Ishar Morrad
Shocked colored his features, but only because he had not expected the sudden forcefulness.
There was nothing wrong with it per say, the words were simply out of character from what he had seen from her so far. His lips thinned for a moment as he stared at her, eyes wandering slowly around the small enclosure as he wondered about what she had said.
Her admission of course made perfect sense, even before she'd said the words Ishar had already suspected something of the sort.
Everything she'd said laid there.
"I…" He began slowly, not entirely sure whether to state things out loud or indirectly. The former Templar wasnt exactly the same as her. Did not have the same control that she had told him her people had. Fingers tightened for a moment and he took in a deep breath.
"I am something all together different." He stated plainly. "I cannot control that which lays within."
Even if he could Ishar wasn't entirely sure that he would want to in the first place. The mere thought set his stomach on edge. "The last time I accepted safety and comfort it did not end well."
No. It had ended in blood and slaughter.
There was nothing wrong with it per say, the words were simply out of character from what he had seen from her so far. His lips thinned for a moment as he stared at her, eyes wandering slowly around the small enclosure as he wondered about what she had said.
Her admission of course made perfect sense, even before she'd said the words Ishar had already suspected something of the sort.
Everything she'd said laid there.
"I…" He began slowly, not entirely sure whether to state things out loud or indirectly. The former Templar wasnt exactly the same as her. Did not have the same control that she had told him her people had. Fingers tightened for a moment and he took in a deep breath.
"I am something all together different." He stated plainly. "I cannot control that which lays within."
Even if he could Ishar wasn't entirely sure that he would want to in the first place. The mere thought set his stomach on edge. "The last time I accepted safety and comfort it did not end well."
No. It had ended in blood and slaughter.