Private Tales The Edge of Cortosi

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Kasim and Eirika walked for what seemed like an hour before they found themselves back on the road, the little valley and their more comfortable barn left behind. It wasn't long before they came across their first person on the road, a farmer leading an ox-cart down the road.

The Jester gave the man a polite wave and shouted a greeting, one that was immediately returned as he and Eirika walked on by. Fifteen minutes after that he gestured to a small opening within the trees lining the wood. "There."

He told her quietly.

"We'll find you a clearing." Kasim was not religious in any way. Some people in Vel Anir were, they followed the Nine or some other deity, but there was no state religion. His father had always said that Gods were for fools, and only idiots believed in something else making destiny.

Kasim wasn't entirely sure about that, but he'd never quite fallen in with religion.
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The priestess had no need of a building to perform daily rites. She needn't an altar, nor any form of sacrifice like other gods required. Ateyr was a god of mercy, and wished only for his followers to be merciful in their acts to others. He demanded only daily worship of recognition and devotion to follow in the path of compassion, empathy, mercy, and righteousness. To share with others, and to heal the suffering of the world where possible.

These traits and qualities were the foundation for any priest or priestess of the E'sprit tribe, as well as many other Elven tribes throughout the Falwood. It was something taken very seriously, and in 92 years she had not missed a day of worship.

"I don't need a clearing." She assured him, "Just a quiet spot here off the road will suffice."

They needn't waste time finding a solitary area out of their way for her to spend fifteen minutes.
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"Oookay." Kasim stated plainly, leading Eirika through the woods with a shrug. Every minute or so he would glance back, checking their distance from the road and where they were actually going.

Then, when he thought they were sufficiently far gone he came to a stop. The surroundings were no different than those they had been in just a second ago, but the road was no longer visible and there was a small space for her to kneel if she wanted to. Kasim glanced at the Elf.

"Good enough?" He asked.

Quietly Kasim wondered to himself if this was something all Elves needed to do or just Eirika. She had mentioned that she was some sort of Priestess, and he imagined that required some sort of special rituals.

He supposed it could also be required of anyone using divine magic.
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Eirika didn't fuss too much over the exact spot to perform the rites, instead choosing to kneel atop a small patch of leaves collected beneath one of the towering redwood trees that stretched towards the very heavens above them. "Yes." She said quietly, setting herself down.

The words and time spent on daily ritual were far shorter than the much longer, prepared rites which were performed for occasions requiring grander gestures such as death, ascension of a priest or priestess, births, and the like, but nonetheless it was an important task for followers, in particular those who called upon the gifts of magic beholden to their deities.

Several minutes would pass in relative silence, the words of the woman spoken in elven whispers to Ateyr. Whether Kasim stood by or wandered away was not a concern for her, Eirika hadn't the intention to hide anything she was doing from the human, it was no secretive process, but she also paid him no mind as she went about the routine.
Kasim decided to busy himself by leaning against a tree. His sword made a slight clatter as it impacted against the trunk, and there was a rattle of some of the supplies in his pack, but otherwise he managed to remain relatively silent.

At first he simply watched her, golden eyes fixed as she knelt on the ground and began to speak in that odd elven tongue. Then he realized that he was probably being rude, and thus his gaze began to wander around the small space of forest. He inspected tree trunks, leaves, some roots, oh and there was even a cricket.

A frown touched his lips as he looked more closely at the cricket.

It was a type that he had never seen before in this area, though that didn't really mean all that much. He was hardly an expert in the local wildlife and one cricked looked just about the same as another.

Suddenly Kasim felt something scratchy in his throat. A frown settled on his face, and he struggled for a second. He glanced at Eirika, and then quietly cleared his throat, hoping not to interrupt her ritual.
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Redwood leaves shifted quietly beneath the elf's boots as Eirika stood, brushing herself off after completing her ritual. She turned to look over at Kasim and smiled, at the same time offering a quick nod to indicate that she had finished what needed to be done. "We can go now. Everything is in order." Both pack and bow were scooped up from the floor of the wood, both she and Kasim returning to the road from whence they came.

With luck they would reach the city by dusk as he had mentioned, so long as nothing went awry otherwise.

Vel Anir was close enough now that regular guard patrols would be an occurrence, something which could both help and hinder them, depending on whether or not they recognized Kasim. It would help deter bandits, thieves, and other nefarious sorts though. Crime was typically lower in guarded human settlements, though the larger cities did give those same thieves places to hide in plain sight.
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"Good." Kasim said quickly. "Good good good."

The quick repetition of the words came out as he stepped back onto the way that they had come. It was a clear sign that what had just happened made Kasim somewhat uncomfortable.

For some reason the idea that there was something greater than him, a Divine, Deity, or whatever you wanted to call it, was more than a little terrifying. His father had never believed in them, but it was a little harder to make that argument when you'd directly seen their intervention.

Trying to drag his mind from the subject Kasim stalked back through the forest until they once again hit the road, his head poking out of the thick forest in a quick search. When he found nothing he stepped out onto the dirt path.

They still had a lot of walking to do, but they were close now. "Have you ever been to Vel Anir?'

With everything that had happened, he couldn't even remember if she'd told him.
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She had told him, twice by her accounts. Still, conversation was conversation, and it certainly beat walking aside one another in awkward silence for hours on end. The least she could do was repeat what she'd already told him if for no other reason than to pass the time a bit.

"Twice." She said, deciding to elaborate for the sake of continuing the conversation further. "Once as a child, about fifty years ago, and once twelve years ago. The first time was with a number of my people. We were expected to travel across much of Liadain and learn from first hand experiences before returning to our tribe to report our findings."

There was a moment of pause as Eirika passed a glance to Kasim before continuing. "The trip was two years long. I learned many things but I was grateful to be home in the Falwood again. I prefer it there."
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"Are trips like that common among the Elves?" It seemed almost as though it had been a mission of Cultural learning.

It was an interesting concept, not too dissimilar from what he understood some nobles did with their sons and daughters. The practice was not common in Vel Anir, but through his travels he had met more than one Princess who was in a Royal Court not her own.

The idea was to form bonds and alliances through mutual understanding.

Kasim thought it rather clever, and it made sense to him that the Elves would do it with their young. They had been around for thousands of years, of course they wanted to educate as best they could.
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"It's a practice of many elven tribes, at least in Fal'Addas. Those who live outside the Falwood have developed their own customs and practices, but it is not unimaginable that other elves also undertake a pilgrimage to better understand Arethil."

As she explained, further down the road a cart pulled by horse and escorted by hired guard appeared in view, slowly making their way down the path towards wherever their destination took them. It appeared they'd just left Vel Anir, likely on their way to peddle their wares in the smaller towns and villages in the south.

Eirika adjusted the cloak on her back and head, still holding the pack and bow in her left hand.

"Two of mine did not return during our travels. Some die during their journeys, others choose to live a life outside of the Falwood and are never seen again."
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
It all made perfect sense really, and explained why in some stories elves just happen to appear at random times in the middle of nowhere. He wondered if the Bards who had written the storied had known, though for some reason he doubted it.

With a careful eye he watched the cart, searching for any sign of an insignia. When he found none he guessed that it was likely just a merchant of some sort.

”How far did you make it?” He asked nonchalantly.

His own travels had taken him across the known world, though there were a few places left that he hadn't ventured to. Most of them were inhospitable or hostile, such as the blightlands or the islands far into the east. The people living there were neither friendly nor welcoming to outsiders. He had always preferred to go to places he could find a warm bed and a glowing fire.

Helped him live longer.
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Reactions: Eirika E'sprit
"Well," She thought aloud while recalling her pilgrimage, "After leaving the Falwood I first traveled to Alliria. I wanted to see the fabled port city for myself. Back home people spoke quite a bit about it, the ships that docked there, the business of the streets, and just how much was built there. It was my first time seeing such a heavily settled place. I spent quite a bit of time there."

The cart drew closer, forcing Eirika to step slightly off the path to make room for both the guard and the horse drawn carriage.

"From there I paid for passage aboard one of the merchant ships to the islands in the south. I studied many of the animals, sketched their portraits, noted their habits and behaviors. There are many there that call the islands home that are foreign to the mainland. Curious creatures."

The cart passed, guards eying the two travelers as they did so. Eirika paid them little mind.

"I then went west. Across the Aberresai. There are tribes of nomadic elves that roam the Savannah, as well as many small human settlements that welcomed me. It seems they're familiar with our pilgrimages. I was able to work in exchange for food and shelter. I even met up with one of my own tribe while there, brief as it was."

Eirika turned her head, watching the cart as it pulled down the path and began to grow smaller in size.

"I reached Elbion about a month later. I was able to convince a number of the elders within the College to grant me permission to study some of their texts and scrolls. I learned a great deal from the information there, including discovering a number of books that appeared to have been stolen from my people during wars long since fought."
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Alliria certainly has its charms.” Most of his first year away from home had been spent there. It was where he had chosen his trade as a bard.

That last part didn't really surprise him. He knew that the Archives in Vel Anir contained several stolen elven volumes. He almost said something to Eirika, but then decided against it as he realized she might insist on “liberating” them before they left.

That was one adventure he most certainly wasn't up for. There were so many Dreadlord and apprentices around those archives it would have been easier for them just to hang themselves. The very idea of breaking in brought a shiver down his spine at just what it would take.

Glancing back towards the cart he frowned slightly. ”Never made it east then?”

He mused quietly to himself.

”I met a half-elf in the Wilds once.” Eirikia had already said that her people had settled elsewhere in the world and that they even had nomadic tribes, but he wondered if she knew anything about those in the east. Surely they must still be related somehow. ”She told me she was from the east. The isles of Sheketh.”
"In the two years I spent traveling I made it as far west as the Forbidden City. An incredibly eerie place that is. One that made me very uncomfortable. Lingering spirits and demons inhabit the land of that cursed place. I could sense them. Demons call to the minds of travelers who pass through, bargaining for a pact. Promises of their deepest desires. It is not a place I wish to return to."

Eirika shifted from that topic to the remainder of her trip, intent on not lingering on her time there for very long.

"I was able to book passage aboard a fishing galleon around the neck of the Trident and back to Cortosi. I then backtracked towards Vel Anir, meeting up with several of my kin along the way. We shared tales of our travels and things we learned. While there I worked several farms on the outskirts of the city, as well as a barmaid in the city to pay my way. We then took east once more. Before returning to Fal'Addas I made it as far as Belgrath."
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Kasim came to sudden stop as Eirika glossed over a certain fact. ”Wait. Wait wait wait.”

His hands rose for a moment, almost as if he couldn't quite believe what he had heard. A more honorable man might have ignored it, might have skipped entirely over the fact, but Kasik Areth had long ago forsaken any air of honor.

”You.” He put emphasis on the word. ”You. You were a barmaid?”

The Jester chuckled to himself, trying, and outright failing not to laugh. ”Where?! Did they make you wear a uniform? “

The idea of this very noble elf hopping around in barmaids skirts were about as funny a thought as Kasim had had in weeks. He couldn't quite conceive of the idea, especially considering the way that most patrons treated barmaids. She'd stab half the patrons inside of a week!

That couldn't have been good for business.
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Eirika glared at Kasim with piercing hazel eyes. She was hardly tickled by his amusement of her means to make ends meet. And of all things he had the stones to ask where she worked? As if she would divulge that information to him to further mock her?

The elf scoffed. "I was, briefly." She said sharply. "I'm impressed that of everything I've said about my two year pilgrimage, the only thing you seem interested in is where I served in between my travels and the clothing I wore whilst doing it."

The laughing irritated her to no end, but the focus on such a minor detail while glossing over an incredibly important time in her life made her indignant.

"Ce uchand." She uttered angrily with no regard as to whether or not Kasim heard. He wouldn't understand the insult regardless. "I'm done speaking to you until we reach Vel Anir."
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
Her indignation had been more that expected, and he couldn't help but chuckle to himself even after she swore at him. At least he assumed it was a swear. His elvish hadn't gotten any better but her tone and the way that she looked at him with a mixture of anger and utter loathing were more than enough of a give away.

He couldn't help it If the image was so funny.

It wasnt that the rest of her journey was boring to him, after all he was the one who had asked her questions and even commented with insight. Just the idea that a fair Elven Maiden, a priestess nonetheless, was serving drunken fools in a bar? How could that not be funny. And the question about her uniform had been more than warranted, after all, she couldn't very well go around flashing her ears everywhere.

Chuckling to himself Kasim fell into step alongside her. ”Alright alright I'm sorry.”

He doubted she would reply to him, from what he had come to understand about Eirika she was a rather stubborn individual. If she said she was going to do something, she would follow through.

”It’s nothing to be ashamed of you know. I've met plenty of lovely barmaids.” He commented. ”They're usually far more clever than the people around them.”

Half of them were smarter than their damned employers.
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The elf walked a bit faster when Kasim tried to catch up with her. Every time he strode beside her she moved just a little bit faster. As he predicted she had no more words to spend, or rather, waste, on him. Eirika remained silent, staring at the road ahead, a look of annoyance firmly painted on her face as she carried on towards the city. If he wanted to talk he would talk to himself for the remainder of the day.

His comments went unanswered, attempts to make amends for accosting her dignity failing to appease her.

Instead she sang quietly in elven, entertaining herself with her own thoughts and song dedicated to the trees. Pausing her melody only momentarily the priestess retrieved the last of the apples from her pack and bit into it with a delicate crunch.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
Kasim smirked slightly as Eirika ignored him and began signing a melody of some sort. He could not deny that it was a beautiful song, reminding him of something he'd heard a long time ago. Still, the fact that she was doing it particularly to ignore him was more than a little bit tickling.

Add to that the fact that she was also making significant effort to keep her pace just ahead of his?

It was all he could do not to break out into laughter again.

It reminded him very much of what had happened with the first girl he'd ever pursued. She had been from another house, one opposite his own. Their relationship had been...complicated. One day she would be as sweet as honey, and the next as cold as the tundras of the north. Eventually he had figured out the why of course, her response to him had always been carefully planned to lure him closer and closer.

It had worked, and his infatuation had very nearly cost him his life. It was funny how that worked.

Eventually Kasim stopped trying to walk besides Eirika, and instead he simply trailed a few steps behind. He figured it was pointless in arguing with her, or trying to beg for forgiveness. Mostly because every few second he couldn't help but smirk.
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Several hours later Eirika stopped, looking upwards to see the sky at its highest point. Mid-day. It was then she decided to wander a few paces off the road and down a small slope beneath the shade of a few trees that offered a bit of reprieve from the heat of the sun.

Resting her bow against the trunk of the grand old tree Eirika turned and sat herself beside it, releasing the buckles of her pack and lifting the folded leather from the top. From inside she removed a bit of the food they'd bought while in town two days prior. The light meals she'd eaten had caught up with her, now finding herself rather famished she quietly went about cutting the meat and eating, notably avoiding any and all eye contact with Kasim in the process.
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Half a day has passed now, and Eirika was still giving him the silent treatment.

Some of the amusement had died down, but it wasn't like the two of them had exactly been conversing for hours at a time before this. Eventually the silence simply grew into utter boredom. Her singing filled some of the journey, but that died down whenever they would pass another set of travelers or a merchant cart. Kasim always waved and gave greeting, a few times he even stopped to speak to the travelers. It always required for him to sprint after Eirika, but the tidbits of information he gathered were all well worth it.

By the time they made their little stop Kasim has nearly a full picture of the situation inside of Vel Anir. The Nobles always thought commoners had no idea what was going on, but they often forgot who served them. ”You know.”

Kasim began as Eirika sliced into her food.

”There is a religious order in the Spine, mostly dwarves I think.” He had heard this story from several peddlers in Belgrath. ”They have sworn themselves to silence. Believing that the spoken word brings only harm.”

He glanced at the Elf then continued on. ”Some even go so far as to cut out their tongues. Bizzare if you ask me.”
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Hazel eyes lazily looked over at Kasim, hands pausing in their act. The gaze was empty, unamused, and disinterested. It seemed as if the energy to even look at him had drained the elf of any and all further interest in the conversation. Part of her wished he had taken up the religion, at least for a day or two.

Finally, after an awkwardly long stare she turned back to focus on cutting the food for herself and eating in continued silence. A curious miniature bird landed several feet away moments later, looking their way, clearly interested in the meat being served up. The priestess cut several tiny pieces, placing them in her hand and urging the tiny creature to take what it wished.


It hesitated for a moment, head swiveling in contemplation before landing atop her fingertips. It lingered only long enough to retrieve the offering before its wings carried it up and into the tree above them, sprawling branches extending outwards where the presence of a nest could be spotted from the ground.
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Kasim stepped up in front of her, and then slowly squatted down. ”Are you really going to ignore me for another… “

The Jester trailed off as he craned his neck and looked up towards the sun. There was a small calculation in his head as he thought about just how much longer they would have to get to Vel Anir. It took him a second, but after a few seconds he spoke again.

”Six hours?” That seemed about right. ”What if I do this?“

He raised his finger and hovered it near her nose.

It was something he had done with his sister whenever she had tried to punish him by ignoring him. He was sure that it would not end in the same way, but he was going to do it none the less.

Because why not?
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One would assume humans, being the short lived species that they are, would mature by their biological adulthood. This one seems to have underdeveloped somehow.

Eirika stopped what she was doing, eyes studying both the man and the finger attached to the man hovering rudely mere inches away from her face. Several times she shifted her focus from Kasim's eyes to his finger and back again. Great consideration went into how to handle this antic. It was not something she had experienced in over seventy years.

Ever so calmly the elf set the knife down beside her, looked up to Kasim, and with her left hand took hold of the man's finger. Slowly she began to bend it backwards until he realized how uncomfortable this was about to become before it turned dangerously painful. Before it reached that point however she stopped, speaking only a single word in Elven before releasing his finger.

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”Ow ow ow ow.” Kasim let the words out as she slowly bent back his finger.

She had quite a bit of strength, something he had suspected all along but hadn't really been sure of. His expression fixed into a mixture of pain and displeasure, and as she let him go he let out another curse that was oddly similar to the word she spoke.

His hand shook for a moment, and he looked up at her. ”Rude.”

Kasim said quietly.

”You could have just said yes.” The Jester put his finger to his face, inspecting it for a moment. ”Almost broke the damned thing.”

Yet as he finished, Kasik brought up his other hand and hooped her nose.
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