Fate - First Reply On the tailwinds of a storm, they came

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join


Vizier of the Moon
The Empire
Character Biography
People always commented on the smell of grass after the rain, but for Noelani there was no better perfume than the sea after a storm.

It had raged for three days. Winds and water had lashed at the sea gate and kept it battered shut. It had grounded all trade and swept to them evidence of more than one shattered trading ship from only the Mother only knew where. Despite their best efforts, the strongest of the Namaka's hadn't been able to bring the seas under their control enough to send out those who might be able to help captain's and their crews struggling. Even the legendary Lung's had preferred to stay grounded, though of course they had lounged out on the streets like giant scaly cats and watched the storms play above them with a joy that had made her heartache. Being inside and away from the sea for so long had been agony for the young Mchawi Princess. She did not understand how her old siblings could stay put like they did on their islands. She wanted the endless horizon and the adventures it held.

Today, she didn't think it would hold that many. The sea had flattened down to small, choppy waves. The contrast to the previous day as akin to a child suddenly asking for a cuddle after a raging tantrum. Her fingers stroked through the crests that lapped against her board and she smiled before dragging herself further out. The sun was at its pinnacle now and the heat from its uninterrupted glare kept the water chill at bay. Not that she really minded such a chill in the heat of summer. Her eyes closed with a satisfied sigh as she stretched out on her board and let her arms dangle down either side beneath the water. She could fall asleep like this but she knew that was dangerous. Even if she could command the water falling asleep could see her swept to waters she didn't know and the lands beyond. As it was she was further from Narufi'ti than her parents would have approved of without a ship.

Lifting her head she squinted against the sun to the blurry line of the horizon. The heat made the water shimmer and dance making it hard to make out much so far away but she had thought... there it was again. A slight pulse beneath the waters of something moving through it. A ship? It could be one of theirs. She pushed herself up onto the oiled board and held a hand against her forehead to shield her eyes. Maybe not a ship... or a ship with something wrong with it? Or a ship she simply did not recognise; a rare thing indeed for the Empires Naval Vizier but not impossible. Curiosity piqued whatever it was, she began to swim her board closer.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
How long has it been now? 3 days? 4 days?

Nahala knelt on the ocean floor, her silver hair framing her features like sea foam that had wandered too far from the shore. Allowing the coarse sand to float through her fingers, she studied her surroundings carefully. An especially terrible and unusual storm had ravaged the area, causing a great disturbance amongst the local sea creatures. Although it wasn't a part of her formal duties, surveying the area and rectifying the damage gave Nahala a much needed excuse to travel. The ocean floor seems to have recovered well here- She thought with a smile, watching fish zip between the rocks and coral.

Wandering through the ocean felt more like home than remaining in her kingdom, although she would never admit it. She smiled softly to herself as he enjoyed the gentle current encompassing her. Just in that moment, a shadow passed over her. Blinking in surprise, she turned her attention heaven-ward. "What an odd shape, and far too small to be boat..." Nahala pondered aloud, her gentle voice being whisked away in the current she had previously been enjoying. The nearest island was still a fair distance, so her curiosity was certainly peaked. Watching as a pair of arms appeared on either side of the shadow, Nahala smiled again.

She wasn't very acquainted with land-dwellers, as the Kingdom of Agnomae commonly kept to themselves beneath the waves, but they had always fascinated her. Being an ambassador, she felt it her duty to familiarize herself with other lands and people in order to strengthen her own. At least, that's what she told herself to satisfy her ravenous curiosity that her parents always scolded her for as she grew up.

"I wonder how I could approach without frightening them; it's certainly not everyday someone appears from the ocean depths to socialize." Nahala shrugged with a small laugh to herself, stopping short when she noticed the arms were propelling the odd shadow forward. Ah! Nahala quickly got to her feet, turning to face where the shadow was heading. Something feels strange... She closed her eyes as irregularities in the current threatened to push her back. There was definitely something there that hadn't been before. Gathering her arms, she smiled and called out to the water around. Speaking in an ancient language, she kindly requested that the water assist her in heading that direction.

As a Water Genasi, along with being well-educated in magic, Nahala certainly would not have trouble traveling through the cool and clear water. However, she felt it very important to show her respect to the elements when she called upon them. Feeling a warm current rush up from behind her in response to her query, she nodded respectfully and followed it. As it so often did, her curiosity propelled her to a new and intriguing experience.
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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Noelani

Noelani slowed her board down and then let it drift as she came closer to the dark shape she had made out on the horizon. Her heart sunk.

"No... No, no, no..." She splashed into the darkening water heedless of whether or not her board abandoned her for its own adventures. Blood tinged with water washed over her as she dipped briefly below the surface and came up gasping for air. Iron mingled with salt on her lips and she spat it out of her mouth in disgust before swimming quickly towards the scaled belly.

It didn't look to be a particularly old Lung. It's size and the shade of its scales, still tinged with the light silver of youth before coming fully into its colours, suggested it was less than a century old. That made it all the more sad; the majestic animals did not often give birth and their eggs were protected and treasured. Her sister would mourn deeply to learn of-- The large eye she had just swum past suddenly rolled to fix her with its stare. With a cry she splashed back and narrowly avoided the half hearted swipe it made in her direction. Water sprayed 10ft into the air and the beast made a keening noise as it tried to turn, moving the current with it. As it writhed it revealed what had injured it; a ships broken mast had pierced it through its left armpit. Blood spurted into the sea dying it a darker shade of red.

"Woah, woah, Kaneka, peace. I come to help," she called above the din of a splashing serpent. It rolled its eyes towards her once more in fear but it did not lash at her again, though the low growl it issued did not make her want to get any closer.
  • Bless
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
The writhing form caused a tightness in Nahala's chest as the water guided her from below. Her vision began to obscure as copious clouds of blood rained from above, almost choking her with it's metallic taste. How terrible... She furrowed her brows in concern, preparing to head upwards. An unexpected splash startled her, and she reeled back to try and see through the crimson fog. Whomever was atop that oddly shaped shadow was now approaching the ancient creature, and quite frantically at that. Despite the dire circumstances, Nahala couldn't help but smile. It was so comforting to see that even a land-dweller showed compassion and respect for such an intimidating beast.

This is as good an opportunity as any! Steeling her nerves, she used the water to rise to the surface. She emerged quietly, hoping not to startle the Lung nor the woman. Watching their interaction, her heartstrings pulled and twisted as the creature struck out in fear and glanced about wildly. Despite this, the woman spoke again. "Woah, woah, Kaneka, peace. I come to help,"

Very impressive. Nahala nodded with approval, and swam a bit closer. "Perhaps I can be of some assistance?" She spoke gently, but loud enough to be heard over the occasional thrashing. "I can try to soothe and distract it for a time." Knowing that time was of the essence with such a terrible, gaping wound, Nahala didn't wait for an answer before turning to face the creature. She closed her eyes momentarily, hoping that her knowledge of Primordial language and her draconic bloodline would be of use. Her eyes now aflame with resolve, she willed the water to bring her gently towards the creature. "Shhhh..." She murmured softly, extending a gentle hand and waiting for permission. "ᚠᛋᛤ ᚱᚠ ᛋᛤᚳᛤ ᚫᚩ ᛋᛤᚹᛈ ᛇᚩᚪ (She is here to help you)."

Nahala did not move any closer, and bowed her head towards the Lung as she waited. They were typically mild creatures, and were the subject of many a legend, but the fear and pain coursing through it's body could result in unforeseen reactions. Tears threatened to sting her eyes as she watched the wound continue to weep and bleed. How they would even manage to remove the mast plagued her thoughts as she floated, remaining aware of the woman not far from her. She hoped the Primordial tongue would soothe the ancient being enough for it to be healed.
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  • Wonder
Reactions: Noelani
It wasn't every day a being emerged from the sea and offered their help. Noelani floated, dumbstruck, as the female amphibious creature swam closer to the Lung and spoke. It was a language she did not know but it sounded like the waves crashing on the shore, of the subtle sound of foam against grains of sand. Her eyes briefly closed as the melody struck a chord somewhere in her ancestral heart and then opened once more when the sea stopped churning quite so violently. The serpent was no longer interested in Lani at all but the other woman now. Its eyes were half closed as though struggling not to sleep and when she moved it barely gave her a glance. Whatever the creature had done it had given the Lung comfort.

"Thank you," she said softly and punched her right fist into her open palm in a sign of respect. With that done she took a breath and swam closer.

The wound was as wide as two broad sailers. Her stomach churned but she swam on towards the shattered mast that protruded from its armpit. Water lapped against her chin and lips as she trod water whilst examining her options. Eventually, she shook her head.

"Can you control the waters?" She looked back to the other figure in the water. "I need to be precise with my strikes but if you can hold the mast up in place it will stop any risk of more splinters getting inside."
  • Smug
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
"ᚣᛤ ᚦᚫ ᛈᛤᚦᚸᛤ (Be at peace)." Nahala murmured again, closing the distance between herself and the ancient beast. She stroked it's head gently, watching as its eyes slowly shut. It was likely exhausted after having thrashed so much; who knows how long its had this injury? Her eyes roved over it silvery scales, noting that it must've been young. A voice broke into her thoughts, and she turned slightly to face the woman. "Thank you," Nahala watched the woman's gesture with great interest. Must be a custom of her people- how fascinating.

She nodded her acknowledgement and turned her attention back to comforting the Lung as the woman approached the wound, occasionally uttering a soothing phrase in Primordial. Before long, she heard the woman inquire about abilities concerning water. Nahala offered a laugh despite the situation. "I am a Water Genasi, so I would certainly hope so." Using her free hand, she delicately stroked the water. "ᛒᚱᚹᚹ ᛇᚩᚪ ᛋᛤᚹᛈ? (Will you help?)" She inquired softly, and the waves used the sunlight to glimmer their approval. Locking eyes with the woman and nodding again, Nahala made a scooping gesture to guide the water.

It rushed toward the mast both quickly and gently, lifting it as she had been instructed. She then squeezed her fist, asking the water to hold the mast firm and prevent any further injury. "Go ahead." Nahala smiled warmly at the woman. Although she did not know her or her people, Nahala could sense that their affinity for the ocean and its life was similar to her own.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Noelani
Noelani's smile mirrored the mirth of the other woman as she threw back her head and laughed at the idea of not being able to control water.

"My father says it is rude to make assumptions," though picturing a fire elemental swimming this far from land truly would be a surprise. The thought of Gerra, for example, doggy paddling this far without a ship or a boat or even a bit of wood to keep him afloat seemed impossible. She nearly laughed herself at the idea. Instead she shook herself to focus back on the task at hand. Her fingers roamed over the scales until she found a purchase enough to hurl herself up, then another, and another, until she had clambered her way up the Lung's blood-soaked side to the crux of the problem. With care she stood and balanced herself, letting her body rise and fall with the creatures breaths.

"Hold still," she murmured softly to the Lung and then her eyes closed. The Mchawi's gifts of the sea were akin and yet not to the Water Genasi. The sea was not a separate entity but an extension of their bodies. She held the thought of her own hand slicing through the mast firmly in her mind and then pulled on that... something that resided deep inside of her that was a part of the sea. The water rose and hardened into a razor sharp edge. If she had had a bolt of silk on her and she had draped it over the manipulated water it would have cut clean in too. Instead, its focus was on the mast. In quick succession it begun to hack at the mast. She hoped that getting the largest chunk removed from the rest of it would enable the Lung to at least move more easily and not keep finding itself being dragged down towards the depths with its weight.

It took ten slices before the majority of the mast being held up by the water Genasi was parted from the rest. The Lung heaved a sudden sigh as the blade of water dropped back into the sea.

"I am too scared to take the rest of it out here, he needs medical attention," she called down from the Lung's back with a grimace. Without the rest of the mast the wound looked even worse. "My sister would be able to help, we just need to get him back."
  • Cheer
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
Nahala watched with great admiration as the woman willed the water to cut at the mast. Such a remarkable connection to the water; the ocean must respect her greatly. A smile bloomed across her face once more. The warmth she felt in her chest seemed to confirm that. However, the smile slowly faded as the removal of the mast revealed a wound far more severe than anticipated. Providing one more gentle pat to the Lung's sleepy head, she moved closer to the wound to observe it better.

"I believe that is the right move." She commented to the woman above her as she removed a blood soaked hand from the beast's side. She stared down at it, her heart twanging with pain. "I am certain the ocean will help; it grieves for him." As if to support, the water helped Nahala to rise until she was standing on it's surface like solid ground. Turning to face the woman fully, she offered out her hand. "If you do not mind lending me some of your magic, our combined connection to the water will make for a quick trip to your home."

As she waited, Nahala continued to calculate within her mind. Her bond with the ocean was incredibly strong, and there were not many limits to her magic, but the amount of energy it would take to transport the entire creature would likely push her boundaries for a few hours. Wherever they ended up, Nahala would need to rest for some time. Besides, she had hoped she would be welcome to assist in the healing of the Lung.
  • Smug
Reactions: Noelani
Lani's eyes slowly drifted over the other woman as the sea became as solid as a marble floor for her. Definitely not human, and not something close she suspected from the colour of her skin and the pointed tips of her ears. She had heard of the Genasi before but only ever seen a fire one, a dancer, in the court of a King a million leagues from here. But she had most definitely looked human. Were all the elements different? Were Earth Genasi made from bark and boss and the air Genasi nowt but wisps of wind? It was a curious thought. Perhaps, the form of that girl hadn't been her true form. So deep she was in pondering the thought that she almost missed the question and stared at the outstretched hand with confusion.

"Lend you...? Oh!" the Princess shook her head to clear her thoughts then put her hand in the one reaching towards her. "Of course. Can you do that? Even if I am not Genasi?" her head tilted curiously to the side. The only other water elementals she knew were from her own kind. She had never met another race who could wield the seas gifts like them.

"My name is Noelani, by the way. Of the Mchawi."
  • Dab
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
“Truly a pleasure to meet you, Noelani.” Nahala guided her down from atop the Lung, allowing for the surface of the water to bear her weight as well. I hope I haven't startled her too much; this must be a lot to take in... She cleared her throat in an attempt to ease her self-consciousness. “I am Nahala, of Agnomae.” Trying to display her most friendly of smiles, she turned to face Noelani and took her other hand. “And of course. The ocean connects us. My people are of the ocean, and your people seem to be favored by it. I’ll only borrow a little magic, although it may feel strange.”

After speaking, Nahala turned her focus to the task at hand and closed her eyes. A wind that had not previously been present whipped around the two, drawing up swirls of water and foam. The white markings along Nahala’s arms began to glow subtlety as her magic sought and connected to Noelani’s, relishing in its strength. “Ah.” She sighed happily. “Your magic feels like the ocean. Calm and powerful at the same time.”

Continuing to hold one of her hands to remain connected to her magic, Nahala used her other arm to gather up the water behind them as she sang a spell. This song, an ancient one also spoken in Primordial, was the best type of spell within her repertoire to use when combining magic. The water churned behind them, gently lifting the injured creature in a clear cradle. Nahala watched carefully, trying to keep him as comfortable as possible considering his injuries. While the approval of the ocean hummed through her body and fingertips, she could definitely feel the strain of commanding so much water at once. She was very lucky to have someone so powerful and willing to help with her. Once everyone was positioned, Nahala turned her gaze to Noelani. “If you tell the ocean where you want to go, it will listen.” She smiled reassuringly. “I’m afraid I don’t know where your homeland is.”
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  • Wonder
Reactions: Noelani
"My people are descended from something we call the Mother," she spoke without really thinking of the rhyme or reason for doing so. Maybe it was to distract her from the sensation of someone leeching some of her magic from her. She had only ever done it with others from her home before and the sensation had not been entirely pleasant. When she had described it to Nym she had laughed and said it sounded like sea sickness. She could feel the same nausea rising now so continued with her story. "We do not know what she was, though in the past people believed her a diety of the sea. She slept with a mortal man and the children she had became Mchawi."

Lani gave a quiet sigh of relief when the feeling subsided and then nodded to her instructions. It felt awkward using her magic in this way but she held the great sea wall clear in her mind and the direction from which it called to her. She rested her hand on the Lungs side and stroked its blood slick scales in what she hoped was a comforting gesture.

"My sister is going to be very upset, she worried about the Lungs throughout the storm but it was impossible to get out beyond our walls."
  • Bless
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
Nahala listened very intently has the ocean calmly rolled them forward, quick but gentle. Watching as coral and fish passed beneath their feet, she looked to Noelani again. Learning about other cultures, especially ones connected to the ocean as her own, was one of her favorite things. "That is beautiful. I can certainly sense the strong connection you share with the ocean, which I am sure is the case with you people as well." She offered yet another smile. Noelani was certainly kind to offer her magic so readily. Nahala knew the experience was not a comfortable one, yet this Mchawi woman handled it with grace.

"On your sister's behalf as well as theirs, I hope no other Lungs were injured." She looked forward again, seeing an island in the distance. The great wall built within the waters intrigued her. Having always lived beneath the waves and being inexperienced with land travel, she had never seen such a structure. "My people's connection to the ocean is more centered around our species, which is less interesting." She laughed a little. "Many say our ancestors were just born from sea foam." The walls approached them quickly, thanks to the assistance from the ocean. Nahala was grateful for this; as the glowing in her markings was beginning to fade and brought with it lightheadedness. "Although I am not quite human, I hope I did not startle you too much. I noticed you approaching the Lung and wanted to help."
  • Bless
Reactions: Noelani
The very peaks of the sea gate appeared on the horizon. Lani barely looked at it. Her undivided attention was focused solely on her travelling companion. She couldn't believe Nahala would ever call her species' origin's 'less interesting' but then, she supposed, she thought the same of her own people's histories. Her father said it was because she was young but Lani suspected it was because the people beyond her shores interested her more than it did most of her clanspeople.

"Startle me?" Her eyes widened in shock before a grin streaked across her face. "It is a saying amongst our people that only gifts come from the sea. Though, I must admit, I have not been gifted a visit from a person before," her head canted to the side and the tiny braids her hair was plaited in fell over her shoulder as she looked back towards the sea gate. The ocean was carrying them fast and the sea gate was quickly coming into view.

Most people when Lani first mentioned her island's Sea Gate thought of a great stone wall they had somehow built out in the middle of the ocean. She had always been amused by such a picture but she did not bother to correct them; their wonder at seeing the truth for themselves always made her smile. Marble pillars and decorative arches formed the single entryway to the calm cove beyond which revealed the collection of islands that made up Noelani's home. Other columns circled the large expanse of sea but what linked them was not more marble but a monstrous wave at least 8 meters deep. The sound of the raised water was a deafening roar which grew into a crescendo the closer they got.

People moved atop the columns and a bell began to ring.

"They're letting the healers know they are needed," she explained and raised her hands into the air. Above her head a bubble of water formed that flickered from the clear blue of the ocean to a deep orange, then red, then green in an odd quick succession. A message. In response the large wall of water flickered back its own colourful message and a grimace crossed her face. "This is not the first Lung found."
  • Stressed
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
Nahala had been so enthralled by the beautiful and intricate gate than had come into view that she almost missed what Noelani had said. However, it earned a hearty laugh from her. "My people tend to be fearful of land dwellers, so they do not often visit." She said this as she laughed, but her smile was slightly pained and full of melancholy. Truthfully, her people's solitude concerned her greatly. Any time she had questioned it, she had always been reassured that it was to prioritize the safety of the kingdom. She understood, but was fearful of the impacts that came along with it. Having no connections or support from beyond their kingdom walls, in her opinion, left them at a greater risk. She shook her head vigorously, her hair tossing about as she turned her focus back to Noelani.

Although it was a little harder to hear over the roars of the titanic waves protecting the Mchawi lands, the frown on Noelani's face confirmed what she had feared. "Oh no....." She wished she had more to offer, but it was difficult as she tried to confront the turmoil in her mind. Certainly it was a terrible storm, but it was very concerning that multiple Lungs had been injured severely enough to require assistance. Nahala glanced behind them as they passed through the elegant gate, observing the massive wound and the remaining mast within it. How had the other beasts been injured? Was it all caused by boats? Was something going on? She sighed, deciding it was best to focus her energy into her magic until they reached the shore.
  • Cry
Reactions: Noelani
Lani nodded absentmindedly to the girls words but her eyes were on the beach of the first island.

Narufi'ti was a kingdom spread out over a collection of small and medium islands that clustered closely together. It was easy to see the next island from the first and so on and so forth until the last island which sat the furthest off shore from the main group. The largest was the first people arrived at with the great towering palace rearing out of the thick jungles and quaint little streets veering off here and there up the hills into the undergrowth. Her people preferred to live near to nature not clear it and build on top of its bones. As such their homes were dotted in a chaotic bumble across the island.

Most of the inhabitants seemed to be on the beach. Three great bodies of Lungs were sprawled out and armies of workers were crawling over them busy doing what they could. A shout went up from the shore and Lani squinted against the sun to make out the shape of her sister waving them towards a clear bit of sand with a group ready and waiting. As they came closer to the shallows Sea Witches jumped into the spray to help urge the waves to bring the Lung up onto the sand.

"I should have been out there with them," Kaena was the image of Noelani in another ten years but where Noelani's face and gaze spoke of an adventurers spirit, Kaena's was motherly and serene. It looked absolutely heartbroken as she wrung her hands together and inspected the wound.

"There was nothing you could have done out there, Kaena," Lani slid from the beasts back to land in front of her sister. Other Healers were crowding close and murmuring on how best to remove the mast. "Kaena this is Nahala, she helped me bring him home," at that Kaena finally glanced up at the stranger and grasped her hands between hers with heartfelt gratitude.

"Thank you Nahala, be welcome to our home."
  • Bless
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
Nahala nodded gratefully to the individuals who rushed into the water, easing the burden and helping fully bring the beast to shore. In that moment, the glowing in her markings faded completely and both her and Noelani were gently deposited into the shallows. She watched as another woman approached. She looked strikingly like Noelani, but perhaps several years older. This must be her sister that she mentioned before... Her thoughts drifted and trailed as she closed her eyes, listening to the bustle about them and trying to keep her oncoming headache at bay. She startled herself back to reality upon hearing her name. By the time she had opened her eyes, the woman named Kaena had clutched her hands.

Nahala gazed down where their hands met. They were so gentle and warm, and a soft smile returned to her face. She met Kaena's gaze and bowed her head gratefully. "You have my thanks. I am grateful I was able to provide some type of assistance." Feeling somewhat rejuvinated, she observed her surroundings more closely. It was breathtaking in a wild and natural way; where rather than dominating the land their community cohabited with it. She watched as healers and others controlling the water, focus painted on their faces. The other Lungs laying on the shore also caught her attention and her smile fell. "I can't believe so many have been hurt... perhaps the storm was even more powerful than I had thought." Her gaze hopped between Noelani and Kaena as she pondered aloud.

Despite being in a foreign land and surrounded by strangers, she felt strangely at ease. Nahala could tell that they were good and honest people, especially if they were all like unto Noelani. Although her heart hurt on behalf of the injured creatures, she was grateful that kind people such as this existed beyond her kingdom walls.

She cleared her throat, eyes alight with determination. "Is there anything I may do to help?"
  • Bless
Reactions: Noelani
"Can you heal?" the healer's face lit up with presumptuous hope.

"Kaena!" Lani scolded and her sister at least had the good sense to look a little sheepish. The Seawitch planted her fists on her hips and clicked her tongue but before she could say anything further to reprimand the older woman the Lung next to them gave a loud roar.

The healers who had been looking at the wound had begun the process of trying to remove the rest of the mast. In pairs a seawitch had cut away the wood and a healer had taken the edge off the pain by healing the immediate soreness around the edge. The last sharp had clearly been the worst and with its removal came a waterfall of blood which splashed onto the sand and turned white to red. Kaena was quick to leap over to help.

"We need to get this sealed up quickly!" she snapped. "Healers, focus on trying to stem the flow and mend the vessels inside. And you two," she looked back to Lani and Nahala. "You're going to need to stitch it shut," she pointed to a needle the size of a humans arm. "Pass it back and forth between you, go!"
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
Eyes wide with surprise, and perhaps a twinge of panic, Nahala took the large needle in her hands. Her being of slightly smaller stature, the size difference of the tool against her small palms was almost comical. She had only ever used healing spells via the water; actually medical work was quite foreign to her. However, she tightened her grip on the needle and looked between Kaena and Noelani. "I will do my best. I'll try to soothe the Lung as we work as well." She spoke with confidence in order to mask her hesitance.

She stepped towards the wound, trying to ignore the pools of blood coating her bare feet. Although blood and water were closely related, the feeling of it always made Nahala feel uneasy. After all, blood rarely accompanied good things. Her eyes met those of the Lung as it cried out in a labored breath. She didn't have time to be afraid; if the creature lost too much blood, it wouldn't survive. She closed her eyes to steel her nerves, and began whispering to the Lung as she closed the distance. Searching her mind for soothing phrases, she gently slid the needle into its skin. Understandably, the beast cried out again.
"I am so sorry..." Nahala moved the needle through to the other side, reaching so Noelani could take it.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Noelani
Lani didn't look any happier than her new found friend to be given the stitching job by her sister. Still, she waded her way through people and blood to get to the opposite side of the wound to which Nahala took. The sound was worse in some ways than the wound itself. She couldn't speak the creatures language like the genasi but she could feel the anguish in every tone and it tore her heart to ribbons. It was an effort not to cover her ears with both her hands and instead settled for pressing one shoulder against her ear instead to keep out some of the low moans of death.

When the needle was handed back to her with deft, quick, precise movements she pierced it through the tiny gaps between the lungs scales and reached back to pass it over. The healers and other Sea Witches were having some luck it seemed as the blood flow began to slow to more of a steady stream.

"I'm sorry this is your first experience of our people, Nahala," Lani grimaced.
  • Cry
Reactions: Nahala Zorus
Watching Noelani carefully, Nahala adjusted her movements to better match. She carefully slipped the needle through the Lung's thick hide, and they continued to pass it back and forth. "ᚫᚳᛇ ᚫᚩ ᚳᛤᚹᚦᛅ; ᛒᛤ ᛒᚱᚹᚹ ᛒᚩᚳᚢ ᛏᚪᚱᚸᚢᚹᛇ (Try to relax; we will work quickly)." She muttered sweetly, stroking its side after having handed the needle over once more. As they continued to work, she began to feel more comfortable with the movements. The decrease in blood flow was encouraging as well. A loud laugh escaped her mouth after Noelani's comment.

"There is no need to apologize!" She faced the princess with a smile, which proved a sharp contrast to the blood around them. With another stitch in place, she thought aloud. "This is perhaps one of the warmer welcome's I've received in comparison to other kingdoms." She offered a humorous shudder to emphasize her point. After whispering more comfort and encouragement to the Lung once more, she continued. "Not all of the under water kingdoms are on good terms with one another, which I learned very quickly." Nahala laughed again, softer this time, as she reflected on some of her travels. It helped to distract her from the sickening noise the needle made each time it slid into the creature's body.

"If not anything else, this is a wonderful first impression. I can see that your people not only value the ocean, but all of nature and its inhabitants. The same cannot be said for all kingdoms."
  • Bless
Reactions: Noelani
Noelani slid the needle back with a weak smile.

"Sadly true, above the seas too," there was a melancholy note to her tone. The Empire was a vast melting pot of desert cultures but despite that it seemed to her that every group hated one another still and were only held together under one banner through the iron fist of the Emperor alone. Her own people preferred to keep to themselves too, or at least, they had until Noelani had begun making changes with her father. It made her feel a touch of pride none of that history had bled through into Nahala's welcome, though it probably helped she was from the ocean herself.

She slid the needle back again and breathed out a sigh of relief to see it was the final stitch.

"That's perfect!" her sister called up from below and Lani glanced down to see the red river had come to a complete stop now. The healers had moved to put their hands against the Lung's scaled hide and she suspected they were focused on piecing together those torn muscles inside. She begun to scramble back down the creatures side.

"Is there anything else we can help with?" she passed the needle back and her sister shook her head.

"No, you should rest anyway. Both of you, come, we've set up a food station," she motioned to a hastily constructed table under the tall palm trees overflowing with food.
Nahala was certainly relieved that the stitching was finished. Although she wouldn't like to admit it, it had made her slightly squeamish. Hopefully her skin wasn't a shade lighter than normal; she would feel terrible if she were to incite any worry. She approached the Lung's head, who seemed to have finally been able to relax a bit, thanks to the work of the healers and some quick yet amateur needlework. She pressed her forehead to it and closed her eyes, a peaceful smile blossoming across her gentle features. "ᛇᚩᚪ ᛟᚱᛟ ᛒᛤᚹᚹ. ᚳᛤᚠᚫ ᛞᚩᛒ. (You did well. Rest now)." She gave it several strokes of encouragement before stepping back to let it recover.

Turning to look at her new friends, she released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. What a stressful situation... She sighed inwardly. How healers did such work as this on a regular basis astounded. Her thoughts were interrupted by the promise of food, and her stomach seemed to growl in agreement. Laughing awkwardly, she walked back to Noelani. "I could certainly use a bit, if you do not mind," she rested a blue hand on her shoulder, doing the same towards Kaena. "I have been traveling for a while." As they approached, she marveled at the array before them. There were so many strange foods she could not recall ever seeing. Not that it was that impressive of a feat, as the food of land-dwellers was more foreign to her. Beyond fish and ocean vegetation, her palette was quite simple. She could hardly contain the sparkle of eagerness in her eyes as she drank in everything.

"Forgive my inexperience, but this is fascinating!" Nahala's excitement was apparent on her face as she settled, almost at a loss of where to look first. Giving her head a small shake, she looked to Noelani with a tinge of navy scattering her cheeks in a blush. "Ah, sorry. You must think me childish." She combed a few silver strands behind her pointed hers. "I still have much to learn about life beyond the ocean, you see." Offering a small laugh, she looked down. Calm down, Nahala. They have been so generous; be respectful.
  • Haha
Reactions: Noelani
Kaena laughed as she took a seat on one of the plump cushions that surrounded the low table of offerings.

"There is nothing to apologise for, Lani see's this all the time and still gets excited," Noelani paused with her hand halfway towards the colourful yellow-spiced rice with dark beans mixed in and vibrant red peppers in order to give her sister the appropriate glare reserved for siblings.

"I get excited, kaikuaʻana, because I grew up with nine older siblings and there was barely any food left by the time I managed to elbow my way to the table," such a claim set Kaena off laughing again and she begun to spoon a mix of chunky fish salad onto her own plate. Lani piled spitted pig, raw rolled fish and grilled prawns onto her own plate before continuing. "As you are from the sea I would suggest trying some of the fruit first," she nodded to the large platter of sliced mangos, coconut chunks and berries. "Oh and the pig--"

"And chicken curry," Kaena butted in. "Our mother makes some of the best but it is very spicy."
Nahala’s eyes were positively glittering. She had no idea that the food on land could be so colorful and oddly shaped. And that pig.... had she ever seen a creature such as that? Perhaps something similar in the ocean, but not quite like this. She almost felt embarrassed upon realizing how little she truly knew of the people living above her own for hundreds of years. Deciding to not let this deter her appetite, she began piling an odd assortment of her own. It was likely that these foods weren't intended to be eaten together, but she wanted to ensure she tried everything.

She couldn't hide the absolute pleasure illuminating her face as she bit into what Noelani had termed a mango. "Incredible!" The sweetness sang in her mouth, and the fruit made more of a mess than she anticipated. Sheepishly wiping off the juice, she finished it off quickly. She then turned at Kaena's remark.

"Curry? I would like to try!" She practically leaped forward, helping herself and shoveling in several mouthfuls. After a few moments, a dark navy rushed up through her face and ears, and she opened her mouth in panic. "Ow! Painful food??? I-" She tried to continue, but was overwhelmed but the odd feelings on her tongue. Why did it hurt and taste so good at the same time? Her people had nothing like this, which must be why the term spicy hadn't deterred her from her foolish choice. Taking time to let her mouth cool, she regained her composure and tried to avoid causing any more ruckus.

"So..." She poked around a the bits of pig on her plate. "Noelani, Kaena... why do you think so many Lungs were injured in this storm? It was a terrible one, certainly, but it seems odd that so many graceful and ancient creatures would be wounded all at once."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Noelani
The sisters fell into the easy conversation of people used to having friends over for dinner, even a friend who hadn't touched any food from above the seas before. Laughter filled the air more often than not at her reactions both good and bad to the various assortment of fruit, meats and the curry itself. Lani was still wiping away a tear from the corner of her eye produced during her latest bout of laughter when Nahala asked her question. She glanced over at her sister and bit her bottom lip. Kaena gave a sad sigh.

"We don't know as much as we would like about the Lungs. They sought sanctuary amongst our people Ages ago, but they had to have come from somewhere," she took a sip of some of the rum spiced punch and continued. "They migrate at this time of year so it could have just been bad luck so many were in the sea at the time, but I can't help wondering if something happened to their home - the spot they go to lay their eggs. If something had happened there... it could have caused disorientation amongst them and made them more prone to accidents."
  • Cry
Reactions: Nahala Zorus