Private Tales On The Hunt

  • Thread starter Thread starter Myrdin
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A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"And I've been surrounded by elves my entire life. Good to know. And thank my stars it was you in the woods." He had a way of making the smile linger on his face. The way her skin responded to his touch and trail of fingers. She wasn't sure she'd like the feel of the sheets and mattress along her back.

But she did.

It was heavenly.

Just like the feeling of Myr against her skin. Against her lips. Beneath her fingers. Head turned to the side, giving him more access along her neck as her fingers gently stroked through his damp, blond hair.

"It's a good thing we have time to see how long it takes to tire you out," she breathed with a quiet laugh up her throat.
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His lips pressed against her neck. "I suppose it is at that..."

There was a huskiness to his voice, a rasp.

Her words barely registered on his mind though, only floating for a few seconds before he took a deep breath and let his teeth scrape over her neck. Myr found himself lost in the scent of her, the feel of her body against his, the sense of the sheets beneath the both of them.

"But..." His hand slipped suddenly down her thighs. "I think you'll be first."

Before she could answer Myr seized her lips for himself.
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A sharp gasp as his hand dropped.

Lips crashed against his own. Her own fingers massaged down his back. His sides. Lower.

Her teeth caught at his lowerlip and tugged as she finally released the kiss. Because a certain amount of breathing was necessary. I guess.

"We'll see about that," voice was husky as she caught his mouth with her own again, this time deepening and slowing the kiss.
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There was something to be said about pure unadulterated passion. Two people going from meeting one another to taking every little bit the other had to offer.

Myr could not remember ever having felt this way before, could not remember even thinking such a thing was possible before meeting Isla. His head spun as he took her, as she took him, as they came together and pulled each other apart.

His breath left his lung, and the next thing Myr knew he was collapse onto the bed.

Isla was sprawled atop him, a sheen of sweat clinging to them both as the Sea-Elf's eyes drifted closed and his fingers slowly ran up and down her sides. "Tired yet?"

Myr asked softly as his fingers drifted over her pert rear.
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The way this sea elf got her heart rate up.

No one else ever had.

Rear flexed slightly beneath his fingers. Elbows propped up carefully on his chest, giving the man a good view of her curves. With a tilt of her head, she leaned in and to the side of his head, letting her lips and teeth lightly explore his ear.

"No," she purred against him.
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"Good." The Sea-Elf said simply.

His fingers continued to play over her sides as she propped herself up on his chest. Eyes opened finally to take in the view of her again, his hands stopping for just a brief moment to grasp at her flesh before slowly continuing their path.

"This place." He began with a smile. "Really was a good find."

The sheets beneath him made him crave the idea of never moving, of never leaving the bed with her. "Should really thank whoever left it behind."

His lips stole another kiss from her as he spoke.
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"We should," she smiled.

With a low, long sigh, she stilled against him. Head nestled back down on his chest, the tip of her head tucking beneath his chin. Fingers traced random circles and patterns along his skin that wasn't tinged in marks.

Eyes closed.

"I've never become this close to someone so fast," a murmur against him. "I'd like to get used to this, though. Wherever our travels lead us. And I've been thinking...," voice was hesitant.

"I don't want to be stuck in Elbion forever, either. What if....what if we summoned the greater demon as proof of what happened to me?"
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"No." Myr instantly pushed the idea away.

There were few things in this world that he feared, and demons was one of them. The entities of the Abyss were not to be trifled with, and certainly not to be summoned. People who thought they could control demons fools.

More often than not they ended up the ones being puppets.

"No, Isla." He told her. "I understand your hesitance at going to Elbion, but summoning a demon is not the answer."

Never would be. "They are insidious, dangerous, and deadly even when they are 'bound'."

He'd seen what they could do more than once.
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Head shifted so her chin perched on his chest and she could look him in the eyes.

Fingers stilled against him.

"I know it's dangerous," she began quietly. "I don't know if the merchant will ever stop coming for me. Even with Elbion."

She sighed.

"I didn't realize dryad blood was so valuable for summoning demons." She grimaced. She knew her kind were rare. But how did they even find her on the road? She wondered. Would others be after her too?

"I just don't want to be on the run my entire life, Myr." And she didn't know what he would do. Would he leave once she was left to Elbion? And if he stayed, would he end up hating her for having him stay tied to the city as well?
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"I'd rather kill the bastard than summon a demon." That was a rather bold statement given he was a Merchant Councilor of Alliria.

The man was probably one of the richest in the entire world. Myr was willing to bet that his wealth gave the noble Families of Vel Anir a run for As much as he hated to admit it though, Isla was probably right about running.

Nobody could escape for their whole life.

"Summoning a demon is not the answer." He told her softly. "Not ever."

Myr was sure of that. "We'll figure something else out. I promise."

The Sea-elf just wasn't quite sure what that would be yet.
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Vibrant greens rimmed in a mossy-color studied the seal elf quietly. She wasn't entirely convinced, though, his statement surprised her. Perhaps he was kill the merchant was the only option.

Head shifted to rest along his chest again, eyes closing.

"I hope we do," she murmured.

"I don't want to drag you into this; I never did," she continued. Admitted quietly. Her breathing slowed, pointed air pressed against his chest to hear the beating of his heart. It calmed her.

Her own chest rose and fell, breaths becoming longer and quieter as she began to drift to drift off.

A satisfied woman.
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Myr let his fingers drag slowly over her skin, softly rotating on the small of her back. "You didn't drag."

Technically speaking he had made a choice that landed him here. Had chosen to come to this place and follow after her. Money was what had taken him into the Wilds, and it was something else entirely that had kept him there.

A breath filled him, lifting her slightly as he spoke.

"We'll figure it out." He repeated again. "I promise."

They just had to do some thinking.

Summoning a demon was out of the question, but who was to say that killing the man was? Myr had fought worse men, had taken on greater challenges. He could do this as well.
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As Isla fell into her slumber Myr let his fingers drift over her body. His eyes closed too, listening to the soothing sound of her soft snores on top of him.

His chest slowly rose and fell, the Sea-Elf musing for a while on other solutions they could take. He did not know if Elbion was really the best place to go, but he wanted to keep her safe above everything else. If he could not do that, then what was this for?

Myr let his hands roam, eventually setting on her rear.

Fingers grasped softly, a smile touching his face as they curled and gently dug into her flesh. "Where will we go?"

The Sea-Elf asked himself softly as he drifted off to sleep.
  • Cthulhoo rage
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It's a good thing she was such a deep and unmoving sleeper. His kneading touch did not wake her up. He might've been in trouble, otherwise.

Big. Trouble.

She woke before he did, amusement flickering across her face as she realized where his hands had rested. Slipping free from the sea elf with the whimsy that only a dryad could provide, she tiptoed to the closet. Hands plucked a dress free and she slipped it on. Bare feet then took her to the kitchen in search of food.
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Myr continued to sleep for some time after Isla did. It was not the exhaustion of the previous night that kept him in bed, but rather the comfort of the mattress beneath him that made him stay in place. He sprawled out as he felt the subtle weight of Isla leave him, his body stretching out.

It was rare that he got anything close to this comfortable where he was from.

There was a satisfaction in that knowledge, the idea that he could sleep however he wanted. Thus it was near enough an hour after the dryad left that Myr finally peeled himself from the comfortable bed and managed to actually find his feet.

He had absolutely no idea where his clothes were, like toasted somewhere near the pool that he and Isla had frolliced through yesterday.

The Sea-elf hardly seemed to care however, and with quick steps he made his way through the halls until he eventually found the dryad. "Good morning."

Myr said as he leaned against the doorway.
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Isla's bright green eyes traveled up and down the bare form of the sea elf.

She took a bite of her oatmeal piled with fruit. "Morning," she smiled as she swallowed. Eyes shifted to the pantry. "It's enchanted. When I opened the doors it had the food inside that I wanted."

Her tanned shoulders rose and fell in a shrug.

"It'll take a lot to get me to leave this place in a few days." She took another bite and grinned lazily at Myr, slowly licking her spoon.
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He smiled.

The magic in this place was certainly unique. Someone had put a lot of work into this, both physically and magically. He wondered just how long it had taken to build properly. His people were long-lived, just as long lived as his cousins.

This place reminded him of some of the ships back home. "It's going to be painful."

Myr said with a frown.

"At least we'll be able to stuff our bags with rations." With a few steps he closed the distance between the two of them, offering a soft caress on her back as he reached to get some food for himself.
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She smiled at the man, eyed tracking his movements for a moment before returning to her oatmeal. Spoon scraped the bottom of the dish. She’d been up longer than he had.

“Maybe the hunters will never find us here.”

she did t think it was true. And she wasn’t sure if the magic that kept this place running would last. But she couldn’t think of leaving right now.
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It was a nice dream, one that he wanted just as much as she, but Myr couldn't agree with it. He knew that the Hunters would find them, knew that eventually they would have to deal with it. Saying anything else seemed like it would be lying to her.

He didn't want to do that. "Let's enjoy it while it lasts."

Myr said softly, opening up the cabinet to find three small pieces of a strange looking fruit the likes of which one could not even find in the Wilds. A small look of surprise filtered over his face, a smile forming on his lips a few seconds later.

"This place really is fantastic." He said as he took a bite of one of the pinkish fruits.
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Eyes narrowed, looking at his plate.

"That's what you wanted? Don't think I've ever seen that fruit before. What is it?" The dryad was naturally curious and even more so at a new kind of natural fruit or vegetable. The pantry gave the requester what they wanted, so it was interesting that Myr pulled this out.

She'd assumed he would've pulled out some meat.

She finished off her oatmeal with a lick of her spoon.
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"Dragon Fruit." He told her as he offered her one of them. "It grows naturally on the isles of Sheketh."

And those nearby.

It was something that Myr had not tasted in...years, perhaps decades. He had barely remembered the flavor on his tongue, had barely even remembered what they had looked like. The odd segmented leafs and strange skin reminded one of a Dragons egg.

At least what one might think a Dragon Egg looks like. "The Flavor is mild, reminds me of home."

A smile touched his face.
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“Thanks,” she took the fruit and inspected it. Watching how Myr took a bite, first. She then followed suit.

A bit of juice dripped down her chin.

“It’s....good.” Standing, she took her dishes to the sink, turning on the faucet to let them soak”I’d like to see your islands one day.How you grew up.”
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"It's different than most elves live." His kin had simplistic lives, and although his own people were not too far removed from that, there was a distinct difference between the two species. As a matter of who they were, his folk were...ostentatious.

Sea-elves liked to show off.

"I'm sure you'd enjoy it." He told her with a smile. "Our ships are more beautiful than this house. Less magical, but carved over hundred of years by entire families until they are ready to sail."

His lips pursed. "The islands aren't really our home."

Myr explained.

"It may be where we came from, but its the sea...the sea is where we truly belong." There was a yearning in his voice.
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"Oh?" She stopped behind the man, letting her fingers rest along his shoulders. Fingers kneaded idly at the muscles and skin.

More beautiful than this house?

Chin tipped and she looked up and around. This place certainly had its beauty. And it was filled with magic. She could feel the thrum through her curled toes along the floor. "It's hard for me to imagine but I meant it when I said I'd like to see it one day."
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