Captains of Dusk and Dawn, Selene and Helena.
Each Knight Captain presides over one of the two Sanctums of the Order, respectively named the Sanctums of Dusk and Dawn. Each Sanctum is composed of Knight Masters and their Knights Pursuant. All members of the order who are of Pursuant or Master rank are experts in their field of specialization, referred to as “pursuits” within the order. However, the Knight Masters are seen as leaders and hold greater authority amongst the order, answering only to the Knight Captains and Knight Commander.
Most members of the order are raised within its teachings, beginning their journey as squires from a young age. In addition to performing the most mundane of responsibilities necessary to lead fruitful lives within the monastery, squires are taught by Knights who have taken their oath, and attend special training and lectures regarding the five pursuits, put on by Knights Pursuant or Knight Masters, though this is something usually reserved for Knights Sworn.
Squires come from all walks of life, and from all manner of people. From children saved from a flood, whose parents were washed away, to minor nobleings sent to learn from the ancient order and earn honor for their house, the order rarely turns away new recruits. Out of necessity more so than charity. When a squire has been deemed ready by a Knight, they are sworn into the order.
It is important to note that within the order, Knight is more of an honorific than a true title. Not all Knights of Anathaeum wield sword and shield, just as not all sling spells and exorcise ghosts. Reading and numbers however, are common practice.
Knight Commander - Head of the Order, elected by all knights of rank Pursuant and above. Traditionally, this station is held for life, however, if deemed necessary by unanimous decision, a tribunal can be held to remove the Knight Commander from their seat.
Knight Captains of Dusk and Dawn - Two in total. Heads of the Sanctums, elected by the members of their respective knights rank Sworn and above. Traditionally, Knight Captains have been chosen from the ranks of Pursuant and Master. Captains govern their sanctums, and hold say in matters of deployment and management, working together to choose the best knights for the task at hand.
Knight Masters of the Pursuits - Six in total, three per sanctum. Chosen by the Knight Commander. While each Knight Master may be learned in more than one Pursuit, they are seen as the utmost authority in their field of specialization. Currently, only the Pursuit of Life holds more than one Master, one of Dusk and one of Dawn.
Knight Pursuant - Hand selected by the Knight Masters, Captains, and Commander, the Knights pursuant are the up and coming leaders and heroes of the order. They have shown devotion, and proved their metal true.
Knight Sworn - A rank bestowed upon those squires who undergo the ceremony of the Twice-Lit Flame, and earn the right to swear their oath. The Knight Sworn are proven capable and are tasked with duties and quests that would see them far and away from the grounds of Astenvale.
Field Sworn - In terms of rank, the Field Sworn are treated the same as any Knight Sworn. The difference is that they did not take the traditional squire path to knighthood, and instead entered the Order as adults. They are considered by their peers to be capable agents, but are not as well versed in the teachings of the Order, and cannot be nominated for Pursuant. A Field Knight can their full vows at the Twice-Lit Flame ceremony, at a later time.
Squire - Prospects who have been deemed worthy to embark upon the trials of the order. At times squires will accompany the Sworn on missions and quests deemed fitting for their level. Most often, Squires reside within Astenvale and tend to their studies and training, along with the many responsibilities they may have around the Monastery.
Prospect - Those who show promise, but have yet proven worthy.
The Sanctums
Once a Knight Sworn, the Knight is placed into one of the two Sanctums - Dawn or Dusk - chosen by the Knight Captains after delegation with the Masters and Pursuants. Members of the order take on quests, missions, and jobs as needed. One of their most strict codes, all official work must be handled by a pair of knights, one of Dusk and one of Dawn.
Knights of Dusk specialize in matters of the arcane and the eldritch, slayers of horrors and vanquishers of demons, as well as magical research and anti-magical tactics. Knights of Dawn on the other hand deal more in matters of people and politics, trained in soldiering and tactics, as well as the taming of beasts and the healing of the earth. When it comes to the Pursuits the Knights of Dusk are more prone to learn the Pursuits of the Loch and of Death, while Knights of Dawn favor the Pursuits of the Flame, and the Pursuits of the Wild. Both Sanctums hold to the Pursuit of Life, and while differing in expression, practice the arts of healing and the strength of arms.
Knights of Dusk specialize in matters of the arcane and the eldritch, slayers of horrors and vanquishers of demons, as well as magical research and anti-magical tactics. Knights of Dawn on the other hand deal more in matters of people and politics, trained in soldiering and tactics, as well as the taming of beasts and the healing of the earth. When it comes to the Pursuits the Knights of Dusk are more prone to learn the Pursuits of the Loch and of Death, while Knights of Dawn favor the Pursuits of the Flame, and the Pursuits of the Wild. Both Sanctums hold to the Pursuit of Life, and while differing in expression, practice the arts of healing and the strength of arms.
The Pursuits
Within the order, squires and young knights are trained in the art of five different Pursuits: Flame, Loch, Life, Death and the Wild. Each Pursuit is led by a single Knight Master, who guides those in that Pursuit and is considered the authority of its teachings. Underneath the masters are Knights Pursuant, those that have dedicated themselves to a specific Pursuit and mastered its teachings. While many Knights practice multiple Pursuits, only a few earn the title of Pursuant in more than one art over their lifetime.
Pursuit of the Flame - Invention and innovation spurred on by the raw power of the elements. Those who pursue the flame know how to wield the forces of the elements to not only shape the world around them, but to bring about their designs and necessities. Spellswords and elementalists, engineers and smiths, these are among those who pursue the flame.
Pursuit of the Loch - Investigation and calculation, tempered by the ever changing ripples of the lochs, and those most enchanting secrets kept behind their mirror’s edge. Those who pursue the loch know how to wield the force of the mind to not only pull from the depths of dream but to also bring those visions to reality. Summoners, illusionists, scholars and artificers are among those who pursue the loch.
Pursuit of Life - Invigoration and determination, nurtured by the will of all that draws breath and grows strong. Pursued by every member of the Order, Life is fought for and protected with mind and body alike. Paladins, healers, medics and peaceweavers are among those who pursue life.
Pursuit of Death - Inevitability and rest, where life grows strong, decay is sure to set in. Corruption and curses, while unseemly, have their uses and their role to play. Those who pursue death know how to keep the balance of darker things, repurposing rot and pestilence to bring cycles to an end. Reanimators, hexers, pact makers and mediums, all can be found amongst those who pursue death.
Pursuit of the Wild - Immense and unbreaking, not seeking to tame the beasts of the wilds but to hear them. Closest to the teachings of the first Knight Commander, those who pursue the wild can wield the raw force of nature, embodying the traits of the beasts they hunt, and gathering the boons of the forest flora. Scouts, trackers, stable masters and botanists, are among those who pursue the Wild.
Knights of Note

Knight Masters of Dusk

Knight Masters of Dawn

Once upon a time, whence the gods roamed the wilds, in a land east of the Reach and south and west of the Spine, all manner of folk lived alongside the natural world. They grew within its cycles. They kept to the order of the seasons and to the will of the land. In that most ancient forest where the gods did walk, beneath the great boughs of the Eldyr tree, in its cool shade, there was peace.
But peace, that most fragile of green spring buds, came and went like the leaves in autumn, wilted and parched after the harsh heat of summer.
Wars ravaged the land. Orc slayed dwarf, dwarf quarreled man, and man burned the elves and their homes. Blood shed and spilled in turn, run rivers as fires licked high and smoke turned black the sky. All the while the fairy folk laughed and danced, and joined all of those violent games all the same.
When enough lives had been lost and homes destroyed, peace came anew. Fragile and tender and prone to dry out all the more. But those heroes who had seen the dread horrors of war knew that if tended, if cared for, peace could grow stronger still. Dig roots into the land. Spread and fortify all that life that would otherwise be lost if war came again to do what famine and pestilence and the biting cold could not.
Low as the worm in the dirt, was born Anathaeum. A hunter’s child, who walked those dark wilds so scorched and black come conflicts past. Yet the station of birth meant little and less to all the creatures of those woods, charmed as they were by that most lowly soul, who would stride across the forest floor like a fox, so natural and free did Anathaeum see that place they called home.
One day, Anathaeum happened upon a band of brave knights, lost in the tangle and twist of bramble and root. Great bear and wolf and eagle and crow circled to and fro, hungry and angry still as the warfire’s scent lingered there in their nostrils so flared, burned upon the memories of their mind. For fear and unknowing, the knights brandished their swords and staves, but it did naught against tooth and claw. Anathaeum saw this, and did act.
Quick as a rabbit, they darted to aid, with charms and wits they did give the beasts a slip, those hunters of men and all manner of folk, vengeful spirits of so wild a place, that gave chase to Anathaeum. Brave and bold and swift as they were, the beasts could not keep up, and bear and wolf and eagle and crow slowed their temper, anger run dry, the meadow warm and their weariness great.
Anathaeum returned, unscratched and unbloodied, the knights aghast, asked how this could be. And with their light breath, Anathaeum did pray to those gathered round. Harm not the bear nor the wolf, the eagle nor the crow, they urged. And to this and more those knights did swear. Touched steel to that young hunter, and dubbed them Knight, Commander of the order.
But famine and pestilence and the biting cold did what war could not, and turned the beasts foul, twisting their form as fire and ash had twisted the land, dark and untiring.
On a cold night, the beasts turned to hunt men once again and once again, Anathaeum rose to let them chase. Brave and bold and swift as Anathaeum was, the beasts could keep up, the meadow grown cold, setting upon the young hunter with fervor and fang. The knights saw this, and did act.
Too late, they drew their swords and cast their spells, guarding their fallen Knight Commander. We will harm not the bear nor the wolf, the eagle nor the crow, the knights echoed their oath. But Ser, these creatures are not bear nor wolf, eagle nor crow, and harm they would do. The Knights fought then with the ways of war and flame, scorch and black, and did what famine and pestilence and the biting cold could not.
Too early, Anathaeum drew themselves up to their last, and prayed a new prayer to all gathered round. Only those heroes of old heard Anathaeum’s last wish, as they bade their Knight Commander farewell, and vowed their own fresh vow, that never again would one knight journey alone. Always there would be two vigilant, the blade and the palm, the healer and the flame, one to bid the wild dawn well and one to quell that which clung to dusk.
But peace, that most fragile of green spring buds, came and went like the leaves in autumn, wilted and parched after the harsh heat of summer.
Wars ravaged the land. Orc slayed dwarf, dwarf quarreled man, and man burned the elves and their homes. Blood shed and spilled in turn, run rivers as fires licked high and smoke turned black the sky. All the while the fairy folk laughed and danced, and joined all of those violent games all the same.
When enough lives had been lost and homes destroyed, peace came anew. Fragile and tender and prone to dry out all the more. But those heroes who had seen the dread horrors of war knew that if tended, if cared for, peace could grow stronger still. Dig roots into the land. Spread and fortify all that life that would otherwise be lost if war came again to do what famine and pestilence and the biting cold could not.
Low as the worm in the dirt, was born Anathaeum. A hunter’s child, who walked those dark wilds so scorched and black come conflicts past. Yet the station of birth meant little and less to all the creatures of those woods, charmed as they were by that most lowly soul, who would stride across the forest floor like a fox, so natural and free did Anathaeum see that place they called home.
One day, Anathaeum happened upon a band of brave knights, lost in the tangle and twist of bramble and root. Great bear and wolf and eagle and crow circled to and fro, hungry and angry still as the warfire’s scent lingered there in their nostrils so flared, burned upon the memories of their mind. For fear and unknowing, the knights brandished their swords and staves, but it did naught against tooth and claw. Anathaeum saw this, and did act.
Quick as a rabbit, they darted to aid, with charms and wits they did give the beasts a slip, those hunters of men and all manner of folk, vengeful spirits of so wild a place, that gave chase to Anathaeum. Brave and bold and swift as they were, the beasts could not keep up, and bear and wolf and eagle and crow slowed their temper, anger run dry, the meadow warm and their weariness great.
Anathaeum returned, unscratched and unbloodied, the knights aghast, asked how this could be. And with their light breath, Anathaeum did pray to those gathered round. Harm not the bear nor the wolf, the eagle nor the crow, they urged. And to this and more those knights did swear. Touched steel to that young hunter, and dubbed them Knight, Commander of the order.
But famine and pestilence and the biting cold did what war could not, and turned the beasts foul, twisting their form as fire and ash had twisted the land, dark and untiring.
On a cold night, the beasts turned to hunt men once again and once again, Anathaeum rose to let them chase. Brave and bold and swift as Anathaeum was, the beasts could keep up, the meadow grown cold, setting upon the young hunter with fervor and fang. The knights saw this, and did act.
Too late, they drew their swords and cast their spells, guarding their fallen Knight Commander. We will harm not the bear nor the wolf, the eagle nor the crow, the knights echoed their oath. But Ser, these creatures are not bear nor wolf, eagle nor crow, and harm they would do. The Knights fought then with the ways of war and flame, scorch and black, and did what famine and pestilence and the biting cold could not.
Too early, Anathaeum drew themselves up to their last, and prayed a new prayer to all gathered round. Only those heroes of old heard Anathaeum’s last wish, as they bade their Knight Commander farewell, and vowed their own fresh vow, that never again would one knight journey alone. Always there would be two vigilant, the blade and the palm, the healer and the flame, one to bid the wild dawn well and one to quell that which clung to dusk.
Threads marked with:
⚔ are active and open to join
❁ are complete and concluded
❁ Days Most Dark || Five years in the past. Accompanying the Master of the Loch, Hawthorne, and Pursuant Eironmar, Syrs Osuin and Helena venture deep into the wylds. Therein, they encounter a dense growth of corrupted life, and a relic most ancient.
❁ From the Root || Three years in the past. Word of mercenaries-turned-bandit sees two pairs of Knights venture into the rocky crags and valleys.
❁ Petty Lords and Pettier Problems || Squire Innis learns an important lesson, baring witness to a portent of darkness to come.
❁ Necromancy by Any Other Name || Selene, Osuin, and Vos chase down rumors of a corrupted sorcerer into the mountains. What they discover is a gruesome scene, a twisted enemy, and the shadow of a greater threat looming over Astenvale. The sorcerer is able to flee the scene, and Selene is left critically wounded, lost in a false nightmare and unresponsive.
❁ The Wolf and the Lion || Syrs Bebin and Dejan find themselves in a firefight with a powerful cultist. They return victorious, a strange and unsettling artifact in hand, and a dark dread obscuring their hearts.
❁ That Whisper in the Night || On the hunt for the traitor Knight Demiex, tempers run hot, the trail goes cold, and the Knights lose a good lead.
❁ What Lurks In the Loch || A recap thread going over the events of Act I.
Kingdom of Mud || Selene and Bebin find their way home.
Das Broofest of Astenvale || Yes, this is canon.
Two For Today, Three for Tomorrow || Solon Raye and Squire Hector research the Trinemoro, three witches of legendary status.
Strange Fruit || Squires Hector and Keston encounter a mad archer.
In the Eye of the City || The Knights of Anathaeum track the Everwatcher's followers to the outskirts of Alliria, but the cultists are one step ahead.
With Eyes Unclouded || Josai and Seluria set out to make contact wit h one of the Trinemoro sisters.
⚔ Breaking Bread at the Knoll || A permanent social area for meeting new faces and ruminating on past adventures.
⚔ The Wyvern’s Nest || A popular resupply stop for those in Astenvale, this shopping district has a little bit of everything.
❁ Suds of Honor || A fundraiser of unusual circumstances and success.
⚔ Festival of Lights || A holiday special to bring in the new year.
The Gilded Hart || The small town of Snowmelt (a common resting point for those traveling through the nearby portal stone) has asked the help of Anathaeum to investigate what is spiriting away their paying patrons.
Pretense of Spring || Noa, Galvanhad, Arkobald, Theo, and Margot stand against blighted foxes.
❁ Despoiling of Alliria || Alliria is in fact, not despoiled, in small part due to the efforts of the KoA.
Life and Death || Two Knights answer as suspiciously easy call to action from a Baron.
Knocking is a Common Courtesy || Can our brave knights survive the Swamps of Endless Torment?
For Tomorrow || The village of Belgrave is under threat – but from what?
Door to Door || A humble knight goes out asking for donations.
Of Wild Harts || Baron Alon Pinkrose makes an ass of himself, and the KoA tries to quietly clean up after the haughty noble.
Seeking Aid of the Dawn || Rumblings of a corrupted spirit leads Ubnara to the doorstep of the KoA.
❁ Of Knights and Magic || A knight of another order visits Astenvale on a diplomatic mission, and codes clash as he investigates the KoA.
Silver Blood at Daybreak || Helena seeks to ruin a poacher’s day, and meets an ally along the way.
A Friend in Need || Sword-for-hire Dal has been rescued, grievously injured, by the Knights of Anathaeum. While he recovers, he learns what it means to be a knight, and what path he will wish to follow.
Sword Logic || Set some five years ago. Helena and Solon discuss who is most fit to lead the Sanctum of Dawn, following their Captain's disappearance.
The Mountain Pass || In the valley of the gods, a freshly made dragon rider meets with an errant Knight.
Knight Meets the Dawn || Methuselah & Helena have a heart to heart atop the tallest point in the monastery.
Where the Wyld Things Are || Helena & Dejan go on a past adventure.
The Chrysanthemum King || Adjantis, Dejan & Faramund
To Smithereens! || Helena, Syr Guernot, Amalgam, feat. Kazaban the Mad
Seed of Doubt || Selene and Elinyra
Showing on the Shield || Murk Altov, Seluria, Helena, Marchosias,
⚔ Flame of the Hearth || Two squires get distracted by a fairy tale as they run a simple errand.
⚔ Training Day || Suspiciously lacking in squires.
Three Squire Moon || A handful of squires and one accidental babysitter get themselves into a bit of trouble on the full moons.
Upon Ragged Peaks || A visit is paid to a nearby goblin village, who requested the aid of the KoA.
Middle of the Road || Bandits descend upon what they think will be an easy target, and get more than they asked for.
For Whom the Ghouls Groan || Cleanup duty with the squires gets a little out of hand.
Valborast Valchek Thinks about Vampires
❁ To Know and Write of Blood || Book: The Vampiric Mind || For Gods to Menace Fools
The Tea Time with Captain Helena Series
TTH: Faramund || TTH: Noa
Songs of Alley Cats || The Run || Riders at Dawn || A Bile of Their Blood ||
⚔ are active and open to join
❁ are complete and concluded
༓ *☽ Through Lids Doth Peer ☾*༓
A dark cult, an ancient enemy, and artifacts of power lost to time.P R E L U D E
❁ Days Most Dark || Five years in the past. Accompanying the Master of the Loch, Hawthorne, and Pursuant Eironmar, Syrs Osuin and Helena venture deep into the wylds. Therein, they encounter a dense growth of corrupted life, and a relic most ancient.
❁ From the Root || Three years in the past. Word of mercenaries-turned-bandit sees two pairs of Knights venture into the rocky crags and valleys.
❁ Petty Lords and Pettier Problems || Squire Innis learns an important lesson, baring witness to a portent of darkness to come.
❁ Necromancy by Any Other Name || Selene, Osuin, and Vos chase down rumors of a corrupted sorcerer into the mountains. What they discover is a gruesome scene, a twisted enemy, and the shadow of a greater threat looming over Astenvale. The sorcerer is able to flee the scene, and Selene is left critically wounded, lost in a false nightmare and unresponsive.
❁ The Wolf and the Lion || Syrs Bebin and Dejan find themselves in a firefight with a powerful cultist. They return victorious, a strange and unsettling artifact in hand, and a dark dread obscuring their hearts.
❁ That Whisper in the Night || On the hunt for the traitor Knight Demiex, tempers run hot, the trail goes cold, and the Knights lose a good lead.
❁ What Lurks In the Loch || A recap thread going over the events of Act I.
Kingdom of Mud || Selene and Bebin find their way home.
Das Broofest of Astenvale || Yes, this is canon.
Two For Today, Three for Tomorrow || Solon Raye and Squire Hector research the Trinemoro, three witches of legendary status.
Strange Fruit || Squires Hector and Keston encounter a mad archer.
In the Eye of the City || The Knights of Anathaeum track the Everwatcher's followers to the outskirts of Alliria, but the cultists are one step ahead.
With Eyes Unclouded || Josai and Seluria set out to make contact wit h one of the Trinemoro sisters.
Between the Lines
Stories that take place outside of or during the down time in between the major plots.⚔ Breaking Bread at the Knoll || A permanent social area for meeting new faces and ruminating on past adventures.
⚔ The Wyvern’s Nest || A popular resupply stop for those in Astenvale, this shopping district has a little bit of everything.
❁ Suds of Honor || A fundraiser of unusual circumstances and success.
⚔ Festival of Lights || A holiday special to bring in the new year.
The Gilded Hart || The small town of Snowmelt (a common resting point for those traveling through the nearby portal stone) has asked the help of Anathaeum to investigate what is spiriting away their paying patrons.
Pretense of Spring || Noa, Galvanhad, Arkobald, Theo, and Margot stand against blighted foxes.
❁ Despoiling of Alliria || Alliria is in fact, not despoiled, in small part due to the efforts of the KoA.
Life and Death || Two Knights answer as suspiciously easy call to action from a Baron.
Knocking is a Common Courtesy || Can our brave knights survive the Swamps of Endless Torment?
For Tomorrow || The village of Belgrave is under threat – but from what?
Door to Door || A humble knight goes out asking for donations.
Of Wild Harts || Baron Alon Pinkrose makes an ass of himself, and the KoA tries to quietly clean up after the haughty noble.
Seeking Aid of the Dawn || Rumblings of a corrupted spirit leads Ubnara to the doorstep of the KoA.
❁ Of Knights and Magic || A knight of another order visits Astenvale on a diplomatic mission, and codes clash as he investigates the KoA.
Silver Blood at Daybreak || Helena seeks to ruin a poacher’s day, and meets an ally along the way.
A Friend in Need || Sword-for-hire Dal has been rescued, grievously injured, by the Knights of Anathaeum. While he recovers, he learns what it means to be a knight, and what path he will wish to follow.
Sword Logic || Set some five years ago. Helena and Solon discuss who is most fit to lead the Sanctum of Dawn, following their Captain's disappearance.
The Mountain Pass || In the valley of the gods, a freshly made dragon rider meets with an errant Knight.
Knight Meets the Dawn || Methuselah & Helena have a heart to heart atop the tallest point in the monastery.
Where the Wyld Things Are || Helena & Dejan go on a past adventure.
The Chrysanthemum King || Adjantis, Dejan & Faramund
To Smithereens! || Helena, Syr Guernot, Amalgam, feat. Kazaban the Mad
Seed of Doubt || Selene and Elinyra
Showing on the Shield || Murk Altov, Seluria, Helena, Marchosias,
The Squires
Training montages and shenanigans galore. ⚔ Flame of the Hearth || Two squires get distracted by a fairy tale as they run a simple errand.
⚔ Training Day || Suspiciously lacking in squires.
Three Squire Moon || A handful of squires and one accidental babysitter get themselves into a bit of trouble on the full moons.
Upon Ragged Peaks || A visit is paid to a nearby goblin village, who requested the aid of the KoA.
Middle of the Road || Bandits descend upon what they think will be an easy target, and get more than they asked for.
For Whom the Ghouls Groan || Cleanup duty with the squires gets a little out of hand.
Companion Quests
Personal plotlines and social threads that focus on individual character goals. Valborast Valchek Thinks about Vampires
❁ To Know and Write of Blood || Book: The Vampiric Mind || For Gods to Menace Fools
The Tea Time with Captain Helena Series
TTH: Faramund || TTH: Noa
The KoA get mentioned in passing!Songs of Alley Cats || The Run || Riders at Dawn || A Bile of Their Blood ||
- ^Astenvale Monastery
- ^The Eldyr Tree
- ^NPC / Art Source: Nadaar, Selfless Paladin MtG Art from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms by Aaron Miller
- ^Played by Lobster/ Art Source: Sefris of the Hidden Ways MtG Art from Adventures in the Forgotten realms by Ryan Pancoast
- ^Played by Dingo/ Art Source: Sungold Sentinel MtG Art from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt by Marta Nael
- ^NPC/ Art Source: It's time to go by Gintas Galvanauskas
- ^NPC / Art Source: Dennick, Pious Apparition MtG Art from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt by Chris Rallis
- ^NPC/ Art Source:Syr Konrad, the Grim MtG Art from Throne of Eldraine by Anna Steinbauer
- ^NPC / Art Source: Venerable Knight MtG Art from Throne of Eldraine by Colin Boyer
- ^NPC/ Art Source:Irencrag Pyromancer MtG Art from Throne of Eldraine by Jason Rainville
- ^NPC / Art Source: Quandrix Cultivator MtG Art from Strixhaven by Filip Burburan
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