Ishar Morrad
Ishar nodded his head as Runa spoke, his gaze flickering towards the woods every now and again.
He'd never been greatly concerned with animals of the wild. Even bears tended to stay away from him naturally. They were either fearful of what he could do or simply tended to avoid the scent of his unnatural flesh.
"Plenty." The former Templar offered with a smile.
"In the Blightlands most of our enemies were presented to us by Menalus." He foolishly assumed that she would know who the Fire-Giant was. "Blight Orcs, Ogres, Elementals of fire and lava."
A frown touched his lips. "A few times there were other things, Wyrms and the like."
A hand ran through his hair as he assisted her further.
"He was fond of using beastmen too. Not just Werewolves but twisted things." He remembered fighting those creatures, they had been...difficult. "A few Ash Vampires as well, though they held to themselves and not Menalus."
Fighting Monsters had been his business for better part of two decades. He had fought and beaten more than most.
He'd never been greatly concerned with animals of the wild. Even bears tended to stay away from him naturally. They were either fearful of what he could do or simply tended to avoid the scent of his unnatural flesh.
"Plenty." The former Templar offered with a smile.
"In the Blightlands most of our enemies were presented to us by Menalus." He foolishly assumed that she would know who the Fire-Giant was. "Blight Orcs, Ogres, Elementals of fire and lava."
A frown touched his lips. "A few times there were other things, Wyrms and the like."
A hand ran through his hair as he assisted her further.
"He was fond of using beastmen too. Not just Werewolves but twisted things." He remembered fighting those creatures, they had been...difficult. "A few Ash Vampires as well, though they held to themselves and not Menalus."
Fighting Monsters had been his business for better part of two decades. He had fought and beaten more than most.