Gerard Montefort
Gerard Montefort is the leader of the Brotherhood of the Bow, its Headmaster, and is regarded by some to be the best human archer who ever lived.
Gerard Montefort is a larger man than you might expect for an archer, though not quite so large that he might be mistaken for an Orc for example. He usually travels in his mithril chainmail with The Everbow slung across his back, and wears a tabard with the emblem of the Brotherhood of the Bow over his mail. His features are chiseled, exactly what you'd expect from someone who has fought many battles and against many monsters. His blue eyes have a piercing quality to them, as if he's always looking past you instead of at you, as if he's scanning the landscape constantly to measure the distance. His right hand has fingerless gloves so as to allow him to draw and shoot his bow.
Skills and Abilities
Said by some to be the greatest Human archer to ever live, Gerard can make inhumanly long distance shots accurately with his magical bow, The Everbow, which is enchanted to be impervious to the weather and provide an effortless draw at much greater power than even the strongest of natural war bows. He wears a suit of mithril chainmail and carries a mithril sword as well, relics of the guild bequeathed by Dwarves in ages past, handed down from Headmaster to Headmaster.
Having seen his share of fighting, Gerard is also an expert swordsmen and a crafty fighter, a true master of the terrain and possessing all the qualities of all the greatest archers.
Having seen his share of fighting, Gerard is also an expert swordsmen and a crafty fighter, a true master of the terrain and possessing all the qualities of all the greatest archers.
Gerard is a patient, but wrathful man. He carries the weight of the many men he has killed in the course of his life, yet he does so with a rugged stoicism that sometimes comes off as apathy. He is not overly sensitive to the plight of common people and does not particularly pity those that cannot defend themselves. In the moment of battle, he is cold and calculating, as he focuses entirely on his bow and his target in the moment of shooting.
That said, when it comes to archery he sometimes waxes poetic; more than previous headmasters, he believes in the artistry of archery, and has been working on a new manual for the guild to bring it up to modern archery standards, including discoveries made from archers of other races.
At times he can be a bit dry, though under the influence of alcohol he tends to lighten up a bit.
That said, when it comes to archery he sometimes waxes poetic; more than previous headmasters, he believes in the artistry of archery, and has been working on a new manual for the guild to bring it up to modern archery standards, including discoveries made from archers of other races.
At times he can be a bit dry, though under the influence of alcohol he tends to lighten up a bit.
Biography & Lore
Gerard was born the son of a Poacher in Alliria, and began using a bow as soon as he was strong enough to draw one. He then took after his father's profession, with no real prospects or abilities. Local authorities would eventually find him and his father, however, and a troop of guards was sent in to kill them; Gerard escaped, but his father was eventually confined to a prison while his mother starved. He began doing mercenary work as an archer and used that money to give to his mother. While in this role, he eventually met a member of the Brotherhood of the Bow, where he passed the initiation test with flying colors.
From here Gerard would distinguish himself as an excellent marksman. He quickly rose through the ranks through sheer admiration from his peers, and the guild during this time began to see immense success based off his merits. He then spent roughly 3 years as a Bowmaster before the previous Headmaster resigned and Gerard was given the position almost unanimously by the rest of the guild at age 28, where he was given the Everbow and his reputation as the greatest human archer to ever live really began.
Since his ascension to Headmaster, Gerard has made a few changes to the guild, most notably a more challenging Initiation Test, as well as weeding out several former members who were corrupt or incompetent. Under his leadership the guild increased substantially in size, reputation, and wealth. Gerard worked so hard on this that he has few friends outside the guild and is unmarried at this time.
From here Gerard would distinguish himself as an excellent marksman. He quickly rose through the ranks through sheer admiration from his peers, and the guild during this time began to see immense success based off his merits. He then spent roughly 3 years as a Bowmaster before the previous Headmaster resigned and Gerard was given the position almost unanimously by the rest of the guild at age 28, where he was given the Everbow and his reputation as the greatest human archer to ever live really began.
Since his ascension to Headmaster, Gerard has made a few changes to the guild, most notably a more challenging Initiation Test, as well as weeding out several former members who were corrupt or incompetent. Under his leadership the guild increased substantially in size, reputation, and wealth. Gerard worked so hard on this that he has few friends outside the guild and is unmarried at this time.
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