Open Chronicles Notice Board: Missing Child

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Character Biography
Allir Reach - East of Alliria
Mooretown Notice Board


My son Liam has been missing for three days. I last saw him setting off through the east wheat field at noontime, claiming to be on a treasure hunt. He's quite adventurous and often brings me home treasures he finds in the woods, but this time he didn't return! He is 7 summers old, with brown hair, green eyes, and a scar on his left cheek. I offer a reward of 5 gold pieces - I'm sorry it isn't much, but it's all I can afford.

Please bring my son home to me, he's all I have left.


Mira Hawthorn


OOC - This thread is open to anyone who needs an adventure prompt!
Using the Notice and the Image above, find a partner (or two or three) and craft your own tale.
This thread will NOT be DM'd.
A new town, a new notice board. Kiros had just made his arrival to the town along with Garrod, and naturally took immediate interest in determining whether the place yielded any means of earning coin. Not that he was destitute – but neither was he well off, and his wealth could change on the unpredictable whim of the deity he begrudgingly served. Itra handed out holy quests with neither warning, nor pay. But here before him was a supply of quests which were both optional and profitable, and Kiros began the search for one that was agreeable as well. Perusing the numerous notes, he’d read only of calls for labour that he was at least a decade to old for.

One posting caught his attention in particular, and Kiros soon moved closer to examine it. It was a plea to rescue a lost child, and the notion of the task carried far more appeal to him than the others; despite when the meagre pay was offered as reward. He remembered the young dwarven prince he’d safeguarded in Ixchel, as well as Her objection and punishment that had nearly killed him. Concerned only with Herself, Her ire was attributed to the presence of a war deity that had irked her so. But this boy had disappeared into the woods, and not into a place of warfare as Sardrun had – bless his dear soul. That he was unlikely to cross that god here meant She was less likely to punish him. Even if She did, it would be worth it to save the child. It had already been considered a bargain to see Sardrun safe and unharmed.

Kiros reflexively reached for the notice, about to rip it free from the board as he had done many times before. Yet he stopped himself from doing so – Normally it would be inconsiderate to leave it up despite embarking on the task, but it was not the type he ought tear down. The more who helped search for the missing child, the better. If others showed up to squabble over pay, they could keep it. Five gold was hardly worth fighting over.

Kiros had already made up his mind, but Garrod’s opinion remained unknown. Perhaps the low pay would deter him; Kiros could not blame him, but neither would he allow the call to go unheeded. After a moment’s silence to find his words, he turned to Garrod:

“There’s a missing child in town. The reward is a pittance, but the message is fresh. The other tasks might wait, but one so young cannot. This I shall embark upon.” Kiros spoke, before pausing to amend his announcement with a question.

“Will you join?”

Garrod Arlette Nycto and anyone else
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Garrod scratched his chin upon hearing his companion's words, and his bone-white gauntlet gleamed strangely pearlescent in the light of day. "A missing child?" he asked as the pointed claws of his jeweled relic did away with an itch of new-grown scruff which sprouted across his jaw. "Not every day you see such a notice," he thought aloud. Though he knew well enough that many and more a child went missing with each rise and fall of the sun. He sighed and let his gauntleted arm fall as he nodded his head slowly in agreement. "Aye, I'll take up the quest with you,"

After he had accepted, he stepped to the board and looked over the other jobs. "Twenty gold to bring down a swamp-singer," he showed a hungry show of teeth, and there was a greedy twinkle in his eye, "That's easy money for a spellsword," he glanced over at Kiros, impish. "Easier still with the help of a holy man, granting blessings of strength and healing," his eyebrows nudged where his elbow did not. But it was play. An act to hide his want to do some good after the failures they had endured.

He turned away from the board, and made onto the road. "But, this kid won't save himself," he started off toward the east. "I've ventured round these parts!" he called back to the larger and older man. "Lot of old elven ruins to get lost in, some swallow you right up if you don't watch your step!"
  • Cheer
Reactions: Kiros Rahnel
i suppose a jet black telepathic cat with magical agility's probably shouldn't be accepting quests but when i saw a flyer on the message board with the simple task of finding a child i had to jump on it, a couple men near me seemed to set off where the flyer said to go. since im not too familiar with two leg destinations i saw this as a sign i should join there quest. perhaps they will give me a share of the coin, but i must seem like a simple cat perhaps i can show them my magic and protect them before i speak to them directly.

i slinked behind the white haired human careful not to be noticed
Kiros Rahnel blain the cat Garrod Arlette

Nycto had been examining the notice board, when he heard a voice call out. He had been in this town for a few weeks now, completing odd jobs and such. There wasn't a lot of money in it, but at least there was plenty to do, and that's really what Nycto wanted, something to do, something to take his mind off stuff. He was just looking for his next job when a voice called out.

“Will you join?”

Nycto turned his head to look at the man that spoke, the mask turning to look at the man as Nycto observed him.

Nycto shrugged. "Yeah, sure, sounds like fun. I like to go on searches, they're always a good time." He affirmed.
"Aye, I'll take up the quest with you," Garrod responded, and Kiros was both relieved to have the aid of another, and that his travels with Garrod would not come to an end. He had been good company thus far, and had proven a great ally as well. That the quest didn’t hold the pay fitting of two adventurers mattered not; much like Garrod, Kiros held a greater desire to do good. Serving Itra was of questionable good, and his past contained acts far from it. But to return a long lost boy to his mother was undoubtedly noble.

About to step off, he paused when Garrod spoke again in protest, with reference to a poster advertising a task both suited to their skillets, and four times as profitable. Kiros's normally steadfast expression slipped slightly into contemplative concern, musing over how to best politely deny the invitation to slay the threat. But before he could deliver a response, Garrod followed up with the very words he himself had planned to speak:

"But, this kid won't save himself"

“No, he won’t at all; and I’m elated that you’ll join me on it. After fretting at your ruse.” he answered back, the amused grin on his face and tone of his words telling that he took the tease well. Garrod had been a source of amusement unlike most, and his was company he was happy to keep.

Yet there was the company of another who would join him, who turned to answer and affirm his aid as well.

"Yeah, sure, sounds like fun. I like to go on searches, they're always a good time." said Nycto.

Kiros paused. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of him; the smiling face on the mask was at least an effort for a friendly appearance, though it didn’t help much. But he volunteered his aid and sounded affable in tone, and action spoke louder than appearance. Kiros was not one to judge. He was hiding his own past, and wasn't one to question Nycto, whose appearance implied he had his own secrets to keep.

“Then the three of us shall surely find this child. I suppose we should be mindful of these ruins then – but first, perhaps we should visit the mother? I am curious about what treasures he has brought home to her; this may bring further clues as to where he may be.” Kiros replied. If they agreed, then that would be the direction they would set off towards.

With a telepathic cat following behind, as yet unnoticed by any...

Garrod Arlette Nycto blain the cat
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Stopped in his tracks, Garrod turned back to regard the wiser adventurer. "See Kiros, that's why we get along so well," he turned and nodded. "I fancy myself a practical man, who pays attention to the details," he tapped the right side of his head with his pale-armored finger. "But you think deeper still," his eye found the mask wearer, and the painted expression on his visage gave Garrod pause and quirked his brow as his arm fell back to his side. "Hello there," he said cautiously, "and who might you be?"

Kiros Rahne Nycto blain the cat
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Kiros Rahnel
Kiros Rahnel Garrod Arlette blain the cat

Nycto could tell they were looking at him. They looked at him with confused, slightly off-put looks. Nycto got that a lot. People often cast him questioning glances because of his strange appearance, it happened almost all the time. Nycto had grown to get used to it, but he could still tell when people were doing it, and he couldn't really blame them for doing it either. Nycto knew he looked very unusual, so he had just learned to come to get used to the strange looks.

“Then the three of us shall surely find this child. I suppose we should be mindful of these ruins then – but first, perhaps we should visit the mother? I am curious about what treasures he has brought home to her; this may bring further clues as to where he may be.”

Nycto nodded. "Yes, I agree with that. Perhaps the mother could give us some more details and the last time she saw the child." He replied.

"Hello there," he said cautiously, "and who might you be?"

Nycto turned his head to look at the other man, examining him. "I'm Nycto. Might I ask who you are?"
"Yes, I agree with that. Perhaps the mother could give us some more details and the last time she saw the child."

“She may well. It’s a start, and unless any of us carries any clue, best we seek them.” Kiros added with a nod, still wondering what to make of him. He didn’t sound as off-putting as he looked. Much as he wondered why Nycto required a mask, Kiros was of far too much tact to ask.

"I fancy myself a practical man, who pays attention to the details, but you think deeper still," Spoke Garrod next.

He nodded in response. Garrod was definately practical, to that Kiros could easily agree. It was the sort of company that had made the travel a much more enjoyable endeavour. Yet practical as he was, he still stood with him and forewent pay in the pursuit of good. That he had a good soul was well appreciated by the priest yearning to save his own.

'I wonder if they have any milk' spoke a third voice, causing Kiros to pause.

Gaze shifted to Garrod, and then their newest companion. It was not Nycto’s voice, but it could not be Garrod’s. Kiros hadn’t seen Nycto’s lips move because he couldn’t see them at all, nor did the voice seem to come from his direction – but he had no other explanation. Kiros began to wonder if this might have been what was off about the man. Was another personality inside?

Again, he had too much tact to ask directly, but concerned curiosity spurred him to make an indirect inquiry.

“Did you speak that?” Kiros asked, in tone of befuddlement.

Garrod Arlette Nycto blain the cat
  • Haha
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Garrod narrowed his eyes at the masked figure, and his head leaned back, as if weighed by the decision to trust in them or not. "You can call me Garrod," he said after a moment of thought. Beside, he had already used Kiros name aloud, if this person were a fae, then they would have two names to torment, not one.

Misery loves company, after all.

A voice asked for milk, and Kiros looked alarmed to here it. Garrod turned about and scanned there surrounding with his one green eye. Behind them he found a cat. Black and mysterious as most cats were. He blinked as he looked at it. "It couldn't have been you, now could it?" He asked with a hint of humor in his voice. He turned back to the road. "Well, let's push off shall we?"

With his great-sword strapped to his back, he lead on, absent of much mind for anything other than their quest at hand. It was a brief passage of time before they found themselves at the mother's home, it had taken some inquiring, asking the passers by and those locals who loitered about, but they found the humble cottage soon enough.

Knock knock knock

Thumped the spellsword's fist against the cottage door. "Hello?!" He called out. "Mrs. Hawthorn? We come hoping to help find your child!"

Knock knock knock

Kiros Rahnel Nycto blain the cat
Kiros Rahnel Garrod Arlette blain the cat

“She may well. It’s a start, and unless any of us carries any clue, best we seek them.”

"Yes, let's." Nycto replied, nodding in affirmation. He took off after Kiros, following him as they walked towards where the mother was. They followed the path, walking down the road.

'i wonder if they have any milk'
“Did you speak that?”

"I heard it too. I didn't say it, I heard it from behind us." He answered, turning around to scan the environment behind them. Nycto turned and looked, scanning.

"I believe we're being followed." Nycto told them.
If not another personality, he wondered, perhaps it was another being accompanying Nycto. But a guess, but to be associated with an additional, undesired entity would have been a problem far from foreign to Kiros. He had had to deal with Itra routinely after all, though She gratefully didn't speak aloud. Usually.

But it wasn't him, nor did it seem to have anything to do with him; though Nycto thankfully didn't appear to be too taken aback by the notion. Kiros too looked behind him, spotting nothing but a cat that Garrod jestingly suggested had said it. In response, the feline answered with only a meow.

“I feel you may be right, but I see naught that could be the source.” he responded, still looking around vainly for the unknown speaker for another moment. He had little else but his own eyesight and hearing to try and find it. Heirahit gave no sign of notable arcane presence, so the threat could not be too dire, if there was any.

“Best to keep an eye out then, though whatever it is does not seem malicious.” he added, sharing his interpretation of what little he could discern. Soon after, they set off for the house of the missing child's mother.

* * *​

As soon as Garrod had announced their presence and purpose, footsteps could be heard from within the house. The door swung open soon after, revealing a middle aged woman behind it. She took a look at them all with concern clear upon her face.

“I didn’t expect three of you! I’m afraid I only have five gold to offer…” the lady replied, and Kiros was quick to allay her concerns.

“Have no fret. We seek your lost son, not extra pay.”

He's never been missing for so long and I've never been so sick with worry and-” She blurted out with a distressed crack in her voice before she stilled herself a moment, allowing herself to regain her composure.

“-Just please do find him. What do you need? I don't know how I can help but, well, please do come in.” She continued, pulling the door further ajar while gesturing the three of them inside.

Garrod Arlette Nycto blain the cat
Smooth, Garrod could not help but think, and he was glad to have such competent company. Even if it meant they would take on more altruistic work.

The mother, with so much worry clear in her voice, invited them in, and Garrod raised a hand up in an attempt to sow some calm. "We only hope to learn some more about the boy, in hopes that it will help us find him sooner," he looked about the interior, and when it seemed clear, he stepped into the home. Though truth be told, he felt odd, armored as he was, and kitted as he was, entering a home in hopes of finding a child.

What do you hope to gain from this, oh bearer mine?

"Does the boy have his own room?" Garrod asked as he looked about, but the home was small, a single room from the looks of things, and he could see that there was but one straw bed placed by a distant wall, pots and pans hung from the ceiling, and while it was a clean enough little shelter, Garrod could see why a young boy may take to wandering.

"N-no, I was hoping to find us a better home after my apprenticeship as a seamstress has come to term, but" she smiled weakly. "My patron still thinks my work too common place," she hid her face some, ashamed perhaps, and pointed at the back door. "He would frequently spend time in the field out back, playing with other children, or venturing off on his own."

Garrod nodded, and walked through the small home, and his eye glanced over every small detail it could as his armor clinked softly with each step, and his great-sword swayed upon his back.

The boy is likely gone and left, sweet Garrod. Left this piss-hole of a place, and his lowly mother behind. Belephus mocked.

Kiros Rahnel Nycto blain the cat
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Kiros Rahnel
I felt now was the best time to make myself known. I stood on my back legs and did a slight bow the best I could

"I wish to not alarm you but it is I blain at your service" I stretched my mind to all 4 even though reaching so many minds at once made me feel ill

"though I am but a cat my power can confuse even the dimmest of dangers. I do not seek gold no I seek something far more valuable..milk and mice to catch if you can provide me such pleasures I shall lay my life down for you and your child" I hoped I had not scared the party but it seemed I was about to be cut out of the deal, hopefully this doesn't end in me being called a demon cat again. I winced at that thought
Kiros Rahnel Garrod Arlette blain the cat

They approached the house, Garrod knocking on the door and shouting out. Nycto watched as the door opened, revealing the small, middle-aged woman in the doorway. Nycto looked her up and down, examining her, surveying her and her expressions. She seemed mainly concerned, and worried. She said that she didn't have enough gold for all three of them, but thankfully Kiros answered quickly, responding to her.

“-Just please do find him. What do you need? I don't know how I can help but, well, please do come in.”

Nycto stepped inside, looking around, examining the small dwelling.

"Does the boy have his own room?"
"N-no, I was hoping to find us a better home after my apprenticeship as a seamstress has come to term, but" she smiled weakly. "My patron still thinks my work too common place,"
"He would frequently spend time in the field out back, playing with other children, or venturing off on his own."

Nycto turned and looked at the door as the woman pointed at it. Nycto approached the back door and opened it, stepping outside out into the field. He walked through the field, looking around.

"though I am but a cat my power can confuse even the dimmest of dangers. I do not seek gold no I seek something far more valuable..milk and mice to catch if you can provide me such pleasures I shall lay my life down for you and your child"

Nycto heard the cat and turned, looking at it. He shrugged. He had seen weirder things, honestly. A talking cat wasn't even the strangest thing to ever happen to him.

Nycto crouched down in the field, examining it. Interesting...
That poor mother. She’d carved out a decent home tucked away in this corner of the woods. A life not unlike what Kiros himself had once desired, albeit not quite as affluent as the priestly career he’d once expected to have. While the household was not destitute, they were clearly far from wealthy. Still, she was building up a good life, before the loss of her son had caused such sudden and justified grief. Little as she had, her son was clearly everything and her worry well-placed and evident.

While Garrod inquired with her, Kiros continued to scan the area for any of the boy’s belongings. Little was to be seen, aside from a few pieces of scattered clothing. As he conducted his visual search, he heard anew the same voice that had surprised them all earlier.

"I wish to not alarm you but it is I blain at your service" spoke the voice, and Kiros immediately turned his attention away from the bed, now searching for the source of the sound. Looks were exchanged with Nycto and Garrod in bewilderment.

"though I am but a cat my power can confuse even the dimmest of dangers. I do not seek gold no I seek something far more valuable..milk and mice to catch if you can provide me such pleasures I shall lay my life down for you and your child" the voice continued, finally making clear who possessed it. Kiros promptly looked down at Blain as he made his humble request. A talking cat. Truth be told, he too had seen stranger sights. But this was a cat. And as far as the devout priest was concerned, a sign of good luck. That Blain could speak, and did so about the powers he possessed convinced Kiros ever more that this was so, and he’d peer down at the feline for a moment in contemplation.

The announcement was followed by a request, and a most modest one it was. Milk to drink and vermin to chase, though the latter was more a service to them. Cats kept the less desirable creatures away from food stores and settlements, and for that the Annuakati priest had gratitude. By his introduction, Blaine seemed little unlike any cat, aside from his powers and bravery of course. But if this was but a humble cat, surely they could honour his request?

“Have you any milk?” Kiros asked the mother, who herself was completely stunned by Blain. She was no explorer, nor adventurer; and a talking cat was the strangest thing she’d seen thus far. She’d heard tales of spirits, and vaguely of beings that took on animal forms to sow their mischief. She knew not what to make of it; and the clear shock upon Kiros’ face told her that the surprise had been his as well.

“ he good?” she meekly asked, still frozen in place.

“He is not foul; rather, a good omen upon us.” Kiros replied, covering for the feline. He’d sensed no dark magic from Blain, nor any malicious intention. The added help was something to be grateful for.

“Oh, the gods! That means you’ll find him?” she exclaimed, her tone filled with both desperation and hope.

“With the four of us searching, I’ve no doubt we shall-”

“My boy will be ok!?” she blurted in interruption. Her hopes, so plainly stated caused Kiros to pause. How he wanted to simply affirm that he would be so – but as much as he wanted to bring a pained mother solace, he’d not want to give her lies and false hope. Such panicked words caused him to choose his own carefully, and it would take him a moment more to respond.

“I cannot know what fortune an omen brings. But you have asked for one, and four have arrived in search. Already his outlook is far better than moments ago, and we shall not tire in our efforts.”

“Please bring him back to me.” was all she could say, and even then she had to nearly sob out the words to do so. After a moment to compose herself, she did pour out a saucer of milk, leaving it atop the floor for Blain.

blain the cat

* * *​

Within the house, there was little; these two lived a modest life on meagre means. The house and its furnishings were worn from age, use, and wear. Yet, etched low upon the wooden wall were markings that looked both deliberate, and childlike. A large triangle was etched atop the work, with a small triangle to its leftmost side. A winding path was carved along the middle, from the left triangle down to the bottom of the carving. Between the two triangles the wooden board took on a different texture, as if it had been rubbed by a rough rock, and within the area was further markings – a series of several x’s scattered about with a noticeably large one etched directly between the triangles.

Garrod Arlette

* * *​

Outside, the afternoon sun lit the landscape, illuminating the grassy field before Nycto with its warm rays. The children certainly had a lot of area to play in. The field ran on for quite some distance before ending at a forest miles away. It covered the distant, rolling landscape like a deep green sheet, aside from the peak of a small mountain that poked though it. A smaller hill, closer by, sat to the west near the border between field and trees.

Nycto had a lot of ground to search, but by his fortune there was something to be found in his path. An odd artifact, a palm shaped disk made of brass and stamped in a strange language akin to Elven, though it wasn’t any of the modern languages. A hole had been punched through the centre, making the disk a flat ring. It bore numerous scratches and marks, all of which looked to be far more recent than the artifact itself appeared to be in age.

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Garrod blinked at the magical cat. With all he had experienced in his life, he was not the least bit surprised by the revelation. Not in a visible sense, anyhow, his eye trained on the furry feline while it projected its speech, and his expression remained static, long eyed with only the slightest raise of the brow. Still, there was always something about cats.

Evil things.
Belephus whispered. Most vile.

To that, Garrod smiled. "Well met," he said with a nod toward Blain. As Kiros spoke with the mother, Garrod went on with his investigation. A slight discoloration of the wood caught his eye, and he moved toward it. It appeared to be a map, scratched across the wooden planks near the floor. Little xs marked here and there. "Treasure you found?" The monster hunter muttered softly to himself as his fingers traced the markings.

The open space must have been the field, and the triangles... "Where is home?" he asked himself. He got up and from his low crouch and moved toward the back door. "Looks like our little adventurer found something," when he saw out the door he could see the hill and the mountain in the distance, and he smiled as he pointed out to the landscape beyond. "Between the hill and the mountain, it looks like, near a winding path," he scratched his chin, "Maybe a stream or a river though," he looked to the mother, and to Kiros. "We'll get to finding your boy, ma'am," he nodded and made for the door.

Kiros Rahnel blain the cat Nycto
  • Cheer
Reactions: Kiros Rahnel
I could feel the hatred coming from Belephus it made my pelt crawl. note to self not a cat person.

I can't help but eye him the same way he was eyeing me. I sent him a hissing sound in his head only he could hear followed by a message

"you don't scare me"

I began rubbing myself on the door jam acting cute.

"I rather enjoy these door sides you two legs create they are fun to scratch and rub on yes I will help save your child then I shall retire here so I can do cat things"

I say so that the group can hear me in there minds
Going to continue on just to keep the thread going; Nycto, do feel free to rejoin whenever you’d like))

“I promise our greatest efforts.” Kiros replied to the woman.

“Once we gain hint of where he might be, we shall scour the land for him.” Kiros added.

“And the gods do guide you?” The woman asked next, perhaps seeking answer as to why a priest was present.

“...In mysterious ways, at all times.” Kiros replied, in solemn tone that betrayed the lack of conviction than he truly held. It might ease her worry to believe so, but Kiros’ hope would be quashed were Itra involved. She thankfully wasn’t.

He noticed Garrod’s ascent from the crouched position in which he had studied something in the area. Curious, he stepped away, glancing at the etchings for a moment before he heard the creak of the back door and Garrod’s exit from the house. Rather than remain and study the etchings, Kiros followed along to exit from the same door.

“What did you discern from that?” He asked once he had caught up with Garrod.

"Looks like our little adventurer found something."

“And marked the location?”
Kiros followed with further inquiry while the mother also curiously approached the two.

"Between the hill and the mountain, it looks like, near a winding path. Maybe a stream or a river though." Garrod elaborated. Kiros scanned over the landscape towards the verbally gestured features. It was a good hint, and the markings seemed rather freshly made.

Another hint would be found soon after in the artifact Nycto had stumbled upon. It was an unusual Elven design, and Kiros was no authority on the subject. He couldn’t even be sure if it was genuine – it could simply be a toy crafted in Elven design.

“I’ve not seen that before.” Remarked the mother.

“You think he found that?”

“I don’t know.” She replied. It wasn’t any confirmation of his suspicions, but it seemed worthy to follow up on.

"I rather enjoy these door sides you two legs create they are fun to scratch and rub on yes I will help save your child then I shall retire here so I can do cat things" Spoke Blain the cat afterwards, through his means of telepathic communication. With all four gathered the group began to set off, with Garrod leading the way. The company of a talking cat remained a good omen in Kiros mind, figuring it a better one to have than an actual blessing from his deity.

Then again, anything was.

blain the cat Nycto Garrod Arlette
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
"Too big to be a piece of currency," Garrod added as he looked at the shining disk the mask wearer had found. "Might come in handy later, best pocket it," he advised, and if Nycto chose not to, he would pick it up and pocket it himself. He looked back to the cat. "Come on now, little fella, we gotta go and find this kid," he nodded his head toward the hills that lay before them, and ventured out across the field.

As he walked, he kept his eye open, scanned the ground for any further clues.

Soon, the forest was upon them, its trees tall and looming, the air about their shade cooler as the wind shook the branches and rustled the leaves.

Fool, hopeless and starless. Do you think a mere boy would survive these woods for long? Belephus laughed.

Garrod knew he was right, to some degree. The Monster hunter crouched low, and scanned the earth, hoping he would find a fresh trail. Small foot prints, child sized. But all he could see were the tracks of beasts, and some prints that were too big for a kid.

Men are worse than wolves, oh bearer mine, you know this far too well.

"Tracks," Garrod announced, hiding the sting he felt from the demon's barb. "Too big to be our kid, but..." he traced their path with his eye, then his hand to show his companions what he meant. "They head toward the hill,"

Nycto blain the cat Kiros Rahnel
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  • Devil
Reactions: Kiros Rahnel
I smelt the ground picking up a faint scent no more than a few days old.

"its recent within a few days" I look around scanning the surrounding.

"if he was taken id gues it would be do to what I think two legs refer to as human pet or live stock trading? can't really imagine why you would need a kitten two leg for otherwise"
"Too big to be a piece of currency," Garrod replied. Kiros was inclined to agree. The disk seemed remarkable enough to warrant an incantation of insight, and he cleared his mind in preparation to weave the spell. With a brief moment of meditation, he uttered a couple of words under his breath. Eyes locked intently on the disk, with his mind ready to receive whatever wisdom the incantation would grant – if any.

The portal is the key

“It is magical. I know not the meaning, but the message gleamed is ‘The portal is the key’” Kiros spoke, to share what little he learned with his companions. He hadn't a clue what the message meant, and held some doubt as to how relevant it might be. That he received any response implied the disk carried some magical power. A sweep of his staff detected nothing, which implied that said power could not be particularly great. But it was there, and remained confirmation that this object was far from ordinary.

“It seems we have our lead.” He confirmed with the mother, who seemed barely heightened by the news. Little but the return of her lost son could raise her spirits. Still, there was a bit of hope in her eyes.

“Please hurry.” She urged.

“We shall be as quick as able.” Kiros pledged, before the group departed.

* * *​

"Tracks," Garrod announced, and Kiros looked to the ground to see for himself.

"its recent within a few days" Blain confirmed, able to sense by smell what Kiros could not through magic. He mused the child was kidnapped, by the sounds of it.

"if he was taken id gues it would be do to what I think two legs refer to as human pet or live stock trading? can't really imagine why you would need a kitten two leg for otherwise" Blain added, sharing his concern with the group.

“Perhaps. Or someone rescued the lad before us. While I hope so, I don't dare count on it. Let us approach, and approach carefully. Blain, perhaps you should take point. I doubt any would suspect a cat.” Kiros remarked. A glance to the hill revealed nothing, but it was still a fair distance away. Others, were they there, might notice the three humans – but Kiros couldn't imagine Blain would raise their suspicions.

Kiros hoped there would be further signs of the boy in the hill ahead. The map and trail lead here, and the signs of activity gained had provided further clue. But many possibilities remained.

Time would tell which one was true, shortly.

Garrod Arlette Nycto blain the cat
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I began tracking the scent. heading further away from the group. I used both my nose and my mind to track surrounding life, I could sense the minds of many critters around me, collecting the memories of the critters I got a hazy picture of what had happened

I go back to the group looking up at them.

"the trail goes for awhile but I figured id ask the animals who live a round here if they saw anything, a couple humming birds report of sketchy figures taking the child against his will, for what nefarious purposes the humming birds did not know I will follow the tracks as far as I can and report back. the scent is faint now so losing the trail will be easier the longer we wait"

I run off to scout out the path dismissing myself rather abruptly