Knights of Anathaeum Not Far From the Tree

Threads open to all members of the Knights of Anathaeum group


Cooking Wizard
Character Biography
Roki was busy packing his things. His brow knit with frustration as he shoved what little knick-knacks and garments he could into his ruck.

"It'll be alright, Roki, you... I mean, it's just a month!" Lemock tried to console his bunkmate.

Roki but grumbled, going on with his furious packing. Might be, even faster for the agitation of conversation.

"And, well, you might learn a thing or two from Syr Noa?"

A twitch from Roki's brow, as the storm cloud in his heart grew all the more.

A loud thump-thump-thump came at the door, Lemock startled from the sound, quivered, look to Roki, looked to the door.

What heat was gathering in the young magicker had been snuffed right out. Roki's whole frame was rigid, and his eyes wide as a shiver went up his spine.


Lemock gulped, laughed in nervous titter. "Um, right, I'll... I'll get that," he said, and careful stepped toward the door of their dorm room. The old hinges creaked and the door came open. Lemock, red faced and squirmy, laughed again. All the more nervous. "H-hey~... Gruki, how's uh... how's it goin?" he tried to smooth out the last bit.

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'It's... going.' Bowing her head in order to avoid headbutting the doorframe, Gruki pushed her way into the room, nearly bowling Lemock over in the process. 'How's things with you?' she asked, golden eyes flitting around the dorm room in search of another. 'Little brother? What's got you looking so foul?'

Gruki turned to face Lemock. The squire wilted under her gaze, as most young men tended to when confronted by a massive half-orc.

She sometimes forgot how imposing she could be, especially to the other squires. Big and scary, that's me, the she-orc mused, reminded of all the times her squire-kin had mistaken her for a fully-fledged knight. Not long now. Another season, perhaps. Two.

Everyone always talked about how she was practically Sworn already. Gruki had her doubts.

'You, uh, heading off somewhere?'

Lemock squirmed all the more, almost a little jig of it as Gruki stepped through the door of the room. His eyes cut to his bed, cut to his desk. He rushed over and started to clear the oaken study of the little bits of clutter that messied it. "Oh you know, just, well, training, tending to duties," a nervous laugh. "The usual!"

Roki stayed quiet, kept his eyes off of his sister, hands moved the ruck behind his legs as he hid his pack. "What?" he half-huffed. "You haven't heard?"

Lemock slowed his work, and looked up to the siblings. Looked to the door. Looked back to the little nothings he had picked up. "I'll... be back," he slinked out of the room quick as a mouse.

Roki groaned again, got up and tossed his ruck onto his bunk. "Great,"

'No,' Gruki replied, somewhat annoyed she had been kept out of the loop. 'I hadn't heard.' Watching Roki pack his things, the she-orc tittered. Seeing him work himself up like this was amusing, if a little worrying. 'Relax, little brother. It's not like you're being kicked out or anything.'

Gruki had never heard of anyone being banished, let alone a Squire as sweet and innocent as her Roki.

Well, sweet and innocent most of the time. He could be a real pain in the ass when he wanted to be, but Gruki still loved him. To bits, if she was being honest. Lemock left the room, allowing Gruki the chance to remind her brother of just that without embarrassing him in the process.

That's me, big, scary and considerate.

'Don't suppose you'd like to talk about it? I hear that helps,' she smiled, warm, supportive of her little spring onion. 'Come on, bro. Spill! Before I have to make you spill.'

If the carrot didn't work, there was always the stick. Gruki was proficient with both.

  • Sip
  • Haha
Reactions: Noa and Roki
As much as he tried to hold on to it, the hot coal in his heart, having Gruki loom over him cast a coolness over him.

He grunt. Huffed. Shook his head as he turned away from her. Was an all and all brat about things. He crossed his arms and let himself sink into the feeling again. Felt cold, rather than hot. He quite preferred the heat.

"I," he began. Let out a long breath. "I made a huge mistake, Gruk," he looked down at the floor. Recalled laying beside the Corvodii who had lived. Thought on how they had called him storm giant first. "I burnt down some woods, and... and people got hurt. Maybe even died."

He had not heard about the other Corvodii. Maybe a small mercy on Syr Noa's part. Though it gnawed at him.

  • Cry
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Noa and Gruki
Gruki nod, took a step closer. She had heard about the disaster that had befallen Roki's expedition, long before they had returned to the Monastery. She had been beset by worry the entire time despite some of the senior knights having reassured her that all was well, and that her brother was safe.

People hurt. Forest in flame.

All was not well with Roki. Gruki could tell. Big sisters were like that, sometimes. Intuitive. Sharp-eyed. Being tall helped. When you were tall, it was hard for others to hide things from you. There was also the blood they shared. It sang to her, sometimes, when she was away from home and away from Roki.

'Has Syr Noa told you anything since?' she asked, softly. 'Would you like me to find out how things stand?' She slipped up behind him, circled her arms around his shoulders to form a protective cocoon. She could see he was hurting. Gruki didn't like that one bit.

'Lay it out for me, step by step,' she whispered, a gentle squeeze all the encouragement she could afford without breaking anything. 'Talking helps.'

  • Aww
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Noa and Roki
At first, he felt reluctant to be hugged by his sister. Resistant. As if to allow the moment to go without reproach would somehow shame him. Make him less worthy. Of what exactly, he couldn't really put to words. Sheer stupidity really.

Still, he squirmed some. Tried to pretend like he did not need the comfort. Like he did not appreciate the care. A futile wiggle and thrash of his arms, and pump of his legs. Felt every bit the child as he grunt through his tusks. Till he surrendered, and buried his face in the familial embrace.

"I'm being sent out," he muttered. "To an outpost," he added, and let his forehead rest against her. "For a month."

  • Derp
  • Gasp
Reactions: Noa and Gruki
'A month ain't so bad,' she cooed softly. 'It'll be over before you know it. Trust me!' Tucking her chin to her chest, Gruki smiled down at her little brother. Whether or not he had eyes in the top of his head was a question for another time. 'Maybe you'll make some new friends out there, learn some things,' she squeezed- not too hard, mind. Wouldn't do to go breaking any bones.

Still, she wanted to remind him that he was loved. What better way to do that than by holding him close?

'Y'know,' her voice dropped as she let go, just a smidge, 'you're not the first member of our family to make a mistake. I make mistakes all the time! Just the other day, I accidentally broke Tovarik's arm during a training bout!' Gruki's smile didn't falter so much as grow a touch sheepish. 'He was there, cussing and going and rolling around in the dirt like a big baby, and there I was apologising and beating myself up over it.'

She paused a moment, giving herself time to remember the details.

'At the end of the day, though, Tovarik forgave me. He did!' Gruki could feel her eyes misting over. She didn't like hurting other people at the best of times, on purpose or by accident. 'And afterwards, once things had settled down between us, I realised the only one still holding on to what had happened was, well... me.' The she-orc smiled, as if to reassure him she wasn't a complete psychopath.

'Still had to make up for it by running errands all week, but my point stands!'

I think.

  • Haha
Reactions: Roki
The last squeeze felt like it was going to pop his spine in two, so much so that he gave a little croak. She eased, and kept him close.

He sort of slumped there. Glad to have his sister with him, he listened to her story, and, well, was glad to hear her story. Even if it all sort of swirled into one thing. Let go.

He nod. Managed to ease out of her embrace some. "Yeah, I mean," he shook his head. "I don't know if I'm there yet, sis, really," he hadn't just hurt one person in a training accident. "I mean... we are supposed to protect the wilds, right?" he asked. "Help the small folk... and," he paced away, trouble knit across his brow. He gave his head a hard shake. Huffed. Realized he was starting to go in a circle. "I hear you sis, I do, and" he looked ot her, with the beginnings of a smile on his lips. "Thanks,"

He was far from over things. But he knew enough to lie. Gruki was trying to help, after all. No use in bringing her down about it. He cleared his throat, and walked over to the desk on his side of the dormitory. Traced the old wood, and the little cartoon grump-troll he had drawn to make fun of Master Leclair so many years ago.

"Guess part of it is, well, I haven't left this place in such a long time, you know?" his smile turned wistful.

  • Aww
Reactions: Gruki
'Mhm. Like stepping into a whole new world!' Gruki could just about remember her last outing. A trip into the mountains with Syr Kaarle. Not the most enjoyable of adventures, true, but at least they had both come back in one piece. Some knights never did. 'You'll be fine, don't even sweat it,' she smiled, tilted her head just so.

'Also, I hope you don't lie to your friend Mara like you do me,' she teased, laughing at her own audacity.

Mara Tillerman was a good friend, Gruki believed. Cute and capable. That there were rumours circulating about her and Roki came as no surprise to the big orc. Some squires couldn't help but talk. So what if they were wrong? Everyone liked to gossip, even some of the Sworn. The Pursuants and Masters were another bag entirely.

Backtracking to the door, Gruki put her weight against it. If you listen hard enough, you can hear the pitter patter of little squire feet on the stone outside, she thought, folding her arms across her chest. 'You had lunch yet?' she asked, gold eyes alighting on the grump-troll. Her lips curled into a rictus grin. 'Would you like to?'

  • Nervous
Reactions: Roki
He gave a small nod. Not sure by any measure that he would be fine after all he had done afield already.

Blown up a cart. Burned down a forest. Whatever could be next?

Then came the taunt. "Ma-mara?" he stuttered. Shook his head. "What's Mara got to do with any of this?" He laughed, small and nervous, though he couldn't quite pin why. He liked her well enough, got along with her in a way unlike most of the squires about the monastery.

Sure, he had plenty of friends. And Mara was most certainly his friend but...

You had lunch yet?

Like a bubble pierced by a needle, Roki's attention popped up to his sister once more. "Lunch? I mean, yeah, sure," he said, glanced ovr at his pack. Clicked his tongue and flung his hands at it. "Best enjoy the monastery food while I still can," he added.

  • Yay
Reactions: Gruki
'Oh, don't be so fatalistic!' Gruki chuckled, stepping away from the door. 'Food's food, and all here agree you're the best cook this side of the Coldbacks.' The truth, and nothing but the truth. 'Don't know what that means for the rest of us, but I'm sure we'll manage. We have to.' She rambled on over to her brother, gave his shoulders a reassuring squeeze with her ham-hock-hands.

Ugly things, they were. Big, brutish. Perfect for her.

Her eyes were a lot softer, though. 'Come along, now!' she said. 'Let's get you fattened up for the road ahead,' she grinned, about-faced to heave the door open. Lemock lingered on the other side, at a safe distance, just beyond hearing. 'Lemon! Coming with?'

The squire jumped, as if stung by a bee. Or the bark of a Sworn.

'Wh-wha... Where?'

'The Knoll!' She smiled. 'For Roki's farewell feast!' The squire nodded, oh. 'Sure!' Clapping her hands together excitedly, the big orc turned to regard her little spring onion, an expectant look on her face.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Roki
Roki was many things. Prideful among them. So, hearing his sister affirm what he had always felt was true, well, it thawed whatever cold jitters had plagued him. His face warmed, and his tusks crooked up as he scratched the back of his head.

"Heh," A little grunt when she gave him a squeeze. "I mean, you'll all be alright," he said absently, and followed her out the door, a stupid smile on his face. But then, his sister made him feel it more than ok to be a little stupid.

"It's uh... It's Lemock, by the way, umm... Gruki," he cleared his throat. Laughed a little. "Lemock," he repeated as they made their way out of the dorms.
  • Smug
Reactions: Gruki
'I know!' she whispered, positively beaming. Pride was a family flaw, it seemed. Gruki took pride in remembering faces and names, as she took pride in a job well done. Convincing her brother to join them for lunch was all part of her masterplan. Boy, wasn't she crafty!

'Lemon? Would you be so kind as to run ahead and grab us a table?' she asked innocently.

'Y-yes, of course, Gruki!' Glancing at Roki, the squire raced off, leaving a small dust cloud for them to follow. It's almost like he's scared of me, the she-orc mused, her face falling ever so slightly at the thought. She tucked her hands behind her back as they walked, to hide her nerves. Gods, I hope he likes this!

Casting a quick look at her brother, Gruki smiled. 'Nice day,' she said, enjoying the feeling of sunlight hitting her skin. They were taking the scenic route to the Knoll. Through the water gardens, and across small ponds forded by tiny bridges. 'Peaceful, almost. Certainly takes one's mind off things.' She nodded, as if to reassure herself that was the case.

A frog perched on a nearby lily pad belly-flopped at their passing, setting the still waters a-rippling.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Roki
Roki watched as the little frog plopped into the cool waters. The ripples fanned out from where its little body had dipped below the surface.

"It is," he agreed with a little smile. "And it does," he added with a nod. Turned his eye onto his big sister. "Been a long while since we went frog catching, hasn't it?" he laughed. "Pa used to take us bout the old marsh,"

He could still hear their feet slapping against the old planks that made the walk way. Could still hear the frog song, ribbit and kirrup over the buzz of dragonfly wings, and the glow of lantern bug butts flitting through the tall blades of reedy grass.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Gruki
'It has indeed.' Gruki remembered her childhood fondly. Days spent playing in the marshes, catching lantern flies, chasing frogs. She grinned. 'I wasn't very good at it. Too big and clumsy,' she explained, sharing a look with her mirror-self in the water below. 'You always used to give me one of yours, after, just so I could show Ma how I wasn't completely useless.'

She was an angry woman, their mother. Back then, Gruki had been awful scared of her. But then that was kind of the point. You had to be scary, living where they lived. Otherwise, the woodland critters would get ya.

Nothing ever got ma or pa, though. Just like Roki, they were too crafty to get caught lacking. Some days I wonder if we're even related. Walking on, Gruki turned to regard her little brother, a smile plastered across her face. 'I remember the water-snakes made for good eating- and those silly little mushrooms with the blue stalks!' She paused, pondered.

'Funny... I forget what Pa called them?'

  • Aww
Reactions: Roki
"Ma never thought you were useless," Roki assured, though the small smile across his lips turned down at the corners. "I think she just worried about you different like,"

He recalled the times they had all moved about the wilds. From town to town. Their Pa was a merchant. Their Ma, a proud warrior who had fallen for the wiles of a soft and silly man. Least, thats what Roki remembered her telling him. They had a wagon home that rolled its way across the wilderness. And turned to boat when they needed to cross water.

Pa had a bit of magick to him. Ma had a whole lot of muscle, and tusk.

"Swamp Saphire's" Roki said easy. Laughed. "Not to be confused with blue-bells," neither were poisonous, but the blue bells... made you see things. And gave you the bubble guts something fierce. "But we learned that the hard way, when we were catching for the big Lanoline Race, remember?"

Frog racing helped them earn more than a few coin. Not that they ever really raced their frogs. More that they sold them off during racing season to would be champions. Fast frogs, fast coin, their Pa would joke. Ma would just huff, and grumble about how it was not right to partake in such awful games. Said that the frogs wanted no part in it, and neither did she.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Gruki
Gruki hummed. 'I suppose you're right,' she said, rubbing at her chin thoughtfully. Ma had not been the most tender of parental figures, but she had always defended them. Like a mama bear with her cubs, the she-orc smiled, picturing the ridiculous scene in her mind's eye. She had never lacked for imagination. Or love.

Just a different kind of love.

Moseying along, Gruki stuffed her hands in her pockets. A loose stone got in her way, and she booted it free, watching as it skittered and slapped along the path ahead of them. 'That's right!' She perked up at the name. 'Swamp Sapphires, not blue-bells. Nothing like them.' No, Gruki steered well clear of those evil little fungi. The flowers, on the other hand, were very pretty to look at.

They didn't taste too good, mind. But then what kind of idiot would eat bluebells?

Not me! Gruki mused, basking in the sunshine as the Knoll wandered into view. The front door had been left ajar, she noted. Probably to get some cool air circulating. It was a warm day, after all. Perfect for a surprise. 'Mmm, I can almost smell the food from here,' she smiled, placed a guiding hand on Roki's back. If Innocence had a face, She looked nothing like Gruki.

'You first, Little Brother.'

  • Wonder
Reactions: Roki
Wide eyed, Roki stared up at his sister. Laughed nervously as he noted the strange joy that twisted up her lips and crinkled at the corner of her eyes. His eyes dart to the Knoll that loomed ahead of them, the round green top of the hill their haunt was nested in, bright and welcoming amidst the long summer days.

Wildflowers held their heads high as the breeze gave them a shake and a shimmer. Blue bells, mums, dandelions and poppy blooms all aflutter, as white smoke rose from the kitchen chimneys. He'd miss the site of that for sure. Miss laying about the tall grass up there when it came time for weapons training, or service days. Miss the sweet smell of all the pollen, swirled about, and the tart taste of dandelion reeds between his teeth.

You first, Little Brother.

He was pulled from the pain of pleasant memories. "Me first?" he croaked. Looked down at the door. Back up at Gruki, then down to the door again. "I mean," he laughed, nod, and stepped on. "Right," in he went.

  • Yay
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Alouette and Gruki
'Surprise!' Entering the Knoll behind her little brother, Gruki added her voice to the chorus of others that welcomed Roki inside. 'Thought we'd do something to cheer you up,' she said, lowering herself down to take her brother in a bear hug. Squires, many of them friends -and a few that weren't- smiled and laughed at the dumb look on Roki's face.

'I know how much you love surprises, and since I missed your birthday this year, I felt it prudent to... um, celebrate. Belated-like.'

Shrugging, Gruki clapped her brother on the back before finding herself a seat. Foodstuffs, much of it prepared specifically for the occasion, decorated the long table around which the squires had congregated. Lemock had warned the others of their coming, just as planned. As Roki's bunkmate, he had been one of the first to agree to Gruki's plan. Neither of them had much enjoyed seeing him so... cut up over what had happened.

The rest had followed, easy as pie. It was remarkable, really.

I just hope this doesn't backfire, she worried, bench a-creaking as she turned to gaze at her brother, trepidation writ upon her orcish features 'Will you sit with us,' she asked, 'if but for a short while?'

  • Aww
  • Yay
Reactions: Alouette and Roki
Arbok, body still tired from the previous nights exhaustive training, arrived just after the initial cheers and add her somewhat haggard voice to nothing.
It was not really her fault she was late. The transformation practice was taking its toll on her.
She could transform into her bear form well enough but the process was clumsy and she could not yet integrate her clothing into her form, having to adjust it beforehand. It was laborious and there was always patching to do on her equipment afterwards.
So when the opportunity came to be among the others she came as fast as her legs would take her.
Dressed in simple tunic and slacks she doned no armour and must have looked a mess with her hair only hastily put into thick braids.
"Sorry I'm, late... The stairs... We, we got a lot of stairs."
Sheepishly she inched into the room which was nearly filled with guests for Roki's farewell and stood behind Gruki.
Her hand held a small parcel which was again hastily wrapped.

Gruki Roki
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Somewhere in the back, Alouette jumped up with her hands high in the air above her head. They were tight fists until she was at the apex of her leap and then they opened to toss up bright, colorful strips of airy fabric and cleaned down feathers. If she was better at magic she could have done something like Ulrika besides her who set rainbow sparkles bursting to make even more glittering sparkles in the air. Ulrika was very good at this, Lou learned, watching as the taller squire waved a hand over her head in a wide arc. She had no need to jump.

Lou’s feet hit the ground and she bent down instead of rushing to Gruki and Roki like many had. Picking up her mess of confetti, she thought Ulrika was very clever: she had no mess to clean up. The magic didn’t smell that great in the air, though. It must still be a work in progress. Maybe she could offer Ulrika a chance to imbue lavender in that spell? Later, that could happen later.

Stuffing a majority of the merino wool and cotton and linen, but only some of the down feathers— they were quick to catch even the slightest bit of air and glide far from Lou’s reach— back into her pockets, Lou stood up. It was easy to find Roki, even if she could barely see a glimpse of purple hair, because all she had to do was look for Gruki.

It was always easy spotting Gruki in a crowd. Even easier to spot Arbok who was also next to the soon-departing squire.
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To see all the happy faces gathered about was, well, stunning really. Left the young magicker wide eyed and slack jawed as the colorful streamers sailed lazily through the air and the stinky sparkles and glitter of magick played about.

"Wow," he said with a crooked grin of his own.

His expression scrunched up and knotted as Gruki scooped him up in the tree trunks she called arms, and he squiggled and squirmed until his feet were back on the ground. He laughed. Felt his lip quiver some. Till a thump clapped him on the back.

She invited him over shortly after, as Lemock, and Naji, Len and Sen all started loading their plates with goodies, and he hopped a squat beside her. Little pastries, that looked, only the slightest bit over cooked and roasted figs sat on plate, while crackers and cheese decorated another.

Dont go critiquing their work now, Roki, he reminded himself.

A voice called from enterance, loud and booming over the chatter and Roki saw Arbok, huffing to catch her brath. Something in her hand as she came by, fixing her hair. "We do have lots of stairs, its true," he said with a funny little grin. "But, i mean, hey" he smiled warm like as he looked up at the only squire he knew was bigger than his sister, "Your're here now! And i mean, well," he looked away, bashful like. "I appreciate it Arbok, really,"

He appreciated all of it. The Tree knew he didn't deserve it.

Gruki Arbok Alouette
A smile split Gruki's face as she tucked in. She could see the surprise in Roki's eyes, hear it in his voice. He had been caught off guard in the best of ways and it showed in the sluggishness with which he reacted. Gruki supposed she would have been sluggish, too, if she had had so many friends willing to throw her a party like the one she intended for her brother.

Roki had always been the popular one. She... she was just the big one.

I'm okay with that, she told herself, piling food onto her plate before the others got the same idea. It wasn't true, but this was her brother's day, and she loved him so very muchly. So did a great many people, it seemed.

'Best hurry,' she said, waving happily to Arbok. 'This lot'll take any excuse to make merry, and by that I mean drink. A lot!'

Len and Sen had already cracked open a barrel of something red. Wine, maybe. Or blood. Though why Syr Josai would stock a barrel-full of that was beyond Gruki. Best not to ask questions. ''Lou! What're you crawling around for? Get over here, before Lemon decides to drown himself!'

Arbok Alouette Roki
  • Aww
  • Wonder
Reactions: Alouette and Roki
"Hmm? Yes. I'll be with you in a second." She told Gruki. It was nice talking to her, she was the only person she didn't feel the urge to stoop to when speaking.
To Roki she passed the small parcel, hastily wrapped, the content of which was a small blank notebook.
"Here, it's so you can share what you've learned, that is, when you get back."
She never liked giving gifts. It always felt like reaching into someone else's life unwanted.
Before Roki opened it she gave a short bow and took a large sidestep towards Gruki and the food. There were others waiting to say congratulations or goodbye, or both and she was aware of how much space she took up. Especially around Alouette. Whom she brushed against in her haste.
"Oh, I'm sorry Alouette, sorry."
She felt like she would crush her if she wasn't careful despite Alouette being completely capable.
At last Gruki.
"Hey, nice spread." She began loading a plate with two of everything.
"Great idea this, we're all gonna miss him."

Alouette Roki Gruki