LFG - Quest The Great Northern War


The Caesar sat on his ivory throne—
His iron legions came.
To break a king in a land unknown,
And a race without a name.

Far from merely being Orcus on his throne, Menalus the ruler of Molthal has begun to look south and westwards again. His legions were repulsed from Belgrath the previous year so he's begun to consolidate power closer to home. Belgrath, Alliria, Bhathairk, they will all kneel to Him but that moment of triumph is far in the future. For now he is content to seize control the Gulf of Ryt and tighten his stranglehold on the lands northwest of the Spine. The board is set and the pieces are moving though perhaps only the wisest of the loremasters in Fal'Addas or Elbion suspect its real purpose.

Of course this is above the heads of the average inhabitant in the wild northlands. For them it's meant increased numbers of Blight Orcs and others in the livery of Menalus. An increase in border skirmishes and higher intensity for the endemic warfare of the frontier. Tribals are conscripted or exterminated, elven clans forced into migration, even giants feel the rippling effects. Forges in the southern dwarven holds step up production while emissaries rush to old allies to request aid.

The idea is to write about the clash between the different sides in a region about to be rent asunder. This is meant to be on the lower end of fantasy so expect something more akin to The Black Company or The Warlord Chronicles than Dragonlance or Wheel of Time. If you're insanely powerful or a mage who can take out hundreds, this probably isn't the thread for you. Part of the fun of it being far away from the more established powers means it's a chance for the lowlier heroes, lonesome reavers and hedge wizards, to take on the iron might of Molthal. It's perfect as an all powerful antagonist and I feel the poor villains haven't had as much of a presence as they should. Similarly, if you take more of a comedic bent, then it's probably not going to be suited either.

It's a big region so don't feel like you've to be writing hand in hand with my characters all the time. You might just want to explore your own journey against the backdrop of the conflict and that's fine too. Every worm has their own point of view afterall! Feel free to ask questions here or on Discord.

First thread: https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/tgnw-is-fearr-rith-maith-ná-droch-sheasamh.1213/
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Any room for Tundra Elves, Black Minotaurs and Cyclops to join in? As a side story? A handful were recently in the spine setting the stage somewhat.

I don't really care on what side, its all good fun. They are based in Southern Eretejva but they would march if it suited their God's and personal purpose. Which is to leave every realm as destabilized and confused as possible. Either long term or short term. They could even switch sides if one is getting the upper hand too much.

On a personal note it'd let me start on the black minotaur lore, and maybe an engine of war or two, like a custom ballista or some such.

Your call which side you want them to support, or i'll just play it by ear if more join and balance out any side.
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I can definitely see some of those being recruited into Menalus's forces. He has orcs, humans, trolls, and giants, so a few more wouldn't go amiss! They might just be left off the leash and told go maraud or pillage. Now he might think they're more trouble than they're worth in a few months time but that can be dealt with at a later date! By the sounds of it, it's in their interest to strike back at Molthal when they get too powerful anyways.

I still have to reveal a few of the players ;) Great first post!
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Reactions: Ktaris
Thank you.

Sounds good to me :) Yes if Menalus achieves a lasting peaceful victory it might be in their interests to undermine him. From their perspective, it would depend if other factions got involved in fighting him, if they did it might be more chaotic to let them all fight him and keep that going for a while. Lots of fun twists and ways to play it.

Looking forward to it.
Ktaris absolutely! Up to yourself whether they sailed across themselves or charted vessels from Menalus or someone else. Likewise you can decide if you'd prefer to be under their control or more just pointed in a direction and let loose.
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Good stuff! It's up to ye whether the iron legions of Menalus or some other side is to your liking. A human raiding party has massacred an orc century so far, a supply train has been burnt out by unknown attackers, and a warband of minotaurs are currently preparing for a blood hunt.
Minotaurs will be on the way to the human fort next. If you can describe it in some detail in a post that would be awesome so I know what they are chomping on. Walls, Terrain, Garrison etc. I can fill in any blanks as you like.

Having fun so far!
We'll go for a run through the forest first, you might be able to catch some of the stragglers from the raiders. They're moving back through the forest (think a typical northern european one), about sixty of them, scattered out.

I'll do the fort writeup then once they're a bit closer. The emissary is being....deliberately lax about some of the details! :eek:
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