She caught a glimpse of Sarkus high above her as her head was pulled under the water, waves washing over her. The loose sleeping gown she wore tangled around her legs, making it incredibly difficult for her to kick back to the surface. Even though she thought herself a strong swimmer, the turbulent current caused by the moving Fortress soon swept Aviana towards the stern of the massive ship.
It was only a matter of seconds before the princess vanished from sight.
I'm going to die.
Her lungs were already screaming for air, burning in her chest as she struggled to reach the surface. For a heart fleeting moment, her head burst above the waves and she was able to gasp a single breath. When she tried for a second, another wave took her under and she sucked in a mouthful of salt water.
Sailors were lost at sea all the time.
It was an inevitability whenever a ship left port, there was always a chance that someone who was on board would never return home. Though, in Aviana's case, falling overboard was closer to her returning home than staying. Her people lived off the sea, it was only fitting that she meet her end in the water's suffocating embrace.
A glimmer of golden light flitted deep below her in the darkness.
And then another darted across her field of vision, over her head.
She didn't know why... but she felt as though she'd seen such sprites before. They were familiar, somehow.
Something stirred from the Depths, something far Older.
Aviana felt the shift in the water around her, the displacement from some colossal force moving was unmistakable. It propelled her upwards, towards the surface of the churning ocean. The golden sprites swirling around her, tugging at her clothes.
Suddenly, something solid pressed to her bare feet. It almost felt as though the ocean floor had leapt up to catch her.
But it was warm and smooth, not coarse like sand.
When she looked down, she saw an enormous golden eye glittering back at her. A keen intellect shimmered in the glowing orb. Whatever it was, it saw her, she got the sense that it was
focused on her. The magic in her veins sang out, as if trying to reach to the creature, responding to the touch.
And then she burst through the waves, sputtering and coughing for breath.
She was resting on the snout of what could only be described as a sea dragon. Ivory scales the size of tower shields, glistened in the moonlight. Torrents of water poured off the gargantuan creature as it emerged. The golden sprites enveloped Aviana, securing her in place so that she did not tumble back down into the waters below.
There were some
elves in
Minaris, that spoke of the Old Ones. Tales of ancient leviathans the size of mountains, that ruled over their elemental domains. Those of the mainland would have likely called them Gods. Almost all of the ancients were depicted as some sort of dragon, and the stories all said that Minaris had once been the realm of an Old One.
Staring in awe at the creature that lifted her from the clutches of the sea, Aviana couldn't help but wonder if the
legends were true.