Private Tales Serpents Beneath the Salitran Sky | Salitra

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
It was so strange, that he of all people, be caught unawares. Not once, but twice now. The first time came when they had been followed to Neh'rai's home - he was never followed, anywhere. The second time came with her touch, that instinctual empathy of one who knew the path, knew that emptiness. She likely felt him tense just so, the surprise seemingly genuine. And truly, it was. He hadn't expected a show of kindness. He wasn't used to it.

Still, he regarded her kindness with a friendly inclination of his head. Then she queried him, to which he replied, "as I'm sure you know, the lady Medja has many Hands with which she orchestrates many things... your inclusion would make you one such Hand. Each one is given their own trial, sometimes alone, and though I myself am not one of these individuals, I do know that the trial will test you."

Then, after what seemed to be a hesitation, he leaned forward some as his hands reached up and touched his mask. Beneath his hood a strange light briefly glowed, and then once it had disappeared, one hand reached and pulled back his hood as the other brought the mask to rest on his lap.

He pulled one of his gloves off and ran his bare hand through his hair, pulling it from his face. Then, after a long breath and kind of strange moment, he gave her a sort of side eyed look and said, "You're the first person to see my face... in many years."

Liana had completely forgotten about the talk of the initiation as Laru took his mask off. She was not sure what she was expecting but she certainly wasn't expecting him to be gorgeous. She let out a slow breath as she took him in, her bright blue eyes betraying any sense of decorum.

"I...I am honored, Laru," she finally spoke. If she was still worried about his intentions, she would be sure that he was going to murder her since she saw his face.

"Do you hide it because of your job or some other reason?" Liana spoke quietly but still loud enough to be heard over the the rumble of the wagon. She would've liked to say that her reasoning was altruistic but she was just nosey.

  • Smug
Reactions: Laru'Dahl
He'd hidden his face for so long now that he'd almost forgotten why he'd chosen to do so. Her question prompted that recollection, and his eyes drifted one way and then the other as he thought. It was no doubt clear with his face unveiled that he was not Abtati. He was an elf to be sure, but his features were unlike those of the desert dwelling elves.

"My duties are a primary motivation, yes... it is difficult to know a man whose face you've never seen. It is rare that I miss my mark... but it has happened."

And anonymity was essential, but it was clear there was more to it than what he said. For whatever reason, however, he chose not to elaborate further. He turned to her.

"I am eager to see what the lady Medja has in mind for you. One with your talents is..." unheard of, at least to him, "... what do you think? How do you foresee things, now that we are on our way?"

Laru had a point and it was a point that had crossed her mind already. He was certainly confident in his abilities but at least he admitted that he was not perfect. She had to admit that she was curious about what kind of mark he missed because she had seen him in action. He was not someone to be trifled with.

Liana just smiled and looked down at his cut off compliment. It was like he was unsure what to say exactly but she could understand the sentiment and it was nice to be appreciated.

"Honestly? I have no idea. I would assume that she would use me as a spy or, perhaps, an interrogator...or both..." Liana shrugged.

She was excited about this new life that was coming her way. She was ready for it. She deserved it.

"Where are you from?" She asked. She could not help her curious mind.

"Yes, you'd certainly be well suited for those tasks, I'm sure."

It was hard to say, but if Neh'rai had felt she was not fit for what was to come she would have said. She had not, so Laru'Dahl was content to assume Liana was indeed all that she said she was.

"Where are you from?" She asked.
He betrayed none of the stiffness that wanted to crawl up his back. Being one who wore a mask in front of nearly everyone he had ever met, no one had ever really bothered to ask him of his origins. Given his accent, though a little off, it was always safely assumed that he was an Abtati. Liana could now clearly see that was not at all the case.

He turned his head as a wry smile crept across his lips, and his eyes danced to and fro before slowly edging back toward her.

"I do not know," he said with the shake of his head, "all I have ever known are these sands and this rock, but I know this is not my home."

He knew little of the world beyond Amol-Kalit. He knew there were lands of lush green and deep waters, but he had never laid eyes upon them. He knew only what humble oasis' he'd come to in the desert, he could hardly imagine anything much more than that.

"I spend much of my time though, in Ragash."

There was a brief hesitancy - the wagon shuddered a but and slowed. He could hear Elrix hollering for some pedestrians to get out of the way. He wasn't particular kind either, which made Laru almost chuckle as the wagon started up again.

Elrix was always grumpy, even in his younger years.

Liana could definitely relate to that. Amol-Kalit was all she knew too. She was not sure who her parents were or where she was from. She had grown up in Ragash though so that was home as far as she was concern. Maybe one day she would find answers but for now she was not very worried about it.

"I know the feeling," she finally said. "The orphanage I grew up in is in Ragash but I have no idea of my actual origins." Liana offered a small shrug. She was quite curious where Laru came from though. It was not like she was schooled in other cultures though. It did not particularly matter either. He was here and he was helping her.

She grew silent as the wagon slowed but it was not long until they were moving again. "Is he always so grumpy?" She asked in reference to Elrix.

He nodded in response to her. Though he himself lived in no orphanage, he was an orphan all the same. He knew it was just as tough for them in those places as it was for him in his, and often they were robbed of any knowledge or recollection of their families.

They were alone.

Is he always so grumpy?

His quiet chuckle returned, and he nodded his head, saying, "since the day I met him. He was much younger then, and yet, just as agitated," there was mirth in Laru's voice, revealing an obvious affinity, "so, having been raised in Ragash, no doubt you have witnessed many things. The Kaliti have never been too fond of outsiders, or Abtati."

The fondness in him departed as his voice carried on - the hardship of the sand elves had been shared with him, as he associated with them only - and worse, was a clear outsider. But though he was these things, he was not an Abtati - for them and only them was the most hate reserved. He couldn't help but recall the memories of people he'd once called friends being dragged away to die before the gaze of many hateful eyes, each beholder eager to cast the first stone. Ravenous in their hate they had been, their mouths dripping with putrid disdain - these were the memories of his youth.

Liana could tell the change of subject had an affect on Laru. He had dealt with more hardships than she would ever know because he was an outsider. She reached a hand over to take his and gave it a small squeeze. She did not remove it once the squeeze was done though.

"Yes, there were a few children who were not Kaliti in the orphanage. Our benefactors were amazing and tried very hard to make sure that they knew there was nothing wrong with them."

That was all she had to say on the subject and, honestly, it was a depressing subject that she did not have the mental ability to speak of right now.

"I believe it is your turn to find out something about me, Laru," she prompted with a smile and another squeeze of his hand.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Laru'Dahl