Private Tales There are things that hunt you in the night

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Sable shot a sidelong glance at Lumen. Seemed like their little routine worked out well.
"We appreciate your cooperation," he said flatly to their reluctant guide, patting him firmly on the shoulder as he moved by.

In the brief moment before the duo moved out to follow him, Sable heard Lumen's whisper and felt her gentle rub against his back. For a moment he was taken aback, though he was uncertain of why, but he found himself smiling nonetheless. He realized after a time that Lumen and the old timer were moving on without him though, so he stepped quickly to catch up.

"Right then, we've burned enough daylight. Let's get this done."
  • Bless
Reactions: Lumen
Lumen followed after their begrudging guide. They were winding their way further and further into the woods. And the further they went, the more nervous the old timer became. Lu let her hand fall to the hilt of her sword. Leaving her shield on her back, for now.

A sideways glance to Sable.

And then a double take as the rays of that setting sun filtered through the trees to hit his face just right. And stars, that jawline. And for a moment, she felt like a younger Ysobel with all the crushes her best friend had.

She swallowed and forced herself to look away just as a chorus of howls ripped through the air.

The hunter swore and froze in the path. "Fuking wolves," he spat. Lu was in front of him in one second, her shield out with sword as the first wolf lunged at their group, jaws ripping through the air followed by several more going for Sable.
  • Gasp
Reactions: Sable Pembroke
The young titan briefly caught a glance of Lumen's stare, and he turned his head as if to speak to her, his curiosity getting the better of him. Before he could utter a word, the group was beset by beasts.

"Shit!" he cursed, hefting his shield up and unsheathing the arming sword that had long since replaced his destroyed mace. "Get behind us, Old Timer!"

Sable uttered some incantations under his breath and several barriers of amber light manifested in the air around the group. They blocked the lunges of some of the incoming wolves, but others were more clever, more agile. One of them sought to flank behind Lumen; Sable stepped with it and bashed it on the head with his shield as it made to sink its fangs into her calf. It yelped and dove backwards again, growling.

"Not a one of you is getting through. Not a one!" he shouted, then slammed the flat of his sword against his shield, trying to ward them off.
  • Aww
Reactions: Lumen
"Thanks," she huffed, that flicker of movement catching her gaze. The Hunter stumbled behind them and Lumen lunged, raising her sword as another wolf tried to leap through them. Its teeth trying to sink into anything it could snap out of the air.

It yelped and slumped to the ground as her sword caught.

Blood dripped down her blade as she set her footing again.

"Is this normal behavior for wolves around here?" Lumen called back to the old man as the wolves continued to circle them. A few of them widening with Sable's yell and the banging on his shield. And she would have to agree with the canines. With Sable's height and pure mass, he was a formidable foe.

And stars, was she glad he had her back. And thankful that behind her...the sight of him wasn't as distracting as it had been when they'd been walking in the woods.

"No but the wildlife does get more aggressive the deeper one goes in these woods."

Lumen frowned and caught another wolf on her shield as she shoved it back, its yelp filling the air around them. Perhaps they suddenly knew they weren't about to get an easy meal because one by one, they began to retreat and slink back into the darkness of the woods. Lumen waited a few moments after they were all gone before lowering her shield.

She kept her sword out a little longer.
  • Cheer
Reactions: Sable Pembroke
For a few more moments Sable remained on-guard, using his barriers and weapons to fend off any remaining attempts from the predatorial pack at ripping into the groups tendons.

As quickly as the wolves came, they departed. Seemed that the strategy of scaring them off worked. Wildlife were usually different than monsters, fighting for survival and food rather than to kill. If natural predators deemed prey too tough, too risky to take down, then the meal was no longer worth it...that was what his books had always said, anyways.

Thankfully the wolves had seen things as such.

"My pleasure," Sable said back with a chuckle, sheathing his sword and replacing his shield. Soon after the panels of light flickered out of existence as well. "Simple beasts, thankfully. We'd best stay moving. No telling what else might be on our trail."

He glanced towards the other Dreadlord in the group and flashed her a smile.
"And Lumen? You fight well."
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Lumen