Fable - Ask Slash and Burn (Wardens)

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


The Werewolf
Character Biography
He swore to whichever fucking god haunted his footsteps that if he had to do one more chore for these blasted, egotistical maniacs he would let his wolf out in the middle of the feast hall.

Compared to the previous jobs, Roul supposed rooting out a Naga encampment was actually fairly interesting. Although how a raiding party of lizardmen had gotten to this edge of the world was anyone's guess. They'd apparently been preying on sailors and the like who wandered too far from Cerak and got lost on the shores of Crescent island.

He and the other warriors the Wardens sent paused at the lip of a large rock that overlooked the beach. Down below he could see several shapes that did appear to have tails, but no ship other than scattered wreckage beaten in by the waves. No fires either.

Lots of dead sailors littered the beach though... and... were they eating the corpses?

Roul frowned. Those didn't look like Naga to him, but he wasn't exactly an expert on their biology. Big shiny tails. Fangs. Human-ish upper body. Sure, he guessed they could be Naga. But wouldn't they have snakeheads?

Oh fuck it. The Wardens could examine the corpses afterward.

"Let's get this over with," he rasped.
The Wardens were exploiters. The huntress began to wonder if currying their favor was worth the perilous tasks the Wardens continued to demand. Roul continued to assure the others that the reward would be well worth the demands upon them. But did he believe it?

The scowling orc mongrel crouched at the edge of the escarpment, peering down. Ubnara jutted out her jaw, exhaling a breath between sharp teeth that blew aside strands of dark, greasy hair from harsh, jade eyes. She grunted softly at the sight below. The brutal lizard-things slithering around the beach were repulsive and unnatural, stirring a tightness in her gut that only slaughtering the abominations would loosen. The corner of Ubnara's lip curled into a small, feral grin as she imagined their scaly hide tanned and adorning her body.

Roul's comment stirred the band, but not their confidence. Ubnara, nevertheless, licked her lips and slipped from the edge of the rock, squeezing her ham-like fists until the knuckles cracked. The short, thick bow was slipped from her back, gripped in one hand while a crude but brutal orcish arrow was nocked to the string. As had become her custom in their raids, she would loose arrows as they moved, then to sword and ax when in striking range.
  • Orc
Reactions: Roul
From above, Acts-With-Vengeance was inspecting this strange land they'd come across. Instead of disembarking normally, they'd anchored their small ship by some outcroppings of rocks a fair distance away. She'd be safe there, they figured. No valuable cargo anyway.

With their home anchored and hidden away they'd taken to the air to scout out their surroundings. As well as their flowy, cloaked garb, they'd put on battle boots and gloves. These unique Krr'chee'aw weapons not only protected hands and feet, but metal talons reinforced their own, providing devastating effect if they were to be cornered. A barbed fishing harpoon was also strapped to their back and they carried a slingshot in two of their hands. They gripped it tighter as they recalled their deceased flockmates... one of their brothers had made it for them.

Their pupils constricted as they noticed a beachside camp and the gory sight. A soft hiss escaped their lips as they took in the disgusting animals there. They looked like nagas, but also... not. Even so, if they  were nagas, then by the wilds, Acts-With-Vengeance was most definitely going to act with vengeance!

Their pinions spreaded to momentarily slow them down as they also noticed some strange creatures attacking the beasts. With a faint series of falcon-like chirps, they decided that the enemy of their enemy was not theirs as well. They flapped several times as they loaded the powerful slingshot and chose to join the fray from above. They grinned eagerly to themself. The nagas, or whatever they were, would pay dearly.