"Just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should." She remarked, though she found herself sorely wishing that she could. It would have been such a simple action. But she knew it's not what Leonell would have wanted.
And more violence was certainly not what
Minaris needed right now.
A servant slipped in through the side door, and quickly scurried over to Cossick.
Keyleth watched intently, but out of the corner of her eye. Something was wrong.
She could tell that much just by the way the servant nervously shifted from one foot to the other. Just what would have been so important to warrant a servant to interrupt their Lord's meal? Her fingers drummed against the wooden table top.
She sipped from the satinberry mead, puzzling over the possibilities when Beslin stepped into the main hall shortly after. That put her on alert. Her ears perked up and she sat a little straighter. Beslin and his men should have been resting in the barracks, or at the least, preparing to send a scavenging team out to the wreckage. What had brought him here?
The guard seemed relieved when he caught sight of the duchess seated at her table, and he swiftly moved over to her. He placed a hand on the back of her chair and leaned down to whisper in her ear. There was no formality in his words, he spoke to her with urgency in his voice.
"Keyleth, we have a situation and we need to get you somewhere safe."
Not taking her eyes off of Cossick and his servant, she tilted her head slightly to indicate she was listening.
"Why?" She murmured back to him, sipping from the chalice to mask her question.
"Because the armory's been raided, half the equipment is missing, There haven't been any reports from men of House Cossick or Galai since we left this morning. We need to--" He hissed.
"What do you mean the armory's been raid--"
Keyleth had started to question Beslin, when Cossick suddenly snatched a letter from the servant he had been conversing with; and he rounded about to face the duchess. The parchment was waved through the air in a dramatic fashion as the lord raised his voice. "Traitorous witch!"
Silence fell over the hall.
Beslin started to murmur something to the duchess, but she raised a hand to quiet him as she rose to her feet. The tips of her fingers pressed against the table top as she stared down at the lord before her. The silvery strands of her hair fell over her shoulder. There was little she could do to stop the man from causing a scene. Killing him now would only implicate her in whatever fallacy he was about to spin.
"You had best be certain of what you are about to unleash, Lord Cossick." She said in a low, growling voice.
Leonell would have been able to muster something that didn't sound like a threat, but Keyleth was no longer engaged in the game.
The lord turned the parchment towards Keyleth, displaying the crest that sealed the letter and the neat flourish of her hand at the bottom. Easy to fake, but also easy to stir a divided people into a riot.
"The young Duchess Aviana has been murdered!" Cossick exclaimed to the crowd, throwing his accusing finger towards Keyleth. "At the behest of this wretch, who has stolen the throne and claimed it for herself."
Seething rage filled Keyleth's chest. Beslin immediately drew his sword.
"Seize her!" Cossick bellowed, spittle flying from his lips.