Maranae has the outward appearance of a teenager, one caught in the crux of changing from child to adult. The soft curves of her body have not fully formed, her feminine attributes still in the process of flowering. It is clear that she will likely be a stunning beauty when she is older, although that time is not now.
Maranae is still rather tall for her age, all arms and legs of a willowy build that hides her inhuman characteristics. Shoulder length lustrous red hair and eyes a disarming amber in color with vertically oriented pupils and a variety of flecks of color interspersed in the amber pools that seem to lack any real depth. Her finely bone, delicate seeming features are only sullied a little by the long canines in her mouth, clearly visible when she speaks or smiles.
Among other anomalies are the sharp claws that tip her fingers and toes.
She will wear whatever she can come across, but her clothing tends to fall to pieces over time. She prefers trousers and a shirt to dresses. Wandering the world as she does, she is never very far from her favored weapon: a heavy and large cast iron pan thick enough not to deform when used for its unorthodox purpose. Her general state of dress varies as does her cleanliness; she often looks less like a girl of the cities and more like a half-mad savage from the outlands.
Maranae is still rather tall for her age, all arms and legs of a willowy build that hides her inhuman characteristics. Shoulder length lustrous red hair and eyes a disarming amber in color with vertically oriented pupils and a variety of flecks of color interspersed in the amber pools that seem to lack any real depth. Her finely bone, delicate seeming features are only sullied a little by the long canines in her mouth, clearly visible when she speaks or smiles.
Among other anomalies are the sharp claws that tip her fingers and toes.
She will wear whatever she can come across, but her clothing tends to fall to pieces over time. She prefers trousers and a shirt to dresses. Wandering the world as she does, she is never very far from her favored weapon: a heavy and large cast iron pan thick enough not to deform when used for its unorthodox purpose. Her general state of dress varies as does her cleanliness; she often looks less like a girl of the cities and more like a half-mad savage from the outlands.
Skills and Abilities
Tough As Nails:
Mara is extraordinarily tough. Her bones are far more dense than most species, unnaturally so. Additionally, her muscular tissue is also extremely dense, both to make up for the added weight of her skeletal system as well as further enhancement for her designed purpose. Mara's bones are difficult to break or sever, and her flesh is difficult to seriously cut. She is quite capable of catching edged weapons bare-handed and only receiving lacerations for her troubles, regardless of the strength of the blow.
Maranae has supernatural healing abilities. She is capable of regenerating minor injuries in mere minutes without any conscious effort being involved; serious wounds may heal in hours in similar fashion. She can will herself to regenerate major injuries in long minutes, but it is very draining to do so and requires all of her concentration to muster. Severed limbs will eventually regrow as well.
Maranae is tolerant of most poisons and harmful environs; she has a high threshold for pain, not even feeling what others would considered uncomfortable. She is exceptionally tolerant of hot and cold as well, capable of thriving in either extreme provided other materiel needs are met.
Magic's Bane:
Maranae is a man-made magical creature. In exchange for the variety of benefits crafted into her flesh, or as a result of rather, she is completely incapable of wielding magic. Worse, magical healing is completely ineffective for her, as well as any enhancement via magic. She cannot wield magic weapons or armor, or handle enchanted items without draining their power rather rapidly or breaking them outright simply by touching them. The effect is so pronounced that the area in her general vicinity - within a dozen feet of her - is sapped of ambient mana (or any other form of magic), such that allies that are casters must distance themselves in order to perform their abilities at full strength. On the upside, she is highly resistant to attack magic that directly targets her person, and anyone standing within the null area round her (including herself) is protected from area spells via the mitigation effect her presence has, usually halving the strength of spells (both those cast at or on her, and those cast by allies near her).
Like A Rock:
Due to the increased density of her body, she is completely incapable of swimming or flight.
Just Something About Her:
Most domesticated animals cannot tolerate her presence. Horses shy away, livestock flees, and pets either flee or attack her on sight. Most familiars have an intense, immediate distrust of her, as do animals trained for the field of battle.
Already possessed of several animalistic traits, when Maranae is subject to emotional distress or other stress, the animal side of her chimeric form show more clearly. Her fangs get longer, her eyes become feline in nature, her claws longer and sharper. Aside from increased size of natural weapons, this is purely a cosmetic effect.
Maranae gives the impression of being a somewhat dim child. She is very personable and friendly with most people. She is also exceptionally inquisitive, much like children tend towards; everything is new and wonderful to her even if she has seen it before (provided some time has passed since she has). Her inquisitive nature also tends to make her somewhat naive and gullible, even if she seems to have an innate sense of those around her intentions. Those that are true and fair she takes to almost immediately and without reservation. Those that are malign sometimes find themselves caught out by some unknown tells or by her own innate intuition. Even so, manipulating her is not very challenging in most situations.
She often speaks of herself in the third person, and often using simplistic language. It is unclear whether she is simply unintelligent or simply unlearned; the fact that she seems to be little more than a child however she looks lends itself to the former and not the latter.
Maranae does not like conflict. Despite this, perhaps as a result of her assumed diminished intelligence, she prefers to stand her ground when confronted. Due to the nature of her being and her history, she has learned - at some length - that running does not solve problems all the time, but a good roundhouse with a piece of cast iron solves many problems.
She often speaks of herself in the third person, and often using simplistic language. It is unclear whether she is simply unintelligent or simply unlearned; the fact that she seems to be little more than a child however she looks lends itself to the former and not the latter.
Maranae does not like conflict. Despite this, perhaps as a result of her assumed diminished intelligence, she prefers to stand her ground when confronted. Due to the nature of her being and her history, she has learned - at some length - that running does not solve problems all the time, but a good roundhouse with a piece of cast iron solves many problems.
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