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In a puddle of rainwater about two inches deep, was a day-old corpse.
And not just any, but that of a knight, an actual titled and landed Lady. It was writ on the garb and features, kempt and unblemished save for a little scar at her cheek from some previous scrap. What had hit her this time, hadn’t the opportunity to heal into a mere reminder.
On the back of her head was a great red gash, blood soaking a length of dirt road brown hair. On her temple was another such mark, if more diminutive in size. The full suit of plate on her yet shone, pale as it mirrored the cloudy morning sky above, reflections crisp on the polished metal wherein it wasn’t dappled with mud. Through it, Aarno met eyes with the Elder that stood behind him, watching.
“ Fell off the roof, huh? “ He asked, not even bothering to veil his disbelief, look bouncing at the eaves of the little cottage that rose in the middle of the small yard. There were others around it, but this was in immediate vicinity and the only one with a ladder.
“ It is what they say. “ The Elder responded, correcting the crimson shawl on her shoulders, arms crossing tighter for warmth. Next to her stood a younger woman, her dark eyes bouncing betwixt the two of them intently. Their breaths steamed in the cold air, the kind that stood still yet chilled through all garments. Aarno gave a hum and rose, turning to face them.
“ Who? “
“ Everyone. “
“ Right. “ He gave an unimpressed nod, voice reduced to a mutter. Communities like this were a bunch of tight-lipped, conniving little bitches to maneuver.
“ Any trustworthy witnesses? “ Despite a genuine attempt, he couldn’t will the impatience out of his voice entire. This pleased the Elder none.
“ I thought you lot would’ve told me that. “
“ I’m no Loch knight. “
“ Well, that’s disappointing. “ Though nigh dwarven in stature, the Elder yet somehow managed to stare him down with judgement. “ We’ve dealt with Syr Theros before and he— “
“ Wasn’t available, presently. “ He cut in, flashing sharp teeth in a grin, arms spread as he gave a mock bow. “ So you’ve me and my company instead. Painful, I realize. “
There was a pause, the lady at the elder woman’s side nudging for her attention and gesturing fast, signing. They exchanged as such for a second, The Elder's face keeping its tense expression. He understood none of it, nor was he going to ask out of spite.
“ Where’s her helm? “ He started again, look refreshing on the perished.
“ Didn’t have one. When we found her, anyway. And I’ve had the scene guarded ever since, lest she be looted and disposed of. “
Some sense, then. Aarno bobbed his head and turned in a click of mail, hands on his hips. There were some people loitering beyond the woven fence, watching without shame. He felt their stare bear down, collectively hoping he’d fail in whatever his kind was here to do. What exactly was it, anyway, beyond figuring out the obvious — a course of events.
The Elder suspected a murder in stead of an accident, that much was clear. But what did she really want out of this and why?
“ What do you want from us, good Elder? Plain, please. “ He questioned, trying with a tad more calm reverence in his voice, posture relaxing. She blinked, brows knit into a frown.
“ Find who done it, obviously. “
“ Why? “
“ What do you mean why— “
“ Told me yourself she was a ripe bastard, waiting for comeuppance. Could easily roll the blame on us — The Order. The Lord, her master, wouldn’t think twice about it. “
“ Syr Latva— “ She pinched the bridge of her nose, exhaling a cloud with the utmost exasperation.
“ Unlike some— “ Her hands entwined into a little bundle that she pressed to her chest. “ I am not comfortable with having murderers wander, undiscovered and unpunished, within my community. Understood? “
He couldn't help but snort at that, tossing his head with amusement.
“ Quite. “
And not just any, but that of a knight, an actual titled and landed Lady. It was writ on the garb and features, kempt and unblemished save for a little scar at her cheek from some previous scrap. What had hit her this time, hadn’t the opportunity to heal into a mere reminder.
On the back of her head was a great red gash, blood soaking a length of dirt road brown hair. On her temple was another such mark, if more diminutive in size. The full suit of plate on her yet shone, pale as it mirrored the cloudy morning sky above, reflections crisp on the polished metal wherein it wasn’t dappled with mud. Through it, Aarno met eyes with the Elder that stood behind him, watching.
“ Fell off the roof, huh? “ He asked, not even bothering to veil his disbelief, look bouncing at the eaves of the little cottage that rose in the middle of the small yard. There were others around it, but this was in immediate vicinity and the only one with a ladder.
“ It is what they say. “ The Elder responded, correcting the crimson shawl on her shoulders, arms crossing tighter for warmth. Next to her stood a younger woman, her dark eyes bouncing betwixt the two of them intently. Their breaths steamed in the cold air, the kind that stood still yet chilled through all garments. Aarno gave a hum and rose, turning to face them.
“ Who? “
“ Everyone. “
“ Right. “ He gave an unimpressed nod, voice reduced to a mutter. Communities like this were a bunch of tight-lipped, conniving little bitches to maneuver.
“ Any trustworthy witnesses? “ Despite a genuine attempt, he couldn’t will the impatience out of his voice entire. This pleased the Elder none.
“ I thought you lot would’ve told me that. “
“ I’m no Loch knight. “
“ Well, that’s disappointing. “ Though nigh dwarven in stature, the Elder yet somehow managed to stare him down with judgement. “ We’ve dealt with Syr Theros before and he— “
“ Wasn’t available, presently. “ He cut in, flashing sharp teeth in a grin, arms spread as he gave a mock bow. “ So you’ve me and my company instead. Painful, I realize. “
There was a pause, the lady at the elder woman’s side nudging for her attention and gesturing fast, signing. They exchanged as such for a second, The Elder's face keeping its tense expression. He understood none of it, nor was he going to ask out of spite.
“ Where’s her helm? “ He started again, look refreshing on the perished.
“ Didn’t have one. When we found her, anyway. And I’ve had the scene guarded ever since, lest she be looted and disposed of. “
Some sense, then. Aarno bobbed his head and turned in a click of mail, hands on his hips. There were some people loitering beyond the woven fence, watching without shame. He felt their stare bear down, collectively hoping he’d fail in whatever his kind was here to do. What exactly was it, anyway, beyond figuring out the obvious — a course of events.
The Elder suspected a murder in stead of an accident, that much was clear. But what did she really want out of this and why?
“ What do you want from us, good Elder? Plain, please. “ He questioned, trying with a tad more calm reverence in his voice, posture relaxing. She blinked, brows knit into a frown.
“ Find who done it, obviously. “
“ Why? “
“ What do you mean why— “
“ Told me yourself she was a ripe bastard, waiting for comeuppance. Could easily roll the blame on us — The Order. The Lord, her master, wouldn’t think twice about it. “
“ Syr Latva— “ She pinched the bridge of her nose, exhaling a cloud with the utmost exasperation.
“ Unlike some— “ Her hands entwined into a little bundle that she pressed to her chest. “ I am not comfortable with having murderers wander, undiscovered and unpunished, within my community. Understood? “
He couldn't help but snort at that, tossing his head with amusement.
“ Quite. “
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