Private Tales Sent Sundown

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
Eastern Baal-Asha River - Near Saellora

"I know, I know Trik." Olvir said, waving off his oldest friend and bodyguard. The massive ogre-like human followed after the now Captain-Commander, his one step counting for every two of his friends.

"It's been two weeks, Ollie." He continued to warn, repeating the conversation as Ollie tilted his head once again in a nod. Fingers wringing out the dampness of his tunic. "Torrik already spotted trawlers to the south this morning, I doubt they'll find the cove on their first sweep, but it won't be long before they spot a mast o-"

"I know!" Ollie insisted, coming to a stop and grabbing his friends arm. "I'm not fooling around here, Trik. I know this is serious. We're far from home, alone. A hundred men and three small ships. It's not a lot, and I'm taking it seriously. Trust me."

The older man frowned for a moment, and then had the good grace to look embarrassed. He let out a long sigh, shaking his head and slowly running his fingers through his hair. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry lad. Sometimes I forget you're grown now, and when I see you with her..."

"She's here because I asked, and we'd both be dead without her." Least Trik would be, with what his sword had been doing lately Ollie wasn't so sure that counted for him. Nevertheless, Elspeth had been utterly invaluable, and he was more than glad she had accepted when he'd asked her to come along.

His father had wanted him to win fame and fortune, to bring acclaim to their name in a way that it had never been brought before.

He had not not wanted to, but the choice had been easy when the truth of the danger had been provided.

At least he'd managed to protect Elspeth as best he could. Ironically he trusted himself to keep her far more safe here on the battlefields of Cortos than back home in Vel Anir. His father's blades could not reach this far afield, not among the hundred men that he and Trik had recruited. Each soldier here was someone he trusted, someone he could rely on.

Ollie hadn't been able to take keep Aisling safe, but at least Elsi was with him now. "Aye, not direspecting lad, just lamenting the child I used to put on my shoulder. Eh?"

Trik grinned down at Ollie, a feat for someone the Noble's height.

"Well, I'll try to be more childish, but for now I know what's needed. We fixed the prow of the Spark this afternoon, tomorrow we'll pack up and find a new home." Trik was right, they had been using this cove as a base for nearly two weeks now, that was too long. They had to find a new one before they struck out for their next raid. "I was heading to tell Elspeth now, see how Polli's doing."

The former Anirian Knight offered a quick salute. "Aye, aye, Captain. Apologies for doubting you, I'll see if I can't get the men on a bit of a head start for tomorrow."

He said, offering a wave and a knowing wink before he turned on his heel and headed down the hill towards the cove.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Elspeth Sirl
Polli had been dealing with a rather stubborn wound and case of poisoning. As the brave men and women among Olvir's crew were learning, the Cortosi were rather dastardly when it came to battle and warfare. Nothing seemed to be off the table and they weren't even seeing the worst of it yet. Elspeth had mended many wounds and come prepared with a trove of medicaments, potions, and supplies, but there wasn't an remedy for everything.

And the poison effecting Polli did not seem to be responding to any of her antidotes or medicines. Even a dose of healing potion had done little but temporarily assuage some of the side effects, but within the day Polli was back to running a fever and groaning in undue pain.

Elsi stayed at his bedside, wiping sweat from his brow and routinely feeding him broth and water. He was having difficulty keeping solid foods down and twice now she'd found herself washing vomit from her Medic's apron.

Hearing footsteps, Elspeth looked up from the ailing man to the approaching figure and raised a hand to signal quiet, a wilted smile greeting Olvir as he moved closer.

"He's only just managed to fall asleep," she said barely over a whisper, "Captain, if we do not make landfall and procure local antidote, this man is going to die. The infection and poison is spreading."