Completed The Mother-in-Law & The Matrimony

Arastan was busy putting on his own set of clothes that were blue and gold purposefully aiming to compliment and match with Taliyah. He was busy imagining the type of dress his mother would choose for her. He failed to stop a chuckle from escaping his lips.

"Oh, I wouldn't say it would be hideous just...loud might be a better word."

His mother was known for her opulence and focus on appearance. As much as she might not like Taliyah, she would never let someone look down on their House.

"Including heels that I can only imagine will make you at least 6 inches taller," he said with a laugh.

Taliyah threw a death glare at her fiance as she pulled her dress on and turned her back to him so he could lace it up.

"Your mother would not embarrass your family by having me fall on my face at our wedding. I can barely figure out the proper forks, do you really think I can walk in very high heels? The answers is that I cannot."

Once he was done securing her dress to her body, she turned and kissed him softly.

"Is it bad that I enjoy making your mother uncomfortable?"

Arastan Aellevanda
Arastan just smirked as he walked over and began to lace up her dress. However, he did take his time so that he could plant a couple of kisses in the crook of her neck.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure she will teach you how to walk in them before she makes you wear them. She was probably saving that for later."

He laughed again, but he knew that what he was saying was probably not a joke. He knew his mother very well and if his memories of his sister were anything to go off of then he was pretty certain about this.

"And, no. It is not. I think a lot of people enjoy it. You just happen to be the newest and most dangerous one at the moment."

Taliyah closed her eyes and enjoyed his kisses as he laced her up. He was much better at it than her ladies. They did not kiss her like he did.

He was right. His mother would just save the torture until Taliyah thought she was safe. Cunning Queen. Taliyah aspired to be like her one day.

"The most dangerous, huh? Why is that? Cause I have stolen the heart of her baby?"

Arastan Aellevanda
"Partly, you have stolen her baby's heart AND all eyes are on you while you are doing. There isn't a person in the city who isn't watching whatever you and I are doing." Arastan made sure to put emphasis on the 'and' in the sentence.

"This makes you the most dangerous person in Aellevanda, at least to my mother."

He finished up the lacing of Taliyah's dress as he chuckled.

"You know, it's pretty impressive. You have somehow managed to become my mother's biggest enemy and you barely even had to try."

Taliyah chuckled and turned into his arms.

"I do not feel dangerous or special, Aran. I am just me and you know that."

A frown crossed her lips at his last words. She knew she was obstinate but she really did need to try with the Queen.

"I did not mean to make her hate me so much and I do not know what I can do to change that now..."

Arastan Aellevanda
"I know, but the fact that you do not know you a special makes you even more special," Arastan explained softly.

In the noble world, those that were important tended to know it and use that fact ruthlessly against their opponents. Taliyah wasn't like that. It made her easily likable by many in the city. However, those that were more skeptical, like his mother, were just waiting for her to suddenly use the fact against them.

"It will change. I promise. Mother just needs to actually get to know you, which will happen eventually."

"I hope you are right, my love," Taliyah smiled a half smile at him.

Once they were both ready, they left their room and headed to one of the many parlors in the palace. Arastan had sweet talked one of the guards to tell the couple where his parents were currently.

They stood outside the door with hand clasped and she looked at him one more time.

"If your parents hate it, it was your idea. If they love it, it was my idea!"

Arastan Aellevanda
"Absolutely not. I'm taking complete and total credit for this no matter what." Arastan shot back with a smirk. That smirk quickly fell as the door was opened and they walked in to see the King and Queen.

The two had obviously been having some sort of conversation in which father seemed relaxed although a bit tired, while his mother looked annoyed, so...the wedding. They had definitely been talking about the wedding.

Arastan bowed to the two of them, immediately regretting it because now his parents certainly knew he was up to something.

"I've come to talk about...the wedding."

Immediately his mother perked up while his father looked even more confused. He knew his son to try to avoid talking about the wedding in front of his mother.

Taliyah was smiling at Arastan's response when she saw his expression change. She looked into the room before they started walking again and she knew immediately that this was a terrible idea.

Taliyah slipped her hand down his arm until she could intertwine their fingers together. Solidarity and all.

She did notice that his mother was not glaring at her for once and she felt like something bad was coming from the rulers.

"I hope you do not mind that I roped him into helping with a decision or two," she said sweetly.

Arastan Aellevanda
The Queen nodded, doing her best not to give any emotions away. "Understandable, the prince should have some say in the wedding."

Arastan looked between the King and Queen before giving Taliyah a reassuring squeeze, more for himself than her.

"I believe that we should invite some special guests to our wedding."

His mother seemed to have a list appear out of nowhere in her hand. "Well, we already added the Lord of Lutain. I know he doesn't leave the blasted treehouse, but I think he will show up and-"

"Actually, I was thinking of...maybe some Lords from the Falwood and even elven clans along the Spine..."

There was a pause as silence overtook the room while both of his parents seemed to slowly realize what he was suggesting. His mother seemed shocked and was about to say something when his father's deep voice finally spoke.

"No, absolutely not Arastan."

"But, father, let me explain-"

"There is no need for explanation, as what you suggest is utter foolishness. It would throw away centuries of effort to keep ourselves hidden."

"That's the problem isn't it-"

"I said no!" The King's voice boomed at his son.

The tone in which the King spoke terrified Taliyah. Arastan's father was so quiet (compared to his wife) and now he had just gone full ruler on his son.

So, of course, Taliyah being the absolute idiot she was asked the worst the absolute worst question she could ask.

"Why though? You are a Kingdom that is all but forgotten at this point..."

As soon as the words left her mouth, she looked down and squeezed Arastan's hand in an apology. She could not believe she had just spoke like that to the King.

Arastan Aellevanda
The King turned his gaze onto Taliyah, not angry, but intense. His expression did seem to soften as he looked to her. She did not know the deep history of their city, so how could she know their reasonings.

"Forgotten by our enemies. There is a reason we keep hidden, and it has kept us safe these past centuries."

He squeezed her hand back before he spoke. This time his words came out calm and collected without the hesitation and worry from when he first spoke.

"Also forgotten by our allies. Our city can do a lot of good in the outside world, helping other elves. Instead, we choose to run and hide...We must open ourselves back up to the world. It may not be easy, but it is right."

The King's anger quickly appeared as he turned back to his son. He did not speak but hoped to subdue his son just from his look. However, Arastan did not back down this time.

"It is the duty of the strong to help the weak. I was once told that by my father...He also taught me that this city is strong. So why are we hiding away? Yes, the outside is dangerous and it has hurt the city in the past, but we regrew then to be even stronger than we were."

Taliyah did not know it was possible to love her fiancé more than she already did but the way he stood up to his father and spoke about helping others made her happy.

“The outside world can be cruel, yes, but there is no growth or encountering new things things if we stay hidden.”

She had gotten a little more confident with these words.

Arastan Aellevanda
The King was silent. It was clear he was listening to every word the two said, as he seemed to be having his own inner debate. He eventually came to a decision. Arastan could tell it wasn't good for them judging by the sad way he looked at him.

However, just before he was about to speak, an unlikely ally entered the conversation. The Queen lightly rested her hand on the hand of her King, which made him pause.

"They have a point, my dear."

One now had a chance to really see how much the father and son looked alike as they both as the same surprised expression on their face as they looked at the Queen.

"Let's humor them if only a little. They may invite some from the outside world, but only within reason, and with our approval."

This was like an early birthday present for Arastan. It was very rare that the King found himself outnumbered in these conversations. Usually, it was Arastan who was being pressed by both of his parents. Now, the King found himself outnumbered three to one.

Taliyah actually thought she was dreaming when she heard his mothers words.

"They have a point, my dear."

No, she had to have heard that wrong. The Queen had just said they were right. Arastan and herself.

Based on the twin expressions of surprise on the men's faces, Taliyah knew she was not dreaming. No one spoke into the shocked silence of the sitting room.

"Let's humor them if only a little. They may invite some from the outside world, but only within reason, and with our approval."

Have some shock with a side of shock. Taliyah smiled and squeezed Arastan's hand. They had permission! They had won! They may have had some conditions but they had still won.

Taliyah's eyes slid over to the King again as she awaited for final decision.

Arastan Aellevanda
Arastan was smiling expectantly, now, at his father who looked like he had just swallowed a rock. The King kept switching his gaze between his wife and his son before he let out a long sigh.

"Very well. I will allow it...within reason. If we are going to be exposing ourselves like this then I would prefer to do it in small numbers, at first."

The Queen smiled in satisfaction at her husband's decision and looked at Taliyah with a grin. It was clear what the look meant. 'I helped you, so you should remember that.'

"Great, I'll get a list and we will be on our way. We will be the ones delivering these messages." Arastan quickly continued. This seemed to sour the Queen's mood just a bit. They had a wedding to put on. Now was not the time for the two to run off galivanting.

Taliyah did not miss the look triumph on the Queen's face. She knew she would pay for this favor but she really could not complain when she looked at how pleased her fiancé was.

She also did not miss the souring of the Queen's mood. She needed to speak fast before minds were changed.

"I believe that if we deliver the messages, it will mean more as an invitation for feast and friendship. It is also a good way for both Arastan and myself to work on our diplomacy. Someday, we will have no choice so some practice may be a good idea."

She was one hundred percent playing to the Queen's need for the kingdom to be perfect.

Arastan Aellevanda
This did seem to placate the Queen as she seemed to think for a moment before nodding towards her husband. He only shrugged, realizing that he had lost control of much of this conversation.

"Very well, you may go, but you must go with a guard and you must return within...two months' time. Earlier would be preferable he added."

He recognized the importance of gaining experience, but he would not have his heir and his soon-to-be wife galivanting around the world without a timeline for their returns.

"Fair enough. We should get going quickly then...Can we take the Striders? It would speed things up."

The king seemed to frown for a moment.

"They are not easy to breed...You better bring them all back."

After many thank you's and promises to abide by the timeline, Arastan and Taliyah departed quickly before anyone could change their mind.

"What is a Strider?" Taliyah asked as they walked.

She was already compiling the list of things she needed to pack while she hoped Arastan was thinking about the places they were heading.

Arastan Aellevanda
"A rare breed of mounted creature that is only found in the forests of Aellevanda. Incredibly fast and agile. We will make good time."

Arastan explained as he walked with her outside. He would need to do some quick packing, but he was a minimalist at heart so nothing too much.

As for their trip, they would head to the Allir stone and then to the Falwood first, then they would make their way to the spine, or anywhere else that he thought to go.

It took two days to get everything ready.

The two of them (mostly Arastan) had made the list of invitees and it got approved with only mild grumbling from the King and Queen.

Taliyah liked to think of this as a wonderful vacation away from her future mother-in-law. She really could not complain about anything when there was no Queen and she had Arastan by her side.
