LFG Notice me, senpai! Notice me!!

So I have this little character of mine that needs further development. She is hunted by bounty hunters and some other actors, all the while oblivious to the fact.

I would like to refine her a bit more, make some meaningful strides in her level of self awareness (which is currently bot very damned much). A mentor figure, someone to teach her the basic things of life...and I do mean basic. She has a level of understanding somewhere around that of a child if six or so years of age, for all that she appears full grown. With a few oddities.

There are a variety of plot options, depending on what kind of story you are looking to engage in.

We got cut throat killers after her, mysterious origins that can be explored, or simple slice-o-life options...
I see you have already found a few, but I find her an interesting and compelling character so I would also be interested in offering someone to interact with her.

For people's convenience~