Fable - Ask What Has Become of Us

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Walter's opinion of the republic caught Alistair off guard for a moment, but he found himself nodding in agreement. The nature of governmental types such as the republic meant they were inherently volatile. The potential for sudden change could be very threatening to any sense of stability, but it was also that sudden action that could be its greatest strength.

If it meant that inept hands could get their hands on power, then it also meant that anyone with the ability and ambition to use it could also go far, no matter what class they came from. It gave hope to those like Alistair and potentially those with an even lower status.

His body tensed at the sudden tough of Walter's hand on his shoulder, not from any revulsion, but more from his unfamiliarity with toughness that was not immediately causing pain.

"I and House Krixus would be honored to help with your project. Any service that I may offer is yours."

This was his chance, the chance his father had prepared him for. The opportunity to finally ally House Krixus with a major house. The opportunities that could come from such an alliance were plentiful.

Walter Banick
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"Very well," Walter said, pleased not just with Alistair's assent but with how the whole of their conversation had gone. "I will make the request."

He gave Alistair's shoulder a small, paternal pat, one that likewise signaled his imminent departure.

"We will speak again in the future, Alistair." Mayhap in Ostia Anir, should the Academy not have grown so bold in these rapidly changing times as to think they no longer had anyone to whom they must answer.

With that, Walter gave a final nod and turned and walked, hands in his coat pockets, toward the Golden Rose's entrance. His talk with Alistair had been...transformative. Significantly so. This he knew, for while the weight of it was pressing down but lightly upon his mind at present he could nonetheless sense the enormity of it. In years past, Walter would have dismissed the boy's candid testimony of his experience in the Academy with any number of "justifying" rationalizations: you are derelict of your duty to Vel Anir, you disparage the methods of the Academy out of juvenile resentment, you are cowardly for not harnessing your arcane gifts in the manner prescribed by the state and endured by those who have come before you.

It took his love of Ralene, in seeing what his decision thirteen years ago had wrought in this present day, to open his mind.

Walter would leave the Golden Rose Cafe and go to his carriage to sit inside until Ralene returned. To be alone. To think. He could have spent far more hours conversing with officials and military officers and others of the nobility but it would have been nothing but perfunctory, and his interlocutors would surely sense his inattentiveness and disinterest.

And so he sat. Contemplating.

Alistair Krixus Ralene
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Reactions: Alistair Krixus
Alistair could only nod with a smile on his face at Walter's final words. He had to hold himself back from smiling too wide. This conversation had gone amazingly. It was just what his dad had wanted of him.

He politely bowed in acknowledge as Lord Banick made his exit. He reached out and took a cup of wine. It was like a reward for these turn of events. He had more than accomplished what he wanted out of this event. A glance back over towards the ladies told him they were still there, but...he was not ready to throw himself back into that.

He walked into the remaining crowd of officials and nobles to make his rounds and offer greetings from his family
  • Yay
Reactions: Walter Banick