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It is said that once a man experiences the living dead for the first time, he is changed forever. A piece of him is lost to the madness and horror and he can never truly bring it back. Time will pass, wounds will heal and scars lost to memory, but there will always be a lingering feeling in the back of one's mind; a feeling, a fear of the soul being forcibly ripped from the body by black magic and inserted into a vile parody of a living being. That was how most mortal men felt when they witnessed the necromancers and death knights performing their ghastly spells and assembling armies of shambling corpses.
To the Paladin, Nathaniel Jameson, however, it was just like any other day on the crusade. His mission was simple, but he took it gladly. His brothers told him of a powerful death knight that had taken residence in the old Ixmus Graveyard. Although it had been abandoned for over a year, at least since the events surrounding the Helm of the Departed, the stink of dark magic had lingered, just waiting for the next powerful necromancer or sorcerer to make use of it for their own purposes.
When he witnessed the first of the filthy, ragged corpses lumbering towards him, his heart felt an odd mix of heaviness and relief. To him, it was easy. These things were the enemy; human no longer. They were tormented souls and to put them to rest and bring them eternal peace made him feel elated. True, he felt a great sadness at their terrible fate, but there was a satisfaction in undoing the work of evil that he could not deny.
The first of the creatures, which he knew were called wights started to rise from the ground and began to surround him. Pale, naked, rotting corpses of men, women and yes, even children all raised crumbling hands and moaned as they approached. Their eyes glowed green with soulless light.
Nathan drew his sword with a prayer on his lips to Nykios, the god of war, he went on the attack. Every movement was a blur as he brought it around in a two-handed side slash. The blade bit into the rotten flesh of the corpse just below the chin, right at the jugular and the head was neatly severed. As the spells woven into the blade took effect, the creature's body was set ablaze. A few more moments and the body was reduced to ash.
Just one leaf in a forest, as his brother Gale was fond of saying, but the minor victory excited him, especially as the others began to press in on him. With that, Nathan rushed forward, alternating between fast stabs and long, graceful swings. Every stroke from his glowing blade severed limbs and heads and cut down the dead like wheat before a scythe. In moments, his armor was stained lightly with gore from their tainted blood and his boots crushed and scattered the rapidly decaying ashes of those he killed.
"'The strongest race shall always be my Voice, and my will shall be revealed through them.'" Nathan quoted as he fought. A turn of his foot and he brought his left fist in a hook to the jaw of an attacking fiend as it tried to reach for him. The blow sent the creature stumbling. Moving like greased lightning, Nathan aimed a stab. The blade bit straight through its solar plexus and out through the other side. The body twitched and erupted into flame; boiling away the corrupted flesh as the light left its eyes. The wight was reduced to cinders as he withdrew, the sword already back in his hand, spinning, falling, cutting and burning away the filth.
"Amen." He intoned with a grin and a flourish.
To the Paladin, Nathaniel Jameson, however, it was just like any other day on the crusade. His mission was simple, but he took it gladly. His brothers told him of a powerful death knight that had taken residence in the old Ixmus Graveyard. Although it had been abandoned for over a year, at least since the events surrounding the Helm of the Departed, the stink of dark magic had lingered, just waiting for the next powerful necromancer or sorcerer to make use of it for their own purposes.
When he witnessed the first of the filthy, ragged corpses lumbering towards him, his heart felt an odd mix of heaviness and relief. To him, it was easy. These things were the enemy; human no longer. They were tormented souls and to put them to rest and bring them eternal peace made him feel elated. True, he felt a great sadness at their terrible fate, but there was a satisfaction in undoing the work of evil that he could not deny.
The first of the creatures, which he knew were called wights started to rise from the ground and began to surround him. Pale, naked, rotting corpses of men, women and yes, even children all raised crumbling hands and moaned as they approached. Their eyes glowed green with soulless light.
Nathan drew his sword with a prayer on his lips to Nykios, the god of war, he went on the attack. Every movement was a blur as he brought it around in a two-handed side slash. The blade bit into the rotten flesh of the corpse just below the chin, right at the jugular and the head was neatly severed. As the spells woven into the blade took effect, the creature's body was set ablaze. A few more moments and the body was reduced to ash.
Just one leaf in a forest, as his brother Gale was fond of saying, but the minor victory excited him, especially as the others began to press in on him. With that, Nathan rushed forward, alternating between fast stabs and long, graceful swings. Every stroke from his glowing blade severed limbs and heads and cut down the dead like wheat before a scythe. In moments, his armor was stained lightly with gore from their tainted blood and his boots crushed and scattered the rapidly decaying ashes of those he killed.
"'The strongest race shall always be my Voice, and my will shall be revealed through them.'" Nathan quoted as he fought. A turn of his foot and he brought his left fist in a hook to the jaw of an attacking fiend as it tried to reach for him. The blow sent the creature stumbling. Moving like greased lightning, Nathan aimed a stab. The blade bit straight through its solar plexus and out through the other side. The body twitched and erupted into flame; boiling away the corrupted flesh as the light left its eyes. The wight was reduced to cinders as he withdrew, the sword already back in his hand, spinning, falling, cutting and burning away the filth.
"Amen." He intoned with a grin and a flourish.
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