Fate - First Reply The Fate of Us All

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
Edric chuckled.

He wasn’t entirely sure that he believed that. Everything he’d gone through, everything that he’d done on missions and during the Proctor’s ‘training’. It was hard to question the drive that sat within him, that innate need. All of it rolled together, and it made Edric doubt Ralene’s words even now.

Nevertheless, he smiled at her. ”Yeah well, I guess we’ll see.”

He said softly. ”Maybe it’ll turn out i’m good for something else.”

A chuckle escaped him, both at his own words and Ralene’s claims. He shrugged his shoulders, running a hand over his now smooth cheek.

”I’ll tell the other guards my lovely wife is as handy with a blade as she is with a hammer.” His smile turned to a smirk. ”Lots to brag about.”
  • Smug
Reactions: Samantha Black
A brow quirked at his shrugging - he seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Coping mechanism for lack of intel, perhaps. Ralene returned his smirk and stood straight again, lifting a hand to pat at his smooth shaven cheek before drawing it up and into his hair, giving it a good ruffle, "And don't you forget it."

Dinner. More planning and strategizing, sleep.

Ralene woke before sunrise the next day and quietly began efforts of storing and hiding the supplies that absolutely should not be seen. Her notes, their hidden weapons they'd smuggled into Wissburg, and anything that might have tied them to Vel Anir proper, or the Dreadlord Academy. The run-down smithy and house was out of the question, so she and Ed dug a hole in the back of the paddock at the base of the stone wall against which the small property was set. It was easy enough to disguise with chunks of scrub grass and stones. Ral fed the horses their hay in the same area, easily hiding any and all evidence.

Captain Gilheed arrived with a small caravan of drawn wagons bearing supplies, tools, and equipment for the smithy repairs shortly after the first morning bell rung out from the church.

Samantha Black bid her husband farewell as he set off for training and immediately turned to help Captain Gilheed's crew get to work.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
Edric went on his way to the training ground.

As he walked he thought over all of the problems facing them, what was in their way, what they had yet to learn. It was no better on his own that it had been with Ralene, but he figured the more he thought about it the more likely it was that they would come up with something to actually help.

Once place his mind continued to flicker to was that waitress. The girl that both of them had seen. Something still tickled the back of his mind about her, something that he just couldn't get rid of. He tried to remember as he walked, though came up empty by the time he reached the training ground.

As he arrived the sight before him was...less than impressive.

Men dressed in tattered rags, rusty swords, and nothing more than an open square. There were none of the ancillaries the Academy had back home, and it seemed as though there were far more students than there were instructors. A frown pulled at his lips, but he stepped up to one of the soldiers half resting against the fence of the training ground.

"Good ser, could you tell me where Donric is?" He asked. The soldier glanced up, a frown flickering over his features for a moment.

"Donric don't talk to just any pissant little-"

"Captain Gilheed sent me." The soldier cut off his words, and then nodded. The scowl on his face remained, half parted by the scar on his face. He jerked his thumb over to one end of Training Grounds where a man a head taller than Edric was facing down five separate opponents.

Edric said a curt thank you, jumped the fence, and then quickly made his way over towards Donric. As he watched, the swordsmen quickly cut his way through his opponents. He felled each of them in quick succession, smashing a wooden blade into ribs, arms, and legs.

Slowly the Initiate approached him, remembering Ralene's warnings as he began to speak.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Samantha Black
Though Gilheed had only brought with him a small crew of about four other men to help make the repairs to the smithy and adjoining house, Ralene could not help but be taken aback at the speed with which they worked. Like ants, she watched them each disembark from their wagons and get straight to work, moving with a curious tandem of cooperation.

"Captain Gilheed," she greeted the man, brows raised at his lack of armor for the day, "what can I do to help?"

"Best you clear a path for the boys," Gilheed motioned, "they know what they're doin' eh - sorry, don't think I caught you or your husband's names."

"Sam," Ralene replied, "Samantha Black, my husband is Orin."

"Well met, Missus Black," Gilheed said, side-eyeing her for a moment, "you two been together long?"

"We grew up together in Althwein. Told my mother when I was five that I was gonna marry him, and I'm nothing if not a woman of my word. Orin never stood a chance," a smirk.

"That so?" Gilheed chuckled, "You didn't waste any time then. You can't be much older than my own daughter."

"My father was a very unkind man. He didn't like Orin, didn't approve. So we left soon as we had some money between us and married in the church a town over," Ral said, watching as the crew began tearing down the broken down pieces of the house and piling them off to the side. The remainder of the roof was quickly dismantled and soon enough all that was left of the smithy and house were the skeletal beams and stone walls. Gilheed conducted her over to the cart full of lumber and had her assist in moving them into place.

"And now you're in Wissburg?" Gilheed asked as they steadied beams while the other men worked to set them in place with nails.

"Yeah," Ral nodded, smiling up into the morning sun, "we didn't have much of a plan, but we passed a rider on the road who said there was opportunity this way. Admittedly we were a bit uncertain after seeing the bodies out hanging."

"Nasty business, that," Gilheed nodded, "but those were nasty folk who were too stuck in the old ways that would have run this city into the ground. You've seen the symbols on the banners in the cathedral?"


"That is the sign of Anirius and with his blessings we will turn this city into something great."

"Well if this Smithy turns out anything like that church I reckon I believe you will."

Gilheed laughed, "You hear that boys? I think we've just been issued a challenge by Missus Black."
  • Sip
Reactions: Edric
As it turned out, Donric was every bit as good as Gilheed at promised.

The man was a brutal combatant, moving against his foe as though he were fighting the very last battle he would ever face. He would have been a struggle even if Edric had given it his all. One would have expected an ogre of his size to move sluggishly, to drag his attacks and focus on naught but their strength.

Yet the soldier seemed to switch flawlessly between speed and power. One moment he threatened to smash Edric's guard, and the next his blade went flickering past any sense of defense.

It was all the Initiate could do to not call upon his magic.

He was certain that he could have beat him. Positive that even with an ounce of his reserve he would have bested the man, but Ralene's words rang in his mind the whole time. So he did what he could. He made small mistakes. He let Donric's sword fall.

By the end he was bruised, bloody, and yet the giant towered over him.

"Anirius be damned, lad!"​

The great giant bellowed.

"Ye lasted longer than any newcomer has in half a decade! I'd say you have the Lords blessing hiself. With a bit of training you might even best me!"​

The man let out a laugh as he said the words, as though the very possibility was entirely absurd. Head shaking, he offered Edric a hand, pulling him off the ground as though he weighed nothing at all. "T-thanks...I...I'm really the best?"

He asked, trying not to sound too interested.

"Of the dregs they send me? Aye, but I get the cast offs. The ragged who think they might be useful. Priests get all the good ones."​

Edric frowned for a moment.

"Priests?" He asked.

"'Course, lad. We're just soldiers. Bound for the Watch. It's the Priesthood who needs 'ta fight. A crusade, they say. A fight for Anirius himself."​

Edric tilted his head, frowning for a moment before his questions continued. He tried not to be too specific, tried to feign ignorance on many things. What he learned in the end was simple, the Priesthood was recruiting, not for sermons, but for war.

Wissburgs best soldiers were not on the training ground, no. They joined the Church, and then soon after seemed to all but disappear. Donric spoke of it all with complete faith, claiming that the Bishop had only the best in mind, and that those with true talent would come to join the Crusade. A fate that he was sure 'Orin' was bound for if he continued to show promise.

They day continued in much the same way, and by the time Edric left the training ground he was covered in sores and bruises. A dark secret now thriving in his skull.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Samantha Black
By noon when the sun was high in the sky, Ralene joined the Captain and his crew in the shade of the smithy building. All the walls had been rebuilt, windows reframed, and all that remained to get the main shell of the structure finished was the roof. Gilheed reckoned they'd have that done by nightfall, and broke for a bite and quick drink of water.

"Captain," Ral sat on the back of an empty cart, a mug of water in one hand an a chunk of bread with cheese in the other, "I saw a line of men leaving the city yesterday."

"Aye, making trade and supply runs. Bringing in new recruits," Gilheed nodded while he chewed.

"Can anyone join them for supply runs?"

"Fraid not. Citizens are presently quarantined within the city due to the illness brought in by the refugees. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that, the Smithy is ... well, Sir, there's nothing left to it. The tools I found are old and beyond repair, there's barely enough iron for me to make a dozen horse shoes, let alone shoe your entire cavalry. That's nothing to say of other supplies I'll need for more complex projects like repairing armor or weapons ... I couldn't make anything new if I wanted to."

"Mm, I see your point. You can write us a list and I'll send one of my men out on the morrow to find what you need."

"Could I not go with him, Captain? Will your man know a Rounded Hammer from a Dawish Hammer, or a round tong punch and vice spacer? And what of finding quality ore, will he know what to look for?"

Gilheed looked ruffled and frowned at her.

"I only mean that you have a perfectly good blacksmith here that could find exactly what she needs and has the time to do it while she presently lacks those very things," Ralene gave him an imploring look, gesturing to the empty smithy workshop, "what else can I do while I wait? My husband will be training and I very much would like to do my part. I've not been near the refugees, I haven't got any illness to spread and the likelihood of your man returning without the proper things is, Sir, very high. What a waste of time and effort for all involved."

"Is this how you proposed to your husband?"

Ral lofted a brow, smirked, and shrugged, "Yes, with a bit more kissing, though."

Gilheed burst out laughing and shook his head, lifting his bread to waggle it at her, "You're trouble if I ever seen it."

"I don't mean to be trouble, Captain, just ...useful. I want to earn my keep."

"Alright, I relent, I'm convinced. I'll write you a note and you can go tomorrow but stay with the caravan. This illness is plaguing the smaller towns and we cannot afford to have it spread around here."

"Thank you Captain ... the refugees coming in, are they not ill?"

"Some are, not all. The Priests are managing the illness. If it's caught early the survival rate is very high. If you see any dead bodies, alert the Guards in the caravans. They've been ordered to burn the corpses. Now, let's get this roof finished - supposed to rain tonight. I expect you'd rather sleep dry and warm."

"That would be much preferred."
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  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Edric
Edric walked the same path back through Wissburg as he had come during the morning. Things seemed darker on his way back, despite the sun still hanging low in the sky.

He was not entirely sure what tainted it.

Perhaps the small trickles of knowledge that he had gained, or simply growing more used to the atmosphere of it all. The people's features seemed darker, the faces around him stark and stoic. Their posture matching those of the beaten and down trodden.

The entire thing was unsettling, and by the time he came home to a newly repaired Smithie he couldn't help the disgust that had welled within his stomach.

"Ah. There you are lad, just in time to miss all the work!"​

It was Captain Gilheed that greeted him, his expression warm as waved to Edric. "Well, Ser. I wouldn't say what I did today was...lazy."

He chuckled nervously, but Gilheed only laughed.

"Donric put you through the ringer, eh? I Told you he wasn't no slouch."​

Edric smiled, wincing slighly at some of the bruises that he still carried. The Initiate had purposefully not healed any of his wounds, deciding that it had been far too dangerous to do so.

"Oh, he certainly did." Edric said, pulling up his shirt and revealing a massive splotch of purple sitting on his ribs. "Didn't have much of a sense of mercy, either."

Gilheed let out a rapturous laugh.

"Aye! Well, least you got that saint of a wife to look after ya. She's quite something, you should be quite proud."​
  • Sip
Reactions: Samantha Black
Orin's saint of a wife was inside tidying up and sweeping stray nails into a pile. Pausing at the sound of voices, Ralene held still to listen for a few moments before pushing the pile of construction debris into a pan and walking to the doorway. She leveled a calm smirk on Edric, taking in his battered and bruised appearance with a great deal of scrutiny. Never had much of a chance to see him like that - he rarely allowed himself to be.

Anywhere else, Edric would have returned unscathed and the very picture of health. She wasn't quite smug, but she'd be sure to store this memory somewhere permanent in her mind.

"Look what we have now," Ral pointed upwards to the roof before taking a few steps out through the door, "and..." showcased to great dramatic effect the working door.

Gilheed chortled as he climbed into the bench of his cart, "It's the little things in life."

"Considering the last few weeks of our lives on the road," Ral said, "I put a roof and door down as big things."

"Fair enough," the Captain nodded and gestured to the smallest of the carts, "that one is yers. It's a bit older, but should work just fine for what you need."

"Thank you Captain, don't suppose you've got an unused tub lying around anywhere, have you?"

"Not that I'm aware of, though I'll keep my eyes out for one. You'll just have to scrub your man in the water trough or yeh can head to the west gate of the city and out to the river."

"We've made do with worse," Ral grinned then waved as the Captain bid them goodnight and lead his crew off down the road. She waited until they were gone from sight before rounding her gaze back on Edric, "what is it they say? You're a sight for sore eyes? Or is it sore for eye sight?"
  • Sip
Reactions: Edric
Edric smiled as the Captain and his men departed, offering the same placid wave that Ral did. He waited until they turned the corner, and this his expression turned to that same trademark scowl he wore almost all the time.

"Probably a bit of both." He grunted in annoyance.

"That swordsmen would give some of the Proctors a run for their money." Edric said with a shake of his head, still watching the road for a few moments. "Learned some interesting things."

He remarked, though turned back towards the house before commenting further.

A part of him was somewhat amazed at the progress on display. The smithie had been repaired, a roof now sat on the house, and they had a front door of all things too. He let out a whistle. "But I see that you got something done."

Edric gestured to the house.

"We can be a regular old married couple now. The Smith and her Guardsmen wife." He glanced over towards Ralene. "The others will be practically brimming with jealousy."

He doubted even Kristen would want such a fate.
  • Dab
Reactions: Samantha Black
"Oh, so you're the wife now are you?" Ralene gave him a hairy glance, her eyes visibly flickering down to his groin area before she leaned in conspiratorially, one brow lifted, smirk forming on her face, "Bruises are an interesting look for you, sweetheart."

A snicker before she moved back up the steps, pulling a folded piece of parchment from her back pocket and waving it about, "I got myself a pass for tomorrow's supply run," which meant she had an opportunity to attempt to get word back to the Academy. Plus more time to get a better idea of what the fuck might be going on around here.

Ral stepped inside, holding the door open for him and gesturing with a flick of her head for him to follow suit. She took entirely too much pleasure in closing and locking the door behind him once he was inside. The Initiate sighed loudly, muttering something about never appreciating a door more than she did now, and moved to sit at a small table in the corner near the fireplace, "I'm not even sure where to begin about the crew the Captain brought with him. It was ... weird. What did you learn from the swordsman?"
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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
Edric scoffed. "I misspoke, sue me. I've spent the day getting beaten by a fucking ogre of a man. The bastard was bigger than Proctor Vectiss."

A small amount of embarrassment flickered over his cheeks, but he didn't let Ral see it as she turned away and headed inside of the building. There was some relief in knowing she would be allowed to get out of the city, at least it meant they would be able to get a message out.

Though a part of him was still more than a little suspicious.

"The Watch is a..." He frowned, searching for the right word. "Well, they're not much at all."

Edric explained. "Anyone with any real worth is getting sent to the Temples. Trained for some sort of Crusade. Donric, the swordsman, said that he's basically being left with the dregs."

He frowned for a moment. "I think...I think things are more split here than they appear. We might be able to use it down the line. Maybe turn some of the soldiers. Though from what I've seen they're not much better than farmers."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Samantha Black
Ral listened to him with a side-eye as she leaned over to continue scratching supplies down on a piece of parchment with a stick of graphite. Larger than Proctor Vectiss was certainly something - Vectiss was a mountain and a half. She had a hard time imagining someone larger than that.

"Well you know what that means," Ral glanced at him, "you need to impress Donric enough to get sent to the Temple. I can work on bringing members of the Watch around - starting tomorrow. I'm getting sent along with a soldier - Gilheed wanted me Chaperoned. Also if he talks to you, my father hated you and we eloped in a church the next town over when we had enough money to leave home."

Her list looking well enough, she folded the parchment and pulled out another fresh piece to begin concocting the missive back to the Academy.

"The bread, cheese, and meat we got from the tavern is up there in that package," Ral nodded to a newly installed set of shelves overtop of a preparation area in the corner across from her, "eat something."

"Gilheed's crew worked ... well, let's just say if only four men could accomplish what they did here today, I can now see how they got that new temple finished so quickly. They were so focused on their work, moving in tandem. I don't think I got a word edgewise out of any of them except for when they asked me to help. Like they were in some sort of daze. Or a trance."
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  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Edric
Edric listened carefully, nodding slowly as Ralene told him about his supposed 'father in law' and everything else. "I did always hate how your father tried to keep us apart."

He said in jest, shaking his head.

The unease in his chest did not slip away though as she spoke, and once again Edric felt as he were missing more than a few pieces of what was actually going on. He took in a slight breath, and then slowly nodded his head. "I can get sent to the Temple."

He was more than competent enough.

"I've a feeling Donric won't want to...but maybe I can slip him a word about my 'true' loyalties." Edric said cautiously. "If we can increase that divide it will only help."

The more Wissburg was split, the easier it would be for Vel Anir to take it back.

Edric pulled himself up and stepped over towards the shelf Ralene had indicated, plucking the package and picking away at some of it's contents. "Do you think its some sort of magic?"

The Initiate asked. "I've seen Liliana bend minds, this all reminds me of that."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Samantha Black
"He was a drunk and an abusive asshole and he deserved the punch you gave him on the way out," Ral played out the story with a brief smirk. She paused in her letter to watch him get something to eat, giving his question a look of consideration.

Fucking Liliana had most everyone fooled, even Ral. That was, until Ralene discovered a certain runic seal and had it tattood onto the base of her skull. Now she had a shield against that blond bitch's manipulative magic and now she was beginning to think it might just come in handy here, too.

"Now that you mention it," Ral made no effort to keep the look of mild disgust off her face, "it did seem pretty similar to that. But why do it to carpenters? Why not the Watch?"

She nudged the other chair out from the table for Ed to take a seat. A roof, a door, and chairs. Fuck they were getting spoiled.
  • Smug
Reactions: Edric
"Coordination?" Edric countered, plopping himself down in the chair.

Briefly he looked around again, noting that they were now practically within the very lap of luxury. "Hope you don't get too spoiled with all these new fancy things."

He told Ral with a smirk, but then continued on his other point.

"Easier to get things done when ten people work in tandem." The Initiate said, remembering some of Talea's magic too. "Imagine putting your mind in three different bodies, all of them doing exactly what you want. One places the nail, the other hits it with a hammer..."

Edric trailed off, shrugging. "I suspect the Watch might be...I don't know, for show? If the Temple is taking all the good soldiers, then maybe..."

Why have anything for show at all?

"Maybe whatever magic this is...isn't strong enough to control everyone in Wissburg. Just some folk sometimes." Hence why they still needed the sermons, that backbone of religion. As false as it was.

Briefly Edric frowned, wishing he still remembered more from his mother.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Samantha Black

"Maybe..." Ral pondered that, eyeing his joke with a snort, "just wait until I get us a tub. You'll never want to go back."

She did pause in her letter to listen to him describe the magic, working his theory aloud. All good points and thoughts - but still only conjecture. "Well, whatever it is we have to be more aware of it," and back to scratching her note across the parchment, "if you manage to get into the Temple Guard, it might get used on you. I have means of protection against that sort of magic ..." another glance to him, a lofted brow questioned him and his own.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
A frown touched his features for a moment.

His magic stopped all sorts of different things. He could recover wounds, halt poisons, even bring himself back from what would have been a mortal blow. Control of the mind though? That was one thing his abilities couldn't stop.

A part of him wondered if Liliana had ever tried to manipulate his mind. Tried to touch or change his thoughts. The idea itself made him distinctly uncomfortable. "I'll need it."

Edric declared.

A year ago the idea of volunteering such a weakness to another Initiate was utterly impossible. Strength was a closely guarded secret, and weaknesses even more so. Even while on a mission it had been of utmost importance to keep things safe.

Now though? Now things were different.

"I don't have a way to protect myself." He explained.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Samantha Black
For a moment Ralene sat silent under the rare admission of weakness from Edric. She watched him, gaze pensive rather than judgemental, and all manner of any humor having vanished from her face. What protection she had was learned and highly practiced runic magic. Not to mention made possible through the tattoo hidden under her hair at the back side of her skull.

She didn't have the necessary alchemical ingredients or tools to give him the same mark, nor did she really have time to teach him how to use that magic. The initiate took a deep breath and nodded, "I'll think of something."

Edric couldn't be marked, but perhaps she could make something for him to wear. An amulet maybe ... if she could find appropriate materials for such a thing. Alchemical imbuement wasn't beyond her skillset - she'd been doing it on her own armor and weapons for nearly a year now. It just wouldn't be possible to test the efficacy except for in the instance of a live assault of whatever power-that-be on Edric's mind. It could work and ... it could fail. That was a chance they'd have to take.

"Here," she said finally as she signed off on the letter and passed it to him with a quirked brow of amusement, "too on the nose?"

Aunt Renali,

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written, but the last few weeks have been chaotic. Orin and I quit Althwein and gave father a bruise he won't soon forget on our way out. We made our way along the farmers roads, hoping to find a large city where we could set down roots. Wasn't until we came upon a group of poor lost souls that we realized what a challenge it would be, reminded me of your brothers up at Gallows Hill working themselves to the bone only to have the ground taken from beneath their feet, mere dreadful shadows of their former selves. Poor wretches, who could do such a thing? We were lucky enough to find a small hamlet where we met a man who spoke of a place called Wissburg, a place where opportunity was ripe for the taking he said.

Now we're here and it's better than we ever imagined. Orin and I were given the old smithy and I to become their new city smith. Me! Shoeing the likes of the Wissburg calvary horses, making the armor and blades for the soldiers. Can you even imagine? Orin's training for the Watch, but he's hopeful they'll see his strength and give him a spot in the Temple Guard. And the temple, Aunt Rena, you'd love it, it's so beautiful inside! They preach the word of Anirius. I never heard of him but you know Orin and I haven't ever been much to church. It seems like a wise and powerful man and the Archbishop was so welcoming. He's even organizing relief for refugees from nearby towns, saving them from some sickness. They promise freedom from the chains of the Republic and protection from those horrible Dreadlords. Now I finally feel like Orin and I can start a family in peace without having to worry like before.

Still no sign of cousin Aludra, but we're hopeful she'll find her way to Wissburg as well. Today I'm off with the Watch collecting supplies outside of the city, tomorrow I start work in the forge. I'll write again as soon as I'm able.

Missing you and Uncle Marve. Hope to see you and the rest of the family soon once we're settled in.

~ Sam
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  • Wonder
Reactions: Edric
"I'm sure you will." Edric said as Ralene directed his attention to the note that she had written.

He had never been the most studious of his peers, but he could read and write as well as any one them. Well, except for Meredith maybe. She spent more time in the library than she did on the training ground. A reason he could snap her neck at the drop of a hat.

His eyes grazed over what Ralene had written, his head tipping in a nod. "It's good, I think."

The note gave nothing away for those who did not read it, yet weaved in enough subtle clues that one of their handlers would understand. Edric still wasn't entirely sure what kind of support they would get, but something was better than nothing.

"This trip will be dangerous." He said quietly. "Try not to get yourself killed."

Edric glanced up at Ralene. "Id hate to be stuck in this fucking place alone."

It would probably end up with everyone in Wissburg dead.
Good. That settled it. She took the letter back from him and rolled it up.

"What, and let you have all the fucking fun?" Ral wasn't exactly hungry for wanton violence and destruction, but how often did they ever really get to let loose and push their power and strengths to the limits? Especially now with the new rules of the Republic, the one thing she missed was having that lack of leash in the Academy. Where before she'd been able to test her projects on other students to full effect, now she was granted only a target dummy. Or a willing Proctor, if she could find one.

"I don't think so. But I understand that you'd miss me."

Weren't too many willing Proctor's left after her last project mishap. Attention no longer split, Ral gave Edric a short once over with her eyes.

"Suppose I should tend to my husband's wounds. Can't let that amazing wife reputation slip."
  • Aww
Reactions: Edric
"What loving husband wouldn't miss his wife?" Edric said with a slight smile as she offered her own retort on their 'relationship'.

He was glad it had been Ralene sent along with him on this mission. He wasn't sure how he would have done this with one of the others. The two of them had always gotten along even before the Revolution, not friends, but not enemies either.

A grunt escaped him as Ral stepped forward and began to tend to his wounds. "Just bruises mostly, first time i've had to carry them in a while."

His head shook.

"That fucker actually was quite good." Donric the swordsmen, Edric would regret having to kill him if it came down to it. "I don't think he'll be my way into the Temple Guard. From what I understand he's more likely to try and hide me."

Edric frowned. "I'll need one of the priests to notice me."

Something to work on while Ral went on her trip.
  • Smug
Reactions: Samantha Black
Ral rifled through the bag of medical supplies she'd brought with her for the mission. Supplies for herself, of course, since Edric never needed it. She pried open a flat, round tin that contained a healing salve concocted by the Academy Apothecary. It wasn't a healing potion, though she had a small store of those, too, but it would work perfectly for the effect they needed to maintain cover.

"Can't remember the last time I saw you with a bruise," she mused aloud, applying the salve to an angry bruise on the side of his face, "chicks dig scars, you know. Wouldn't hurt to keep a few around." A grin followed as she moved on to the next visible bruise.

"Maybe you can win Donric over. If he's as good as you say, we'd be better off with him on our side," Ral glanced down when he mentioned the Priests, "If they pull you into the Temple before I can figure something out to protect your mind... might be best just to make some contacts and work on looking for cousin Aludra until I return. Gilheed said it was only a day outting and I should be back the following evening. He wants me here, working the forge, not out there. I don't think he'll abide by any holdups."
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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
"I have enough to make them swoon." Edric said with a gesture towards his face.

Those scars were not ones that he would heal.

They had been dealt by an Elven blade, carved there by one of the Proctors who had wanted to test his magic. Edric had kept them as a reminder, a way for him to remember all that he had gone through. All that the Academy had given him. "The rest of me can be kept nice and pretty."

He remarked as he flinched slightly, a grunt escaping him as Ral rubbed the salve over his bruises.

"Fair enough point, but if I get too close to Donric he might not let me go." The swordsman was desperate for quality people to serve alongside him. It hadn't taken Edric more than a few hours to determine that . "I'll train for a few hours, get an injury that might be a tad too much for the day."

It would give him a few hours facetime at least. "Then spend the rest of my time looking for Cousin Aludra."

He had at least an idea where he would start.
  • Dab
Reactions: Samantha Black
Make them swoon... uh huh. Ralene gave him a mock skeptical look. Frankly, Ed didn't need scars for that, what with his build and dark, broody, roguish boy charm. But Ral always felt that out of all the Initiates, Ed didn't get teased enough. Most everyone was too afraid to even talk to him, let alone tease. Ral had perhaps been afraid of him when she was younger, but at some point that fear had shifted to understanding. Didn't stop her from looking for ways to counter or block his otherwise horrifying ability.

"Taking one for the team..." she replied, "very respectable."

Of course, getting injured by Donric was nothing compared to what either of them had been raised by.

"I've been thinking more about the girl at the tavern," Ral sparingly smeared salve over a particularly large bruise on his arm that looked like he'd blocked the flat side of Donric's longsword, "she seemed skittish. I would be careful about being too direct with her, but the tavern could be the best place to start for spreading a quiet word."

Another appraisal of his figure for other bruises, "Did I miss any?"
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
"Wasn't respectable until I married you, honey." Edric jested once more, wincing as Ral slathered the salve gently onto the largest bruise on his arm.

He wasn't used to carrying wounds for this long. Pain was something he could handle, large jolts of agony were practically the makeup of his life. It was the strange ache, the after effects that were almost new to him. It felt odd to keep them around.

Utterly strange.

He took in a long breath. "I'll be careful. Just ask a question or two, give a description."

Edric said. "Let her come to me."

This sort of thing wasn't entirely his wheelhouse, but he wasn't fool enough to fuck it up. A few months ago...maybe, but his time with Kristen and Noel had let him learn a thing or two about subtlety. Especially at a time like this.

"Think there might be one on my ass?" Edric said, looking over his shoulder as though he were actually trying to see. "Let me..."

Mockingly he tugged at the hem of his trousers.
  • Smug
Reactions: Samantha Black