LFG Various dudes in need of action

I've started getting more active on the board again, and I'm itching to get my characters into things and build relationships with other characters. All of my characters are open for threads.

I've included ideas for prompts for most characters, but these aren't restrictive. They're there just to help other roleplayers brainstorm ideas or just find an activity they may be interested in and a character who would fit. I'm particularly interested in building long-term relationships between characters where possible, whether they be platonic, romantic, antagonistic, or otherwise. Getting them involved in grand plots would, of course, also be quite fun. However, I'm not against one-off threads and chance meetings!
  • Cirithyll "Reverie" Faervel is my assassin affiliated with the Caliginous Church. She's lazy, a bit ditzy, and generally pretty easygoing when she's not been assigned to kill you.
  • Evirea Nymbos is a dragon rider from Thanasis. Her family rose to minor nobility as merchants. Her dragon's air element makes him suited primarily for warfare, so they get mercenary contracts for her. She commands high prices due to her dragon, but she can be sent practically anywhere on Arethil. She's kind of awkward when not in a working mindset. Her dragon, Taivas, helps make up for it a bit because he's pretty friendly. Thanasian dragons are not sapient, so he's essentially a smart animal who can take rudimentary commands from his rider and others if she permits it. For a dragon, he's not especially large, either, so he can romp with others a bit.
    • Possible prompts:
      • Merc stuff, of course
      • Monster hunting
      • Introduce dragons to non-Thanasian characters
      • Just doing stuff with other riders
      • Possible interactions with sapient dragon characters; it'd be quite a contrast from what she knows
  • Fayu is a pixie serving Relorath. She's essentially my joke character. She's air-headed and exists pretty much just to cause chaos.
  • Khaato Khusakhane is a dragon rider based in Thanasis. He was formerly a thief whose lowborn family came to the city proper hoping for a better life. He participated in the Rising in hopes of raising his social standing and bonded with a wild red dragon. He bit off more than he can chew; his dragon is an absolute terror and is beyond his ability to control. Because of this, he's not really suited for threads outside of Malakath at the moment.
    • Possible prompts:
      • Getting a mentor to help him with his uncontrollable dragon
      • Getting to know the other new riders
      • Dragon wreaks havoc
      • Being sent out on a basic monster hunting job in Malakath to basically try to get his dragon away from civilization and take out his aggression on suitable targets
  • Micardrin Baenarn is a mercenary with the Blackshield Company. He served a drow noble house in the Underrealm before it was wiped out by a rival house and he was enslaved. Of course, he was freed, which is how he ended up with the Blackshields. Stereotypical gruff mercenary: an ass, likes drinking, just wants to get the job done, get paid, then gtfo.
    • Possible prompts:
      • Merc stuff
      • Bar brawls
      • Reopen some old wounds; could still have some ties in the Underrealm
  • Raisanu is a monster hunter. She's less of the evil creature-hunting variety and more of the Capcom Monster Hunter series sort of hunter, meaning she's geared more toward hunting big beasties than things like vampires or werewolves. She's adventurous, social, and plucky.
    • Possible prompts:
      • Monster huntin'
      • Tavern meetups
  • Valdís Auðunardóttir is a member of the Knights of Anathaeum. Her family was exiled from Hjerim when she was a child. She was recently afflicted with lycanthropy and is trying to cope with it.
    • Possible prompts:
      • Needs help trying to control her condition; enchanters and/or alchemists may be of interest to her
      • KOA jobs, mainly hunting evil creatures
      • Escaped confinement in werewolf form and needs to be recaptured
  • Valkanthrandilax is a sapient dragon. He's a (mostly) self-taught sorcerer and an artist, and is very skilled in both magic and arts of all sorts. He's well-educated all around, though. He's not above getting involved in questionable things, but he's highly concerned with self-preservation. He can be a little feisty and is definitely very greedy. Valkan is not, however, prone to wantonly killing or tormenting others, so he's generally safe for most people to interact with. He likes to show off both his magical and artistic skills.
    • Possible prompts:
      • Attempted dragon slaying
      • Monster hunting of any sort
      • Can do mercenary work
      • Art commissions
      • Exploring ruins and hunting magical artifacts
      • Elbion or other magic college stuff
      • Could be persuaded into getting involved with political ventures if he's promised a lot of gold or valuables in general.
  • Xián Yuè is a fae affiliated with the Dusk Court. He's a jeweler and pretty pacifistic in nature. He might be found roaming the woods as a qilin or glamoured as a deer. He'd most likely be found in Alliria or the Falwood.
    • Possible prompts:
      • Somebody shoots at him while in an animal form :p
      • Need a jeweler who can enchant your bling? He's got you covered
      • Getting him roped (unwillingly) into fae court politics
      • Healing and purifying corruption
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Heya! I'd love to get my undead (she's nice, I promise) involved in a bout of random monster hunting and think Raisanu would be good for it -- though honestly, any of your monster-hunting capable characters would fit, I think.

My general thought is that Nel gets injured and is looking for a... 'resource' to fix herself up with, and with a sad lack of bandits in the immediate area, she decides to try a local monster for its body parts instead. Would this idea work for you?

I don't know if this would work for your character development with Xián Yuè, but I could definitely use a couple of those prompts with Elinyra. I demoted her to a semi-antagonist minion position in one of her threads, which could make for an interesting encounter or start to building a side story. She's not tied into the Fae Court politics, per se, but I could potentially shift it that way if you'd like.

I'm still somewhat on a hiatus but... I am trying to get back into writing for the sake of my sanity if nothing else xD
Heya! Id love to get my undead (shes nice, I promise) involved in a bout of random monster hunting and think Raisanu would be good for it -- though honestly, any of your monster-hunting capable characters would fit, I think.

My general thought is that Nel gets injured and is looking for a... resource to fix herself up with, and with a sad lack of bandits in the immediate area, she decides to try a local monster for its body parts instead. Would this idea work for you?
Hiya! Yeah, I think Raisanu would be a good fit for that. She's the most likely of mine to try to help someone who's in need out of altruism, and she could be going after the same mark. Would Nel likely still be roughly in northwestern Liadain, or do you have a specific location in mind?

I dont know if this would work for your character development with Xián Yuè, but I could definitely use a couple of those prompts with Elinyra. I demoted her to a semi-antagonist minion position in one of her threads, which could make for an interesting encounter or start to building a side story. Shes not tied into the Fae Court politics, per se, but I could potentially shift it that way if youd like.

Im still somewhat on a hiatus but... I am trying to get back into writing for the sake of my sanity if nothing else xD
No worries! I'm pretty chill when it comes to posting speed. Which prompt(s) did you have in mind? And no need to get involved with court politics if it wouldn't suit your Elinyra! He doesn't particularly want to get involved in them, either, but could be drawn into it unwillingly by another party. I took a gander at one of the threads linked on her bio and see that it looks like Vyr is the puppeteer, so to speak. He's definitely got some views quite opposed to Xián Yuè, blighting forests and all.
Hiya! Yeah, I think Raisanu would be a good fit for that. Shes the most likely of mine to try to help someone whos in need out of altruism, and she could be going after the same mark. Would Nel likely still be roughly in northwestern Liadain, or do you have a specific location in mind?

Three cheers for altruists!

Nel is pretty aimless at the moment, so northwest Liadain is fine, but I can also plop her elsewhere on the map if that would work better for you.
The first one would make the most sense in my mind, if you don't mind having Xián Yuè wander into a weird mutated forest for reasons of his own. (I have Elinyra 'stuck' there for the moment, but I could probably find a reason to put her in another place if necessary. Preferably wilderness, since she's somewhat monstrous at this point)

She could definitely take a shot at him thinking him to be a threat, and then be convinced that he isn't actually what she first perceives him to be. Elinyra isn't evil, just spell-bound so to speak. I'm happy with an action segment, a kind of chase scenario or diplomacy - whatever seems fun to you. If you have another idea pop up, that's great too :)

Vyr is definitely the master of puppets. He's an optional antagonist that I can throw in or not depending on the scale of story you'd like to pursue. I'm always happy to help with character development however I can, so if that is something you are looking for please don't hesitate to let me know!

Three cheers for altruists!

Nel is pretty aimless at the moment, so northwest Liadain is fine, but I can also plop her elsewhere on the map if that would work better for you.

Pretty open here! Gotta any preference for monsters? Pulled up some stuff from D&D as possibilities: kruthik, bulette, displacer beast, behir, slaad, something else?
The first one would make the most sense in my mind, if you dont mind having Xián Yuè wander into a weird mutated forest for reasons of his own. (I have Elinyra stuck there for the moment, but I could probably find a reason to put her in another place if necessary. Preferably wilderness, since shes somewhat monstrous at this point)

She could definitely take a shot at him thinking him to be a threat, and then be convinced that he isnt actually what she first perceives him to be. Elinyra isnt evil, just spell-bound so to speak. Im happy with an action segment, a kind of chase scenario or diplomacy - whatever seems fun to you. If you have another idea pop up, thats great too :)

Vyr is definitely the master of puppets. Hes an optional antagonist that I can throw in or not depending on the scale of story youd like to pursue. Im always happy to help with character development however I can, so if that is something you are looking for please dont hesitate to let me know!

Could see him going in to investigate and possibly attempt to purify it if he thinks he's capable of it. I'd be down for that!
Pretty open here! Gotta any preference for monsters? Pulled up some stuff from D&D as possibilities: kruthik, bulette, displacer beast, behir, slaad, something else?
Let's stick with northwest Liadain, then. Have to admit I don't have a DnD background; I had to look up all those monsters you mentioned ; ; But displacer beast honestly sounds pretty awesome and it would be cool to tangle with one!

Do you have a preference who starts? I can put up the thread, unless you'd rather, since you seem to have a more solid knowledge of beasts than me.
Lets stick with northwest Liadain, then. Have to admit I dont have a DnD background; I had to look up all those monsters you mentioned ; ; But displacer beast honestly sounds pretty awesome and it would be cool to tangle with one!

Do you have a preference who starts? I can put up the thread, unless youd rather, since you seem to have a more solid knowledge of beasts than me.
No worries! I actually looked all these up myself. No preference for who starts. It will just take me a few days to post, as I owe other posts here and on another site, too.
That sounds perfect. I have something in mind for a start to work on unless youd like the first post?

Got your message! Same as above, just need to get to some other posts. :)
No worries! I actually looked all these up myself. No preference for who starts. It will just take me a few days to post, as I owe other posts here and on another site, too.
No worries on speed! I'll work on a starter for us, then.
Thread is up, no rush! Let me know if I should edit or add anything.

  • Dwarf
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