Private Tales The Sign of the Lindwurm

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Of course... there are always the Bowmasters, among whom there are many who could lead in my stead. And there's you, too, of course... My retirement need not mean yours." He paused; in a weird sense their new relationship felt like elopement from the guild itself. And it was true, she didn't have to stop being in the guild, although he would worry terribly for her if she continued fighting. After all, that's what mercenary life was about... fighting, killing, and for many, dying. It was a hard thought to stomach with Teagan, even after all the death he'd witnessed firsthand while fighting.

"And Teagan... I will be yours, for as long as you'll take me." He leaned in and kissed her, firmly and confidently. Maybe Teagan was the excuse he needed to get away from that life--he'd already won his glory in the past, and now he could dedicate himself to something other than killing...
"I don't know if I could leave you knowing that I may not come back. It's easier to go fight when there's nothing I care about back home." Teagan sighed and frowned. "I don't know how my dad did it for so long and then after he lost my mom..." Her voice trailed off.

"Maybe I could do mercenary work that wouldn't require leading an army into battle or facing down a gigantic monster hell bent on eating me. Perhaps working for myself would cause less stress." and if we wanted children, I could step away easier.

She didn't even know what Gerard wanted besides retirement. He had said he was hers but what did that really mean in the grand scheme of things.
He was reminded of the tragedy that had struck Teagan's family as a result of guild life. It was the kind of thing that was expected for family members who engaged in so dangerous a business. It only solidified his thoughts more that he'd perhaps spent far too long in the guild, and taken part in too many battles...

It was an interesting notion, working independently instead of for the Brotherhood. Then again, the Brotherhood itself was already independent. "Teagan," he said, "It sounds like you want a regular job." He smiled playfully at Teagan. He was feeling less serious and quite unlike himself around her, yet for the first time in maybe a while he was feeling some genuine happiness. He wondered how many little moments like these he'd missed out on due to his own lack of attention to her. He felt a sudden guilt, that maybe he needed to make up for all the years he'd been too caught up in the guild to give Teagan proper attention. Maybe he'd neglected other things too...

So as they sat there together by the fire, he found himself smiling and laughing more in a way the mercenary captain hadn't in a very long time, and his future was looking potentially quite different indeed... if he could actually go through with leaving the guild. That little detail still needed to be sorted out...