Dreadlords The Beach Episode

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
Ralene lost track of time, the amount of food and drink she'd consumed, and all sense of proportion concerning their current situation here in this city. She had not, however, lost track of her winning streak - which had grown considerable over the hour they sat and socialized.

She faced several other orcess' from the party, as well as two dwarves, a komodo, and the local butcher who boasted considerable beefiness (no pun intended). By the time Edric reappeared from his dalliance, the betting pools were quite large as Ral faced down what was likely her final challenger for the night: a hefty minotaur.

It was the longest contest yet and left both Ralene and the minotaur gnashing their teeth and sweating. Ral was far from tired but also far from sober and it had become rather a bit more difficult to focus when the swimming feeling of needing to puke kept surfacing. She grunted and noised her displeasure while physically straining against the minotaur. Despite being half his size, she was holding him off from claiming victory with considerable gusto.

The cheers and jeering were loud enough to break an ear drum. At least, it felt that way.

Edric Eleanor
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Edric did not stumble down the stairs.

He outright fell.

His body came cascading down the stairway with thump after thump. It would have echoed throughout the entire Tavern if it wasn't for the cheers, might even have elicited some sort of concern. His body came to a final stop, half crooked and bent in a way no man was meant to be bent.

Though Maui would have disagreed. "WOOOOOOooooOOOOOoooOO!"

Edric added to the din of noise within the tavern, his arms waving from the floor.

"GOOoooOOO RALF!" Edric shouted from the ground, making absolutely no attempt to stand up from the floor.

His body was mush.

Hips bruised. Back scratched. Neck a mess of purple and deep red. Legs as wobbly as a baby deer. Co-well, that didn't matter much in the moment.

Ralene | Eleanor
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Reactions: Samantha Black
Eleanor had pretty much found a table to sit on as Ralene challenged practically every single person in the bar to arm wrestling. She had stopped cheering long ago because her throat hurt. She was nursing it with more ale. And more ale. And more ale.

She jumped in surprise when Edric came tumbling down the stairs. She raised a brow and leaned forward to get a better look at the Initiate. Her booted feet swung from the edge of the table and she just smiled. She was glad he had a good time.

Maybe too much? Ella downed her ale and hopped off the table. She made a beeline to her friend and just looked down at him with a single raised brow.

"You good, Edric?" She laughed out.

Edric Ralene
Ralf was doing her damnedest to best this fething minotaur while not losing everything she'd just eaten and imbibed in the last hour from her gut. The roar of the watchers was loud enough to draw attention from out on the walkways and people were now watching through the windows and crowding the doorway to find out just what the hell was going on.

The table shivered and rumbled under her elbow as the crowd cheered and banged their fists.

Ralene felt her stomach clench and her throat burn with the acrid taste of bile that threatened to eject itself all over her quarry and everyone within a five foot radius. No. Now wasn't the time for vomiting. Now was the time for winning. Swallowing the sensation down with an audible groan of disgust, Ralene bit into the wall of strength she'd hit and instead loosed a slowly building roar of determination.

Their clamped fists began to move. The more they moved in favor of Ral, the louder her snarling ripped through her clenched teeth.

Finally the minotaur's arm gave and she slammed his fist down against the table with a defiant yell. The tavern exploded into chaos. Ralene seemed to blink past the celebrations as that surge of sick hit her again as strong as she'd ever felt it. Stumbling away from her opponent who watched her, flabberghasted that he'd been bested by a girl half his size, Ral shoved her way through the throngs of onlookers and made for the back door of the tavern.

As soon as she hit open air she keeled over the side of the back steps and deposited the entire contents of her stomach with a righteous HURK.
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"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY RALF!" Edric added as Ralene proceeded to rush out the door.

His head turned to look after her for a moment, watching as the door swung closed behind her. He smiled, and then gave a salute.

Edric, still on the floor, just waved his arms. "You GOOOOOO guuuuuurl!"

He'd heard one of Maui's friends shout that earlier, and figured it was appropriate now.

"WoOo!" He added.
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Reactions: Samantha Black
Ella cheered with everyone else as Ralene beat the minotaur into submission. It was quite beautiful. The celebration was cut short by Ral sprinting out of the backdoor and she heard the reason she had been running. Both of her partners were drunk as fuck and couldn't even stand straight...Ella was drunk but she was still standing...for now.

Ella just shook her head at Edric with a smirk and then headed out the backdoor to make sure Ral was alright. She pushed through the door and smiled half heartedly at Ralene.

"Hey, you alright?" She asked and rubbed her friends back gently.

Edric Ralene
"I won-" Ralene urped and spat the acrid taste of yuck from her mouth, "didn't I?"

There was a shit-eating grin plastered somewhere between the sick and the drunk in her expression. She would have taken that moment of genuine care from Eleanor to snag the girl in to further snogging, but even Ral didn't like the taste of her own mouth at that very moment. Some regret bubbled up, along with a second round of hurking over the stairs.

At least she didn't have to have her hair held back.

"I just need ... feh - some water. I think."
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Reactions: Eleanor and Edric
"You did win, sweetie," Eleanor said as she continued to run Ralene's back in gently circles.

The calm last a moment before Ralene was vomiting again. "Get it all out, Ralene. It's alright. Take your time then we will get some water."

She was not going to leave the Initiate out here alone in this state.
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Ral gave Ele a probing glance over her shoulder with a raised brow, then bowed back over her knees for one final, righteous hurk.

After a few moments of just sitting there, waiting for the world to stop spinning, spitting the taste of yuck from her mouth, Ralene slowly pushed herself back up on her own two feet. After staggering slightly on her heels, she found her balance with an arm conveniently looped around Eleanor and gave her a smug half-grin.

"You always this sweet outside of the academy, Rosie?"
Once Ralene was done hurling and spitting, she finally stood up to her full height. Her arm can around Ella's shoulder and she smiled up at Ralene with her sweetest, most innocent smile.

"I am rarely sweet. The alcohol helps, but I am also not going to let a fellow female Initiate go out on her own to puke her guts out without someone there for her. I mean...I would do it for Liliana...albeit a lot more grudgingly since she's a bitch."

Ella laughed at her own words as she pulled the door open and walked back into the bar. She set Ral down at a table near a passed the fuck out Edric and went to the bar to get a few cups of water. She set all three on the table and slid one to Ral. She started to drink from one and she would force Edric to drink the last one once he rejoined the land of the living.
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Reactions: Samantha Black