Fable - Ask Poker Night

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first

Colt Pirian

Aero Vaquero
Character Biography
The scent of smoke filled the room as colt lit up a cheap cigar. It was Poker night, the third he’d hosted. The first was moderately successful, but the second had grown considerably. Part of that was the allure of the game, but a significant part was the festivities associated. He wondered if tonight’s pot would grow or shrink from last month. Colt knew based on their talents not everyone could participate, so he made steps to get others involved without playing.

Limont for example, was not allowed to touch cards under any circumstances, but did manage to procure and disguise drink and smoke from game to game. He made a tidy profit each month from what Colt understood. Similarly Naser was not allowed to play, or speak to anyone who intended to play. He was offered a free drink and a percentage of the final pot as compensation if he decided to show and acted as a lookout for the proctor’s. It seemed everyone involved preferred taxes to the wrath of the proctor’s.

As Colt took in a smoke and began to shuffle cards he wondered who would show today. So far it had been an exclusively men’s affair. Colt had kept it that way initially because he didn’t want to explain why the Queen of Hearts wasn’t wearing clothes. Or the seven of clubs. Or the four of clubs. Oh the four of clubs was a beaut. As the game had evolved from Colt’s invitees to friends of friends however, such divisions were no longer guaranteed.

Colt continued to shuffle the cards and wondered if that dynamic would change tonight. If he’d bring home a gain or a loss. And most of all, just who would show up.

OOC: Slice of Life thread in the Dreadlord Academy! Anyone at the Academy welcome, but remember snitches get stitches. Will be simulating hand rankings with dice rolls in the Dreadlord chat.
This would be the second poker night Kilien had attended, having missed the inaugural launch of the festivities due to being abroad for mission. Tonight's fell shortly after he'd returned from a stint in Cortos where similar activities along the journey had earned him a healthy sum of coin. Compared to most, Basmarc barely had two coppers to rub together most days. He got by on the good graces of the Academy and the allowance they afforded Initiates for missions. What they did with said allowance was entirely up to them.

It was easy to spend it all away on stupid things. Some students were smart and used allowances only for the essentials. Kilien? Well, let's just say he'd managed to make up with Lady Luck in Cortos after having offended her for what felt like the last decade of his life.

"Evenin'," he greeted his fellow Initiate with an upward nod as he strode in, all sopping wet from the evening rain. He dripped and squelched, doffing a soaked trenchcoat and tossing it on a hook near the door before smearing wet brown hair from his face and haphazardly pulling it up into a sloppy, drippy bun.

"Hopefully the storm doesn't keep the others away," Kilien remarked as he moved to take the seat to Colt's right, "whatcha smokin tonight?"
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Rumors spread like wildfire in the Anirian Academy, the same way one might expect in any other school. Blake wasn't necessarily one to keep her ear to the heartbeat of that gossip pipeline, but friends and friends of friends had a habit of filling her in on things anyways. It was all usually drama shit that she didn't care about, but occasionally something juicy would get delivered to her that really broke up the monotony. This time it just happened to be a poker night...and one being run by the Yeehaw boy Colt Pirian, no less.

So it was that Blake quite literally slid into the room, a hooded poncho all that she'd bothered to use to keep herself from getting completely soaked by the night's inclement weather. As ever, she was panting on arrival, having dashed who-knows-how-far through the rain to get here, and getting lost at least twice on the way.

"Hey!" she hollered as she came to a halt within the smoky room. She pulled off her poncho and tossed it aside, shaking her head quickly to get any remaining drips out of her face.

"What'd I miss?" she asked casually.
This was Lucy's first poker night. Ever. It wasn't supposed to be. She hadn't been invited, nor had she intended to find out exactly what poker was in the first place. Actually, she really had no idea what possessed her to enter the unfamiliar door. Maybe it was to shelter herself from the downpour. After all, the rain had been pouring relentlessly, soaking her bright pink waves until they stuck to the sides of her face.

"Why, color me impressed! If it isn't my favorite delinquents in one room." Could she name any of them correctly? Probably not. But, indeed, it was a pleasant surprise to find that her classmates must have also been seeking shelter from the rain. And they even brought GAMES! A perfect way to pass the time.

She kept her sopping wet jacket on and made her way over to the table, taking a seat beside...the one with the name that eluded her at this very moment. "What are we playin'?"
Norah entered upon a wild crack and flash of lighting. The glow illuminating the room in its hot, blinding light for a moment followed by a deeper darkness. That darkness a moment long enough for her to look as if she teleported from the doorway to slide into a seat next to Basmarc and the Pink One.

Norah's hair and clothes, oddly dry, as if even the rain hadn't been able to find her.

Dark eyes landed on the Manbun. "No Vittoria?" Eyes glinted with something wicked as she looked to the others. Leaning forward slightly.

"So what're we betting?"
There was mischief afoot.

Marcia was not privy to the secret of the burgeoning tradition of poker night. This was no great surprise to anybody in the Academy, as the girl was a bastion of focus and dedication to the training it took to survive and excel as an Initiate. That was how she would put it, at least. Her peers might have used different words, like irritating, tedious, rat-snitch.

And those were the polite words.

However, in the pursuit of excellence, the girl was no stranger to being up at all hours, her evening so far having been spent refining her reflection magic. She was getting closer to managing to control two, but it still wasn't there, giving birth to horrific migraines in place of success.

Then, she caught sight of Kilien and thought nothing of it. Then Blake. Weird pairing, but maybe? Couldn't imagine Vittoria would have loved that. The thought of a triste in the rain went out of her mind at the sight of Lucinda, and instead, she went straight to shenanigans.

The Initiate wasn't having it.

So, naturally, she stalked them. Marcia might not have been top of the class when it came to physical strength, but when it came to being a sneaky bitch, she was up there with Limont at the head of the table.

"Betting?" Marcia repeated on Norah's last word, making her appropriately soggy entrance with her arms folded across her chest. "I think fucking not." Her eyes narrowed, giving the room a once over and committing names to memory in anticipation of her report.

"I'd try praying that Harkenov will go easy on all of you instead."
The heavy rain was constantly reminding Colt and Limont of it’s presence as every drop echoed on the poker room’s tin roof. The cold came into the room as Kil entered. He did rather well last month, and Colt was happy to see him again. Good player, good attitude.

"Hopefully the storm doesn't keep the others away," Kilien remarked as he moved to take the seat to Colt's right, "whatcha smokin tonight?"

“Numera Red.” Colt responded, then pulled a pouch of cigars from his jacket. “Can I offer you one? I’ve got three Numera Reds, two Anirian Blues, and a Aran Wildflower.” Colt offered. None of them were especially sought after cigars, but neither were they bottom of the barrel. Colt could certainly get better if he wanted, but was generally weary of making life too comfortable. Had a big enough target on his back already. They were soon joined by the sliding Blake Farand.

"What'd I miss?" she asked casually.

Colt gave the woman a smile. “Nothin yet sweetheart. Can I offer you a smoke? Limont, get her shot on my tab.” Limont would lay a dram in front of her, revealing it’s existence with a touch. The next through was Lucinda. Colt didn’t know her well, but it was difficult to mistake who had the pink hair. He believed Luciva was her name. Lucia? No, Lucinda, that was it.

"What are we playin'?"

“Poker.” Colt replied quickly. “Specifically Numeran Hold ‘em. Two cards down. You’ve got the turn, the flop, the river . . . Maybe watch a hand first.” He said. Limont gave him a glance and Colt returned the nod. Lucinda would also be given a shot of whiskey.

"So what're we betting?"

Limont glanced at Colt again. Kress this was getting expensive. Colt returned the glance and Limont would also give Norah a shot.

“Normally we play a crown per hand minimum, but if anyone can’t cover we can get creative. I’ve played for favors, secrets, shirts, you name it.”

Then Marcia arrived and threatened to tell Harkenov. Kristen Pirian would be so disappointed in him if she found out so soon after her letter. But she wasn’t going to find out if Colt had anything to say. The Pirian would snap his fingers and aggressively shift a finger to his left. Marcia would feel an impossibly strong gust of wind come from her left. If she didn’t avoid it she’d be slammed into the wall on her right.

“Limont, cuffs!” He yelled, and everyone’s favorite slimeball went into action. The two had discussed what to do if anyone unsavory broke the game. And Limont specifically had packed a couple surprises.
She did not avoid it.

Like the angriest, damp boulder loosened from the trebuchet, Marcia was blown into the wall with a meaty thud. She could already feel tomorrow's bruise as her shoulder immediately protested at the blunt-force trauma, but it was a drop in the bucket; Initiates were made of sterner stuff. They had to be.

Thankfully, the best and brightest of the Academy had the foresight to call out their intentions, which was a bold strategy.

"Limont, headbutt!" Marcia shouted at the advancing deplorable, who immediately raised his cuff-holding hands to his face to protect his nose as the girl pushed off the wall to meet him. Unfortunately, this did not protect him from the girl's boot, which immediately punted him in the dick.

The light left his eyes as his legs suddenly clung together, and his hands dropped to crotch. He half-gasped, half-wheezed as he began to fall forwards in crippling agony.

Then Marcia headbutted him square in the nose.
"I'm usually more of a pipe kind of guy but that Aran Wildflower..." indeed he had come prepared with not just coin, hipflask, and snacks swiped from the Academy kitchen in his bag, but also a fresh batch of tobacco leaf he'd also brought home from Cortos.

Amidst the giving and accepting of cigar, one after another the ladies all arrived. Blake, Luci, and his favorite pick-pocket: Norah. A wry smile met her comment about Vittoria, "She's gettin' her beauty sleep."

This was going to be a good evening, if he did say so himse-


Kil's brows skyrocketed into his hairline as he watched the very last fucking person in the world he expected to be here bouldered her way through the door, "Oh sheeeei-"

Then literally everything went to shit. His eyes widened as he watched it all go down: wall, dick-punt, headbutt. Boots planted, chair toppling over backward, Kilien sprang from the floor and onto the table, then launched himself off it directly at Marcia as she righted herself from her headbutt, intent on knocking her off her feet and latching his arms around the smaller Initiate.
Oh, good! Blake was actually one of the first to arrive. A big old toothy grin spanned her mien as she found a seat, sprawling out in her usual casual fashion.
"Well alright then, this oughta be a good time!" she announced, watching as the remaining crowd filed in one by one. A collection approaching what she expected, though that cherry-blossom Lucinda was a bit of a surprise.

Blake took the dram of alcohol with a smile, but shook her head and waved off the smoke.
"Nah, no thanks on that stuff. I hear it fucks up the lungs, and I kinda do a lot of cardio."

...And then Marcia busted in to play fun police.
"Aw Marci, come on, ca--"
And then she kicked Limont in the dick.
And then she headbutted Limont.

"Pfffttt, HAHAHAHAHA!"

Tears of joy began streaking down Blake's face as she pointed and laughed hysterically at the chaos unfolding. Ordinarily she might've been the one to go for the grapple, but Kilien had her beat to the punch and Blake was indisposed, her sides having been crippled by slapstick.
"Pffft." Lucinda rolled her eyes when Colt had the audacity to suggest she sit a round out to watch. "My momma always said I was a quick learner. So, no. I'll be joinin' in the first round, thank you very much." She accepted the shot of whiskey, tossing it back the moment Colt mentioned these would be on his tab.

Those words were like music to her ears. Not loud enough to drown out the sound of betting coin, however.

"Oh, you know I'm not usually a bettin' woman..." She looked to her hands, fidgeting idly in her lap. Lucy would sit back and relax when all of a sudden she heard this agitating, grating voice. And all hell broke loose. Lucy glanced over her shoulder just as Marcia used her head like a battering ram.

Laughter and chaos ensued, but Lucy turned her attention to the pile of cards on the table. She snatched it up, flipping through them one at a time. Her cheeks turned the color of her hair and slowly extended down her neck and chest. "Oh my..." She muttered, considering pocketing the Queen of Hearts to admire back in her dorm later. "These are...somethin' else."
Takoda was late, and he hated to be late, but the damn rain had started, and flying was a bitch and a half when in the storms. It wasn't impossible, but Takoda was not about to ruin another round of clothes. As in his last time, Takoda brought with him a bottle of his tribe's homemade hooch. While the drink was not the typical intoxicant that Anirians were used to, it served more as a relaxant and helped with my hallucinogenic rituals for his tribe...For here, it was for fun.

This would be his third time now, the first time had not gone well as he had no understanding of the game, but thankfully Takoda was a quick learner and had managed to gain some of his losses back the second night and looked to continue the trend.

He had just arrived at the door and was preparing to knock when he heard chaos erupt inside. He slowly opened the door on his own as he looked inside and surveyed the scene.

Ah, it was Marcia. He supposed that made sense.

He raised an eyebrow at several new arrivals to the event, glad to see the night no longer could be described as a boys' night as it were.

"Good evening, how are we all doing on this stormy night?" Largely choosing to ignore the fighting occurring almost directly next to him, he shot a smile at Marcia, ignorant of exactly what she was fighting about.
“Normally we play a crown per hand minimum, but if anyone can’t cover we can get creative. I’ve played for favors, secrets, shirts, you name it.”

"Clothes and secrets. Maybe toward the end of the night." With her thumb and index finger she flipped a coin from her pocket on the table. Norah had time to raise her shot in salute to Limont and Colt before downing it. Before her fellow street rat got dick-kicked.

Manbun was up and out for the tackle faster than Norah had time to put her empty shot glass on the table with the cards as she gathered some into her hand. Muscle girl's laugh filled the room's space. But Norah's dark eyes were glued to Lucinda...Lucifer?

She had to wonder if part of the girl's magic was her skin coloring to match her hair.

A dark brow lofted at Takoda as she studied her hand. Without looking away from the nudes she asked Kilien Basmarc and Limont. Her tone bored and flat.

"You good?"
Et tu, Basmarc?

Of all the people in the room to launch from their seats and take her down, Marcia hadn't expected it to be Kilien. Perhaps it was a small mercy, as some of the others in the room wouldn't have been so kind as to engage in a flying hug tackle and would have just tried to deck her.

Sadly, since he didn't have the misfortune to have his attack announced beforehand like a dim rooster in a cock fight, Marcia was wiped out from the side by the flying Initiate, clattering to the floor with a heavy thud, his arms now trapping hers in a soggy embrace.

"Kilien!" The girl hissed into his ear, trying (and failing to wriggle) out from beneath him. He was surprisingly dense. "Let me go, right fucking now! Gah! Or you will regret it!"

And to show she was serious, her head moved to inch forward, teeth looking to clamp onto his ear lobe like a malicious tortoise. Given the chance, she'd rip it off and swallow it if she had to, piercings and all.
Colt let out a small sigh. He had hoped not to do this, but he wasn’t going to let Marcia take a chomp off a chum’s shoulder. Pulling out a hand wind would start to gather around Marcia’s skull. Normally twisters formed on the ground, and were pretty wide, but the one on Marcia’s skull was just bigger than her messy bun. The force would spin and tangle her hair, but also pull it backwards, providing enough force to stop her neck from bearing down on Kilien’s ear.

“Somebody hog-tie that girl!” He’d yell. Limont would offer the handcuffs to anyone that went to him, and point to a good place to chain her to behind @Kilien Basmarc’s chair. Seemed he would have a partner for tonight’s game.

Once things settled down Colt would return to his duty as the host, collect cards, and begin to shuffle.

“Each suit is a made of representatives of a specific, establishment in Vel Anir.” He would address the embarrassment he recognized on Lucinda ‘s face. He would also offer Takoda a smoke, if he was so inclined from their previous games.

Once shuffled Colt would pass the deck to Norah to cut. He knew if her reputation and wanted to keep an eye out for tricks. Not that he really minded. Made the night more fun in honesty.

Upon dealing the cards out Colt realized he had a poor hand. Or rather. He knew well enough that his hand wouldn’t win the round and folded, minimizing losses.

The rules are all made up, don’t matter, etc. I’m going to post score up/downs for each round. Consider it increase/decreasing budget. How much budget did you start with? How do you RP the round? Up to you guys. If It’s not fun let me know and I’ll change it.

Score adjustments

Lucinda: + 6
Norah: - 1
Tak -1
Colt -1
Blake -1
Kilien -2
  • Scared
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Blake and Marcia
Eyes bugged as he felt her leaning in for a bite, Kilien tightened his bear-hug grip around the girl in hopes to squeeze the air from her lungs enough to make her cough instead.

"Glad you could join Mar-" he grunted, next feeling the woosh of Colt's particular brand of magic in his ear instead of the snorting glomph of Marcia's attempt to rid him of a piercing. "It's one of the few things I have to look forward to."

And now, with Mar here, it would make the night even better he was sure. Soon enough the interloping boulder found herself summarily subdued and made an ornament of the room for the evening just behind his chair. Luckily for her he brought snacks.

Unluckily for him, he'd been dealt a shit hand.

"Sheee-it," Kilien folded immediately and instead dove for the hipflask in one of the inner pockets of his jacket for a quick swig.
Colt compounded Blake's hysterics issue by summoning a whirlwind on top of her head, but when she finally realized that Marci was in the process of trying to bite part of Kilien's body clean off, the words "Someone hog-tie that girl!" finally registered in the martial artist's brain.

"Oh shit, fuck, I'm on it!" she shouted, leaning forward in her chair before vaulting over the table and snagging the cuffs out of Limont's hands. A quick tangle alongside Basmarc later (alongside some body contact that would have raised eyebrows in any other situation), and Blake had successfully managed to get the cuffs on Marcia and then get those cuffs around the radiator in the corner of the room.

Blake wiped her brow with a sigh of relief.
"Sorry to leave you hangin', Sweet Cheeks, but I've got a hand to play," she teased the brunette before wandering back to and crashing into her seat. Blake picked up her cards and felt her enthusiasm drain. She glanced over at Kilien, seeing that he'd already tossed his cards down. "Do me a favor and gimme a swig too, huh?"
"OhhhhhHH..." Lucinda's eyes were wide when Colt explained the origin of the cards. "My ma was gonna send me to one of them, but," she chuckled as she examined the hand she had been dealt, "she died. Is the King of Cocks-Clubs good?"

The sound of Marcia being subdued momentarily grabbed her attention. "Nice of you to join us, Marci. Might be a little hard to play down there, huh? I like the handcuffed look on you, though. It suits ya." Lucy said with a quick wink.

She craned her neck, trying to get a peek at the cards next to her to no avail. "Is this game like blackjack? Regardless, hit me." She demanded, slamming her hand hard onto the table.
Takoda looked to Marcia with a sympathetic smile before moving to take his seat and graciously accept a cigar, while offering the bottle to Lemont and the bar. He offered several quick nods to everyone while taking his seat and looking over his cards.

"I was told last time that there would be no hitting. Has that changed?"

Even with his shallow knowledge of the game, Takoda knew that his hand was not good, although a strong poker face had him lying into the next round before ultimately deciding to fold with the pot grew too large.

He looked back over to their bound friend and tried to put her at ease.

"Don't think of it as betting Marcia...It's more like just sharing gifts between friends, and some of those gifts are currency."
Norah folded.

It seemed fortune was not on her side tonight.

So far...

A tilt of her head to Kilien Basmarc as she held her empty shot glass toward the other initiate. "You up for sharing?" Dark eyes shifted to the flask hidden within his coat pocket.

Everything was immensely better than what the Robber had given them. Norah saw no reason not to partake. Especially if she was about to be out a bunch of coin.

"Marcia, tonight isn't the right night for fighting."
Limont was notably upset at people asking for Kilien Basmarc 's hooch for free, instead of parting with coin for his. He was still recovering from Marcia's break in however, and made no protest. Lucinda made the table shake as she brought her fists on it. Colt made a low whistle and a pop went through the air as the wind made a strike on her rump. It'd feel like a slap at a bar, but Colt didn't move in reply.

Such things were easy to puzzle together though.

"I was told last time that there would be no hitting. Has that changed?"

"No hitting in this one I'm afraid." Colt replied as he collected the cards and pushed the hand's pot to Lucy. Good luck for a girl who thought they were playing blackjack. Colt would pass the cards over to Kilien and let him shuffle, select a cut, and deal out the cards.

"Tak's right sweetheart." Colt would add to Marcia . "We're just sharing with some extra steps. Be happy to deal you in if you change your mind."

Colt would receive a three and four, then be greeted by a five on the flop. He decided to hold and was greeted by a six on the turn. Did he have a straight? The river came, and Colt missed his seven and folded, his hand now community high card.

Maybe next round.

The forum supports tables! Update below

NameRound ScoreTotal
Well, it was better than being shoved into a box.

After being suitably manhandled (and windhandled, as it were) by a combination of her peers, Marcia found herself restrained and cuffed to a radiator. Or at least, what she thought was a radiator. With Vel Anir at the forefront of technical innovation, keeping up with all the newfangled names was challenging. Apparently, they had locomotives now, whatever that was.

The tiniest fragment of the girl that wasn't focused entirely on the pursuit of excellent almost felt bad that she was hellbent on ruining one of Kilien's few sources of pleasure. Still, the rest of her was a zero-tolerance bastard caught in the throws of betrayal that offered him an indignant scowl. She'd gotten so far as to open her mouth before Blake and Lucinda chimed in.

Sweet cheeks?

I like the handcuffed look on you?

Her mouth closed, nostrils flaring as Marcia felt an unfamiliar heat in her cheeks, her face flushing somewhat. She could only assume that it was from the indignity of it all.

Takoda and Colt rationalised their actions (although the word "sweetheart" brought her teeth together in a hateful clench), whereas Norah was completely down to business. It made sense, really. Her pursuit of profit outweighed every other priority that the sneaky little neerdowell should have had.

"Fuck right off, the lot of you," she finally responded, giving the cuffs a good hard tug against the radiator to stress test them, which clanged loudly. "You're all pissing about when you could be training." Another hard clang. "Improving." Clang. "Preparing for your future duties."

Unfortunately, both the cuffs and the radiator seemed pretty damn solid.

"You're all so fucked when I get out of here."
"Do me a favor and gimme a swig too, huh?"

"You up for sharing?"

Now, Kilien generally was a generous sort. He didn't have much to call his own and he felt particularly sympathetic for those that had less than he, but by his recollection both of the girls had been offered a shot of something nice just for showing their pretty little faces.

For free.

The way Kil saw it, they didn't need to be sipping on his own for free, too, when they could be paying for it like he'd paid for his. In Cortos. With his own hard-earned coin through gambling.

He slowly stashed the flask back into his jacket and lifted a hand to itch at a brow with his pinky, "I haven't the faintest clue what you ladies are talking about..."

Flask? What flask?

"Fuck right off, the lot of you," she finally responded, giving the cuffs a good hard tug against the radiator to stress test them, which clanged loudly. "You're all pissing about when you could be training." Another hard clang. "Improving." Clang. "Preparing for your future duties."

The second round saw a better hand, but still not a winner. He folded after taking another card or two and watched as a few more coins slipped from his possession. Ah well ... now where was that cigar?

"I am preparing-" he chuckled and glanced back at Marcia, "by honing my skills in this ... what's that fancy word you like to use sometimes, extracurricular? Learning how to pay my bills through good, honest gambling..."

"Don't think of it as betting Marcia...It's more like just sharing gifts between friends, and some of those gifts are currency."

"Sorry, gifting."

Taking up cutter and giving the end a snip, he snapped his fingers to light a small flame over his pointer and puffed a cherry onto the end of the cigar.

"You're all so fucked when I get out of here."

Kilien narrowed his eyes, accepted the pile of cards from Colt and began to shuffle, cigar smoke puffing from the corner of his lips, "Probably," he admitted as his hands made quick work of a few shuffling tricks he'd learned over the years, "but let's face it, I'm fucked no matter what."

He cut the deck and dealt them each their new hands.
"You're all pissing about when you could be training."
Blake turned her head back towards the talking radiator, a look of utter confusion on her face. Did she know who she was talking to? Besides, there was another point that Blake really needed to make:
"Marci, it's the middle of the fuckin' night. What were you doing before now?"

That distraction was enough to make Blake forget about Kilien's flask entirely, and instead she wiggled her empty shot glass in the air at Limont.
"Oi, do we get refills? I want this to be fun."

Hand number two came and went. Blake had a decent-ish hand this time with a pair of fives, but she overestimated how far that could carry her. By the time the river came up, she'd ended with the same pair of fives she started with. Whoops.

she muttered before flicking another round of ante into the pot. She looked to the pink-haired girl nearby her. "Hey, Lucy, ya know it's usually a pretty good idea to keep your cards a secret. Also did I just hear you say your mom was gonna give you to a brothel??"

She glanced a moment longer at the cards Lucy had thrown on the table at the end of the previous hand and blinked a few times.
"Oh hey, it is the king of cocks."
Lucinda spun around, feeling something smack her on the ass. A fist was raised in the air but unfortunately, there was no face to connect that fist with. She turned back and glared at Colt. "That didn't feel like no hitting." Her scowl intensified as she sat back down with soggy arms crossed over her chest.

"I don't care." She muttered to both Marcia and Blake. "How was I 'sposed to know how the stupid game worked?" Lucy seemed to be in very bad spirits over winning her first round. "And yes, you heard correctly. But I would be bad for business. Hard screwing something with a screw loose, my sister said. She's not dead though. Just a bitch."

Her mood did not improve with the new hand of cards that had been dealt to her. Two aces. Way too low to be of any use to her. "I fold." She placed her cards face down onto the table and continued pouting.