
Acts-With-Vengeance (Farname: Bat Hawk)

Biographical information
Ixchel Wilds 28 Years Unknown
Physical description
Krr'chee'aw Nonbinary 4'9" tall/9' wingspan/12' tail Orange-Yellow Dark Grey
Political information
Out-of-character information
Ashrisen 05/15/2024

A Krr'chee'aw who lost their flock to a naga raiding party. Though they were always rather troublesome, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Ever since, they developed a deep resentment for the world and feel no shame inflicting their pain upon others.


With narrow, pointed wings and a long fan tail, Acts is a Krr designed for pure speed. They're swift, stealthy, and precise. Their skin is a dark grey and their orange-yellow eyes are big and round. Their internal beak is small but no less sharp. Their features are sharp and pointed and even their feathered ears are narrow. Their head is covered in black feathers and a small crest on their scalp can be raised and lowered.

Though their feathers are mostly pitch and unadorned, there's a bright and big patch of white on their throat. They have the usual six limbs with dark scutes and talons. Small black tufts of feathers adorn their elbows and the heels of their digitigrade and anisodactyl legs.

Skills and Abilities

- Mental: Acts is quick-witted and mentally sharp. They're cunning and determined, which makes them hard to shake or deter once they've set a goal. They're suave for a Krr'chee'aw, but this doesn't mean much. This actually just translates to "average" so they're less likely to offend.
- Physical: They are built for speed and agility and their dark plumage blends in well with the night. As a result, they make for an excellent scout. They cannot, however, see in the dark any better than a human. Their speed and agility also translates well on the ground and they make a formidable and terrifying foe, with swift and flexible movements in melee combat and a good aim when using slingshots. This comes at the cost of physical strength, which they definitely lack.
- Artistic: Like most Krr'chee'aw, Acts-With-Vengeance is a great singer and dancer, but that's all they have going creative wise, and it's very average for their species.


Acts-With-Vengeance, true to their name, is a very angry bird. They're quite hateful of the world around them, especially nagas, but much of this is projection. They're quite angry with themself above much else for failing to save their flock from a naga attack. They're very violent and destructive at times but know to keep it down and only let it out when there wouldn't be immediate consequences. They have some loyalty to those who would show them that same courtesy though. They have the capacity to be reluctantly nice or even kind to those they consider flockmates.

Mostly though, Acts is truly ruthless and merciless; if crossed they would see retribution through. It's rare for them to let someone go. They have no real sense of going "too far" and tend to be brutal in situations. They're the kind of person to steal candy from a baby and then call the baby "pitiful" for crying. Indeed, this Krr is a rare case of a truly evil individual, and is too far gone to be "fixed". Despite all this anger and cruelty, Acts-With-Vengeance can put on a polite face and frequently does. One doesn't have to be nice to be polite, after all.

In summary, Acts-With-Vengeance is ruthless, cruel, evil, cunning, manipulative, brutal, violent, and loyal.

Biography & Lore

Krr'chee'aw are the mysterious and isolationist purely bird race found in the southern Ixchel Wilds. They were recently discovered and gradually taught Common. They call Common "Songtongue" due to finding it easier to sing with. They're commonly called Avians due to the difficulty in pronouncing their name and speak a language called Krik that is exclusively spoken in bird calls and sounds. Only the Krr'chee'aw are able to fluently speak Krik without magical assistance.

The Krr'chee'aw used to be split in migratory tribes long ago that never stayed too long in one place lest they damage nature. However, when the naga began to attack and slaughter the small tribes, they banded together into a single nation under Unites-With-Song, the only avian to have a white bellbird's call as her farname. With this newly discovered unity the Krr'chee'aw now stand a more even chance against the naga. However, this war has waged for generations with no clear end in sight, causing the species to be isolationist, xenophobic, and militant. Because the Krr'chee'aw no longer migrate they have a strict emphasis on population control and achieve this with high percentages of single individuals, same-sex couples, and communal raising of broods. This is driven by a religious reverence of nature and is a significant reason they continue to have a stalemate with their natural enemies.

Krr'chee'aw have two names: Their common name that describes who the individual is as a person and their farname, which is a loud bird call used to get their attention from afar. When calling someone using a farname, they alternate between their own and their target's farname to avoid confusion with wild bird calls.


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