Private Tales The Poor and Weary

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Speaker
Character Biography
To say Varys' outlook on things had changed since his last trip to the wealthy city of Oban would be a bit of an understatement. Indeed, the long ride through the Savannah that precluded the Kingdom of Dalriada had given him a good deal of time to ruminate on the events that had taken place about a week earlier in the unique town of Volta. Safe from conventional dangers, Volta had proven to be treacherous in it's own ways all the same. It seemed to Varys that no matter which town he went to, something always went wrong. One would expect much the same result in the authoritative and pseudo-despotic capitol of Dalriada as well, but on the contrary, Varys actually was looking forward to returning.

The wagon pulled through the woods that surrounded the town slowly. Hob was back in his normal state, albeit still moving a bit slower. Varys couldn't blame him for that, as he hadn't been handled with particular care at their last stop. Jon was awake, but... well, he still showed the effects of their previous trip. He wasn't as sharp as he usually was. As such, he'd entrusted Varys with the drivers seat whilst he rested. On top of that, they were dangerously low on funding now. Their meals had been cut into thirds, and unless they found a steady income source until Jonathan recovered, they'd be in trouble.

He recognized where they were, the small uphill incline steepening a smidge as they neared the edge of the Widow Woods. This had been where he'd encountered the colorfully named Dick and his little group of bandits. Had he been alone, he could have been in trouble. Thankfully, he'd been smuggling a young lady out of town in the back of this very wagon, and together they'd made short work of the foul smelling troupe. That had been a special evening for Varys, one where he'd opened up fully to somebody for the first time in what felt like ages.

Lottie, her name was. He'd told her he'd return in a weeks time, but he was forced to admit his projections had been off. Their hiccup at Volta had delayed them for a number of days, and the obvious lack of rest in Varys' eyes was evidence of how taxing it had been. He only hoped that Lottie wasn't upset with him about his lateness, and that she hadn't gotten into trouble. She'd made her goals clear last time they'd spoke, and they weren't accomplishable by peaceful means...

Turning his head to look back at Jon, he calls down to him. "You okay back there?"

Charlotte Beaufort
Jonathan Burr
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Reactions: Lottie Beaufort
Jonathan lay in the back of the wagon. His bond with Hob had almost been severed on their trip to Volta. They had both experienced nausea, headaches, and splintering pain in the centers of their chests. Hob had recovered faster than Jon, and Jon was still as weak as a newborn fawn.

At the very least Hob had been able to pull them away from that mess. The pooka had only grown stronger. Jon still hadn’t talked to him. He wanted to know what had happened between the pooka and his apprentice. Hob was acting as though he and Varys were suddenly friends. Jon lifted his head off of the bundled bedroll he laid on. “I’m fine...” he mumbled, and laid his head back down. “Where are we? Is Hob alright?”

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Reactions: Lottie Beaufort