Private Tales This Is Not A Request [Wil]

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Elspeth Sirl

Heart & Starfire
Character Biography
My dear Elspeth,

While I am certain your current endeavors have taken you far from your father and your home, it is with great haste that I require your return to Vel Anir.

We are to hold company with the King and Queen in the Capital on the 15th of the month. There is nothing that takes precedence over this and this is not a request. As such, I expect your prompt arrival at the royal halls on the date. A most important development is to be announced.


Lord Doran Sirl

While she and her father had not seen eye to eye for quite some many years now, Elspeth was not the sort to press her gentle rebellion against him into the territory that involved the crown. Curiosity as much as social propriety pressed her home from her humanitarian travels in the north, though she'd been planning to take her leave for Vel Castere within the next weeks anyway. What was this development he spoke of and why did it involve the King and Queen?

He'd been against her crusade to expand medical care throughout the Kingdom, but had her persistence finally won out? Had he taken it upon himself to speak with the crown for some unknown approval or project? Why did he not see fit to provide more details? Whatever the case, she made straight for her flat in the capital and then to the modiste. It had been quite some time since she'd worn anything fit for company with royalty.

While she would have rather gone with something sleek and clean, bereft of bauble and decoration - that she knew would not please her father who never once denied himself, his wife, or Elspeth the ability to flaunt their power or their wealth. Though, tastefully. Choosing a modest cut that suited the more militant style of House Sirl, Elspeth arrived in the colors of her namesake and family crest just shortly after breakfast on the 15th.

Doran greeted his daughter with scrutiny in his gaze that lifted to something far more approving as she stepped into view. Despite the tension that had slowly built between them since her decision to move out, Elsi moved to hug the man. It had been quite some time since she'd done that.

"Your father has missed you," Doran rumbled into her neatly plaited and arranged hair, taking care as his wife had once taught him not to put anything out of place.

"Has he?" Elspeth breathed as he gave her a stern squeeze, looking up with color in her cheeks, "That is good to hear, father. I've missed you, too."

He looked upon her for a moment, holding her out at arms length and lifting one to put her into a slow spin, "Our colors look good on you. Yes, I think this should please him well."

"Please who?" Elsi blinked at him, skirts sweeping around her heels as she stopped.

"You will find out shortly."
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Wilhelm Anireth
"Won't you take breakfast with us, Wil?"

The Prince hesitated mid step and glanced over his shoulder at his mother who had asked the question. He had just grabbed an apple and had been about to head to the stables as he had done every morning since being put on house arrest. His morning rides were one of the few chances he got to go outside of palace walls, even if it was with a heavy escort, and he had come to cherish them. He wouldn't have given them up for anything. Except there was something different in his mother's tone today that made him hesitate.

He would curse himself and her for it later.

Warily he glanced at the place that had been set for him and the two empty spaces they kept for Lynus and Kizzie, even though both were away from the capital currently. It felt like a trap.

"For Kressake Wilhelm we're not going to poison you. Come, sit. Your mother wants to hear how you enjoyed the Season Ball," his father buttered a slice of toast in between waving the knife around in which he suspected his father hoped was an intimidating manner. All the same his shoulders relaxed. Yes, the ball last week. He'd avoided his parents well until now with his early routine but today they must have had a state meeting to get to to rouse them so. With a sigh he slid into his chair. Five minutes thats all it would take.

Thirty minutes later and Wil was struggling not to make it too obvious he was looking at the time keeper on the wall. His mother had asked him every conceivable thing from what ladies had he danced with to what his favourite piece of music had been. He'd even been coerced into eating a full plate of food which would no doubt upset his stomach riding.

He was just about to make an excuse to leave when a servant opened the door and announced the two figures behind him.

"Lord Sirl, and the young Lady Elspeth. Your Highnesses."
  • Nervous
Reactions: Elspeth Sirl
"You still haven't told me what the purpose of this meeting is?" Elspeth said to her father as they were escorted through the castle.

"All will be made clear in short order, dear daughter," Doran replied, his deep voice as smooth and pleased as velvet. It was a tone she'd not heard him use in some time, and while it was good to hear and see him look so ... positive? It was also more than a bit unnerving, not knowing why. No amount of love for her father would allow her to overlook his dark and sordid history as the Sirl patriarch... nor all the House Heads that came before him.

She looked ahead as they were announced into a dining hall and silently marveled at the beauty and splendor of her surroundings for the first time. Elspeth moved forward at her father's arm, dipping into a fluid and respectful curtsey alongside his militant and practiced bow.

"My King and Queen," Doran greeted them first before his gaze shifted next to the stormcloud presently glowering over its breakfast plate, "young Prince. We are honored to join you."

"Your Highnesses," Elsi echoed to her Crown, then to Wil, "my Prince. I hope you will forgive my absence from the Ball last week, I was rather involved with humanitarian services in the northern Anirian territories."
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  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Wilhelm Anireth
This couldn't be good.

Wil's eyes went from father to daughter, then he slowly turned to look at his parents. His fathered ignored him entirely which was not unusual - especially when there was company. Indeed Randall got to his feet and moved around the table to greet Doran with a touch too much warmth for Wil's comfort. But that wasn't what truly unnerved him. What unnerved him was that his mother refused to meet his gaze. Something was seriously wrong.

Slowly he looked back to the young girl - Elspeth? - and tried to paint on the type of smile the women of court seemed to like so much.

"I'm sure that was more rewarding than a Ball, but that seems to be all my parents trust me to do at the moment. Do you want some tea?" he glanced to a servant who was already pulling back the two empty chairs he had assumed were for his siblings.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Elspeth Sirl
Wil was not the only one made quite uncomfortable by the entire situation. Her father was acting so... normal. So friendly. Even among his closest acquaintances he did not act this way. In fact she had not seen him smile with his teeth since her mother was still alive.

Elspeth schooled her face into that of a lady who looked appropriately pleased to be where she was, though it faltered slightly as she turned her gaze from that of the Queen and back to the Prince. The look on his face made a tight knot immediately form in her gut and she quickly lost her smile, gently cleared her throat, and looked away politely to the help who had pulled out a chair and gestured for her to take a seat.

"Yes...ah, well, it's certainly rewarding in its own way," her brow dropped as she heard her own words stumble out and to save face she spent an additional moment attending to the lengths of her skirts while she tidily took her place at the table.

A glance back showed her father sharing quiet words with the King. That knot twisted a little tighter.

"I would love some tea," the reply came with a look to Wil, brows pinched upwards over a slight smile that seemed to silently ask if he knew what in the Republic was happening here, "thank you." The smile didn't reach her eyes.
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Wilhelm Anireth
Whatever reassurances he had hoped the other girl would give him vanished the moment she looked across at their fathers and practically grimaced.

"Sugar? Milk?" it was a duty the servants could have done and indeed they seemed to hover just behind the Prince's shoulder waiting for the chance to swoop in and do it for him. No doubt the head footman was wrestling with the instinct to tackle Wil away from the silver because he was doing it wrong. He knew it was wrong for Aniria, but then again Wil had first tasted tea somewhere far away. There they had taken it with honey and the awkward tradition of his countrymen of using milk and sugar instead was not one he had mastered. He tended to put too much of one or the other in it.

Only half paying attention to what he was doing didn't help.

"Mother what is going on?" he muttered to the Queen who still sat rigidly in place, smiling at the young couple as though this were all a pleasant, planned morning.

"Oh I just thought it would be good for you to meet some people of your own age! Elspeth here is quite the accomplished young lady."
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Elspeth Sirl
"Neither," was Elspeth's response, as if she had read the Prince's thoughts though she had no such abilities, "I usually take my tea with honey, but if that is not an option then black will do."

She did not feel a need to seem apologetic about this, though a glance at the Queen to defer to her good grace was offered, "My years spent in Dornoch have had some... lasting effects." She might've spun into all the researched health benefits of honey but the Prince cut in with his own question.

Quiet settled upon her as she listened to the short exchange between Queen and Prince. The response seemed far too ... simple? To have commanded the presence of a major Noble's head and heir? No, something was most certainly amiss. Elsi may have been absent from Court but she was no idiot. Her eyes slid sideways to her father and the King who seemed to be wrapping up their private conversation. Doran turned with a mild chuckle and a gleam to his eye that made the knot in her stomach turn a touch tighter.

"Indeed she is," Lord Sirl remarked on the Queen's words, "set to become Vel Anir's premiere most affluent Doctor," with a snap he flipped up his coattails and took the open seat next to his daughter with, "with the support of the Crown I wager Vel Anir will surpass even Dornoch in medical technology, practice, and education."

"Support-" Elspeth tried very hard not to sputter over her first sip of tea, "support of the crown?"

"Of course," Doran offered her a cutting smile which switched to the Prince, "let us not be coy about the subject of this meal. My King, would you care to elucidate on our agreement?"
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Wilhelm Anireth
"You are to marry," the King announced.

Wil stared at his father trying to make sense of the words coming out of his mouth.

"Doran and I have worked it all out. It is in the best interests of both of our families. Elspeth will be a good influence on you Wil, and in return Sirl will get the money they need to expand...." The rest of his fathers speech was drowned out in a roaring of white noise. He couldn't stop staring at the King. Couldn't stop the murderous intent from rising up within him. He could lunge across the table and slide the cheese knife right into his throat before any of the guards could reach them...

A hand suddenly landed on his forearm.

"Wil, please say something. Elspeth is a nice girl, she'll make you happy," the Prince looked down at his mothers hand and then up at the Queen, her tentative smile and hopeful eyes. Wil had never felt such loathing.

"I'm sure she's lovely mother," for a moment relief flickered across her face. "But I'm not fucking marrying her."
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Elspeth Sirl
She froze as soon as the words left the King's lips. Tea cup held delicately between both hands, Elspeth's eyes unfocused as she latched on to the feeling of her heart grinding to a stop.

"This is not a request, young Prince," Doran intoned with a level voice that few beyond the royal family dared use, his gaze a molten spear honed straight at the boy's head. After a beat, he smiled, "It is an opportunity for all involved to better their lives and the lives of their loved ones."

Elspeth's hands jerked at the sensation of pain in her chest - the unbearable agony of heartbreak's first crack. Her cup toppled from her hands to the table, spilled, then rolled off and shattered on the floor by her chair.

"No need for such theatrics, dear," Doran eyed her, "you're getting what you've always wanted are you not? The means to build and shape your dreams of Anirian betterment? It is an ideal match, one that the Weiroon's could never provide through their own son."

She couldn't speak no matter how hard she tried. Every fiber of her being screamed at her, but she couldn't tell what it was they were screaming for.
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