Write a summary paragraph about your character here
<Briefly describe what your character looks like>
Skills and Abilities
<List a few key skills your character has>
<What is your character's personality like?>
Biography & Lore
Where the Baal-Asha river splits there was once a small Kingdom rich in Art and Tradition.
This Kingdom was Known by its people as Ullma Raan-Asha The Open Legs of Asha. Where it was once thought all life flowed and began.
At least among this Kingdom it was thought this.
The ruler of this Kingdom was a Sorcerer Priest Named Xarrall and he made it the envy of its neighbours.
But the enemies of Xarrall coveted the propserity of Ullma Raan-Asha and in secret plot they poisoned the great ruler and sacked the wondrous Kingdom, letting the vultures and winds take what was left.
For years the Kingdom of Ullma Raan-Asha has lain forgotten until now.
For reasons unknown the great Ziggurat of Xarrall has been seen peaking out of the sands and travelers tell of strange visions in the night.
Xarrall has awoken.
This Kingdom was Known by its people as Ullma Raan-Asha The Open Legs of Asha. Where it was once thought all life flowed and began.
At least among this Kingdom it was thought this.
The ruler of this Kingdom was a Sorcerer Priest Named Xarrall and he made it the envy of its neighbours.
But the enemies of Xarrall coveted the propserity of Ullma Raan-Asha and in secret plot they poisoned the great ruler and sacked the wondrous Kingdom, letting the vultures and winds take what was left.
For years the Kingdom of Ullma Raan-Asha has lain forgotten until now.
For reasons unknown the great Ziggurat of Xarrall has been seen peaking out of the sands and travelers tell of strange visions in the night.
Xarrall has awoken.