knights of anathaeum

  1. Caelia

    Private Tales White Rose and Lemon Leaves

    Walking through the gardens was something she ought to do more often, but Caelia seemed to enjoy staying indoors in the dim light than let her pale complexion be warmed in the sun. Already, she was turning red from the heat of the day, but gods was that sun nice. What had brought her out from...
  2. Rupaka

    Knights of Anathaeum Riddles of Rot

    Midsummer, 374 Foot of the Spine, 2 Days South of Belgrath Rupaka came in the twilit eaves, the fading sun setting red upon his brow. Whispers of rot shifted on the breeze as might leaves under a summer swell, trickling with the peddlers and fairweather folk from Belgrath to deep within the...
  3. Helena

    Fable - Ask Life Through Death's Door

    A clack. Clatter, and thwack. "You've died, Gruki" A step back, and Master Hawken let the squire stand. "Quicker than usual, but, let us try again," he raised the practice sword once more. Other squires stood around watching wide eyed and short of breath. It was not every day a Master...
  4. Helena

    Knights of Anathaeum Peaceweavers

    Four Days South and East of the Eldyr Tree, amidst Almwych Pass. Enroute to Eastpoint Roost, home of the Kritan Harpies. Mission: Talon and Hoof Priority: Moderate Rank: Squire with Sworn Operatives: Captain of Dawn Helena, ... (TBD: hoping for 4 other players.) On the trail to Eastpoint...
  5. Farren Lóthlindor

    Private Tales For Whom the Bell Tolls

    With the passing of the Syzygy came the returning light of the moons. The twin eyes of the night restored to their watchful guardianship of the night. Yet not all had returned to its original form. Magic had been plucked at and tampered. Reformed and rebirthed. Some even cursed into new shapes...
  6. Rane Mauntell

    Private Tales Lucid Moments Stolen Darkly

    Implements of the dreamscape within black leather firm clasped bag, holding all manner of things of redirecting the waves and ripples of thought manifest behind eyes that wake and slumber. A stick of time to burn and cleanse, scents of lilacs and nostalgia, crystals that with attunement and...
  7. Saskia Kerraelas

    Completed Oh, Brother!

    It was not all that difficult to find Faramund the day after Saskia returned from visiting Valenntenia, a city found in the northern Steppes. The two weeks of travel had the young dusker questioning many things, and contemplating all sorts, but that morning she woke with determination. Being...
  8. Alaric Wulf

    Private Tales Friends to Lovers?

    Alaric had never spent so much time on appearance Sure he was usually well dressed, and his armor was to be envied, but this was different. Standing in front of the mirror, he frowned with distaste as he once again messed with his hair. He really should have given it a cut after his last mission...
  9. Monroe

    Private Tales Deep Cuts & Brighter Wounds

    Fools. That was the only thought Monroe had after hauling the last crate of carrots off the wagon, staring down at the crate as if it weighed the heaviest of all things she had to have carried in her life. It was the last one, but fuck this had not been something she signed up for. Really...
  10. Helena

    Knights of Anathaeum The Tools of My Enemy

    Mission: Starless Night Priority: Critical Rank: Sworn Operatives: Pursuant Bebin Theros, Pursuant Oliver, Sworn Knight Faramund, Sworn Knight Castor Vega Faramund Castor Vega
  11. Abalon Shallows

    Knights of Anathaeum Talisman and Teaching

    The scent of frankincense layered over everything in steady ebbs from the thurible that roiled it's cargo outwards from the center of the chamber in wisps of the rich scent. Consecration of the room was a point of safety, no divine will did flow to guard against the Dark, yet the will of the...
  12. Valborast Valchek

    Private Tales Without Relent

    (Part 1 to this story can be found here) A vexed mind when lacking solutions seeks distractions. Distractions which render sleep swift as near exhaustion rushes all governance to recovery from such toil to escape rumination. To escape the languid moments of doing nothing about what mattered...
  13. Sitra

    Knights of Anathaeum The Step Taken

    Today was the beginning of the rest of her life. How grandiose of a statement for how little fanfare greeted the start of it; the day's idle humming of birdcall hardly did justice to the tumultuous years leading to her arrival at the gates of the Astenvale Monastery. The abode of misfits and...
  14. Byanka Valkas

    Knights of Anathaeum Wishing On A Star

    The weather was still cold but the snow was melting, the sun's rays reaching towards the earth and beckoning life back out once more. The season of growing and life was near upon Arethil, and one could feel it, especially on this night in Astenvale. The sun had shone brightly during the day...
  15. Julian Benavide

    Knights of Anathaeum What Hides In The Dark

    The sky was gray, clouds gathering on the horizon, assuring rain soon. Every step the knights took brought them further away from the Monastery but the Eldyr Tree could still be seen amid the clouds. Their mission on this night was a bit closer to home, but that did not mean it was any easier...
  16. Monroe

    Knights of Anathaeum Well, Hello Boys...

    Welcome to the First Annual Himbo Contest for the Knights of Anathaeum! A handwritten flier had been hung up on the walls in various places over the Monastery, its contents simple and intriguing, with a hastily written ‘Speak to Syr Kerraelas to sign up and receive all details! P.S. This...
  17. Skull-hammer

    Open Chronicles The visitor to Anathaeum.

    When he stepped, the ground shook. His footfalls were thunder from the earth. Skull-hammer, Forest Ogre from the Falwood and full time Searcher, came to finally lay eyes on the Monastery of the Knights of Anathaeum. It was nice, well made, high stacked stone. Well carved doors and lovely tended...
  18. Byanka Valkas

    Private Tales The Ten O'Clock News and the Morning Blues

    Byanka had gotten the letter late the night before and she had received no sleep at all because of it. She had sat awake in her room in the monastery, reading the letter over and over until she had memorized every line, but it had not helped her great feeling of unsettlement. Worse than the...
  19. Josai

    Fable - Ask Green through the Thumb

    Teaching was, still something that was starting to form within Josai's mind. Never quite saw herself as a teacher. Hardly liked taking on assistants and helpers when it came to manning the bar at the knoll. Yet, she understood the importance of it. Least, she thought she did. "So, tell me...
  20. Monroe

    Completed Secrets of the Sea

    There had not been time for Monroe to bother reading the sign that pointed south, towards the sea, but the winds that washed over her was unlike any siren song she ever heard. The scent of the sea water conjured up memories she had longed to relive, carried away by the longing she felt to see...